The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- October 12, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • The Persecution-Related Deaths of 17 Falun Gong Practitioners Verified in September 2006

  • A Four-Year-Old Boy Is Orphaned When Mother Is Illegally Sentenced and Family Members Die

  • Several Practitioners in Henan, Hunan, Hubei and Liaoning Provinces Die as a Result of the Persecution

  • College Teacher Mr. Meng Fanquan from Hebei Polytechnic University Was Arrested and Tried

  • A Practitioner's Personal Account of 33 Days in Detention

  • Recent Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Lanzhou Prison

  • The Persecution-Related Deaths of 17 Falun Gong Practitioners Verified in September 2006

    Minghui correspondent Li Ming reports: The deaths of 17 Falun Gong practitioners who died as a result of the persecution in China were verified in September 2006. The deaths of 2,966 Falun Gong practitioners from persecution have been verified despite the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s strict information blockade.

    Nine out of the 17 practitioners were women, 53% of the total; eight were above age 50, 47% of the total.

    Mr. Gao Hongfei, 30 years old, from Fanshi, Shanxi Province, was the youngest practitioner, and he died on August 9, 2006. Mr. Chen Yongting, 73 years old, from Huludao City, Liaoning Province, was the oldest practitioner, and he died on November 20, 2004. Twelve practitioners died between January and September 2006, and six practitioners died in September 2006.

    Minghui has verified 122 death cases to between January and September 2006.

    The 17 death cases verified in September occurred in nine provinces, cities and autonomous regions: three cases took place in Liaoning Province, Hebei Province, and Shandong Province; two cases took place in Jiangxi Province; one case took place in Heilongjiang Province; one case took place in Chongqing City; one case took place in Gansu Province; one case took place in Shanxi Province; one case took place in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, and the locality of the other practitioner awaits confirmation.

    Mr. Xin Minduo, age 33, tortured to death at Nanshan Prison in Jinzhou City and His Body Cremated Against Family Will

    Mr. Xin Minduo, 33 years old, was a backbone technician at Liaohe Oilfield Material Exploration Company. He was sentenced to three years of forced labor in 2001 and was held in Panjin City Forced Labor Camp. He was again arrested by officers Xu Hao, Huang Haiou and others from the Panjin Police Department on August 3, 2005. The Xinglongtai District Court in Panjin City sentenced him to a 13-year prison term, and sent him to Nanshan Prison in Jinzhou City.

    In mid-June, 2006, four people from Nanshan Prison in Jinzhou suddenly came to the home of Mr. Xin Minduo's father's and told his family, "Mr. Xin Minduo is on a hunger strike. His term will be extended or he will be transferred to Shenyang if he continues with the hunger strike..."

    Between July and August 2006, Xin Minduo's family contacted Nanshan Prison many times, and they were given permission for a family visit each time. However, each time they arrived at Nanshan Prison, they were told that they could not visit him after all.

    Xin Minduo's father waited outside the prison but he wasn't allowed to see his son. Half of his teeth had fallen out by this time from anxiety, and his eyesight became blurry. He not only couldn't see his son, but was also threatened and insulted by the prison guards. One guard yelled at him, saying, "Your family wrote threatening letters and exposed us to the world. You offended our leader. It seems that you are somebody. Keep this up and we will not release him even he dies. It's no use no matter whom you talk to, even if you talk to the State Department."

    Xin Minduo's family waited outside of Nanshan Prison on September 1, 2006 until 4:30 p.m., but they weren't given permission to meet with him. So they went back home. That night, Mr. Xin's father received a call from the prison. He was asked to come to the prison, but was told not to inform Mr. Xin's mother and sister.

    Later it became known that Xin Minduo died on the night of September 1, 2006. At 6:00 a.m. on September 3, Mr. Xin Minduo was cremated by guards of Nanshan Prison in Jinzhou City

    Chinese Communist Party covers up its crimes and continues to kill the innocent

    The CCP has been brutally murdering Falun Gong practitioners in the past seven years while strictly blocking information channels as it kills innocent people to cover up its crimes. Among the cases verified in September 2006, many were tortured and killed for clarifying the truth.

    Torture Death of Ms. Chen Suxiang

    Ms. Chen Suxiang, 50, lived in Dongyaoxia Village, Kaiping District, Tangshan City. After practicing Falun Gong, she became very healthy, and was a good person who was well respected by the people in her village. In order to help more people see the truth about the Communist Party, and to tell them that Falun Dafa is good, she passed out truth clarifying materials in the Qianquzhuang Neighborhood Committee around noon on September 12, 2006. She was arrested and beaten by the Qianquzhuang Security head Li Zhiqiang and others, and she was savagely beaten for a whole day and night, and collapsed on the floor. Her mother and husband went to the Kaiping Police Station in the morning the next day, September 13, to request her release. They saw that Chen Suxiang wore handcuffs and ankle shackles, and was mentally traumatized. She told her family how she was being brutally beaten. Her mother saw the injuries on her lower back and behind her ears. Her eyes were bruised and swollen, and there were bruises on her legs. Chen Suxiang said around 3:00 p.m., on September 13 that she needed to use the toilet. She started swaying when she walked, and had to be helped by two female police officers to reach the toilet. They waited a long time, and she never walked out. They entered the bathroom and found that she was in a coma. By the time they sent her to Jingezhuang Mine Hospital, she had already died.

    Chen Suxiang

    Mr. Zhang Jieping, 56, was a retired worker from Jialing Plant in Shapingba District, Chongqing City. In late September 2001, policemen from the District Police Department arrested him when he was "clarifying the facts" to people in the plant, and later they illegally searched his home. He was sentenced to a two-year forced labor term and was kept at the Xishanping Forced Labor Camp in Chongqing City. On April 15, 2006, Mr. Zhang Jieping was arrested by policeman Deng Bin of Jingkou Town when Zhang was explaining the facts about Falun Gong to a group of migrant workers at a construction site at Yuanzuqiao, Jingkou Town. He was sent to the Baihelin Detention Center of Shapingba District in Chongqing City. His family didn't know where he was at the time. Eight days later, some police ransacked Zhang Jieping's home but they refused to present warrant. They took out a detention warrant and asked Zhang Jieping's family to sign it, and the family refused. So the police forged Zhang Jieping's family's signature on the warrant. On the morning of August 29, Zhang Jieping's son went to the detention center to give money to the authorities, and he saw his father at the facility clinic. A nearly unrecognizable Zhang Jieping, all skin and bones, was unable to speak and needed constant infusions. Blood was visible in his urine led out through a tube. On the same day, while wearing shackles around his ankles, he was first sent to the No.1 People's Hospital in Shapingba District for emergency treatment and then transferred to Shapingba District Hospital. Zhang died on the morning of September 5.

    Ms. Luo Qingshu was in her 70s and she was a retiree from the Geology and Mineral Bureau of Gansu Province. When clarifying the truth to people on February 22, 2005, Luo Qingshu was arrested by officers from Tuanjiexincun Police Station in Lanzhou City. Two police officers and Lui Jianya from Luo Qingshu's work unit sent her to Gongjiawan Brainwashing Class in Lanzhou City on March 8. The guards coerced her to write guarantee statements; they slapped her face until her face was severely bruised. They put her in a dark and damp detention room, where she was forced to sleep on the icy cement floor for more than three months. During this time, Luo Qingshu was hung up by her cuffed hands, stand day and night until her feet were swollen she could not wear shoes. Her legs swelled up and she could not take off her sweatpants. Her skin was transparent and she could not bend her legs. She could not sit down, and huge cracks appeared on her calves and inner thighs. Her hands swelled up like buns and she could not bend her fingers. It was difficult for her to eat. Once, she was hung up for 12 days and 12 nights, but she still refused to write the guarantee statements. She passed away on October 17, 2005. The Geology and Mineral Bureau took 10,000 Yuan from her paychecks in April and May 2005, and they deducted another 12,000 Yuan in July and August 2005. Because Luo Qingshu's salary was not enough, they deducted some money from her daughter's salary.

    A Four-Year-Old Boy Is Orphaned When Mother Is Illegally Sentenced and Family Members Die

    Practitioner Ms. Mao Fulian is a native of Xinzhuang Township, Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province. In March 2004, police from the 610 Office in Zhaoyuan City illegally arrested her and charged her. She was sentenced to a five-year prison term. Her son was only twp years old at that time, and her husband and parents-in-law were looking after him. In 2005, her mother-in-law and husband both passed away. In September, her 78-year-old father-in-law was hospitalized due to illness. Now, there is no one who can take care of her four-year-old son.

    Without any alternative available, on September 25, the boy's aunt and some relatives brought Ms. Mao's son to the Shandong Women's Prison and requested that the prison release Ms. Mao so that she could take care of him. But prison officials rejected the request on the grounds that Ms. Mao had lost her right as her son's guardian when she was arrested and sentenced. Ms. Mao's eldest sister-in-law was forced to find someone else to take care of the boy. Her son now no longer recognizes Ms. Mao when they visit her at Shandong Provincial Women's Prison.

    After July 20, 1999, when the Party began persecuting Falun Gong, Ms. Mao Fulian was arrested several times by Xinzhuang Township police station and the 610 Office of Zhaoyuan Police Department. In the fall of 2003, the police from Xinzhuang Township station arrested her and several other practitioners in the same village because they were clarifying the truth to people. They were detained at Zhaoyuan Detention Center and she was released only after her family paid the 610 Office a few thousand yuan to bail her out.

    In March 2003, police from Zhaoyuan City 610 Office broke into Ms Mao's home and arrested her. They imposed charges on her and sentenced her to a five-year term. At that time her parents-in-law and her husband were able to take care of her two-year-old son.

    In September 2005, her mother-in-law passed away due to illness. On January 25, 2006, due to tremendous mental anguish and the pressures of life's misfortunes, her husband suddenly fell sick and died. Her 78-year-old father-in-law and four-year-old son lived in poverty and pain.

    On September 23, Ms. Mao's almost 80-year-old father-in-law fell ill and had to be hospitalized. Ms. Mao's son's paternal aunt could not look after him due to the tremendous amount of farm work for the family for which she is responsible.

    Her family had written letters to notify Ms. Mao when her mother-in-law and husband were dying. However, the prison retained those letters and never showed them to her, so Ms. Mao did not have a chance to see her relatives for the last time.

    Several Practitioners in Henan, Hunan, Hubei and Liaoning Provinces Die as a Result of the Persecution

    Mr. Ma Zulian, 64, is a staff member of the Mental Company affiliated with Xiangcheng Material Bureau in Henan Province. After he began practicing Falun Gong, he recovered from his many diseases and became healthy. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, he was fined and had his home ransacked by the 610 Office of Xiangcheng City and the police. He was also harassed by several evil persons in Shuizai Town. Because of lawless people threatening him, his old diseases recurred and he passed away in 2004. His wife, also a practitioner, died in 2000, terrorized by police threats.

    Mrs. Song Yulan, 62, is a retired employee of the Fifth Rubber Factory in Hengyang City, Hunan Province. She used to suffer from nerve compression hyperostosis (which causes the inability to walk), advanced angina and brain injury. After she began practicing Falun Gong in 1996, she soon recovered and went to Beijing to appeal. The street committee dispatched her neighbors to monitor her. On one occasion she was arrested and fined 2000 yuan. In December 2000, police went to her home to harass her, and they forced her to write bad words against Falun Gong. After the police left, she cried and was troubled by her conscience. Passing police cars and whistles made her tremble. On the sensitive dates, she would not let her daughter come home to see her. Due to living in terror and fright, her mind and body were ruined. Her old diseases recurred, and she passed away on December 31, 2005.

    Mr. Mo Dechu, 68, is a practitioner from Lanmuqiao Village, Wutan Town, Taojiang County, Hunan. He previously had many illnesses. During the period of group practice, his illnesses got much better. After July 20 1999, he was monitored, threatened, and intimidated by the evil people. He appealed for Falun Gong in 2000 and was detained by the police many times. The lawless people went to his home to subject him to brainwashing, and forbade him from practicing Falun Gong. Mo Dechu passed away on October 20, 2003.

    Mr. Zhao Guoyuan, 60, lived in Sand Stone Branch Bureau, Xiaoxi Tower, Yiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province. Since July 20, 1999, he has suffered persecution from the police and the 610 Office, and he was illegally arrested and sent to a brainwashing class and detention center many times. According to his family members, to avoid the persecution, Zhao Guoyuan went to live in the home of his son at Wangzhougang, Yichang City for a period of time. Unfortunately he was detained for the fourth time. When he got out of the detention center in 2005, he became mentally disordered. He behaved abnormally at home, such as kowtowing to the clock, bumping the wall, saying, "I do not practice anymore, not study anymore." In late August 2006, he committed suicide by taking toxic drugs. If it were not for the CCP persecuting him to the point of mental collapse, the tragedy would not have happened. The responsible unit: Yiling Sate Security Unit, Yichang, Hubei. Yiling 610 Office, Yichang Detention Center, Yiling Detention Center. [Note: The teachings of Falun Gong forbid killing, including committing suicide and self-injury. As Falun Gong practitioners, we ought to clearly remember at every moment that we are practitioners. We must treasure our lives and avoid thinking and behaving in an extreme and irrational manner.]

    Mrs. Liu Xiaoying lived in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1996. She went to Beijing to appeal in October 1999 and was once detained in Fangjialan Detention Center, in Dongling District. In 2000 she was arrested because she distributed truth-clarifying materials. Later she was released. Not long after that, she developed colorectal cancer and passed away in 2002.

    Ms. Kong Fanrong, 52 years old, is a teacher in Shuizai Town Kindergarten, Xiangcheng City, Henan Province. She had breast cancer. After she practiced Falun Gong in 1997, her cancer disappeared. In October 1999 she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested by Zhoukou Office Station in Beijing. Xiangcheng police officer Ma Zhefeng handcuffed her and escorted her to the Xiangcheng Detention Center. Later she was transferred to Fugou Detention Center, and was tortured. Three months later she was fined 4000 yuan. After going home, she was harassed by the evil and her old diseases recurred. She passed away on January 16, 2002.

    College Teacher Mr. Meng Fanquan from Hebei Polytechnic University Was Arrested and Tried

    Practitioner Mr. Meng Fanquan was a teacher in the Light Industry Institute of Hebei Polytechnic University in Tangshan. He was illegally arrested and sent to Fengrun District Detention Center in Tangshan City. On September 12, he was tried illegally.

    Mr. Meng Fanquan, a teacher in the Light Industry Institute of Hebei Polytechnic University in Tangshan

    Mr. Meng started to practice Falun Gong in December 1994 and benefited both mentally and physically. After July 20, 1999, he was persecuted repeatedly. He had already been detained four times and "illegally sentenced" to a forced labor camp for one year. On April 18, 2006, he was arrested in his own department by Tangshan Lubei Police Branch officers. Around 5:30 p.m. that day, there was only a 13-year-old child in Mr. Meng's home. The police tricked the child into opening the door and then ransacked the home. The leader was the Team Leader of the National Security Team, Chen Hong. The police stole their personal savings of approximately 10,000 "yuan, " plus computers and an MP3 player. The child's cellphone was also stolen.

    Mr. Meng suffered grave persecution. He was once a tenor, but now does not even have the strength to speak loudly. The police still do not allow his family to meet with him.

    Around 9:30 a.m. on September 12, 2006, Mr. Meng Fanquan was brought to Lubei Court in a police car and subjected to an illegal trial. Only three of his family members were allowed in to listen. It ended about 11:10 a.m. Mr. Meng represented himself, defending his innocence.

    When he walked out of the Lubei Court in a dignified and upright manner, people noticed that he was very thin. There were about 50 or 60 people in the yard who had come to support him. One of them cried: "Release Meng Fanquan and declare him not guilty!" As he was about to step into the car, his wife bravely rushed over the security line, but officers pushed her away. Someone called out: "Don't beat people!"

    A Practitioner's Personal Account of 33 Days in Detention

    On August 9, 2006, I went to Mingyang City Market to clarify the truth. I had two copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, five or six brochures, and over twenty Falun Gong bookmarks in my pocket when I was caught by five or six officers from the Mingyang Police Station. I refused to cooperate and they told me to put my hands up. Resisting their orders, I tried to run away but they caught and threw me to the ground. I could not move my lower body. They tried to take me to the police car, but I refused to get in, so they dragged me in. In the car, they beat and kicked me while holding me down in the empty space between the seats. I struggled to get on the seat. I was then taken to the police station where a policeman interrogated me. Of course, I didn't answer him. He then scribbled fabricated information on four or five pages, and told me to sign on the last page, which I also refused.

    At that moment, Ni Shijin from the police station rushed towards me and beat, kicked, and cursed me. He wanted to beat me to death, claiming that I had accused him of confiscating 1,500 yuan from me. I told him, "You took the money in spring of 2000, and went to the ballroom." Ni then got scared that I would tell this fact to others, so he retaliated against me.

    After 1 p.m., several policemen from Mingyang Police Station sent me to Zhuanghe Detention Center, locking me up with the other prisoners. For thirty-three days in detention, my body felt like it was on fire all day from being forced to work all day and night. Others were allowed to spread out blankets to make their beds, but I was not. My whole body ached as I lay down on the bare board at night, tossing and turning. Yet, the police ignored my condition until one day, chief Shi sent a guard to call me into the office. She told me not to sing anymore, to cooperate with the guards well, and that I would undergo a physical examination in several days. If I was not healthy, I would be bailed out for medical treatment.

    After few days, they took me to the hospital for a check-up. A doctor named Lin put foot shackles on me. Along with guard Tao Xiaoli, we went to the hospital in a police car. The doctor and Tao Xiaoli felt ashamed because I was wearing foot shackles, so they got evasive at the hospital; they did not let me speak and Tao Xiaoli watched me from afar. After the check-up, I sat on a chair in the corridor where many people gazed at me. An elderly lady asked me how I felt, but before I could speak, those two scoundrels immediately ordered me to go to the ground floor. Before the car arrived, they called a taxi to go to the detention center, using money from my account.

    The next day, I asked Lin, the doctor, for the test result. He stuttered several sentences and said that the local police station would pick me up. On the fourth or fifth day, the Mingyang Police Station manager, Qiao Shiliang, came to the detention center and told me, "Your test result shows that you have Hepatitis B, which is very serious. The Shenyang Prison/Labor Camp, and Detention Center do not dare to accept you. So they will come to pick you up in a few days."

    I waited for several days. The window and door were closed,even on hot days. One cell detained fifteen to sixteen people, so it became stuffy, yet I was forced to work all day. One day, I lied down and did not work, so a female guard moved me to another room and ordered others to supervise me. Simply because I had spoken a few sentences, people supervised me and scolded me. I then again was moved back to the original cell. The police told the prisoners that if I returned, they were to tell me to work. If the prisoners did not cooperate with the orders, they would have to go to the fields to stand for long periods of time. The police used such shameful means to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.

    As early as September 1999, I ran into Tao Xiaoli and Lin Jiquan at Zhuanghe Detention Center. For several years, these two scoundrels have brutally persecuted Falun Gong practitioners; they force-fed practitioners with drugs and food and cuffed their hands behind their backs for thirty-six days, almost causing them to become disabled. This time, when I was again taken to this center, this same doctor saw me. He complained that I exposed his persecution of Falun Gong practitioners on the Internet. Tao Xiaoli used prisoners, Guo Yong and Song Tianyi, to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Before I went in, prisoner Song Tianyi used practitioner Ren Chuanhua's account and spent 120 yuan to buy cigarettes for the men in the other cells. After I found out about this, I warned this practitioner that they colluded with Tao Xiaoli to persecute me.

    Several days later, not only I was not allowed to go home, I was also accused of messing up things in the cell and reported to the chief by Tao Xiaoli. The chief and the police discussed and decided to sentence me to two years of forced labor. On the following day, I was illegally sent to Shenyang in Liaoning. However, I did not pass the health exam at the hospital, and was rejected by the forced labor camp.

    After getting into the car, I saw Song from the police department and the driver whispering together. They again took me to the detention center. After two days, on Monday, I waited the whole morning but did not see a guard. At that time, I did not want to wait so I reported to guard Liu Gang that I wanted to see the chief. Tao Xiaoli came to open the door and let me out. In the office, because Tao Xiaoli was afraid that I would expose her evildoings, she didn't dare to leave me. I told the chief that a prisoner had spent practitioner Ren Chuanhua's money from her account. The chief had already realized what was going on, and told me to go back. Once I exited the office, Tao Xiaoli threatened me in the corridor.

    On the next day, Tao told the prisoners what I had said to the chief. The prisoners attacked me, causing my blood pressure to reach 225 and I could not work. Tao Xiaoli still forced me to work. Before I made a decision on whether to work or not, Tao took me to the office and slapped me on the face. She said, "What qualification do you have to ask the chief to quickly let you go home?" She also shouted, "You have come here so you must work for me. In the cell, you are my prisoner so you must listen to me!" I replied, "I am not a criminal. I am a good person and I did not break any law!" After beating me, she took me to a women's cell and told me to finish my work for the day. I did not make a sound and lied down to rest. She then kicked me so hard that she damaged her shoes. I told her that beating is a crime. Still she continued to hit my head with her hand and then my face. Due to her abuse, my left eye could not open until the next day.

    The next morning, on August 12, 2006, guard Liu Gang called my name, and ordered the others to release me. So I walked out of the Zhuanghe Detention Center.

    Recent Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Lanzhou Prison

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the Minghui website, the Chinese version of

    Mr. Yang Xuegui of Lanzhou City, Gansu province, is a Falun Gong practitioner who has been imprisoned since July of this year in the 11th Detention Center of Lanzhou Prison. As of the day this article was written, Mr. Yang has been bound to a horizontal board for 43 days. Both his hands and legs are tied. During this period, Yang has been on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.

    Practitioner Mr. Zhang Guangli of Baiyin City has been detained in the Ninth Detention Center of Lanzhou Prison since August the 14, 2006. He was ordered to stand in the police station during the day, and at night, he was to be locked up in a small cell where four of five inmates took turns monitoring him. Mr. Zhang has not been allowed to sleep for at least five days.

    Guard Gao Zhendong became the head of the 10th Detention Center in 2004, and he has been particularly vicious when persecuting detained Falun Gong practitioners. There are two other brutal guards who participate in the persecution: Chen Xin and Ma Xiaoyong. During the winter of 2005, Lanzhou Prison officials began forcing a "transformation" program on all detained practitioners. Gao always hung practitioners by handcuffs in unheated rooms. There are currently four practitioners detained in this facility: Wei Junren of Pingliang City and Wang Yongbo of Lanzhou University are among them.

    In 2006, Gao Zhendong was transferred and made head of the Fourth Detention Center. Held there are practitioners Li Fubin of Lanzhou City, Chang Jubin of Baiyin City and Lu Yanben. On August 14, 2006, the Fourth Detention Center staff started inflicting "transformation" work and Gao Zhendong started using the same horrific methods to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.

    Detained in the Second Detention Center is Falun Gong practitioner Sun Zhaohai from Heilongjiang Province. Last winter, he was kept in a small cell. Guards tortured practitioners during the day. They were not allowed to sleep at night, and they were forced to watch propaganda slandering Falun Gong.