The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- August 9, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Many Falun Gong Practitioners on Hunger Strike in Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp

  • Quan Huiping of Xiangtan, Hunan Province Suffers Persecution for Seven Years - Husband Dies Unjustly

  • The Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners from Ezhou City, Hubei Province Being Persecuted (Part I)

  • Falun Gong Practitioners Brutally Beaten and Enslaved by the Changsha Women's Prison

  • After Severe Torture,  Zhang Peiyun from Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province is Illegally Given Nine and a Half Year Sentence

  • Award-Winning Teacher Mr. Li Ganlin Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp

  • Additional Information about Falun Gong Practitioners Still Imprisoned in Shaoyang City, Hunan Province

  • Many Falun Gong Practitioners on Hunger Strike in Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp

    Many Falun Gong practitioners are detained in the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. In order to protest the persecution, practitioners began a group hunger strike on August 1, 2006. Guards have brutally force-fed the practitioners.

    Guard Li Jiangfeng (male) has been calling Falun Gong practitioners' families, asking them to visit these practitioners recently, and threatened that if these practitioners still refuse to eat, they would be force-fed. All the family members were asked to sign their names on a piece of paper stating that if these practitioners' lives are in danger, the labor camp administration is absolutely not responsible.

    Quan Huiping of Xiangtan, Hunan Province Suffers Persecution for Seven Years - Husband Dies Unjustly

    My name is Ms. Quan Huiping, a retired employee of the Jiangbin Machine Factory in Xiangtan, Hunan. During the seven years since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, I have been illegally arrested, detained, locked up and kept in a forced labor camp over a dozen times, only because of my belief in Falun Gong.

    Before practicing, I used to be very ill. December 20, 1996 is the date that I will never forget. On this day, I was fortunate enough to get to know the universal law. I practiced according to "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," and all my diseases disappeared. I was given a second life by Teacher.

    After the Jiang and Luo regime began to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, I no longer had a peaceful life. The Dahualing Police Station and my factory’s security section continuously harassed me and forced me to quit my job.

    I had to leave home, and in August 1999, my husband and I went to live with my older sister at her home. A few days later, Dai Qunxing from the Dahualing Police Station made a special trip to Changde. He forcibly took my husband and I to the brainwashing center, and compelled me to hand in my Falun Gong books. He also threatened my family and kept us from walking out of the Jiangbin Machine Factory. The entire time he was around us, we were monitored closely.

    On December 11, 1999, I went to Beijing with several fellow practitioners to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. We arrived in Tiananmen on the 16th. The police deceived us into getting in a car and locked us up in an iron cage. Police beat male practitioner Xiao Wang and knocked out his teeth. At the sight of this, I grabbed a bag from Xiao Wang that contained Falun Gong books and banners and held it in my arms. The police said, "Hand over the bag, so the young person (Xiao Wang) won’t suffer." Then the police forcefully took the bag from me and tore the books. I shouted, "Falun Dafa is great!"

    Before they detained us in an iron cage, the police searched our bodies and forced a young pregnant lady to take off her clothes, leaving her only in her underpants. Also nearby, an air force colonel was detained in an iron cage. The police pointed a gun at him and interrogated him four times. Each time he was beaten unconscious and then revived. Some practitioners with us had their hands injured by the handcuffs the police put on them.

    I was sent to the Xiangtan Office in Beijing and some people came to pick us up by air, even though that was totally unnecessary. They simply wanted to turn it into a vacation. Liu Guoxiong from Dahualing Police Station even brought his wife and another person Zhang from the police department We had to pay for all of their expenses, including meals and a few hundred yuan for medicine, costing us 6,000 yuan in total. On December 19, 1999, they escorted me to the local detention center and held me for fifteen days.

    When I came out of the detention center on January 1, 2000, the police brought my family to the security section of the Dahualing Police Station. Factory Office chief Wang Changyuan and Dai Shengyun pounded the table and cursed at me. They did not allow me to speak and forced my family to watch me. The police threatened my family members to condemn me and force me to write the guarantee statement. The police then said that if my family members did not agree to this, they would not let me go home. My younger daughter was frightened and bought Liu some gifts, and only then was I released. After that, I no longer received a pension. I was arrested on major holidays and politically sensitive days, and I was supervised by two people. The persecution was even extended to my family members.

    On April 6, 2000, several fellow practitioners and I practiced the exercises together. At around noon, Dai Qunxing from the Dahualing Police Station led eight people to seize me, forcibly taking me to the drug rehabilitation center and detained me for fifteen days. In there I had to wash clothes, cook meals, wash dishes, clean the toilets, and clean the floors for over ten people.

    I wrote an appeal letter in May 2000 and was reported on when I went to photocopy the letter. I was arrested and detained for fifteen days.

    My husband and I went to Beijing to appeal on December 28, 2000, but we were caught on the train. I refused to tell them my name, so I was tortured in the basement of the Hunan Office in Beijing. I was then transferred to the Chang Hospice of the Changsha Furong Office. I was sent back on December 31. Later, I went to my older sister’s home. The police issued a warrant for my arrest and looked for me everywhere. I was arrested on February 25 and sentenced to eighteen months of forced labor on March 28, 2001.

    At Baimalong Forced Labor Camp, I was mentally tortured every day by over ten people.

    I was released in advance on October 9, 2001, with the help of a fellow practitioner. I published my solemn declaration on the Minghui website on October 16 and declared that under the high pressure in the labor camp and deceit, all my words and actions that did not comply with Falun Gong were null and void. I went to the Dahualing Police Station and the factory’s security section on October 18, and declared the "transformation" void.

    The evildoers from the Dahualing Police Station and the factory’s security section wanted me to write some bad things against my will so that they could record them. I refused to cooperate and was supervised around the clock.

    On the morning of February 7, 2002, several policemen from the Dahualing Police Station came to my home and attempted to arrest me. They tried to deceive my family by saying that they wanted to send me to the hospital, but left after my daughter took a stand against them. Later that night, policeman Li Sheng came to my home, saying that he only wanted to ask me some questions at the police station. He said it would only take half an hour. Of course, this was a lie.

    Once I got there, the police locked me up. Unable to deal with the blow of my being detained once again, my husband passed away in the afternoon of February 9.

    When the police interrogated me in the detention center, I said, "I practice Falun Gong. I have committed no crime, so I request an unconditional release."

    I went on a hunger strike for sixteen days and was force-fed. A policeman surnamed Tan pried my teeth open with a bamboo stick in one hand, and lifted my cheek with the other hand, shouting that he wanted to kill me. He cursed at me while force-feeding me, and several prisoners held me down. I was detained until late March. I said to my daughter when she picked me up from the detention center, "Let’s go to see your dad in the hospital." She replied, "Dad passed away on the second day after you were arrested." I was speechless, as the persecution had torn my family apart even more.

    On October 1, 2003, I went to Yijiawan to put up truth-clarification posters, and someone reported me to the police. A policeman from the Yijiawan Police Station poured ice cold water on my head, and then tried to ignite a lighter on my hair, saying, "Too bad this is water and not gasoline." A young policeman viciously kicked me in the back. They refused to let me sleep that night. They tried to freeze me with the cold wind and did not allow me to use the toilet. Due to the torture, my whole body cramped up and I lost control of my bowels. Dai Qunxing from the Dahualing Police Station and staff from Yijiawan Police Station tried all sorts of ways to keep me in the detention center. I became emaciated from the torture, but the police still refused to allow my family to visit.

    I was sent to the forced labor camp on December 12, 2003 to serve an eighteen month sentence. I did not pass the health check at the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp in Zhuzhou, and I could not stand up, so they hung me from the metal window bars. I shouted, "Falun Dafa is great." The police played a tape loudly and sealed my mouth with adhesive tape. They only let me down when they saw that my condition had worsened. The police later sent me to the detention center, but I was not accepted. Finally, they took me to the Dahualing Police Station and notified my second son-in-law to carry me home.

    After I came back, I resumed my practice and Fa study and recovered very quickly. However, the 610 Office members still came to harass and threatened me, "We can send you to forced labor camp at any time."

    On March 11, 2004, policemen Li Sheng and Dai Qunxing came to take me to the brainwashing center, but I refused to open the door. They then found my daughter and tried to force her to allow them into our home, but she refused. Because she was intimidated by their presence, she and my son-in-law did not come home.

    Policeman Li Sheng said that he would carry me out by force, but I firmly refused to cooperate. I explained the facts to them while sending forth righteous thoughts, and said that I committed no crime, so I would not go. The police in the end did not succeed.

    They forced my youngest daughter to go a month without work and watch me at all times.

    At about 7:00 p.m. on February 24, 2005, a group of people came from the residential committee and the police sub-bureau. I recognized He Weixin and Zhang from the security section of the factory among the group. They ransacked my home and confiscated Teacher’s new articles. They returned in an hour but I did not open the door. They stayed there until midnight. The next day, they came to arrest me, but I refused to open the door again. Several policemen waited outside but left after a long time.

    I went to my hometown in Sichuan on January 7, 2006, to clarify the truth and visit my 95-year-old father. Policeman Dai Qunxing found out where I was heading and tried to stop me from leaving the house. I went to the train station and a taxi driver said, "I’ll take you. There is nothing wrong with Falun Gong. If you want to go to Beijing, I’ll drive you there." Under Teacher’s protection and fellow practitioners’ righteous thoughts, the police did not prevail. I arrived in Sichuan smoothly and advised over one hundred people to quit the CCP and its affiliated groups.

    The Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners from Ezhou City, Hubei Province Being Persecuted (Part I)

    Mr. Cao Zhenguo, about 37 years old, is an Ezhou City Steel Factory worker. Twice in 1999 he exercised his right to appeal in Beijing for justice concerning Falun Gong. For this, in January 2000 he was arrested and then illegally sentenced to eighteen months in a forced labor camp. Right after he came back from Shahe Forced Labor Camp, in February 2001, he was arrested and sent to the Ezhou City Lianhuashan Brainwashing Center. Since he refused to cooperate with the police, he was sent to Ezhou City's 1st Detention Center for seven months.

    In January 2002, Mr. Cao was arrested again for clarifying the truth, and was illegally sentenced in a closed trial to nine years in prison. Currently he is detained in Duanqinkou Prison in Wuhan City and is being subjected to brainwashing.

    Mr. Cao's wife, Ms. Li Shaoxian, also works for the Ezhou Steel Factory. She was given an illegal sentence of eighteen months by the Xishan Police Station of Ezhou City for refusing the renounce Falun Gong. She was sent to the Wuhan City Shizishan Forced Labor Camp. She was released after seven months.

    Mr. Li Shaojun, who is Cao Zhengguo’s relative, disappeared after he went to Beijing to appeal to the government on July 20, 1999. To this day, no one knows his whereabouts. Mr. Cao’s mother-in-law was illegally detained many times and sent to brainwashing centers for practicing Falun Gong. With her family suffering the turmoil of government sanctioned persecution, she passed away a few years ago.

    Mr. Zhang Jiaying is currently about 45 years old and works for the Ezhou City Concrete Factory. In May 2001, the 610 Office in Ezhou City illegally detained him under weak criminal charges and ransacked his home, due to suspicion that he was distributing truth-clarification materials regarding the "self-immolation incident at Tiananmen Square. Later, he was illegally sentenced to seven years in prison. Currently he is detained in Duanqinkou Prison in Wuhan City and being persecuted.

    With no regard for the rule of law, the authorities had Mr. Zhang’s wife, Yanmei, laid off, even though she was not a practitioner. The ensuing financial strain led her to jump from a building and commit suicide on January 28, 2003. At that time, she had a 15-year-old son going to junior high school. He was last heard going to his home village in Hongan, Hubei Province.

    In 2000, Mr. Zhang was put under administrative detention for fifteen days and criminal detention for over a month as a result of his 1999 appeal to Beijing for justice for Falun Gong.

    Mr. Hu Zhigang, about 32 years old, is an Ezhou Steel Factory worker. In January 2000, he was illegally sentenced to forced labor camp for eighteen months for twice appealing to Beijing authorities in 1999 for justice for Falun Gong.

    In January 2002, he was arrested again for clarifying the truth and sentenced in a closed court to six years. He is currently detained in Wuhan City's Duanqinkou Prison.

    Mr. Hu's wife, Ms. Li, has suffered much persecution for practicing Falun Gong. She is not employed and was forced to go back to the countryside of Lijiang Town in Ezhou City to make a living for her and her young son. Their difficult life is compounded by the fact that she also has to deal with the welfare of her husband, who is still in jail.

    Ms. Guo Liai, over 60 years old, is a retired employee from the cafeteria in E Steel Factory. Her husband passed away in late 1999. In August 2000, due to clarifying the truth, Guo Liai was arrested and later sentenced to seven years in prison. Currently she is detained in the Hubei Women’s Prison for persecution.

    Mr. Ji Xietang, over 50 years old, is a college graduate and was the Ezhou Municipal Committee Deputy President of Trade Administration. In January 2000, he was put under illegal administrative detention for fifteen days for appealing to Beijing authorities for justice. In April, Mr. Ji was forcibly sent to the Lianhuashan Brainwashing Center in Ezhou City for refusing to renounce his belief in Falun Gong. On May 29, the 610 Office put him under illegal criminal detention. Later, he was sentenced in a closed court to five years of imprisonment.

    In May 2006, Ji Xietang went to Ezhou Municipal Committee to report the facts of persecution he had endured and to request a job assignment to lessen his financial difficulty. In late May, Sheng Zhangwen, head of the 610 Office in Ezhou City, responded with forced entry to Ji Xietang’s home. The 610 Office arrested him and sent him to Tangsun Lake in Wuhan City. Though his current situation is unknown, the Hubei Province Brainwashing Center is located there.

    Ms. Pang Zhenghui, over 60 years old, is a retired employee from E Steel Factory in the Wuhan Steel Corporation. In July 2005, Ms. Pang left her home and went from place to place in order to avoid persecution. In March 2006, she was arrested in Huangshi City, Hubei Province by personnel from the 610 Office of Ezhou City and police officers from Xishan Police Station. Currently, she is illegally detained in the No. 1 Detention Center of Ezhou City. Meanwhile, her husband remains paralyzed at home without a caretaker.

    Ms. Song Chunmei, about 45 years old, graduated from a vocational school. Prior to being laid off in 1999, she was the manager of the Ezhou City Credit Union. In 1999, Ms Song, who was serving time in prison from a financial crime, became a Falun Gong practitioner. From February to June 2001, Ms. Song was held in the Lianhuashan Brainwashing Center in Ezhou City for persecution.

    In July 2005, Ms. Song was deceived by people from the local Community Management Committee to come out of her home. She was arrested and remains illegally detained in the No. 1 Detention Center in Ezhou City to this day. Due to insufficient evidence, the court and the procuratorate have returned her case many times to the Ezhou City Police Bureau, calling for her release. Nevertheless, Sheng Zhangwen and Jin Shizhen refuse to do so.

    Ms. Guo Huanyuan, 51, is a retired employee from the Wangjia department store. In August 2000, she was held in detention for more than a month for distributing truth-clarifying materials. She was later sent to the Lanhuashan Brainwashing Center for persecution, during which time her family was extorted out of over 10,000 yuan to obtain her release.

    On the afternoon of July 28, 2005, Ms. Guo was again arrested by police officers from home, and she is detained in the No. 1 Detention Center at Ezhou City to this day. Due to insufficient evidence, the procuratorate and the court have returned her case to Ezhou City Police Bureau many times, calling for her release. However, Sheng Zhangwen and Jin Zhenshi from the 610 Office in Ezhou City refuse to release her. This time, Guo’s family was blackmailed for over 30,000 yuan to no avail in trying to gain her release.

    Ms. Wang Hanmin, over 50 years old, is a retired employee from the Datong Company in Ezhou City. After she started practicing Falun Gong, she became a leader at her workplace. After July 20, 1999, due to not giving up practicing Falun Gong, she was illegally detained many times, her home was ransacked, and she was arrested and sent to the Lianhuashan Brainwashing Center for persecution and later released.

    In November 2004, when Ms. Wang was shopping at a supermarket, she was arrested by the 610 Office in Ezhou City and sent to Hubei Province Brainwashing Center for persecution.

    In July 2005, Ms. Wang was illegally arrested, and she has been detained in the No. 1 Detention Center in Ezhou City to this day. Due to insufficient evidence, the procuratorate and the court have returned his case many times to Ezhou City Police Bureau, calling for her release. However, Sheng Wenzhang and Jin Shiwen refuse to release her.

    Falun Gong Practitioners Brutally Beaten and Enslaved by the Changsha Women's Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Cao Lingying from Huangni Township, Yongxing County, Hunan Province was illegally arrested by the police from Anren County and Yongxing County on April 8, 2003. Several other Falun Gong practitioners were also arrested. Thereafter, Cao was illegally sentenced to three years of imprisonment, and was sent to the Changsha Women's Prison in Hunan Province on December 27, 2003, for further persecution. She was beaten, tortured, subjected to slave labor and disciplinary actions along with many other Falun Gong practitioners.

    1. Physical Interrogation in the police department

    In the police department, many Falun Gong practitioners, including Cao Lingying, were subjected to physical interrogation. After seeing Cao unwilling to give in to their demands after some time, the chief of the police department, Deng Guangtan, forced her to kneel on the ground with one hand cuffed in front of her chest and the other behind her back. She was tortured by having to remain in the "carrying a sword behind the back" position while being kicked on her knees and heavily knocked on her head with books. She was deprived of sleep at night and made to kneel on the floor with both hands cuffed to the window frames. After being tortured like this for several days and nights, she was then illegally imprisoned at the County Detention Center. Another Falun Gong practitioner, Xu Yunyan's legs were crippled after rounds of ruthless beating by the police from Anren County, while another practitioner, Wu Shengying, was force fed by the police after resisting the persecution.

    2. Basic Human Freedom Deprived at the Changsha Women's Prison

    Thereafter, Cao was illegally sentenced to three years of imprisonment and was transferred to the Changsha Women's Prison on December 27, 2003 for further persecution. A dedicated "Transformation and Re-education Team" to persecute Falun Gong practitioners was set up in the Changsha Women's Prison. Each practitioner was individually monitored by the criminal convicts who were assigned to follow practitioners even when they used the washroom. Practitioners are prohibited from visiting other prison cells, giving gifts to fellow practitioners or telephoning their family and friends.

    3. Gruesome Slave Labor

    The labor tasks forced upon Falun Gong practitioners exceeded the tasks assigned to the other convicts. According to prison regulations, the older people above the age of sixty are forbidden from participating in labor work, but the older Falun Gong practitioners are still forced to work. Falun Gong practitioner Li Deyin tried to resist the labor work. Both her legs became swollen after the police forced her to stand for three days and three nights.

    Besides peeling nuts and packing tofu, Falun Gong practitioners under the "Transformation and Re-education Team" also had to make mats and weave clothes. They worked, ate, drank, excreted and slept together in the prison cells, which held more than ten people. This was both unhygienic and inhuman. Due to the humidity being very high in the room, all the bed sheets were damp. The practitioners were unable to get any rest because of the extreme temperatures during the winter.

    4. Standing Torture

    Standing torture is a very common torture method used by the police on Falun Gong practitioners. After Peng Taoxiu was found reading Falun Gong books at night, she was made to stand for three days and two nights. Cao Lingying was made to stand for five days and five nights without rest after she refused to give in to their demands. Her legs became very swollen. The policemen who participated in the persecution included Luo Juan, Mao Huimin, Xiao Ping and others. They also instigated criminal convicts Chen Shumei and Chen Jianhui to monitor practitioners and prevent them from sitting or even leaning against the wall. Practitioner Yan Hong, was tortured on the tiger bench under the hot sun after resisting the persecution. His eyesight deteriorated severely as a result.

    5. Ruthless Beatings and Confinement in a Small Cell

    In April 2004, five Falun Gong practitioners were forcibly brought to the disciplinary team and isolated behind closed doors where they were shocked with electric batons. The isolation lasted a month.

    Other criminal convicts at the prison, who are manipulated by the lies by the police, have all participated in the persecution under pressure and the lure of personal interests promised to them by the police. When practitioner Liu Daju was reading Falun Gong books at night, she was spotted by the convict on guard duty, Li Chunxia, who reported her. That night, both of Liu's hands were handcuffed to the window frame by policewoman Luo Juan, while Li Xiaoping, a criminal, brutally beat her.

    6. Clandestine Brainwashing Sessions

    In order to achieve their goal of "transforming" Falun Gong practitioners, the notorious "Transformation and Re-education Team" held a secret four-month long brainwashing session above the reception room. Each practitioner was imprisoned in a cell, monitored by two criminal convicts, and prevented from contacting anyone outside.

    The above is just the tip of the iceberg of the persecution that has occurred in the Changsha Women's Prison. There are several other more ruthless methods of persecution that remain unknown.

    After Severe Torture, Ms. Zhang Peiyun from Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province is Illegally Given Nine and a Half Year Sentence

    On February 24, 2006, the Court of East District in Panzhihua City opened a court session to try Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Peiyun. During the court appearance, it was seen that Ms. Zhang looked very different from before she was abducted. Her weight had decreased to 88 lbs. from a previous 143 lbs. She was very skinny and trembled all over. Her health condition was critical. The court did not dare to open the session at the previously designated place, so they sent her to a conference room in the detention center. The court illegally sentenced her to nine years and six months’ imprisonment. Ms. Zhang was sent to the Longquanyi Women’s Prison in Chengdu City in March 2006.

    Ms. Zhang Peiyun, 60, lives in Zaoziping, Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province. Since she started practicing Falun Gong, the illnesses she suffered for many years disappeared. She enjoyed excellent health and was becoming more and more kindhearted. However, for the past six years, this kindhearted elderly woman was repeatedly abducted and detained by lawless officials, simply because she insisted on her own belief.

    At noon on July 11, 2005, when Ms. Zhang Peiyun was walking in Zaoziping, two persons from the National Security Team illegally arrested her and sent her to the Panzhihua City Police Department. When she arrived at the police department, the police handcuffed her to the chair. At nightfall, the police covered Ms. Zhang’s head with a bag, escorted her to Jingu Restaurant and tortured her. She was hung up for nine days and nine nights. In those nine days, she was not allowed to sleep. As soon as she closed her eyes, policewoman Tian Ping poured cold water onto her chest. Her clothing was always wet.

    A heavy policeman, about 5.9 feet tall, fiercely beat Ms. Zhang Peiyun’s head, which gave her a very painful headache. Policeman Tian Ping said, "We treat Falun Gong even fiercer than those who commit homicide and arson." Tian Ping pinched Ms. Zhang’s wrists and shoulders, causing her even more pain. When Ms. Zhang was hung up on the third day, the police handcuffed her behind her back and hung her on a window. At that time, she had difficulty breathing. A young policewoman beat her, which caused her mouth to bleed. Ms. Zhang’s wrists turned black due to the hanging. She was not let down until she fainted.

    After that, the police shackled Ms. Zhang Peiyun behind her back, locked her onto the back of a chair and forced her to squat. They also shackled her on a death bed for a long time and brutally force fed her, etc.

    The long-term torture caused Ms. Zhang Peiyun’s blood pressure to rise and damaged her heart. She fell into critical condition several times. The Panzhihua Detention Center sent her to the hospital for emergency treatment several times. The detention center was afraid of taking responsibility should she die and requested that she be released several times. However, the 610 Office in Panzhihua City rejected the requests and decided to sentence Ms. Zhang.

    Award-Winning Teacher Mr. Li Ganlin Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp

    The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    Mr. Li Ganlin, a middle-aged teacher at Longquan Jr. High School in Jimo City, Shandong Province, received second place in a countywide teacher’s competition and evaluation in the year 2005, but Mr. Li was illegally and unreasonably disqualified for this honor he was entitled to only because he practices Falun Gong.

    On Wednesday afternoon (June 21, 2006), under the instigation of Jimo City’s 610 Office, the police from Longquan County Police Station secretly arrested Li Ganlin. (see /emh/articles/2006/7/13/75415.html)

    On July 2, 2006, some people from the 610 Office went to Longquan Jr. High School once again and claimed to be searching for some evidence of the crimes that Mr. Li had committed. A couple of days later, Jimo Court reportedly issued Mr. Li a one-year sentence. Mr. Li was then secretly escorted to a forced labor camp in Li Village, Qingdao City for further punishment.

    Additional Information about Falun Gong Practitioners Still Imprisoned in Shaoyang City, Hunan Province

     Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    Mr. Liu Yong, about 30, is an employee of Shaoyang City Highway Bureau. In 2003, Mr. Liu was illegally arrested and brutally tortured by some police. On April 5, 2004, the authorities in Shaoyang City gave Mr. Liu an illegal three-year sentence. Presently, he is still imprisoned in Changde jail.

    Ms. Che Xiangyang is a staff member of Zijiang Pesticide Factory in Shaoyang City, Hunan Province. On December 31, 2004, some authorities from Shuangqing District, Shaoyang City illegally arrested Ms. Che for the second time and sentenced her to Baimalong Forced Labor Camp in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province. Ms. Che was supposed to be released in December 2005, but she was sentenced to an additional one year in the forced labor camp. Currently she is still held there.

    Ms. Guo Mingqing, 41, is an employee of Zijiang Pesticide Factory in Shaoyang City, Hunan Province. On June 13, 2005, when she and her fellow Falun Gong practitioners, Huang Duzhen and Luo Lanying, were handing out truth-clarifying material, they were illegally arrested and all of their family property was confiscated. Ms. Guo Mingqing was sentenced to a forced labor camp for two years. Presently, she is still imprisoned in Baimalong Forced Labor Camp in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province. This is her second time in a forced labor camp.

    Ms. Wang Xinguo, from Shaoyang County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, was sentenced to a forced labor camp in December 2005. She is currently still imprisoned in Baimalong Forced Camp in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province.

    Mr. Luo Jiabing and his wife Ms. Jiang Yulian: Mr. Luo was once imprisoned in a newly built jail in Hunan Province where he was tortured. His wife Ms. Jiang was given a forced labor camp sentence for clarifying the facts about Falun Gong publicly. On September 15, 2005, this couple, Mr. Luo and Jiang, were both illegally arrested. On the next day, Jiang was given a two-year sentence in a forced labor camp, and her husband, Mr. Luo, was detained in a detention center for fifteen days. Because Mr. Luo kept clarifying the truth to people in the detention center, he was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp by the Shandong 610 Office. Their young daughter has been left at home with no parents to care for her.