The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- October 28, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • New Round of Arrests by Yantai City 610 Office Agents in Shandong Province

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Chen Suxiang Tortured to Death - Family Threatened Upon Seeking Justice

  • 120 Falun Gong Practitioners Detained in Lanzhou Prison Hold Group Hunger Strike

  • Mr. Miao Shujun Suffered Torture at Suihua Forced Labor Camp in Heilongjiang Province

  • 80 Years Old Worman Sent to Forced Labor Camp for Refusing to Give Up Practicing Falun Gong

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Liu Xiaowei from Shijingshan District, Beijing Arrested

  • New Round of Arrests by Yantai City 610 Office Agents in Shandong Province

    Agents from the Yantai City 610 Office in Shandong Province and from several police departments recently began arresting many Falun Gong practitioners. Reviews and investigations into previously published incidents lead us to conclude that this round of arrests is a premeditated action. These arrests by 610 Office agents and police are taking place in Yantai City, Weifang, Weihai, Rongcheng, Jiaozhou, Longkou, Mouping and other counties, cities and districts.

    Beginning September 27, 2006, the Yantai City Radio and TV Newspaper in Shandong Province published a series of articles containing much Falun Gong-slandering content. The paper advertised rewards to encourage people to read the series. Wang Bo and others from Mouping City gathered about 300 collaborators from various parts of the country, and held a "Chinese Acupuncture and Health Forum" on the second floor of the Yingerle Hotel in Yantai City. They deceived some Falun Gong practitioners into attending the conference, and tried to spread their twisted theories and interfere with Falun Gong.

    The above-mentioned arrests in Yantai City, Weifang, Weihai, Rongcheng, Jiaozhou, Longkou, Mouping and other counties, cities and districts happened almost at the same time on October 15, 2006. The persecutors destroyed many Falun Gong truth-clarification materials production sites. Numerous practitioners were illegally arrested at 7:00 p.m. on October 15. Several plainclothes officers arrested practitioners Zhang Shufeng and Cao Caifeng at Zhang Shufeng's home and took them to Fenghuangtai Police Station. Falun Gong practitioners Sun Min, his wife Chen Liqing and another practitioner surnamed Wang from Yangjiataizi in the Development District were secretly arrested. Participating in this arrest were several officers from the development district's National Security Bureau. Because the police feared exposure of their crimes, none of them wore uniforms during the arrests. They quietly took Falun Gong practitioners' belongings, including computers, printers and CD burners. Practitioners Li Zegang, Chen Qiwei, Yu Yonglan and others were also arrested that same evening. Practitioner Li Xuebin from Laishan District was arrested at work. Arresting agents were officers from the Binhai Road Police Station. His wife, Falun Gong practitioner Luo Yunyan and their five-year-old daughter Tong Tong, were arrested at their home. Tong Tong cried all night.

    It has been learned that the 610 Office has rented out Binhai Hotel in Wanguang Community, Laishan District, Yantai City, and is using it to hold some of the arrested Falun Gong practitioners. Many practitioners held at the hotel were transferred out one morning several days ago, and their current whereabouts are unknown. Chinese Communist Party officials are still inside the hotel.

    It was also learned that special agent Wang Yaoqing, who has been exposed overseas, has left Zhaoyuan and gone to northeast China. One older Falun Gong practitioner who once let Wang Yaoqing stay at her home was arrested.

    Binhai Hotel owner, Mao Mao: 86-13793579993 (Cell)

    Falun Gong Practitioner Chen Suxiang Tortured to Death - Family Threatened Upon Seeking Justice

    On September 12, 2006, Practitioner Chen Suxiang, from Dongyaoxia Village, Kaiping District in Tangshan City, was illegally arrested by the Qianquzhuang Security chief Li Zhiqiang. After the security people beat her badly, officers took her to the Kaiping Police Station in the afternoon. They chained her hands and feet with handcuffs and shackles and tortured her for twenty four hours. Chen Suxiang died the next day, on September 13.

    After her tragic death while in police detention, her family members were devastated. Chen Suxiang's mother, while mourning for her daughter's death, went to the Kaiping Police Station to appeal for justice. She was accompanied by other family members. They demanded that the culprits be punished according to the law. Police officers from the Kaiping Police Station used deceitful tactics to lure them into a small room. They also chased away the bystanders who were drawn to the crowd. Some police officers said that their leaders were in the middle of a meeting, and that they would inform them when the meeting was over. Not long after that, Ma Fengtang, the party secretary in Jia-Anzi Village where Ms. Chen's mother lives and Chen Yujuan, the Women's Committee director arrived. At that moment, a police officer said, "Why don't you go home, this issue will be solved in a couple of days." Chen's mother and relatives returned home and waited for new information.

    When they did not get any answer several days later, Chen's mother and family went back to the police station in order to appeal for justice again. Chen Suxiang's younger sister cried, "My sister was killed by police officers here." A male and female officer there threatened them, "How dare you accuse us? Your sister was not killed. She died of an illness."

    A while later, security chief Zhao Kexian from the Jia-Anzi Village, and Women's Committee director Chen Yujuan came to the police station. They persuaded the family to go home. Someone in the police station promised that they would resolve the issue the next day.

    The next day, the Kaiping police chief Hao came to the Jia-Anzi Village office with some police officers and tried to close the case. They wanted to pay a 40,000 yuan bribe to the family for this murder case, but refused to explain why they wanted to pay the family. Chen Suxiang's mother refused the money.

    After that, Chen Suxiang's family visited the Kaiping Procuratorate asking for justice. Meng Linghua, a staff member from the Section of Power-abuse and Rights Violation, gave the following explanation: 1) Chen Suxiang was guilty of practicing Falun Gong, 2) The Kaiping Police Station did nothing wrong when executing its law enforcement, and 3) The police officers committed no mistakes.

    Disappointed and desperate, the family members went to the Kaiping District Government office to appeal. But police officers from the Kaiping police station jumped out of nowhere and blocked the entrance. They threatened them, saying, "You know you are in trouble." Some of Chen's family members are also Falun Gong practitioners. The Jia-Anzi Village Security chief Zhao Kexian also showed up. The management from Chen Suxiang's husband Liu Yushun's company, the Tangshan City Water Company, also came and tried to force him to go home.

    As a result, they did not see any officials in the District Government. To this day, the case is still open. During their appeal process, the Zheng-Zhuangzi Police Station also sent some police officers to Chen Suxiang's sister's house and threatened her, saying, "If you practice at home, we don't care, but you are not allowed to clarify the truth."

    Chen Suxiang was making an effort to let more people know about the truth of Falun Gong. She was helping people to see through the lies of the Chinese Communist Party. She also spread the truth in order to save people. For this, she was brutalized and died within one day. Her family members are trying to get an answer for her death, but the communist party officials from different agencies are covering for each other. .

    120 Falun Gong Practitioners Detained in Lanzhou Prison Hold Group Hunger Strike

    Recent news reports that 120 practitioners, who are illegally detained at Lanzhou Prison in Gansu Province, have gone on a group hunger strike beginning on September 26, in protest of the cruel persecution of the practitioners detained at the prison. At this time, we have only limited information about the situation. Luo Gan, a wicked CCP leader, suddenly appeared at the Lanzhou Prison at 4:00 a.m. on October 8. The most vicious guards are Qi Jun, Liu Jianghui, and Xiang Binxiong.

    Guards at the Lanzhou Prison, also called Lanzhou Dashaping Prison, have intensified the persecution of practitioners. They force all practitioners to write so called "critique reports" monthly. If a practitioner refuses, they forge the report and forcibly apply the practitioner's fingerprints to the document. To protest, practitioners went on a group hunger strike on September 26. They have become very weak and guards refused family visits this month.

    The mother of Mr. Yang Xuegui was finally allowed to see her son, who had been on hunger strike for three and a half months. Mr. Yang looked emaciated and tired. Guards didn't allow his family members to see him walk. He was carried out by police and put on the chair, and then they called his family. The family members believe that he is unable to walk on his own due to the persecution.

    The parents of Mr. Jiang Chunbin also saw that their son, Mr. Jiang, was too weak to talk and had to leave the visitors room before finishing the conversation.

    A meeting was held at the Lanzhou Prison and leaders from all working units attended. It is believed they are planning a new round of persecution of practitioners.

    Mr. Miao Shujun Suffered Torture at Suihua Forced Labor Camp in Heilongjiang Province

    Mr. Miao Shujun is a Falun Gong practitioner from Muling City, Heilongjiang Province. At 8:00 p.m. on November 16, 2005, he was arrested at his own home by four policemen including Zhou Xinsheng, the head of the municipal National Security Group, and Sun Delong from the No. 2 Police Station. He is currently detained at the Suihua Forced Labor Camp.

    After Mr. Miao Shujun was arrested, his wife asked Zhou Xinsheng many times to release her husband, as he had committed no crime. Zhou said, "He was reported for spreading Falun Gong." Mr. Miao's wife said, "He just said Falun Gong is good. What crime did he commit?"

    Zhou Xinsheng informed Mr. Miao's wife on December 20, 2005, "Miao Shujun is going to the Suihua Labor Camp tomorrow. 500 yuan is required." When rejected, he said 300 yuan was fine too. Mr. Miao's wife still didn't give him any money.

    On July 24, 2006, Mr. Miao's wife went to see him for the first time since his arrest. Mr. Miao said that everything was fine and asked his family not to worry about him. However, on the afternoon of September 26, during the family's second visit, Mr. Miao Shujun was unable to walk steadily. He had a hard time taking a step and his face was swollen. He said, "On September 22, I was subjected to beatings. The leader was the policeman Shi Jian. I have headaches, feel dizzy and have severe pains in my chest. I throw up anything I eat. It's becoming worse and worse. They took me for a medical check-up on September 25, but said nothing was wrong."

    During the visit, section head Bai, the group leader and others were all on the scene, and they tried to stop Mr. Miao Shujun from talking. They threatened him, "What did we say before? If we'd known you would say such things, we wouldn't have allowed the visit." In response to the threat, Mr. Miao Shujun said to his wife, "Go to the judiciary bureau to report my situation. I have been beaten very badly."

    Mr. Miao's wife questioned section head Bai. He denied Mr. Miao being beaten and threatened again, "He openly said 'Falun Dafa is good.' We are considering extending his prison term."

    Mr. Miao Shujun started practicing Falun Gong in October 1998. He previously suffered from various health problems. After practicing Falun Gong, he didn't need to rely on medicine anymore and became healthy and energetic. He is now 38 years old and has two children, an eight-year-old and a three-year-old. He is the only wage earner of his family and they have now lost their source of income.

    Related work units and people:

    Zhou Xinsheng

    Head of Mulin City National Security Group

    86-453-3125124 (Office)
    86-453-3124982 (Office)
    86-13054332788 (Cell)
    86-453-3128951 (Home)

    Meng Yan

    Head of Suihua Forced Labor Camp


    Bai Jiuyi

    Head of Adminstration Section, Suihua Forced Labor Camp


    80 Years Old Woman Sent to Forced Labor Camp for Refusing to Give Up Practicing Falun Gong

    Mrs. Niu, from Xintai City, Shandong Province, is in her 80s. Recently, she was illegally arrested by the 610 Office and taken to the Taian Brainwashing Center. Because she refused to stop practicing Falun Gong, she was sent to the notorious Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City.

    Mrs. Niu's original name is Liu Xiufang. She lives at Xiezhuang Coal Mine. About two months ago, she was arrested by the Taian City Police Department and the Xintai City 610 Office. After being detained for a period of time, the police took her to the Taian Brainwashing Center. Mrs. Niu refused to give up practicing Falun Gong and persisted in clarifying the truth. Recently, she was sent to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp by the 610 Office.

    Three female practitioners were sent to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp along with Mrs. Niu. They were Shi Kaihua, about 50, Jiang Li, in her 40s, and Zhu Falan, around 45 years old. The police sought to force them to give up their righteous belief in Falun Gong.

    Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Liu Xiaowei from Shijingshan District, Beijing Arrested

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    Practitioner Liu Xiaowei's home is located in Bajiaobei, Shijingshan District, Beijing. He started practicing Falun Gong relatively early. After the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, he clarified the truth to people. Both he and his wife Tien Lijuan, also a Falun Gong practitioner and pregnant at the time, were sentenced to prison and fired from their jobs. Liu Xiaowei was arrested on September 7.