The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- November 8, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Zhou Yongbing from Hunan Province Suffers Mental Breakdown After Being Injected with Toxic Drugs in the Xinkaipu Labor Camp

  • The Forced Slavery in Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison

  • Mr. Zhou Yongbing from Hunan Province Suffers Mental Breakdown After Being Injected with Toxic Drugs in the Xinkaipu Labor Camp

    On the evening of October 18, 2006, six guards from Xinkaipu Labor Camp (located in Changsha City, Hunan Province) sent detained Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhou Yongbing to Luowang Area, Yueyang City, Hunan Province.

    Mr. Zhou Yongbing had suffered a mental breakdown on September 30, 2006, and could not recognize his home. The guards contacted his family and sent him home. When his family members saw him, he could not recognize his parents, but only called out his wife's name (Liu Dan, also a practitioner, detained in Baimalong Labor Camp in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province). He could not stand, could not talk normally, threw things all over the place, and his hands were flailing around everywhere nonstop. There were rope marks on his body, indicating that he had been tied up. There were cigarette burn scars on his hands.

    Mr. Zhou's parent had just visited him on September 26, 2006, and he seemed normal. Mr. Zhou's family was very sad to see him tortured like this. They asked the guards to explain what happened to him. The guards tried to escape responsibility after offering one thousand yuan to the family. Mr. Zhou's family refused to take the money, but requested Xinkaipu Labor Camp to cure Mr. Zhou.

    Under such circumstances, one of the Camp Heads went to Luowang neighborhood, but did not dare to show his face. The guards notified the local State Security Agents and 610 Office, who threatened to ransack Mr. Zhou's home (his mother is also a practitioner). The neighbors and friends of the family could not keep silent, and they withheld the Camp vehicle, forcing the guards to take Mr. Zhou to a hospital in Yueyang City. But the guards claimed that Mr. Zhou was insane due to practicing Falun Gong, causing the doctors to refuse to take him in. Finally, the Yueyang City Kangfu Hospital let Mr. Zhou stay. The guards then admitted under the pressure for justice from his family members that they had injected a poisonous drug into Mr. Zhou.

    Mr. Zhou Yongbing's family is now requesting two things. First, that the responsible parties make efforts to cure their son, and secondly, that their daughter-in-law Liu Dan, is unconditionally released.

    The Forced Slavery in Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison

    Over five hundred Falun Gong practitioners Jailed in Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison. They are forced to do long periods of slave labor. Some do nine to ten months of forced labor in one year, and they are made to work seventeen to twenty hours per day. The prison only allowed prisoners detained there to rest for one day per year.

    Practitioners who are detained there are in a very difficult situation. In order to monitor practitioners, the police assemble the people detained in the prison into groups of three. Two prisoners monitor one practitioner. The practitioner is not allowed to move around alone. The police also forbid practitioners from talking to each other, yet they turn a blind eye to ordinary criminals.

    The police secretly order prisoners to bully practitioners who refuse to "transform," so the prisoners exert pressure on practitioners and use various means to give practitioners a hard time. One practitioner refused to "transform," so the police froze her bank account and forbade her from using money. The police also forbade her from seeing anyone, and no other prisoners were allowed to give her any food or daily necessities. She did not even have any toilet paper. In the end, the police stopped persecuting her, as they feared that she might really die.

    There is another practitioner who is very firm in her belief in Falun Gong. The police however, provoked her family to not give her any money and to exert pressure on her both mentally and physically in attempts to force her to "transform." The practitioner went on a hunger strike to protest and the police stopped persecuting her fearing something may go wrong.

    A small group of practitioners protested against working overtime. They stopped working when it was time to finish work. The police saw this and did not do anything because they disliked working overtime as well. On the second day, the head of the prison heard about it and became furious. He had a meeting with the prisoners and threatened them by not reducing their sentences. These prisoners have long been exploited and persecuted by the police. They also suffered the pain of overtime labor work. After working overtime for a period of time, their health deteriorated. Some became sick and vomited often. The prisoners said, "When we get out, we will expose the evilness we experienced here. We will go on the Internet and let the world's people know about the darkness of the wicked Communist Party and its brutality against the Chinese people."

    In the prison, prisoners who are less kind will be more appreciated by the police. The police do not torture practitioners personally. They use these prisoners to beat practitioners. One prison used needles to pierce through a practitioner's fingernail, in order to force her to give up her practice.

    In China's prisons, people can spend money to bail out prisoners, including for medical treatment. They can spend money to buy a rather relaxing job, for example, a job at hospitals, supermarkets and security. For prisoners who have no power or money, if they become sick they have to go to the hospital in the morning and come back to work in the afternoon, otherwise the police will curse the prisoner. Many prisoners have to go back to work immediately after they come back from the hospital, whether they have heart disease or a headache. The police do not allow practitioners to be bailed out for treatment. They are still forced to work fourteen hours per day. If they rest for a little while, the prisoners curse them.

    In March 2004, the eighth group of the prison ordered prisoners to hang practitioners by their handcuffs and beat them in order to "transform" practitioners who are firm in their faith. Some prisoners use clothes to cover a practitioner's head and several prisoners then beat him. After the beating, they refuse to admit that they were the ones who beat the practitioner.