The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- January 12, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Jiang Fuxiang's Husband Dead and Son Homeless from Persecution in Benxi City, Liaoning Province

  • Disabled Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested by Harbin City Police

  • The Persecution of Mr. Liu Changde in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province

  • Ms. Jiang Fuxiang's Husband Dead and Son Homeless from Persecution in Benxi City, Liaoning Province

    Ms. Jiang Fuxiang is a 58-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Benxi City, Liaoning Province. She has a strong belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and shares the true facts about Falun Gong with others so they too can benefit. For this, the Communist regime has illegally arrested her three times over the last seven years.

    Jiang Fuxiang’s husband was sick in bed for a long time, but was later able to care for himself thanks to the good care given by his wife, Fuxiang. Her son became a Falun Gong practitioner and was able to work part-time. Her family was not considered financially well off, but they were fairly comfortable. As a practitioner of Falun Gong, Fuxiang always thought of others first, and was willing to help where needed. On one occasion the community furnishings in their neighborhood were ruined purposely by some wicked people. The racks for drying clothes were stolen, and round tables, chairs, and stairs made of concrete were destroyed. No one was attending to these problems, and they were causing much inconvenience for her neighbors. She offered to help fix the problems with part of her family's meager income of about 700 yuan. After all the damages were repaired and the missing items replaced, residents in the community were happy and praised her for being a hard-to-find good person.

    Nonetheless this very good person was arrested three times for telling the public the truth about how the Chinese Communist regime is persecuting Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners. The last time was on September 14, 2006. She was telling some people about the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong. Someone reported her and the police arrested her. They took her son’s notebook computer and other items. The police also planned to arrest her son. A good-hearted person informed her son on his way home. He was able to get away and remains on the run, homeless, to avoid being persecuted.

    Fuxiang's poor sick husband was left home alone, with his wife in jail and son living a homeless life. He had difficulty even going down stairs. He had only a bit over 200 yuan of monthly living allowance, and daily life depended upon his married daughter, who lived away from home, and some Falun Gong practitioners' help. The older man knew his wife and son were good people and that it was not wrong to clarify the truth. Under the Communist regime there is no place where you can appeal or complain. These terrible heartbreaking circumstances, and the pain and difficulty of daily life was too great a burden for the sick 60-year-old man. He had a stroke and passed away in early December 2006.

    Jiang Fuxiang was subjected to one interrogation after another at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, before she finally returned home to see her beloved husband for the last time. They loved each other dearly and he has now left her forever. Their family used to be whole and harmonious, but now it is totally broken. The husband is deceased, and the son is homeless and doesn't know of his father's death. For Jiang Fuxiang it is truly a double tragedy and her grief is indescribable.

    In China good people like Jiang Fuxiang, who believe in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, are numerous. Their families are destroyed, because they speak out for Falun Gong. Many of these good people are tortured to death and their organs stolen, or just outright taken while they are still alive, for money from organ transplantations. All these inhumane crimes are committed by the Chinese Communist regime targeting Falun Gong practitioners. Many good Chinese people find this intolerable and have already chosen and are still choosing to quit the evil Chinese Communist Party. They chose a bright future for themselves and for the future of China.

    Disabled Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested by Harbin City Police

    On December 22, 2006, practitioners Mr. Yu Huaicai, Mr. Jin Chengshan, Ms. Jiao Xiaohua, and Ms. Cui Xin from Hulan District in Harbin City were illegally arrested by the police. Mr. Jin and Ms. Cui are both disabled and are unable to walk or even to tend to themselves.

    Mr. Yu Huaicai is approximately 40 years old. After being arrested in early December by policemen from Hulan District Police Department and Heilongjiang Provincial Police Depertment, he was detained in Hulan Detention Center for ten days. No more than three days after being released, he was once again arrested by the National Security Team of Hulan District Police Department. He has been deported to Harbin City and his present whereabouts are unknown.

    Around 2 p.m. on December 22, 2006, a group of policemen from the provincial police team including Jiang Jimin, the deputy chief of Hulan District Police Department, and Lu Wenxue, the polical instructor of the National Security Group, rushed into the home of practitioners Mr. Jin Chengshan and his wife, Ms. Jiao Xiaohua. Both husband and wife were arrested. Another practitioner, Mr. Cui Xin, was also illegally arrested from home. Both Mr. Jin Chengshan and Ms. Cui Xin are disabled. They are unable to walk or even manage their daily lives unattended. Both of them are currently imprisoned in the provincial police hospital. Jin Chengshan's wife, Ms. Jiao Xiaohua, has been imprisoned in the Second Detention Center of Harbin City.

    From early December until December 22, under the direct instructions of Heilongjiang Provincial Police Depertment, Hulan District Police Department and its stations have actively participated in the planned arrests of several practitioners that were on a list of names obtained by Heilongjiang Provincial Police Depertment. Several truth clarification material production sites have been destroyed. Apart from Jiang Jimin and Lu Wenxue, those who actively participated in the arrests include Wang Keda, the deputy leader of the National Security Group and Lin Ligang, the deputy chief of Yongxing Police Station.

    In the past few years, Jiang Jimin illegally sent more than 60 practitioners to labor camps, over 20 other practitioners were sentenced to prison, and three practitioners were tortured to death.

    The Persecution of Mr. Liu Changde in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    Mr. Liu Changde started cultivating Falun Gong in 1996. When the persecution started on July 20, 1999, Mr. Liu went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He was arrested and taken back to Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province. He was detained in Jiamusi City Railroad Police Department and the City Suburban Police Department. Police in Changfa Station later had Mr. Liu detained in Jiamusi City Detention Center. He was released after his family was extorted out of more than 300 yuan.

    In April 2000, Liu Changde took a bus to clarify the truth to policemen in Changfa Station. Policeman Qi Xugang tried to force Mr. Liu to write a guarantee letter to give up the practice, but Mr. Liu refused. He was taken to the Suburban Police Department, and detained 25 days in Jiamusi City Detention Center, where prisoners tortured him by different methods. He was released after his family was extorted out of more than 2,500 yuan, which they had to borrow.