The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- November 11, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • The Life of Ms. Tian Yuling Is in Danger Due to Brutal Force-Feeding

  • Mr. Du Yinghui Recounts the Persecution of His Family in Tianjin City

  • 13-Year-Old Boy Beaten by Police for Visiting His Mother

  • The Brutal Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners in Sanshui Forced Labor Camp, Guangdong Province

  • The Life of Ms. Tian Yuling Is in Danger Due to Brutal Force-Feeding

    On August 23, 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tian Yuling from Bin County, Heilongjiang Province was arrested and taken from her home by the Province Police. They detained her in the Bin County First Detention Center. Ms. Tian went on hunger strike for more than seventy days. The center deputy head Yang Hu (male), center doctor Lu Wanlong, and guard Wen Xiku (male) force-fed her six times. Lu Wanlong used a very thick tube as a form of torture, which caused Ms. Tian Yuling to suffer a digestive system malfunction, and her life is now in danger.

    Ms. Tian's family strongly requested her release, but she was still sent to the Province Police Hospital. Due to Ms. Tian's critical condition, the Hospital refused to accept her. The detention center administration still would not release her, and said that the Province CCP Political and Judiciary Committee, the Province 610 Office, or the Province Police Department must approve.

    Currently, Ms. Tian Yuling is locked in Room 325 of the Bin County Hospital with her legs shackled to the bed. She is guarded around the clock, and the detention center heads constantly check on her.

    Mr. Du Yinghui Recounts the Persecution of His Family in Tianjin City

    My name is Du Yinghui. I attend Tianjin City Vocational College of Electronic Information. I live in Caigezhuang Village, Daliang Town, Wuqing District, Tianjin City. I have an older brother named Du Yingguang. He was previously a school teacher at the Fourth Elementary School in Yang Village, Wuqing District, Tianjin City. He has now fled from home and become homeless in order to avoid further persecution. My mother is named Wang Yuling. She is a farmer.

    The three of us had the great fortune of learning Falun Gong in 1996. Since we started studying the principles of Falun Gong, we have benefited immensely from it. First, the three of us were no longer ill and became perfectly healthy. Meanwhile, Falun Gong taught us to be good people by following the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. Falun Gong also taught us to promote our moral quality and eliminate our selfishness. As a result, our spiritual levels were elevated profoundly and we no longer have a selfishness perspective. Instead, we have become thoughtful and considerate of others. Since we practiced Falun Gong, our family has become all the more harmonious and joyful. This is one of the many reasons why Falun Gong was able to spread far and wide and was warmly received [without any paid advertisement] in the land of China.

    But Jiang Zemin, driven by his mad jealousy towards Falun Gong and its founder, launched a hate propaganda campaign nationwide against Falun Gong. The entire nation of Falun Gong practitioners in China was subjected to suffering from Jiang Zemin's ruthless persecution, including our family.

    On January 31, 2001, the three of us were illegally arrested and thrown into Wuqing District Detention Center in Tianjin City. We were not released until fifteen days later. My brother Du Yingguang was subjected to beatings by the depraved policemen and prison inmates. After he was released, his legs were terribly swollen and purple. But that was not the end of it. Afterwards, he was sent to a forced brainwashing center in Meichang Town, Wuqing District, Tianjin City where he was subjected to brutal beatings, made to stand still for long hours and deprived of sleep. Because he refused to cooperate with them or renounce Falun Gong, he was transferred to Shuangkou Forced Labor Camp in Beichen District, Tianjin City. In addition, he was fired from his job at school.

    At Shuangkou Forced Labor Camp, my brother suffered from inhuman torture. In order to force him to renounce Falun Gong, the vicious guards cursed, insulted and beat him up. They smeared hot pepper juice and feces all over his lips and nose. In the middle of the winter, they stripped off his clothes and tied him in front of the window in his cell. They also soaked his feet in icy cold water for long hours and tortured him with brutal force-feeding that caused severe gastritis. But my brother persevered due to his steadfast faith in Falun Gong. After he finished the eighteen-month prison term, it was extended it by six months twice. After thirty months of illegal incarceration in the forced labor camp, my brother was released on October 10, 2003, and did not compromise his belief.

    While my brother was in the camp, my mother was illegally arrested in October 2002 and imprisoned in the Wuqing District Detention Center in Tianjin City for fifteen days. The police ransacked our home and left nothing unturned. Since then, my family has lived under the shroud of fear and anxiety.

    On April 9, 2002, the police from Chengjiang Road Police Station in Tianjin City illegally arrested me when I was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to people. Because I refused to cooperate with the unreasonable demands of the police, I was subjected to brutal beatings and intimidation, and deprived of sleep for a long time. Later I was transferred to Nankai District Detention Center in Tianjin City where I was forced to perform hard labor for twenty hours per day. Two months later, I was transferred to Banqiao Forced Labor Camp in Dagang District, Tianjin City. My family has been separated ever since. I was deprived of my school education.

    In early 2003, forced labor camps all over China started brainwashing classes to intensify their persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. They exhausted all means in an attempt to make Falun Gong practitioners renounce their belief. In March 2003, I was transferred to Banqiao Forced Labor Camp in Dagang District. Policemen including Zhang Lizhi, Zhang Qiuhai, Zhang Zefu and others used seven stun batons to shock me for long periods of time. At the time of the shock attack, I felt as if my entire body was being pricked by needles. The shock caused rows of large blisters on my body and the bottoms of my feet. Meanwhile, they had prison inmates on two shifts watch me around the clock. These inmates repeatedly beat me, cursed me and deprived me of sleep. I felt extremely exhausted. My head was swelling and I felt nauseated and dizzy. The depraved guards even promised to reduce the criminal inmates' prison terms as long as they could force me to renounce Falun Gong. Because of Jiang Zemin's order, the guards and prison inmates worked together to subject Falun Gong practitioners to their relentless torture.

    Because I refused to renounce Falun Gong or cooperate with the guards and inmates, the guards ordered inmates, including Cui Guohong, Li Yong and Wu Lancheng, to beat me and kick me. At first, two inmates held my arms while other inmates punched directly at my abdomen. I was short of breath due to the beating. I had difficulty breathing and collapsed to the ground. Then about eight inmates closed in and kicked my thighs. I rolled around on the ground because of the kicks. My entire body was in terrible, indescribable agony. I was beaten to a pulp and felt very weak.

    After kicking me for a long time, they became tired. They squatted down and poked violently at the base of my thighs with a bundle of chopsticks. Each poke sent me into agony and caused my body to twitch involuntarily. During the torture, they repeatedly told me to tell them if I was ready to renounce Falun Gong. I refused, so they continued to poke at me until they were tired from the poking and squatting. Next they stood up and started kicking me again. They rotated kicking and poking for the entire night. In the end, I fell into a coma and was at death's door.

    The inmates did not stop until they found that my pupils had dilated and my heart had almost stopped beating. While in the coma, I was sent to Dagang Hospital in Dagang, Tianjin City. After I was checked into the hospital, the doctors sent two near-death notices. My liver and kidney functions were severely damaged. All of my bodily functions were in disorder. Because I could die at any minute, the doctor asked to transfer me to another hospital. The police did not want to waste time on me or take any responsibility if I should die, so they transferred me to Xinsheng Hosptial, a hospital inside a forced labor camp.

    At Xinsheng Hospital, I was extremely ill and in critical danger, so the doctors there asked to transfer me to another hospital after they examined me. I was transferred to the Second Affiliated Hospital in Tianjin City during the night. After a period of medical treatment, I was released on bail for medical treatment on June 15, 2003.

    In China, hundred of thousands of happy, harmonious homes were torn apart because of Jiang Zemin and his thugs' relentless persecution of Falun Gong. Numerous kindhearted Falun Gong practitioners have died, been injured and become permanently disabled because of the torture and violence. I hope that all the kindhearted people in the world will see through the evil nature of Jiang Zemin and his thugs, persevere in justice, and choose a beautiful future for themselves.

    13-Year-Old Boy Beaten by Police for Visiting His Mother

    On September 19, 2006, practitioner Ms. Yang Zhonghong from Lushuihe Town, Fusong County, Baishan City, Jilin Province, was illegally arrested when she was clarifying the truth to policeman Liang's wife, who reported her. Ms. Yang was detained in Fusong County. The authorities tied her to an iron chair to torture her.

    The left side of his face was still swollen three days after the beating.

    On October 16 at around 5:00 a.m., Ms. Yang Zhonghong's 13-year-old son, Sheng Wei, borrowed 20 yuan, carried his three-year-old sister,Yangyang, and went to the bus station to take the bus to look for his mother. On the way he asked people for directions to Fusong County Police Department. He asked the police there for his mother. The police responded by hitting and kicking him and stepping on his face with their shoes. His face was badly wounded and swollen, his ears started to ring, and the sleeve of his sweater was torn. He fainted as a result of the assault but came to after a while.

    In order to cover up their crime, the police took Sheng Wei to the store to fix his clothes. Then four officers carried the boy by his arms and legs to the police car and took him home.

    In the police car, one policeman grabbed Wei by the hair and yanked out a fistful, cursing at the young boy. In great pain, Wei said, "I have no mother now, and I cannot find my father. No one is taking care of us, and we have no food at home, yet you still hit me. I don't feel like living any more."

    The second day, Sheng Wei endured the extreme pain and went to Fusong County Police Department again, because he wanted to see his mother. In the hallway, he cried out loudly and told everyone the whole episode about how he was beaten, but no one there showed any concern about him. Later on, four officers carried him to the bus station and forced him into the bus.

    The Brutal Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners in Sanshui Forced Labor Camp, Guangdong Province

    The methods the guards in Sanshui Forced Labor Camp use to torture Falun Gong practitioners can be described as hoodlum-like, vicious and secretive. All the torture is carried out behind closed doors. I shall now expose the persecution I witnessed in Sanshui Forced Labor Camp.

    Practitioner Li Shaoming from Maoming area had served a full term. He mentioned this to the person in charge. However, the authorities not only refused to release him, but extended his term. Li Shaoming asked the guards, "Why are you extending my term?" The guards used the excuse of his refusing to be "transformed" or to wear the prison uniform. They put him in solitary confinement, made him sit on the tiger bench, and handcuffed him to torture him. Every day, officers shocked him with electric batons but Li Shaoming never yielded. No one else in the labor camp knew about the torture because it was carried out in secret. After he was finally returned to a regular cell, the guards sealed his door and windows to isolate him from other practitioners. Why were they so afraid of others seeing him? Only during the period of free activity did we find out that he had been tortured, as we could see that he had wounds all over his body. It took a long period of time for Li Shaoming to slowly recover.

    Practitioner Wu Xianjun from Maoming area was shocked by officers with eight electric batons simultaneously. They tried to force him to undergo brainwashing and wear the prison uniform. Wu Xianjun never acceded. He resisted the officers' electric shocks. Mr. Wu was not afraid of the violent tactics. Later, the guards no longer dared to torture Wu Xianjun.

    Practitioner Huang Wei from Maoming area went on a hunger strike to protest the torture. He refused to yield to the guards, to be "transformed," or to wear the prison uniform. The officers used different ways to ruthlessly torture Mr. Huang including putting him in solitary confinement and shocking him with electric batons. After Huang Wei went on a hunger strike, they force-fed him every day.

    The guards attempted to force practitioner Wu Yuefeng from Nanhai area to be "transformed" and write the "four statements" (similar to the three statements) to renounce Falun Gong. He did not yield. As a result, Mr. Wu was put in solitary confinement and shocked with electric batons. He also went on a hunger strike to protest.

    Practitioner Gao Xuejun from Hubei Province had been on a hunger strike to protest the torture twice within two weeks of being sent to Sanshui Forced Labor Camp. The torture was stepped up in March. Officers handcuffed him, and did not allow him to use the bathroom or to sleep at night. They used the most despicable methods to torture him to force him to be "transformed." The people involved were Wu Shi and Chen Zhao.

    Police officer Guo Baosi stomped on the toes of practitioner Chen Zhiguang from Dongguan with the heels of his boots, causing Mr. Chen's toes to be dislocated. Officer Xia Shishen shocked him with electric batons, did now allow him to sleep at night, and sometimes forced him to run.

    Practitioner Chen Wenyang from Zhejiang Province wrote a "solemn declaration" to void the renunciation he had made earlier under duress. As a result, the guards shocked him with electric batons.

    Guards Zheng Guoquan and Li Kun shocked practitioner Yang Jinda using electric batons. Officers Wu Shi and Chen Zhao shocked practitioner Zeng Yong from the Meizhou area. In addition, they did not allow him to sleep at night, and tortured him further by forcing him to run for a long time.

    Guards Jiang Hanqing and Lan Yuanhang shocked practitioner Chen Zhixiang from Guangxi Province and Chen Jianguo from Shanwei area. They also did not allow them to sleep. They told the practitioners, "You can be involved in robbery, stealing and dealing drugs, but you cannot practice Falun Gong."