News and Events from around the World -- November 8, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Canadian Officials Express Concern Over China's Human Rights Violations

  • Argentina: The Second Latin America Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Buenos Aires

  • Canadian Officials Express Concern Over China's Human Rights Violations

    Jason Kenney, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister and Chair of Foreign Relations Committee's Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Development, told a reporter from the Epoch Times that the new government intends to address these issues with clarity and in a way that reflects Canadian values.

    Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister Jason Kenney at interview.

    On Oct. 31, 2006, Canadian Foreign Relations Committee's Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Development held a hearing on human rights in China. Representatives of International Human Rights Development Center and Amnesty International, experts on human rights in China and a professor of Brock University testified at the hearing. They suggested the Canadian government stop the current way of human rights dialog with China and implement human rights sanctions; the government should go beyond dialog to stop China's human rights violations. They also suggested more hearings from a wider circle.

    Alex Neve, Representative of Amnesty International, mentioned four cases of human rights violations in China, including the killing of seventeen-year-old Tibetan nun at the Chinese border, and the arrest of Attorney Gao Zhisheng and Falun Gong practitioner Pu Weidong. He said the four cases were only a few of those under investigation by Amnesty International, "Currently, thousands upon thousands of other women, men and young people in every corner of China who face arbitrary arrest, unjust imprisonment, harsh torture, brutal executions because of their beliefs, because of their ethnicity, because of their commitment to justice ¡V deserve nothing less."

    After the hearing, Mr. Neve was interviewed regarding organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China. He said their international office had been trying to investigate but they were limited because the Chinese government does not allow Amnesty International to conduct on-site investigations.

    MP Kenney told the reporter from the Epoch Times, "The new government intends to address these issues with clarity and in a way that reflects Canadian values."

    Argentina: The Second Latin America Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Buenos Aires

    On October 28, 2006, the Second Latin America Falun Dafa Practice Experience Sharing Conference was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was a rare gathering. The World Transplantation Day held a weeklong activity in Buenos Aires at the same time, Therefore, Falun Gong practitioners exposed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) organ harvesting atrocities to people attending the transplantation conference.

    In Chinatown, people learn to practice Falun Gong on the spot

    Clarify the truth to people attending the transplantation conference

    The participants in the conference included Falun Gong practitioners from many different provinces of Argentina, such as Tucuman, Cordoba, Santiago De Estero, Rosario, and Lujan, and practitioners from Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Panama. Practitioners shared their practice experiences. The focus of the sharing was on looking inward to find one's attachments and where they fell short, and making improvement together.

    Performing the exercises in front of the Chinese Embassy

    A candlelight vigil in front of La Casa Rosa, the Presidential Palace in Buenos Aires, to commemorate the Falun Gong practitioners who have died as a result of persecution

    Protest in front of La Casa Rosa. Large objects, such as a simulated operation table are not allowed in the square in front of La Casa Rosa, so practitioners demonstrated the organ harvesting on the ground, exposing CCP atrocities

    One day prior to the  conference, practitioners gathered to in front of the Chinese Embassy and expose the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong and its crime of harvesting organs from living practitioners. The practitioners also called on the Chinese Embassy staff to quit the CCP for their own safety. It rained heavily that morning, yet practitioners held banners and signs in the rain, attracting attention from people in vehicles passing by. Many stopped to ask for more information. Chinese people who came to the Embassy to handle some affairs were surprised to see practitioners. One of them immediately took out his hand phone to make a phone call to his friend, "Some people are practicing Falun Gong outside the Chinese Embassy."

    In the afternoon, practitioners demonstrated in front of the President's Office to expose the CCP's live organ harvesting. They also held a candlelight vigil. Fortunately, the rain was replaced with warm sunshine. On Sunday after the Fa conference, practitioners' truth clarification activity in Chinatown also met with the rain. But when practitioners did the exercises and sent forth righteous thoughts in the early morning in the park, the rain suddenly stopped and the sun appeared. Because of the weather change, there were many Chinese people from different places coming to the Chinatown to go shopping. Many people who saw practitioners practicing the exercises stopped to watch them. Since the CCP started persecuting Falun Gong in China in July 1999, many people have not seen people practice Falun Gong. Argentina Falun Gong practitioners expressed regrettably that they were sad for those Chinese people in mainland China who have been deprived of a favorable practice environment. They also pity Chinese people who have been abroad, but still are afraid of the CCP and dare not to practice the exercises. This proves that the CCP has extended its persecution overseas.

    That day, Falun Gong practitioners in Argentina gave out thousands of truth clarification materials in Chinatown.  The Chinese people from Mainland were friendly, a great contrast to last year. At that time, practitioners often encountered verbal abuse while distributing materials. Some Chinese people who have been affected by the CCP's slander of Falun Gong, realized that they had been deceived by the CCP for so many years after listening to practitioner's truth clarification. Some people told practitioners that they knew the CCP is despicable, and some people said they had learned about the facts about Falun Gong. Some said they all condemned the CCP. In the past year, Falun Gong practitioners have distributed materials to Chinese people every weekend. At the beginning, some people did not believe that those who distributed the materials and newspapers are volunteers. Some asked how much Falun Gong paid them. After a year of contact, they have seen that these practitioners voluntarily distribute the materials. A handful of Chinese who have close contact with the Chinese Embassy are still rude to Falun Gong practitioners. The CCP's fate is doomed. In order to protect themselves, these people should keep away from the CCP, and not be deluded by the CCP's false images. The Chinese Embassy attempted to drive away practitioners and once instigated some Chinese business owners to not allow practitioners to distribute materials or display photo boards on sidewalks. They thought they were in China, but forgot that people outside China enjoy basic freedom.