The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- February 11, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Summary of the Persecution of Falun Gong in the Jinzhou Area --- From July 1999 to December 2005

  • The Incidents of Persecution Conducted by Police Officer Shao Li from Gucheng County, Hebei Province

  • The Details about the Death of Practitioner Ms. Deng Shiying, Who Died as a Result of Torture in the Women's Prison of Jilin Province

  • More Information on the Debilitating Torture Chongqing Practitioner Ms. Wei Hua Suffered in a Mental Hospital

  • The "610 Office" in Ningyuan County, Hunan Province Beat Ms. Chen Xiaoling

  • The Facts of the Persecution in Handan Labor Camp in January 2006

  • Additional Persecution News from China - January 15, 2006

  • Some Crimes Committed by Wang Yongxiang, Head of Daqing Prison

  • Police Officer Yan Meimin in Xi'an City Continues to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Summary of the Persecution of Falun Gong in the Jinzhou Area --- From July 1999 to December 2005

    We have exposed the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in the Jinzhou area more than once on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website. Now, we want to give a comprehensive report of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in the Jinzhou area and again expose the evil acts in this region.

    Between July 1999 and December 2005, twenty-seven Falun Gong practitioners in the Jinzhou area died as a result of the persecution. Half of these practitioners died during illegal arrest, detention and while the persecution was carried out. Two practitioners suffered a mental collapse after being tortured at a labor camp and passed away at home. Another 13 practitioners had money extorted from them, were threatened, arrested repeatedly, or suffered a relapse of their old illnesses, and they passed away due to mental and physical trauma.

    Statistics show that most of the practitioners who died as a result of torture were women and elderly. The persecution is a profound reflection of the countless crimes committed by Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and the villainous nature of Jiang Zemin and his accomplices. We also know the consequences that await the lawless officials who assisted the CCP's Jiang regime to carry out the persecution - they will lose their future, but they don't realize it. Here we want to again warn lawless officials in the Jinzhou area: stop persecuting Falun Gong.

    Summary of deaths resulting from persecution:

    Ms. Hu Xiuying, born on June 9, 1952 [Chinese lunar calendar], lived in Zhangjia Village, Goubangzi Town, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. She went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong for the second time on December 20, 2000. She was arrested in Tiananmen Square and was taken to the Fenglong Hotel, where the Jinzhou City Liaison Office in Beijing is located. She was tortured to death on December 26.

    Ms. Zhu Shaolan, 50 years old, lived in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. She was

    detained in September 1999. Because she was deprived of her right to speak, she went on a hunger strike on the evening of September 29. Two days later she was extremely weak and needed help walking. She started vomiting at midnight on the fourth day. Authorities from the Raoyang Police Department released her to avoid taking responsibility for her death. She was sent to a hospital on October 5 and passed away in the morning of October 7.

    Ms. Du Baolan, 48 years old, lived at the residential building in Majia Village, Yingpan Township, Linghe District, Jinzhou City. Around 7:00 p.m. on May 7, 2002, Du Baolan went to practitioner Duan Jun's home. Duan Jun's ex-husband Li Yiming, an employee at the Electricity Bureau, phoned the police. The "110" emergency response patrol police arrested Du Baolan and Duan Jun. Du Baolan died a few hours later. At 8 a.m. the next day, the police told her family that she died after jumping off a building. According to witnesses, Du Baolan was carried into a police car and they heard screaming from inside the car. After Du Baolan died, the police strictly blocked information and cremated the body without authorization. They also threatened her family.

    Ms. Liu Zhi, born in May 1941, lived at Building 67-73 Jintie Alley in the Linghe District, Jinzhou City. Around 8:00 a.m. on August 20, 2002, Li Changming, the head of the Jintie Police Department, in his 40s, led about six police department officials and people from the street Party committee and broke into Liu Zhi's home. They dragged Liu Zhi from her bed and carried her into a police car without her shoes and coat and sent her to the Jinzhou City Preparatory Brainwashing Center. At 9:00 a.m. on August 25, Liu, head of the Jinzhou City 610 Office, and officials from the Street Party Committee told Liu Zhi's family that she fell off a building and died. The authorities cremated her body without her family's consent, and they did not give the ashes to her family.

    Ms. Cao Shufang, 61 years old, works at Jinzhou City Cotton and Linen Company. She lived on the 5th floor of Building 44 Kangning Alley in the Linghe District, Jinzhou City. Around 3 p.m. on August 4, 2002, Wang Dianyu, deputy head of Kangning Police Department, tricked Cao Shufang into opening the door. At the time, Cao Shufang was chatting with a neighbor. Wang Dianyu asked Cao Shufang, "Are you doing the [Falun Gong] exercises?" Cao Shufang answered, "We are chatting!" Wang Dianyu drove away the neighbor and told Cao Shufang's husband Gao Guorui to stay in the south room. Wang Dianyu took Master Li's picture(s) from Cao Shufang's home and threatened her. Local police officer Wang Hong also arrived. Wang Dianyu went to the south room and asked Cao Shufang's husband for the residence permit and ID. Only Wang Hong and Cao Shufang were in the other room. Wang Hong tried to take Cao Shufang away, and Cao Shufang fell from the building and died.

    Ms. Wang Wenjun, 38 years old, worked at the Nuerhe Textile Factory in Jinzhou City and lived in the factory dorm. In October 1999 and January 2001, Wang Wenjun went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested. She was handcuffed and shackled, and she was detained with death row inmates. She was later illegally sentenced to one year in prison. After her release in June 2001 she was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor and was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp where she was forced to do slave labor. The guards tortured her and tied her legs with a rope for five hours. Her condition declined and she suffered severe vaginal hemorrhaging. On December 28, 2002, the doctor at the Masanjia Hospital said she was going to die, and the authorities told her ex-husband to take her home. She passed away at home on July 22, 2003.

    Ms. Zhang Guizhi, 47 years old, lived in Liujiawopu Village, Xinmin Township, Taihe District, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. She persisted in practicing Falun Gong after the persecution began. In August 2001, officers from the Xiaolingzi Airport Police Department in the Taihe District arrested Zhang Guizhi from home and sent her to the No. 1 Detention Center in Jinzhou City. Two months later she was sentenced to two years of forced labor and was detained at Squadron 1, Group 2, the 2nd Women's Station at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. On April 12, 2003, Zhang Guizhi's family received a joint notice issued by the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, the local police department and the village Party Committee, which states, "Zhang Guizhi is receiving emergency treatment due to her critical condition." When her family rushed to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, they saw Zhang Guizhi's body at the camp hospital morgue. Zhang Guizhi's family wanted to speak with labor camp authorities, but the heads of the labor camp refused to meet with them. The team head forbade the family from taking pictures of the body. There were wounds on Zhang Guizhi's body, blood in the nose and mouth, purple spots on the body, and some skin had turned black and blue. The guards claimed that Zhang Guizhi "fell when taking a shower, which triggered myocardial infarction that led to her death." It was later learned that Zhang Guizhi did not take a shower the day she died, and one does not bleed from the nose and mouth when suffering an MI. She apparently died from external violence.

    Ms. Zhang Haiyan, 34 years old, lived in the Wangjiaziran Hamlet, Xiyou Village, Hujia Town, Heishan County. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1996 and benefited tremendously. In July 1997, Zhang Haiyan exercised her right as a Chinese citizen and went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. The police arrested her, and officers from Hujia Town Police Department and the village Party officials took her back. Zhang Dong, head of the police department, beat her, and the police demanded money from her family. Her family did not have money, and Wang Yubao, secretary of the Party Committee, led a group of evildoers to take sorghum from her field, and her family firmly resisted the robbery. They sent her to the Heishan Detention Center. Two months later, Zhang Haiyan was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor and was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp to be further persecuted. On March 21, 2003 she was in serious condition when her family took her home. She could not take care of herself. There were obvious scars on her head, hands and other parts of her body. She passed away on January 18, 2004.

    Ms. Qi Suchun, 38 years old, lived in Jinjia Village, Zhaotun Town, Beining City. During the 2001 Chinese New Year, she went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. She was taken back by police from Beining City and was detained at a custody center. The police released her after extorting 10,000 yuan from her family. In March 2001, perpetrators from the Beining City "610 Office" and the local government feared that Falun Gong practitioners would go to Beijing to appeal, so they arrested them. Qi Suchun and many other practitioners were arrested and sent to the Zhaotun Town government, where they were subjected to brainwashing. Because Qi Suchun refused to cooperate with the police, they slapped her face and kicked her. The officials claimed that she fell from the fourth floor of the town government building one night in March 2001 and died. Because of the information blockade, more details surrounding her death are still unknown.

    Ms. Li Ling, 51 years old, worked as the head of the Guta District Labor Bureau in Jinzhou City and as the assistant manager at a heating supply company. In October 1999, Li Ling went to Beijing to clarify the truth to the government and peacefully appealed in Tiananmen Square. She was illegally sentenced to one and a half years in prison and was detained at the Dabei Prison in Shenyang City. On May 28, 2002 she was again arrested from home by perpetrators from the Guta District Politics and Law Committee and sentenced to four years in prison. She was held in 5th Group of Liaoning Province Women's Prison, also called the Dabei Prison, where she was persecuted. On November 17, 2004, the prison authorities told Li Ling's family that she had died, although she was fine about 20 days before when her family visited her. According to reports, Li Ling was tortured to death between 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. on November 17. Her hands were twisted behind her back and her mouth was gagged at the time of her death.

    Mr. Xiao Peng, 30 years old, was a farmer and a veterinarian in Jiudaoling, Yi County, Jinzhou City. In March 2001, Xiao Peng was brutally tortured while being illegally held in the Jinzhou Forced Labor Camp. Guards Ma Yong, Feng Zibin, Li Songtao, and Yang Tinglun from Group 2 tied Xiao Peng to a large metal chair on the first floor and in the torture chamber in the backyard, and they savagely tortured him. They shocked his chest, stomach, and the soles of his feet with electric batons for a long time, until the skin on his chest and stomach was scorched. He suffered a nervous breakdown. On April 11, 2001 he was sent home. In June 2002, Xiao Peng passed away in a mentally traumatized state. He is survived by his young daughter.

    Practitioner Mr. Shi Zhongyan, 45, lived at No 45-119 Anle Alley, Linghe District, Jinzhou City, and he worked at Jinzhou City Department Store. On July 27, 2000, Shi Zhongyan was sentenced to two years in the Jinzhou City Labor Camp for appealing in Beijing. The inmates beat him, and the guards shocked him with electric batons. He was forced to sit on a small stool for a long time. He was held for more than nine months beyond his term. During the second round of large-scale persecution, he was not allowed to sleep for several days and nights. On April 21, 2003 he was at the brink of death from torture. Around April 23 he was sent to the No. 205 Hospital for emergency treatment. He passed away on April 26. After his death, the Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp and the police department threatened and intimidated his family. They forbade them to build a memorial for him and kept his family and friends from attending the funeral. They cremated his body without his family's consent, and his ashes are still being held at Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp.

    Mr. Cui Zhilin, 43 years old, lived in the Shibei Neighborhood District in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, and his former address was in Hanjiadian, Fuxin City. He was arrested at a Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials production site in Fuxin City on September 18, 2002. Practitioners Zhang Jie, Zhao Hua, and Lu Guojun were arrested at the same time. One year later, the Haizhou District Court in Fuxin City violated the constitution of China and sentenced the practitioners to heavy prison terms. Cui Zhilin was sentenced to 11 years in prison and was transferred to the Nanshan Prison in Jinzhou City. On August 5, 2004 his family was told that he had jumped off a building. When his family arrived, they saw his body in the morgue at the hospital. The prison authorities could not prove that he died from jumping off a building. His family strongly demanded an autopsy and the prison authorities arranged for a coroner to examine the body. His family saw that the body was emaciated and deformed. His ears, nose and mouth were stuffed with cotton balls. There is a hole on the back of the head, a part of his gums had ulcerated, and large areas of his back were black and blue; obvious scars from long-term electric shocks were found at his underarms, below his ribcage, on his hips, inner thighs, below his knees, and especially on his ankles. A piece of flesh peeled off from his elbow, and his testicles were black and blue and swollen. His body had obviously been soaked and washed with chemical fluid or water. The prison authorities threatened his family and did everything to prevent them from taking pictures of the body. They later paid a 7,800-yuan funeral fee to his family.

    Mr. Yan Li, around 40 years of age, worked at the Nuerhe Textile Mill in Jinzhou City. He was once assigned the posts of general coordinator, assistant to the division director assistant to the director of the production division, and assistant to the head of the workshop at different times of his career. He started practicing Falun Gong in December 1995. After April 25, 1999 he went to Beijing nine times to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to the government and to uphold his belief and was fired because of it. He was detained twice during his appeal and was held at the Jinzhou City Custody Center. On October 25, 1999, Yan Li was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor and was held at the Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp. He persisted in his belief while being held at the labor camp and refused "reform" and was tortured in various ways. He was held in solitary confinement for several months. Two years later, his term was extended by nine months. He was often brutally force-fed for holding a hunger strike. In the end, he could not eat and was released when he was at the brink of death. On November 22, 2005 officers from Chifeng City Police Department's National Security Group and Hongshan District Police Department arrested him inside a residential building on Yinhang Alley, Hada Street, Hongshan District, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Province. He was later detained at the Hongshan District Detention Center. He was tortured to death between November 24 and December 7. The details surrounding his death call for further investigation.

    Ms. Zang Jinlu, 37, was a resident of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. She was reported to the authorities for making truth-clarifying materials in Wang Village, Jinzhou City. The police broke into her home and unlawfully detained her in a local detention center for over 40 days. She went on a hunger strike for 25 days to protest the illegal arrest and detention. She became extremely weak and was released on medical parole. The local police constantly went to her home to harass her during the period of her medical parole. She left home for over a year to avoid the harassment, during which her health deteriorated as a result of the mental pressure. She died on November 3, 2003.

    Ms. Wang Yanjun, 47, was a resident of Xinmin Village, the Taihe District, Jinzhou City. She was confined to a wheelchair and needed help whenever she lay down or sat up. On July 20, 1999 she was very happy to learn Falun Gong, but soon Falun Gong was attacked and defamed through radio and TV programs. Ms. Wang started to read Zhuan Falun while she was under a lot of pressure. Thanks to the practice, in 2002 she was able to get in and out of the wheelchair by herself. In 2004 her husband who did not practice Falun Gong, was misled by the propaganda and started to make trouble for her. He forced her to do a lot of work that she was unable to do because she couldn't walk. He did not cook for her or buy food for her. He ate the food brought for her by her family and friends. When fellow practitioners helped Ms. Wang to do things without letting him know, he verbally abused them as soon as he found out and tried his utmost to prevent her from contacting other people. This lasted until Wang Yanjun died on March 30, 2004 (Chinese lunar calendar).

    Ms. Jin Shuchun, in her 40s, lived in Yingpan Village, Zhenan Township, Heishan County, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. She obtained Falun Gong in 1998 and was cured of stomach cancer. On July 20, 1999 Ms. Jin went to Beijing to appeal. She passed away on March 5, 2000 as a result of the constant mental pressure of the persecution.

    Mr. Wei Guangxing, 48, lived in Yi County, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. Before he started practicing Falun Gong in 1998, he had suffered from severe heart disease. After he began the practice, he quickly regained his health. After July 20, 1999, the local police repeatedly harassed him and extorted money from him. He was also illegally detained for more than 20 days in the Yi County Detention Center in August 2001. He suffered tremendous physical and mental torture, and his health deteriorated. In addition, in September 2001, his daughter was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor. She was detained at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp because she peacefully appealed for Falun Gong in Beijing. These circumstances greatly impaired his physical and mental health. He suffered a relapse of his old illness and passed away in January 2002.

    Mr. Li Changru was 52 years old and lived in Baotun Village, Taihe Town, Heishan County, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. He started practicing Falun Gong in 1997 and gradually recovered from all his illnesses. After July 20, 1999, Jiang and his regime started persecuting Falun Gong. Li Changru went to Beijing in October 1999 to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested. He was returned to his home district and held at the Heishan County Detention Center. One month later he was transferred to the Taihe Town Police Substation for brainwashing, where he was threatened and then released on bail after his family had 7,000 yuan extorted from them. After returning home, the village administration people often came to his home to harass, threaten, interrogate, ransack the place or simply monitor him. Mr. Li Changru was deeply mentally and physically traumatized over the past several years of the persecution. He died on January 27, 2005.

    Practitioner Mr. Liu Fengzhu, 58, lived in Jinzhou City. He began Falun Gong practice in 1996 and was cured of many chronic illnesses. He benefited physically and mentally from Falun Gong. He conducted himself according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and was well-liked among his neighbors. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999 he was tortured and lived under great pressure. He passed away in February 2004.

    Ms. Li Shulan, 59, lived at Building 9, Xinghuali, Jintie Street, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. After she started practicing Falun Gong in 1996, all of her illnesses disappeared. She passed away on December 31, 2003 because of persecution she suffered from Liu, the former head of the Jintie Police Station, from Li, the deputy head and Gao, the political head. She was harassed, arrested and detained many times.

    Ms. Wu Chunlan, 60, was from Houhong Village, Badonghao Township, Heishan County, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. On September 27, 2004 the police went to her home to arrest her oldest daughter, a Falun Gong practitioner. Since her daughter wasn't home, the police instead took her as a hostage. Ms. Wu was detained at the county detention center for two weeks. She passed away in January 2005.

    Ms. Wang Fengru, 63 years old, from Daling Village, Zhenan Township, Heishan County, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province worked as the village accountant for 38 years. On February 1, 2002, near the Chinese New Year, her village had a meeting for the local Communist Party members. She tried to clarify the facts about Falun Gong to the village officials and some village Party members; however, she was reported to the authorities for doing so. On February 4, 2002, Xiao Zhongying and Bi Shijun from the Heishan County National Security Group and Gao Lizeng from the Zhenan Township Police Station arrested her and took her to the Heishan Detention Center. She was detained for more than a month, and her family was fined 5,000 yuan before she was released. While she was detained, Bi Shijun and some other police officers viciously beat her. Even after being released from the detention center, police officers often harassed her and tried to force her to write the so-called Guarantee Statement. Under duress, her husband also pressured her to give up her belief by limiting her financially. As a result, she suffered both physically and mentally. On July 23, 2003, perpetrators from the county and her village went to her home to harass her. She was depressed and her blood pressure went up. She passed away on July 25, 2003.

    Ms. Pan Shuxian, 65, was a resident of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. She started to practice Falun Gong in 1998. Prior to Falun Gong practice Pan Shuxian had many kinds of illnesses. Extensive and lengthy treatments did not help. When the symptoms became serious, she couldn't even walk. After she started to practice Falun Gong, her body and mind improved and she benefited. Within a few short months, all of the many health problems from which she suffered had vanished into thin air. Jiang Zemin began the persecution on July 20, 1999. Pan Shuxian had a relapse of her former illnesses in the spring of 2000 and died at the age of 65.

    Ms. Li Guilian is an elderly Falun Gong practitioner from Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1996. After she began practicing, the illnesses that had troubled her for many years disappeared and she enjoyed good health. Her daughter also practiced Falun Gong. After the persecution began in 1999, the police threatened her and extorted money from her. This caused her huge mental and physical harm. She passed away on September 18, 2000.

    Ms. Yao Hongxia, 76, lived in Beining City, Liaoning Province. Her son(s) and daughter(s) were all Falun Gong practitioners and were arrested, detained, sent to brainwashing sessions and had their homes ransacked by the police. The local police and government officials often went to her home to arrest her children and to threaten and intimidate her, which greatly traumatized her. She passed away on February 6, 2005.

    Ms. Wei Kou, 87, is the mother of Mr. Wei Guangxing and lived in Yi County, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. She became very healthy after she started practicing Falun Gong. Her white hair began to turn black again and a spur on her head, which had grown for several decades that could not be removed in spite of several operations, vanished after only a month of practicing Falun Gong. These changes were well-known among the local people. Then her only daughter peacefully appealed for Falun Gong in Beijing. As a result, she was sentenced to 18 months of detention and forced labor, and was incarcerated at the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp in September 2001. The grandson of Ms. Wei Kou was also detained in the Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp for the same reason. Meanwhile, the police harassed her. Ms. Wei Kou suffered a lot, and she passed away in December 2001. She didn't get to see her beloved daughter and grandson before she died.

    The above is an incomplete estimate.

    The Incidents of Persecution Conducted by Police Officer Shao Li from Gucheng County, Hebei Province

    Police officer Shao Li is notorious in Gucheng County and its neighboring counties. He is currently the head of the Political and Security Section in the Gucheng Police Department. During the past six years of persecution of Falun Gong, Shao Li has actively pursued personal gain and recognition through persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, which has caused the breakup of many families and many other tragedies.

    Even people in the Gucheng Police Department said, "Shao Li accumulated great wealth through (persecuting) Falun Gong." His monthly wage was average for a police officer, but in the past two years Shao Li purchased two apartments, each one costing over 170,000 yuan. He lives an extravagant lifestyle and has no sense of shame. He has several mistresses who depend on him. For the past six years, Chinese Communist regime despots Jiang Zemin and Luo Gan have used evildoing people like him to subject Falun Gong practitioners to their ruthless persecution.

    The following are accounts of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Gucheng County.

    1. Zhang Guizhi, 54 years old, from Zhouxiaomo Village, Xizhuang Township

    On March 27, 2000, Ms. Zhang Guizhi went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Political and Security Section agents from the Gucheng Police Department illegally arrested her. They slapped her face with their shoe soles and forced her to kneel down for long periods of time. Led by Shao Li, six or seven people searched Zhang Guizhi's home during her detention. They ransacked her home and confiscated tape players, tapes, Falun Gong books and other personal belongings. On June 23, 2000, Shao Li fabricated a crime, which led Zhang Guizhi to be sentenced to four years in prison. She was detained in the Shijiazhuang Prison.

    2. Zhou Guilan, 49 years old, from Wudayuan Village, Zhengkou Town

    Agents from the Zhengkou Town Police Station arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Guilan at her home and detained her for one day and one night. On December 21, 2000, when Ms. Zhou went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, Shao Li and others arrested her. She was later sentenced to two years of forced labor and detained in 5th Group of  Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp.

    Because Zhou Guilan refused to give up her belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance", she was subjected to electric shocks and beatings until she was covered in bruises and blisters. The perpetrators handcuffed both of her hands to a high metal gate, with her toes barely touching the ground. They would not let her use the toilet, causing great stress on her bowels and bladder. Drug offenders and sex offenders monitored Ms. Zhou; she had to endure beatings and verbal abuse. When she still refused to be "reformed", a police officer with last name of Bai urged the criminals to beat Ms. Zhou until she lost consciousness. When she woke up, the police used thin cord to tie her tightly three times, with her arms behind her back. This caused extreme pain and she screamed continuously. Due to these inhuman tortures, Ms. Zhou's weight dropped from 60 kg (approximately 125 lbs) to 45 kg (approximately 92 lbs) and her blood pressure dropped to between 70 and 60. She was very skinny and close to death. In spite of these outrages, Shao Li had the temerity to extort 3,000 yuan from Ms. Zhou's husband before he released her on bail.

    On the evening of February 1, 2001 (Chinese lunar calendar), Shao Li and other police officers again arrested Zhou Guilan and sent her to the Gucheng County brainwashing center. She was handcuffed to metal bars in the freezing weather until foam appeared on her mouth and she lost consciousness due to the cold. The perpetrators had to send her to a hospital. After she regained consciousness, Ms. Zhou demanded to be released. Shao Li ordered his people to extort 6,000 yuan from Ms. Zhou's husband. Her husband finally managed to borrow 5,500 yuan. After receiving the money, Shao Li released Zhou Guilan.

    On December 21, 2001, a mere three days after Zhou Guilan's son's marriage, Shao Li brought several people to Ms. Zhou's home to again arrest her without any explanation. Zhou Guilan's family members were threatened, but tried to stop them. There was no way to reason with Shao Li, who was set on arresting Ms. Zhou. Finally, after they extorted another 5,000 yuan from Ms. Zhou's husband, they left her home.

    3. Li Suqin, 54 years old; Wang Daliu, 55 years old; Wang Xiuju, 59 years

    On the afternoon of April 8, 2004 (Chinese lunar calendar), Shao Li and others went to Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Suqin's home in Santan Village, Zhengkou Town. They arrested not only Li Suqin, but also Wang Daliu and Wang Xiuju and searched and ransacked Ms. Li's home. Later, Li Suqin's family was extorted out of 9,000 yuan.

    4. Diao Quisen, 54 years old, Diao Guizhi (51) and Diao Guihua (48), three sisters from Qinghan Town, Gucheng County

    In July 2001, Ms. Diao Quisen was detained for over four months and was sent to the county brainwashing center for one month. During this period, Shao Li extorted 4,000 yuan in cash from her and urged his follower Jie Xiangjie to extort another 900 yuan.

    Ms. Diao Quizhi was detained for 35 days between October 1999 and 2001. Shao Li extorted 5,000 yuan and 1,000 yuan through his crony Wang Yuhe (now deceased). One evening in the fall of 2001, Shao Li and his people broke into Diao Quizhi's home and arrested her by force. She was beaten and dragged to the police vehicle and sent to the county detention center. Shao Li extorted 1,000 yuan from Ms. Diao's family and spent 850 yuan in restaurants. He urged his people to commit additional extortion: 1,000 yuan through Zhang Wenying; 3,000 yuan through Wang Huizhi and 700 yuan through Zhou Rongchun. The total amount extorted was 12,550 yuan.

    Ms. Diao Quihua was arrested one evening in the fall of 2001 and was illegally locked up in the county detention center for one year and seven months. During this period, Shao Li extorted 6,000 yuan in cash from Ms. Diao's family.

    5. Ms. Shen Liuhuan, 54 years old

    One evening in August 2000, Shao Li and his people broke into Shen Liuhuan's home and arrested her. She was illegally locked up for three months and was released after being extorted out of 9,000 yuan in cash. A few months later, on January 1, 2001, Shao Li and his people again arrested Ms. Shen from her home. She was held in the county detention center for ten months. Her family was forced into paying nearly 20,000 yuan in "gifts" and "fines." On the morning of August 4, 2005, Shao Li and his people broke into Ms. Shen's house again. They confiscated a PC and Falun Gong books and tried to arrest her. Ms. Shen resisted the illegal arrest. Shao Li called the "110" police [the emergency rescue agency, similar to 911 in the U.S.] and arrested her. He incited police officer Wang Fang to shock Shen Liuhuan with an electric baton. Ms. Shen was covered with injuries from being beaten. This brought on a sudden heart attack, with a blood pressure reading of 200/130, placing Ms. Shen in critical condition.

    When Shen Liuhuan's life was in danger in the detention center, Shao Li still didn't let her go. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor and was sent to the notorious Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding City. Because the labor camp refused to accept her due to her poor physical condition, Ms. Shen was sent back to the Gucheng Detention Center. Later, Shao Li demanded 11,000 yuan in cash from Ms. Shen's family and only then allowed her to be released on bail for medical treatment. A PC valued at 5,000 yuan was also confiscated and never returned.

    6. Wang Tieniu, 60 years, from Zhuwangyi Village, Sanlang Township

    Because of appealing in Beijing, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Tieniu was arrested and sent to the Guocheng Detention Center. Shao Li urged the prisoners to torture him by beating, verbally abusing, kicking his head, pulling his ears, pulling the hairs in his private parts, making him kneel, making him stand up for a long time or forcing him to hold up his arms up for long hours. He was forced to say defamatory things against Falun Gong and Master Li. Shao Li extorted 3,000 yuan from Mr. Wang's family.

    7. Liu Yuanzhen from Luquantun Township, Wucheng County, Shandong Province

    On June 3, 2001, Shao Li and his people arrested practitioner Ms. Liu Yuanzhen and took her to the Gucheng Detention Center. During the interrogation, Ms. Liu suffered from brutal beatings by Wang Huizhi, who worked for Shao Li. Shao Li tried to extort money from the family, ordering them to pay 10,000 yuan. Ms. Liu's husband couldn't come up with the money because of the family's financial difficulties. Liu Yuanzhen was detained for over two years. On August 19, 2004, because Ms. Liu clarified the truth, Shao Li and his people arrested her again. They grabbed 500 yuan in cash that Ms. Liu had on her that was to be used to pay back a debt. Later, Ms. Liu's husband came to the police department to ask for the money. Zhang Wenying threatened him, saying that he would be arrested if he came to ask for the money again. Shao Li tried to extort 3,000 yuan from Ms. Liu's husband. Her husband is a plasterer who works on a contract basis. He had to take care of his 70-year-old mother and the family's young children. How could he have extra money? He pleaded with Shao Li, but it was no use. Because Shao Li did not receive any money, he sentenced Liu Yuanzhen to three years of forced labor and sent her to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding City. While in the labor camp, Liu Yuanzhen suffered from such abuse as being forced to stand up straight for long hours, being exposed to the hot sun, electric shocks and the insult of having half of her head shaved. She eventually suffered a mental collapse and stared blankly at her surroundings.

    8. Wang Jianping, 35 years old, from Gucheng Town; Wang Xia

    On October 29, 1999, Shao Li illegally sentenced Wang Jianping to two years of forced labor for appealing for justice for Falun Gong. Wang Jianping endured brutal tortures in the Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp. He was hung up with a rope that left many scars on his body, which still visible today.

    On October 12, 2005, around 1:00 p.m. Shao Li and his people broke into Wang Jianping's home without any arrest warrant and arrested Mr. Wang and Wang Xia, who were helping around the house. They were brought to the Gucheng Town Police Station and were brutally beaten. Then they were taken to the county police department. When Shao Li interrogated Wang Xia in his office on the second floor, he insulted Wang Xia. She could not tolerate the abuse and in desperation jumped out of the window from the second floor. Ms. Wang was severely injured, sustaining fractures in her left arm, left leg and pelvis. [Note: Falun Gong principles prohibit committing suicide or injuring oneself. Wang Xia's tragedy, though not in keeping with the principles of Falun Gong, was caused by the extreme abuse from Shao Li.]

    9. Jia Liuxi, 51 years old, from Zhengkou Town

    On August 4, 2005, Shao Li and others broke into Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jia Liuxi's home and illegally searched it. When they didn't find anything, they arrested Jia Liuxi and took her to the detention center. They illegally detained her there for 40 days. After being extorted out of 5,000 yuan, she was released. To avoid further harassment from Shao Li, the whole family left their home and became homeless.

    10. Li Shulin, 33 years old, from Dashangchuang Village, Jianguo Town

    Mr. Li Shulin has a business in Zhengkou. Shao Li knew he had money. In July 2005, Shao Li and his people broke into Li Shulin's home and searched it. They arrested him and took him to a detention center, where he was detained illegally for three months. After Li Shulin paid 10,000 yuan in extortion fees, Shao Li released him.

    11. Meng Guoai, 38 years old, from Gucheng County

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Meng Guoai was the deputy director of the Gucheng Wine Factory. In August 2005, he was deceived into going to the county police department, whereupon he was arrested and later sent to a detention center. Shao Li knew that Mr. Meng was really needed to manage the factory. He threatened to send Meng Guoai to a forced labor camp and extorted tens of thousands of yuan from Mr. Meng's family in exchange for his release.

    12. Liu Zenglin, 70 years old

    Mr. Liu Zenglin was arrested in the spring of 2004. During his detention he had a stroke brought on by the persecution. Even so, Shao Li still demanded the family to pay him 10,000 yuan in exchange for Mr. Liu's release. Because Liu Zenglin's family was unable to pay the money, Shao Li sentenced Mr. Liu to five years in prison. Liu Zenglin is now detained in the Shijiazhuang Prison and his life is presently in danger.

    More than 100 practitioners have for several years been subjected to Shao Li's acts of persecution, extortion, and other unconstitutional acts against his fellow Chinese citizens. According to the partial information we collected, the money this individual has extorted amounts to over 400,000 yuan. He is personally responsible for two of the practitioners being sentenced to prison, and more than 50 were sent to forced labor. More than 1,000 practitioners have been illegally detained or are serving their sentences beyond their terms. Just in 2005 alone, Shao Li arrested 20 practitioners. Because so many family members and friends of practitioners suffered as well, due to implication, it is difficult to estimate the full impact of Shao Li's misdeeds.

    The Details about the Death of Practitioner Ms. Deng Shiying, Who Died as a Result of Torture in the Women's Prison of Jilin Province

    Ms. Deng Shiying, 42, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Longtan District, Jilin City in Jilin Province. Because she refused to give up her faith in Falun Gong, she was subjected to brutal torture in the Women's Prison of Jilin Province. She passed away on July 19, 2003. The prison guards ordered six to seven prisoners, including Jin Shunhua (female), to brutally beat Ms. Deng. Ms. Deng was rendered unconscious, was unable to eat, felt nauseated and vomited constantly, and fell into a coma for an extended period. She experienced severe pain over her entire body.

    On September 15, 2002, Ms. Deng Shiying was held in the Yongji County Detention Center for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. On February 18, 2003, Ms. Deng was illegally sentenced to seven years of imprisonment. At the beginning of March 2003, she was put into the Women's Prison of Jilin Province, where she was subjected to brutal torture.

    In June 2003, prison guards went to Ms. Deng Shiying's house to extort money from her husband, who refused to give them anything. Then the prison guards went to Ms. Deng Shiying's mother's house to extort money. Ms. Deng Shiying's mother said, "If you release her, we will find ways to treat her and we will send her back to you after she recovers." The prison guards rejected this request. Ms. Deng Shiying's mother wanted to see her daughter, but the prison guards refused.

    On July 17, 2003, one day before Ms. Deng Shiying passed away, two prison guards from the Women's Prison of Jilin Province went from Changchun City, where the prison is located, to Ms. Deng Shiying's house in Jilin City, in order to extort 3000 yuan from Ms. Deng's family. Ms. Deng's family only gave them 500 yuan at that time.

    On July 18, 2003, the prison called Ms. Deng Shiying's house over ten times to urge her family members to quickly pick up Ms. Deng. When the family members saw Ms. Deng, she was already unconscious and close to death.

    The family members took Ms. Deng Shiying from the prison and quickly sent her to the No. 2 Hospital of the Tiedong Chemical Industry Factory of Jilin City for emergency rescue. The doctor told the family members that Ms. Deng Shiying's entire body has failed. She suffered from a ruptured gallbladder, atrophied cerebellum, fibrosis of the brain nerves, calcification of the inside of the cerebellum, and severe damage to all of her organs.

    At 1:00 p.m. on July 19, 2003, due to the brutal torture she suffered at the Women's Prison of Jilin Province, Ms. Deng Shiying passed away.

    More Information on the Debilitating Torture Chongqing Practitioner Ms. Wei Hua Suffered in a Mental Hospital

    On January 11, 2006, the Minghui website published a report on Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wei Hua, who was tortured at the Chongqing Brainwashing Center until she was at the brink of death. The following is additional information on the persecution of Ms. Wei Hua.

    Right now she is completely paralyzed, incontinent, cannot speak, and her right hand and leg are swollen. She requires special care.

    Wei Hua is a retired worker from the Xiejiawan Trade Company and had lived in the Jiulongpo District, Chongqing. She was illegally arrested and taken to the Nanshan Brainwashing Center in the Nanan District, Chongqing for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. Communist regime agents from the Jiulongpo District 610 Office, the Xiejiawan Street Party Committee and from the Xiejiawan Trade Company's "610 Office" tried to brainwash her, but she firmly resisted the persecution. During the last stage of the brainwashing session, she held a hunger strike to protest the persecution.

    Yang Zhixue is the main person in charge of the brainwashing center. Because Wei Hua resisted the persecution, Xiejiawan Street Party Committee Secretary Yu and other evildoers claimed that she suffered from schizophrenia. They contacted a psychiatrist from the Jiulongpo District General Mental Hospital to conspire with them against Wei Hua. The psychiatrist asked Wei Hua a few questions and quickly declared that she had a mental disorder. They forcibly sent her to the Shipingqiao Branch of the Jiulongpo District Mental Hospital, the former Mine Machine Factory Employee Hospital. They also forced her family to sign a consent form to agree to send her to the mental hospital.

    Wei Hua underwent a thorough examination upon entering the hospital. She was given a ludicrous diagnosis, "culture-oriented psychiatric disorder." Hospital administrator Yang Changrong and doctor Liu used psychiatric medications to torture her. Between November 23 and November 24, 2005 they turned a completely healthy person into a confused, incontinent invalid who was running a fever, could not speak or recognize people, and could move only her right arm and leg. The 120 Emergency Response staff from the Hospital affiliated with the Chongqing Medical University refused to accept her after they took one look at her.

    Her family took her home. They inquired what drugs Yang Changrong and doctor Liu used on her and asked for her prescription list and medical record. Yang Changrong and doctor Liu denied using any medication on her and said, "There is no prescription list or medical record, because the doctor is in charge of the drugs being used." They also insisted that Wei Hua was healthy at the hospital and fell gravely ill only after she returned home.

    We ask all kind-hearted people to pay attention to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioner Wei Hua and help stop this atrocity.

    Organizations, institutions and individuals responsible for the persecution of Ms. Wei Hua:

    Xiejiawan Street Party Committee in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing City
    Address: Building 28, No 5 Wenhua Village, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing
    Zip code: 400050
    Zhu Ling: head of Committee, 86-23-68481691 (Office)
    Yu: female, secretary, 86-23-68481686
    Du Chaojun: head of Xiujiawan Neighborhood Party Committee in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing City, 86-23-68717189 (Office)
    Yang Zhixue: in charge of Nanshan Brainwashing Center in Nanan District, Chongqing City
    Jiulongpo District General Mental Hospital in Chongqing: 86-23-65264425
    Shipingqiao Branch of the Jiulongpo District Mental Hospital, the former Mine Machine Factory Employee Hospital
    Address: No 116 Zheng Street, Shipingqiao, Chongqing
    Yang Changrong: head of hospital, 86-13098669021(Cell), 86-23-68961034
    Liu: doctor, 86-13098669021(Cell), 86-23-68961034
    Xiejiawan Police Department in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing
    Guo Xiaochun: head of police department
    Wang Ke: political head
    Chen Ken: police officer,
    Wang Song: political head
    Jiang Zhiquan: police officer
    Li Hongping: police officer
    Chen Wei: National Security Bureau agent
    Chen Gang: officer at No 1 Section of Jiulongpo District Police Department in Chongqing
    Qin Bo: officer at No 1 Section of Jiulongpo District Police Department in Chongqing
    Qiu: section head

    The "610 Office" in Ningyuan County, Hunan Province Beat Ms. Chen Xiaoling

    On December 25, 2005, the district attorney's office in Ningyuan County in Hunan Province prosecuted Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen Xiaoling. They accused her of "obstructing justice through a cult organization." They attempted to force her to give up her practice by sentencing her to a jail term and depriving her of employment.

    Ms. Chen Xiaoling was a resident of Ningyuan County, Hunan Province. She was a staff member of the county education department. She suffered from rheumatism-like joint inflammation. Her hand and knee joints were both distorted and she could not take care of herself. After she learned Falun Gong, she no longer took any pills or shots, and her shape was gradually improving. She has become healthy, her body is no longer inflamed, she can write with her hands, and other symptoms have also disappeared.

    Ms. Chen was a steadfast practitioner. Since July 20, 1999, people from the 610 Office and the political and security group in the police department have gone to her home many times to search for Falun Gong books. She has been arrested and taken to the Ningyuan Detention Center and has been persecuted. Her wages have been withheld since May 2005 and she does not have any means to support herself.

    On September 6, 2005, six policemen led by Zhou Yaoming and Liu Yunfei broke into Ms. Chen's home. Liu slapped her a few times, and Zhou slapped her too. Ms. Chen could not sleep for two nights after that incident. Her brother fought back by slapping Zhou. Zhou chased after him, slapped him several times and ordered him to be taken to the police station. Later they put him in jail for 7 days.

    Five days later, the police arrested Ms. Chen when she was shopping. They put her in the Ningyuan Detention Center for 17 days, where she shared the same cell with an elderly practitioner named Peng Gerong.

    On October 25, the police called Ms. Chen's brother and told him that they had indicted her and wanted him to urge her to cooperate with the police. They wanted to find out who gave her the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and how she maintained contact with practitioners overseas.

    It has been 8 months since Ms. Chen got her last paycheck. Her sister, who works as an hourly laborer in Guangdong Province, supports her. Ms. Chen spends only two yuan a day for her living expenses. The "610 Office" threatened and subjected her father and two brothers to brainwashing, so they were afraid and constantly applied pressure on Ms. Chen.

    Organizations and individuals who participated in persecuting Ms. Chen:

    The Head of "610 Office" in Ningyuan County, Zhou Yaoming:
    86-746-7229610, 86-746-7222103, 86-13974642549 (Cell)
    The Captain of the National Security Team in the Ningyuan Police Department, Liu Feyun:
    86-746-7223539, 86-746-7232703, 86-13874385880 (Cell)
    The Instructor at the National Security Team in the Ningyuan Police Department, Li Maojun:
    86-746-7223539, 86-746-7233059, 86-13874386429 (Cell)
    The Court in Ningyuan County, Jiang Tianyong:
    86-746-7223560, 86-746-7223295, 86-13974648995
    The Deputy secretary of the Ningyuan County Committee, Guo Ding:
    86-746-7224959, 86-13707466621 (Cell)
    The Director of the Education Bureau in Ningyuan County, Li Youcai:
    86-746-732221297, 86-746-7223667, 86-13974648856 (Cell)
    Other's names and phone numbers:
    Zhang Luo, Chief of the County Police Department:
    86-746-7223015 (Office), 86-13974689715 (Cell)
    Jiang Wenwang, Assistant to the Chief:
    86-746-7222878 (Office), 86-13707466831 (Cell)
    Zhou Yaoming, the director of "610 Office":
    86-746-7229610 (Office), 86-746-7222103 (Home), 86-13974642549 (Cell)
    Le Yongzhen, Deputy Director of the "610 Office": 86-746-7229610 (Office), 86-746-7223688 (Home), 86-13974649800 (Cell)
    Liu Yunfei, Captain of the National Security Team:
    86-746-7223539 (Office), 86-746-7232703 (Home), 86-13874385880 (Cell)
    Li Maojun, Instructor in the National Security Team:
    86-746-7223539 (Office), 86-746-7233059 (Home), 86-13874386429 (Cell)

    The Facts of the Persecution in Handan Labor Camp in January 2006

    In order to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their faith, the Handan City Labor Camp in Hebei Province is still torturing detained Falun Gong practitioners. Below is a portion of the evil deeds committed during January 2006.

    On January 13, 2006, Camp Director Zhang Xiuping and Deputy Director Wei (both male) instructed guards Yao Jainming and Wang Zhiming (both male) to shock Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ma Junka (56 years old, from Quzhou County) with electric batons, to kick him, and to slap him in the face. Mr. Ma's eyes and nose were bleeding and his nose was broken.

    On January 16, 2006, at 10:50 a.m., Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Chang Xiwen (56 years old, from Ci County) refused to write an "article of understanding" to renounce Falun Gong. Prison guards Yao Jianming, Wang Zhiming, Li Haiming, and Gao Jinli (all male) stripped Mr. Chang, tied him up with leather belts, shocked him for 30 minutes with four electric batons, and then beat him with rubber batons, while ordering prisoners to hold him down. After this brutal beating, Mr. Chang could not take care of himself for more than two weeks.

    During the night of January 24, 2006, Deputy Director Wei instructed guards Wang Zhiming, Li Haiming, Gao Jinli, Xing Yansheng (all male) and three other guards to tie practitioner Mr. Bo Zhaoshan onto two poles fashioned like a cross. They then shocked him with four electric batons and tried to force him to write the Four Statements to renounce Falun Gong.

    Around January 2, 2006, guard Gao Fei (male) and officer Shen from the Education Office took practitioner Mr. Li Zhen to their dorm and brutally beat him for more than three hours with electric and rubber batons. After five days of torture, Mr. Li wrote the Four Statements.

    Currently, more than ten steadfast practitioners, including Mr. Wang Zhiwu and Mr. Huang Yunzhang, have been separated onto different wards. They are refused visitors, phone calls, and the use of their own money.

    Phone number of the Special Ward detaining Falun Gong practitioners, 86-310-4010193

    Additional Persecution News from China - January 15, 2006

    1. [Jilin Province] Practitioner Mr. Lu Shulin, Sentenced to Six Years of Imprisonment, Is Currently Jailed in Jilin Prison and at Risk of Dying

    2. [Penglai City, Shandong Province] Mr. Cai Yucong Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp for the Second Time

    Led by Nie Xijun from the local police department, police arrested Mr. Cai Yucong in November 2005. He has been sentenced to forced labor camp for the second time.

    3. [Hua County, Henan Province] Practitioner Li Junxian Arrested Recently While Working as a Nanny for a Family at Retired Cadres Residence of the Military Sub-area, Xinxiang City

    4. [Zhaoyuan County, Shandong Province] Four Practitioners Arrested

    On November 30, 2005, at 6:00 p.m., local police led by Wang Aijun arrested practitioners Yu Meiguang and Ding Zhaosheng at their home and sent them to a brainwashing center.

    At 10:00 a.m. on December 1, 2005, practitioner Liu Fengying was arrested at home.

    At 2:00 p.m. on December 22, 2005, some village cadres and Wang Aijun forced practitioner Zhang Shuxiang into a brainwashing center for distributing truth clarification materials the day before.

    5. [Chengdu City, Sichuang Province] Practitioner Zhou Yaping Arrested and Jailed in Shuangliu County Detention Center

    Police officer Liang Hongquan from Chengguan Township Police Station, Shuangliu County, arrested practitioner Mr. Zhou Yaping, 36, on December 28, 2005. He is now being jailed in Shuangliu County Detention Center.

    6. [Leshan, Sichuan Province] Practitioners Chen Yanjun and Zeng Liu'er Arrested

    On the evening of December 12, 2005, practitioner Chen Yanjun went to practitioner Zeng Liu'er's home to help install a CD burner when the police surrounded them. Mr. Zeng's income of 1000 yuan from hairstyling was also taken away. Chen Yanjun's whereabouts is unknown.

    7. [Tianjin City] Practitioner Ms. Li Ping Arrested

    Ms. Li Ping, born in 1973, lives in Buidling 19, Pingkaili, Xingang, Tanggu, Tianjin. She was arrested on December 19, 2005. Four police officers led by Lou Hongjie ganged up with a neighborhood committee and went to her home to take away her brother's computer. Li Ping is being jailed in Zhaojiadi Detention Center.

    8. [Dagang District, Tianjin City] Zhang Yunqiu Arrested for Writing to the Police

    Ms. Zhang Yuqiu is a kind woman in her 40's. She was previously sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp in 2001 for posting materials to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. After she was released, she told everyone with whom she came in contact about Falun Gong. Later, she wrote to the Tianjin City Police Department, Dagang District Police Department and to forced labor camps to inform them of the truth about Falun Gong. She was then arrested on December 17, 2005. She is still being held in the Dagang District Detention Center. According to sources, the incident was due to an assigned quota by Tianjin City Police Department. All districts apparently have received a quota to arrest practitioners.

    9. [Baotou City, Inner Mongolia] Several Practitioners Detained

    On December 25, 2005, practitioners Hao Wanru and Liu Yan were clarifying the truth when police officers from Baotou Jiuyuan District Chengguan Township Police Station and the National Security Group from the local police department arrested them. Having heard about the incident, three other practitioners, including Ms. Tao Wenhong and Ms. Tao Wenyan, went to visit Ms. Hao and Ms. Liu in the police station and ended up being jailed in Jiuyuan District Police Department, National Security Squad. To date, five practitioners are being held in Baotou City Detention Center: Ms.Hao Wanru, Ms.Liu Yan, Ms. Tao Wenhong, Ms. Tao Wenyan and Ms. Yin Xia.

    Local police in Dalaqi, Neimeng arrested practitioners Guo Meijie and Chen Min from Zhaodong City, Heilongjiang Province. They were originally being held at Daliqi Detention Center. On January 5, 2006, the Dalaqi Court gave Guo Meijie a 3-year sentence and Chen Min a 2-year and six-month sentence. They are now jailed in the Delaqi Detention Center.

    10. [Suizhong County, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Mr. Liu Wanli has been Jailed in Suizhong County Detention Center since his November 2005 Arrest

    11. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Practitioners Ms. Liu Mei, Ms. Sui Guiqin, and Ms. Wang Xiuxia Contracted Tuberculosis While Jailed in Shenyang Women's Prison in Liaoning Province

    12. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Liu Chunhua Sent to Masanjia after Being Sentenced

    Ms. Liu Chunhua from Dalian City was arrested for distributing the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in Qixianling District in Dalian City. She was sent to the Liaoning Women's Prison in Masanjia in the early morning of December 14, along with another female practitioner (name unknown) who is a teacher.

    13. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Guo Xiangyu Brutally Tortured in Jidong Prison

    Police from Baoding City, Hebei Province arrested Mr. Guo Xiangyu while he was clarifying the truth in September 2002 and sent him to Xushui Detention Center. He went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. After being jailed for over a year, he was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment before being sent to Tangshan Jidong Prison, No. 5 Group. He has been tortured by the police. He was shackled for three months, made to sit on the tiger bench for 15 days, and locked up in a small cell for ten months. He was later sent to a brainwashing center and not allowed to go home.

    14. [Jianping County, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Mu Xiuhua Sentenced to Forced Labor for Two Years

    Ms. Mu Xiuhua from Jianping County was monitored by Chaoyang Police Department for accessing web sites forbidden by the CCP. On November 8, 2005, the National Security Group arrested him, and he was jailed in Jianping County Detention Center. Without any legal process, he was sentenced to two years and sent to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang on December 1, 2005.

    15. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Zheng Aizhen, Liang Wenyi Arrested while Distributing Materials Exposing the Truth of the Persecution

    Zheng Aizhen and Liang Wenyi, both 47 years old, went missing while distributing truth clarification materials on December 2005. Their families went to the local police to demand their release, but the public security denied that they arrested the practitioners and refused to tell the family members where they were being held. According to sources, the practitioners were arrested by staff of a working group sent from Beijing.

    Gao Youzhen, a 60-year-old practitioner, was also arrested six weeks ago while distributing truth clarification materials. No one knows where she is being held.

    16. [Ningxia] Practitioner Yang Jie Sentenced to Three and a Half Years in Prison

    Ms. Yang Jie from Zhongwei City was arrested by police in October 2005. She was recently sentenced to three years and six months in prison.

    After July 20, 1999, Ms. Yang Jie went to Beijing twice to appeal for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong. She was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp. During her imprisonment, she appealed her case and refused to give up her faith. Her term was extended by a year. During the three years she was in Ningxia Women's Forced Labor Camp, she endured 16-17 hours per day of hard labor, with electric baton beatings, brutal force feeding, hands shackled behind her back and hanging by handcuffs. She was being brutally beaten by inmates, forced to stand facing a wall for hours, forced to sit on a small bench and forced to watch TV programs that slander Falun Gong, and coerced to renounce her beliefs. She has sustained tremendous damage to her mind and body. Even after she was released from the forced labor camp, she was harassed by the police.

    Ms Yang Jie was sent to Ningxia Women's Prison on January 12, 2006.

    Responsible persons' phone numbers:

    Han Shengli, Police Department Chief: 86-952-2018856 (Office), 86-13995265368 (Cell)

    Wang Xueren, associate chief of Shizuishan City Police Department
    (Responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong): 86-952-2012861 (Office), 86-13995122669 (Cell)

    Some Crimes Committed by Wang Yongxiang, Head of Daqing Prison

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    For a long time, captors at the Daqing Prison have been cruelly tortured illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners. At least 46 Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death [while in the prison] since July 1999. The jailers at the Daqing Prison continue to commit crimes against Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners. Since October 2005, the newly appointed head of the prison Wang Yongxiang has personally directed guards and inmates to torture and abuse Falun Gong practitioners.

    Below is a list of some of the crimes Wang Yongxiang has committed against Falun Gong:

    Since November 2005, Wang Yongxiang has forced Falun Gong practitioners to do slave labor for extended periods of time. The work includes weaving flax for more than 13 hours a day. Some practitioners are forced to work even when they are ill and are not given any breaks.

    Wang Yongxiang ordered his subordinates to detain Falun Gong practitioners in solitary confinement, tie them in a metal chair and savagely torture them. With his encouragement, Dong Menghuan, Li Fengjiang, Li Hongda, Li Liancai, Guo Liyang, Zhang Dezhi, Wang Anhui and others who tortured Falun Gong practitioners Xu Jishan and Yuan Qingjiang to death are still grossly abusing persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.

    Wang Yongxiang physically and verbally abuses Falun Gong practitioners and also withholds their food.

    Since January 26, 2006, more than 20 Falun Gong practitioners held at Daqing Prison went on a protest hunger strike and demanded an end to the persecution. These practitioners are still on hunger strike: Jin Sheng, Yao Bin, Bo Fanwei, Deng Qingshan, Jiang Derong, Wang Junfeng, Wang Yudong, Wu Chunwen, Wu Chunwen, Liu Guifu, Zhang Xingye, Li Ronghong, Zuo Guoyan, Zhao Yu'an, Sun Tienong, Qiu Xuezhi, Li Huifeng, Li Hai, Zhang Zhi, Li Zhanbin, Di Zhibin, Li Chao, Zhang Xiufeng.

    Police Officer Yan Meimin in Xi'an City Continues to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    Yan Meimin, head of Yanta District Police Department National Security Group in Xi'an City, chose to follow Jiang's criminal communist regime. He continues to personally commit crimes against Falun Gong practitioners, such as Li Xiaoyun, Li Xueyi, Sun Shulan and others.

    Falun Gong practitioner Li Xiaoyun and her brother Li Xueyi from Ningxia Autonomous Region were illegally arrested when distributing truth clarification materials. Police officer Yan Meimin savagely beat them, thereby violating Chinese laws. The two practitioners are now being held at a detention center. They have no winter clothing or blankets.

    Yan Meimin also brutally tortured Falun Gong practitioner Sun Shulan, who distributed Falun Gong truth clarification materials. Sun Shulan is currently detained at the Ankang Hospital in Xi'an City.