News and Events from around the World -- October 27, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Canadian Government Takes Action against Organ Harvesting Atrocities, New Democratic Party Leader Shows Concern

  • UK: Clarifying the Truth to Members of the Scottish National Party

  • Canadian Government Takes Action against Organ Harvesting Atrocities, New Democratic Party Leader Shows Concern

    New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton was interviewed by a reporter from The Epoch Times on the evening of October 23, 2006. He said that he was concerned about organ harvesting atrocities in China, whereby the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) harvests organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. He also said that the NDP Foreign Affairs Critic expressed his concern at a press conference. On October 6, Minister of Natural Resources Gary Lunn confirmed that the Canadian government has taken action through bilateral and multilateral means to pressure the CCP and urge it to protect human rights.

    Gary Lunn, Canadian Minister of Natural Resources

    Canadian New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton

    On October 16, Canadian Minister of Natural Resources Gary Lunn wrote to a Falun Gong practitioner to confirm that the Canadian government has taken action against the CCP's live organ harvesting, and pressured the CCP to urge it to protect human rights, through bilateral and multilateral approaches.

    "Our government is not only seriously concerned about the issue of illegal organ transplants in China, we have taken action," Gary Lunn said, "Firstly, these concerns have been expressed directly to the Chinese government. As the Canadian Government is not in a position to provide independent verification, we have also requested the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture to look into the matter. We continue to work with the UN, as well as like-minded governments, and civil society groups, to seek independent verification and corroboration of these allegations."

    Gary Lunn also expressed, "Canada has also been following up continually with China to reiterate our concerns that all organ transplants in China take place in accordance with international standards of free and informed consent."

    Gary Lunn said, "At the former UN Commission on Human Rights, Canada made statements advocating the rights of "members of spiritual groups" which included groups such as the Falun Gong. Canada is a current member of the newly created UN Human Rights Council, and will use this position to continue to emphasize substantive exchanges and practical decisions to promote and protect human rights in China.

    Gary Lunn finally said, "It is not possible for Canada to unilaterally force China to respect human rights. However, as outlined above, we have used both bilateral and multilateral strategies to pressure China to do so. This pressure has included advocating for the protection of Falun Gong practitioners and the responsibility of China to only engage in organ transplants following free and informed consent."

    UK: Clarifying the Truth to Members of the Scottish National Party

    On October 13th and14th, 2006, Scottish Falun Gong practitioners gathered in Purse. They clarified the truth to members of the Scottish National Party (SNP) about Chinese Communist Party (CCP) harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. A practitioner had contacted the coordinator of the conference beforehand, telling him why practitioners were collecting signatures. The coordinator suggested a good time for practitioners to distribute leaflets to conference attendees.

    People support Falun Gong by signing a petition

    On October 13, several practitioners went to Purse, hung up a banner reading "Stop Live Organ Harvesting in Chinese Concentration Camps", and distributed leaflets beside the main entrance to the conference hall. Many participants said they had learned about this issue from BBC News a few week ago. However, when they got to know those organs were not only from executed prisoners, but also from Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience, they were still shocked.

    After members of SNP entered the congress hall, practitioners cleared up the venue and went to downtown Purse to hold more activities to condemn the organ harvesting atrocities. They distributed leaflets and asked passers-by to sign a petition (to be sent to the World Health Organization).

    In the afternoon, a woman who signed the petition told practitioners that members of the SNP were coming back from lunch, so that, some practitioners went back to the conference venue again, clarifying the truth to those who were on their way returning to the hall. Many members signed the petition to support efforts to end the persecution. A woman wassurprised that the CCP made lives of people worthless. Other people who had thought human rights had improved in China were shocked when they heard about the organ harvesting.

    The following day, practitioners hung up banners and posters, with different leaflets and newspapers. The security guard who saw the practitioners the day before was very friendly and signed the petition. He also gave them permission to hand out leaflets close to the main entrance.

    A Scottish MP suggested practitioners contact her office after she signed the petition. If possible, she would like to arrange a seminar about the CCP's human rights abuses. Practitioners could tell their stories to Scottish politicians. Also, some people blessed practitioners, " I hope you can have more supportive signatures." And two people said, "Well Done!" When practitioners told them the truth about the CCP's evil history and they also got DVD version of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, exposing the wicked nature of the CCP. They asked for a copy of the petition to hang up in their church.

    In the afternoon, a university professor asked for all types of materials, and he said that he was teaching a lesson about human rights in China. He had been refused by Chinese Consulate when he asked for information about China's human rights record. Practitioners told him that they can go to his class to share their experiences of persecution in China. The teacher was very appreciative and gave his contact information to the practitioners.

    A member of the SNP asked for Chinese and English materials to give her son-in-law, who is Chinese. Two other participants of the SNP said that they had a very good impression of Falun Gong because they had met practitioners in Australia while traveling. A member of the SNP who is in charge of event communications hoped practitioners would contact him.

    When the president of the SNP, Mr Alex Salmond walked out. Practitioners passed him a leaflet and a DVD on the Nine Commentaries. He took materials and thanked the practitioners.