The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- January 13, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Recalling the Savage Abuses I Was Made to Endure at Shayang Labor Camp, Jingmen City, Hubei Province

  • The Persecution in the Yongchuan Women’s Prison of Chongqing City

  • The Brutal Torture Suffered by Mr. Dou Jinbao in Changle Forced Labor Camp

  • Ms. Wang Fengying from Shandong Province Arrested, Her Bedridden Father-in-law, Near 80, Remains Without Care

  • Ms. Yu Cuilan from Changchun, Jilin Province, Disabled from Persecution, Illegally Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

  • Recalling the Savage Abuses I Was Made to Endure at Shayang Labor Camp in Jingmen City, Hubei Province

    My name is Dong Dengzhi, and I am employed at the People's Hospital in Jingshan County, Jingmen City, Hubei Province. I was arrested on August 29, 2003 for handing out Falun Gong truth-clarifying information and was sent to Shayang Forced Labor Camp in Jingmen City.

    As soon as I arrived, the camp officials designated two criminals to monitor me. They attempted to force me to write a guarantee statement, but I refused to even take up the pen. Wang Fang, one of the criminals, hit me. She tried to insert the pen into my fist. I resisted, so she poked my hand with the pen. She pushed me against the table with my hands tied behind my back and hit my spine. My left hand was injured and bled. Since my arrival at the labor camp, these two criminals have been staying in the same room with me.

    On the evening of September 2, 2003, they locked the door of my room, and Wang Fang sat by the door. The other criminal inmate, Li Rong, asked me some questions. When my answers didn't satisfy her, she beat me. She is a strong woman and hit me hard on my chest, stomach and back, keeping at it for about 30 minutes, until she became tired. Then Wang Fang continued the beating for another 30 minutes. Since I refused to cooperate, Wang Fang held my shoulders and kicked my genital area very hard, which made me scream. The next day I saw bruises on my chest. There was also a large bruise on my foot, and my legs were completely numb.

    During the afternoon of September 4, 2003, Li Rong took me to a solitary confinement cell and attempted to force me to sign my name on a repentance statement, but I refused to. Then she beat and kicked me. She pulled out a hunk of my hair and kicked my chest and stomach, which made me sweat and want to vomit. I called in my mind, "Help me, Master!" She then stopped.

    Since the perpetrators didn't get what they wanted from me, in the next couple of days they attempted to force me to say something to slander Master. I refused to cooperate, and they then tortured me. They held me to the floor and attempted to write words attacking Master on my clothes. Since I refused to allow that and resisted, they tore my clothes.

    During that time I was forced to work in the fields during the daytime, and in the evenings they deprived me of sleep. They deprived me of sleep for 14 days.

    During the evening of September 16, 2003, the two criminals Yin Yurong and Wang Fang again attempted to force me to write three guarantee letters. Since I refused, they deprived me of sleep. Before dawn the next morning these two and a guard wrote three letters and tried to force me to sign them. 

    As I was thinking about what to do, a young female guard arrived. I asked her permission to use the bathroom. She let me go, accompanied by Wang Fang. On the way back I saw that people in other rooms were already up. Then I ran to the field and shouted, "Listen, everyone! The perpetrators are persecuting me! They try to force me to do bad deeds!"

    Wang Fang tried to catch me, and other guards also ran out of the room to catch me. They inserted a wad of dirty cloth into my mouth and carried me back to the room. They held me to the floor and beat and kicked me. They slapped me and tried to force me to kneel. I told myself that I would only kneel before Master, so I sat down. They pulled my hair, trying to make me stand up. I asked Master for help, and then they stopped.

    On September 22, 2003, the criminal Yin Yurong took me to the orchard and ordered me to weed. I did this for a while. Then they suddenly pushed me to the ground on my belly. Wang Fang held my hands behind my back, and Yin Yurong sat on my legs. They pulled my thumbs, severely injuring my left thumb. I could no longer grasp anything with it. They also punched my back and spine, which made me bleed. I was hurt badly and could not move. They scratched my head and made me dizzy. The bruise on my back healed one month later.

    On September 26, 2003, they beat me at 3:00 a.m. They chose this early hour because other people would witness the beating if it took place during the daytime. Wang Fang and other criminals beat and brutally kicked me, again kicking my genital area.

    October 4, 2003, was a day following several days of rain. Guard Liu Qin came to my room at night, accompanied by collaborators. They asked me some questions. My answers didn't satisfy them, so the guard ordered me to remove my clothes and stand on the cold floor. I had to remain on that cold floor for eight hours, clad only in a short-sleeved shirt and underwear. The next morning Yin Yurong was afraid other people would see me like that, so she let me put on my clothes. Guards on duty that night wore winter jackets, but I stood on the cold floor wearing only underclothes.

    On October 6, 2003, the guards and criminals again made me stand on the cold floor wearing only underclothes. Criminal Xu Yuan opened the windows and door for several hours. Although they had winter jackets on, the criminals got cold, but I was fine. A fellow practitioner saw it and told me later that she respected me, and said I encouraged her.

    Once when I was carrying manure, criminal Li Rong dipped a stick into the manure and poked my face with it. She also tried to insert the stick into my mouth.

    Many practitioners have exposed the persecution in Shayang Forced Labor Camp, which shocked the perpetrators. Guard Liu Qin said that all the criminals who had beaten Falun Gong practitioners were punished. Actually, I know that none of them were punished.

    On December 26, 2004, the Second Group in Shayang Labor Camp was moved to Hubei Province Women's Forced Labor Camp. I was there for six months.

    Note: The author was arrested again on November 1, 2006, and is now incarcerated in the Jingshan County Detention Center with five other practitioners.

    The Persecution in the Yongchuan Women’s Prison of Chongqing City

    The Officials at the Yongchuan Women’s Prison of Chongqing City physically torture and mentally torment Falun Gong practitioners. They also order inmates to secretly mix unknown drugs into the practitioners’ food, which over time results in nervous disorders.

    The following are a few persecution incidents at the prison.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Lan is in her forties. She was illegally sentenced to seven years in prison for persisting in her belief. When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents held a propaganda show at the prison to promote "role models" who are "reformed" practitioners, Wang Lan spoke up. The officials told her to shut up. They dragged her outside and attempted to coerce her to repent, but Wang Lan refused. The officials forbade her from leaving the cell or using the restroom. Under these circumstances she reluctantly agreed to repent, and a "repent meeting" was immediately held at the new prisoner's team. Ms. Wang grabbed the microphone and started to expose the persecution and clarify the truth to everyone at the meeting.

    Subsequently, Wang Lan suffered from severe anemia due to long-term malnutrition, and her hemoglobin was only 5 grams per 100 cc. She wrote a solemn announcement to completely annul the "reform" and handed it to the head of Ward 2. In reprisal, the guards took a series of measures, including forbidding her from getting food downstairs, forbidding meeting with family or phone calls and withholding all incoming and outgoing letters. The guards have the phone number of Wang Lan’s family, but they didn’t tell her family to stop coming to the prison. Instead, when the family members arrive, the guards simply would not permit them to see her. Thus, the family made numerous trips to the prison in vain. This was the guards' tactic to shift the blame on Wang Lan and manipulate her family to pressure her into giving up her belief.

    Practitioner Ms. Xu Jingling is in her thirties. She is a merchant and was sentenced to seven years in prison. She refused to cooperate with the perpetrators and refused to "reform." Ms. Xu was forced to stand in front of the office on the fourth floor of Ward 2 every night, regardless how late, for several months as a form of "study," according to the authorities. The persecutors forbade her from buying snacks or extra food from the canteen. When an inmate gave her a little salted vegetable out of sympathy, the inmate was immediately reported and scolded by guard Zhang. When other Falun Gong practitioners confronted the ward head, she denied knowledge of the restriction and said, "She [Xu Jingling] is frugal and doesn’t want to spend money."

    Practitioner Ms. Bai Fachun is in her fifties and was a technician at the Jialing Factory in the Shapingba District. The officials found Falun Gong articles on her and coerced her to repent. She refused and was locked in solitary confinement cell for more than 20 days.

    Practitioner Ms. Tan Fenghao is in her thirties and was a teacher before she was sent to prison. She shouted "Falun Dafa is good" during a so-called "expose and attack" meeting and the guards tried to force her to repent. She refused and the officials forbade her from using the restroom. She went to the restroom on her own at night when the inmates assigned to watch her were away. After she returned to the cell, inmate Zhang Mei struck her face and then Tan Fenghao was locked in solitary confinement for one week. She refused to call herself a prisoner and the officials forbade her from buying anything, including toilet paper and feminine napkins at the canteen. After Ms. Tan "reformed" under tremendous pressure, she nearly suffered a mental collapse. Her mother petitioned the authorities many times to take her daughter home for treatment but her requests were denied.

    Practitioner Liu Xinghui, in her fifties, is from Qinggang Town, Bishan, Chongqing City. She was held in a cell of Ward 6 for a month and was never permitted to leave the cell. Once she was forbidden to use the restroom for six days. She became incontinent on the sixth day, and her lower body was soaked in urine. In addition, the guards ordered inmates to constantly put unknown drugs into her food over a long time, which caused her to become disoriented.

    Practitioner Wu Suhui from the Changshou District, Chongqing City was sentenced to four years in prison. She refused to cooperate with the perpetrators and refused to "reform." Inmate Xiao Tihui beat her. Ms. Wu shouted, "Falun Dafa is good" in the hallway and was held in solitary confinement for one week.

    Practitioner Zhou Xuxia from the Nanan District, Chongqing City was sentenced to seven years in prison. She refused to call herself a prisoner and as a result was prevented from buying anything in the canteen, including toilet paper, leading to a great inconvenience. She was once locked in solitary confinement for more than 20 days, during which time she was denied permission to wash herself, and the inmates also verbally abused her.

    Practitioner Yang Xiaoli is a teacher from Southwest Normal University. She was subjected to various types of corporal punishment. She was made to clean the restroom, forced to squat for long periods and deprived of sleep for two days. The inmates beat and kicked her, and threatened and verbally assaulted her. Ms. Yang was locked in solitary confinement. The guards tied her thumbs to a metal bed for more than two hours. They beat her until her arms were bruised for a long time. Yang Xiaoli's legs and feet often swelled and pained her. She refused to wear the prison uniform. The inmates stripped her naked to humiliate her. She was later transferred to the Chongqing Juvenile Correctional Facility.

    Practitioner Guo Li went on a long-term hunger strike to protest the persecution, and was taken to the prison hospital where she was force-fed many times.

    Practitioner Wang Li is in her thirties and comes from Dazu. She refused to call herself a prisoner, so the guards refused to let her family see her. She went on a hunger strike twice to protest the persecution.

    Practitioner Gao Yuxia, 40 years old, worked at the Changshou District Grain Bureau. She was sentenced to five years in prison. Ms. Gao refused to cooperate with the perpetrators and was sent to a Heavy Penalty Group to be strictly monitored and persecuted. The guards forbade her from eating, drinking and using the restroom for a long time.

    Luo Zhengqun, political instructor of Ward 2, prevented practitioner Yang Fengxi from buying extra food from the canteen unless Yang Fengxi "reformed." He said, "Don’t even think about extra food before you reform."

    Luo Zhengqun tried to incite hatred toward determined Falun Gong practitioners among the inmates. To incite hatred against Falun Gong practitioners, he lied and stated at a prison-wide meeting, "All inmates’ violations such as smoking in cells are reported by Falun Gong practitioners." He also reinforced a "mutual isolation system" to prevent communication among Falun Gong practitioners.

    Brutal Torture Suffered by Mr. Dou Jinbao from Zhucheng, Shandong Province, in Changle Forced Labor Camp

    In Changle Forced Labor Camp, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Dou Jinbao from Zhucheng, Shandong Province, was stripped naked, and his buttocks and bare feet were beaten with a belt until the belt was broken into three pieces and his buttocks showed traces of blood. The following are the facts of the persecution of Dou Jinbao.

    My name is Dou Jinbao. I began Falun Gong practice in April 1997. Since the suppression of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, I have been persecuted relentlessly. Especially in June 2003, the local vicious police illegally sent me to Changle Forced Labor Camp for three years. I suffered extremely brutal persecution there. 

    On July 20, 1999, when I was returning home after work, the Town Political and Legislation Cadre, Zhang Zhong, called me to the local government office and imprisoned me for five days. He said that they were afraid I would go to Beijing. They assigned two villagers to watch me and told my family to deliver meals to me every day. They did not release me until I wrote a guarantee statement.

    On November 14, 2000, I went to Beijing's Tiananmen Square with fellow practitioners to hold a banner. I was arrested by the police. The Village Party Secretary came to pick me up. After we returned, he forced me to pay 4000 yuan. I had brought 50 yuan to Beijing with me, but the money was taken by the Beijing police.

    Back at Jiayue Police Station, when Min Fanyou interrogated me, he hit my head with his leather boot. After the interrogation it was "soldier training," with my feet resting on a stool to do push-ups on the ground. Once when I could not straighten my arms, the police beat me with batons. This did not stop until my sweat dripped onto the ground. One evening, a policeman handcuffed me and another practitioner to a telephone pole for an hour in the cold. On another afternoon, the callous policemen Zhao Yong and Wang Dong forced me and four other practitioners to stand in the snow around the wall for three hours in the cold. Party Committee member Wang Yuling often visited me and slapped my face for minor reasons. Police officer Zhang Zhong went to my home and extorted 5000 yuan from my family. They forced me to do miscellaneous chores in the police station.

    In December 2000, officer Zhao Yong sent me to Zhucheng Detention Center for one month. Every meal there was pig food or dog food, but we still didn't get enough to eat, and we often were subjected to brutal beatings by prisoners. This time I was illegally detained for five months. When my term was up, 1300 yuan was extorted from me before I could go home.

    On May 1, 2001, policeman Zhao Yong sent me to a brainwashing session at the Fanrong Hotel. Two weeks later I was released after my family paid 300 yuan. In April 2002, due to a report by village Party Secretary Liu Jinrong, policemen Wang Zaizhong and Min Fanyou raided my home and stole a tape recorder and a batch of Falun Gong materials. I was again detained for one month. Police officer Zhao Yong again extorted 100 yuan when I was released. In May the police looked for me everywhere, intending to send me back to the labor camp. I was forced to leave home and live in hiding to avoid further persecution. Six months later, I was finally able to return home.

    On June 27, 2003, the head of the police station and police officer Wang Zaizhong deceived me into going to the police station and then sent me to Zhucheng Detention Center. On the second day I was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor and sent to Changle Labor Camp, which was a center for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners

    Inside the vicious labor camp, I was subjected to brutal torture. There were four collaborators with false understandings. In two shifts they took turns trying to "transform" me. They only allowed me to sleep once every five days. At night they forced me to squat on the ground. When I fell asleep they twisted my body. My thighs and arms turned purple from being twisted. They also hit my head with the bottoms of their shoes, dozens of times every day for over a month. A piece of my scalp the size of a palm was stripped off the top of my head. After six months of pus dripping from my head, I became bald. Zhang Huasan (who at the time had a false understanding, but he has since awakened) viciously said, "I'll boil you until you have hallucinations so your celestial eye will open." I squatted, and he sat on me, until I was covered in sweat. Zhang Huasan also whipped me with a leather belt. In the summer, when I was wearing a single shirt, he ordered me to lie face down. For fear that others might hear my voice, he took off his dirty socks and stuffed them into my mouth. Zhang Huasan also compiled a series of sayings to defame Master and Falun Gong that he tried to force me to read. A cruel guard, Liu Anxing, brought a photo of Master and told me to step on it. During one shift, Wang and Liu (also collaborators with false understandings at the time, but since awakened) forced me to take off my clothes and shoes. They whipped my buttocks and the bottoms of my feet with a leather belt, until the belt broke into three pieces. Traces of blood were on my buttocks. More than a dozen times they tied my hands behind my back and forced me to sit against the wall, while two people pushed my legs into a 180 degree split position. I shouted in pain, and if I struggled, Wang tightened a towel around my neck until I fainted. After I regained consciousness they continued to torture me with my hands tied behind my back. One evening Wang made me lie on the floor while he poured cold water into my nose and mouth. He also made me roll on the ground. Wang puffed smoke in my face to choke me and then forced me to smoke the cigarette butt. Since childhood I have not been able to tolerate green onions, garlic, or pepper, Wan then forced me to eat onions and garlic, and if I didn't, he beat and kick me. At that time my face, back, legs, hands, and feet were all swollen. They even viciously said this was the release of poison gas from practicing Falun Gong. They often used the punishment "eating a cigarette." They also inserted a toothbrush between my fingers while squeezing them together and rotated the brush around. Soon my fingers became swollen, and later they filled with pus. They used the same torture on my toes. They forced me to write a so-called "guarantee statement," "remorse statement," and "criticism statement," more than a dozen times, until the collaborators could not find any more problems.

    One day, I was working at the gate of the labor camp. The head of the labor camp saw the scar on my head and asked me about it. I said it was due to a beating. The next day, the labor camp sent two people over to investigate. Team leader Liu Anxing learned about it and then sent collaborators Jiang Yu and Liu Ying in advance to threaten me, "If you want to stir things up, we will monitor you strictly. Do you still want to stay here? You must say that you had a boil on your head, which they did not know about and it festered when they patted your head, but it was an accident." Because of the fear in my heart I cooperated with them. Still the vicious guards sent me to study class for two months and forced me to write a self-criticism. Every evening I had to study until 10:30 p.m. after finishing forced labor at 9:30 p.m. When I was due for release, the labor camp notified my family. Due to the tedious procedures and unfamiliar roads, my family did not arrive in time, and I was detained an extra day.

    Ms. Yu Cuilan from Changchun, Jilin Province, Disabled from Persecution, Illegally Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yu Cuilan from Changchun City was illegally arrested in the street. Three National Security agents participated in the arrest on May 19, 2006. She was tortured until she became disabled and could not take care of herself. Ms. Yu is currently being held at Tiebei Police Hospital in Kuancheng District, and her family is forbidden from visiting her. A court has sentenced her to ten years in prison. She had to be carried into the courtroom during both trial sessions.

    Her case now rests with the No. 2 Criminal Court at the Changchun Intermediate Court. The judge is Huang Guichun (phone 86-431-88558602). Below is an appeal statement by Yu Cuilan, which reveals the persecution she has been subjected to.

    Statement of Appeal

    My name is Yu Cuilan. I am a 51-year-old woman and I lived at Group 13, Liuhe Street Party Committee, Dongan Township, Nanguan District, Changchun City. Three National Security agents arrested me on May 19, 2006. I was detained and [the officials] fabricated "evidence" against me. On November 23, 2006 the Luyuan District Court issued an unjust verdict against me�"a ten-year prison sentence and deprivation of all political rights for three years. I hereby appeal to the Changchun City Intermediate People's Court and state my innocence.

    I was originally arrested on December 13, 2000. The arresting officers were from Kuancheng Police Department. Officer Chen Peng banged my head against a wall until I almost lost consciousness. Afterwards I suffered memory loss. I was eventually sentenced to three years of forced labor. In 2000 I was very weak from brutal treatment, and the labor camp initially refused to accept me.

    I was arrested again at the end of November 2003 by officers from the National Security Group of Luyuan Police Department. The officers beat and kicked me. They pinned me in a car seat, twisted my arms behind my back, and took me to an unknown place. I suffered a heart attack, I foamed at the mouth, and I could not speak. One officer hurled insults at me. He told me to eat excrement and tried to put dirty socks into my mouth. He poured cold water on my head and spit in my face. He used extremely vulgar words. I was taken to Xiguangchang Police Station in the afternoon. The next day I was taken to the National Security Group at the Luyuan District Police Department. As I walked upstairs, one police officer bombarded me with punches and kicks. At the National Security Group they tightly handcuffed me to a chair and slapped my face. I don't know what they used to strike my legs because I later fell unconscious. One officer named Chen tortured me further. A tall officer punched me when he took me to a hospital for a physical exam. I could not walk at the time and also almost suffocated. I could not even get through an EKG. I was held at the National Security Group for four or five days before being taken to a detention center.

    The detention center refused to accept me because of my serious condition. The next morning a high-level official from the police department talked to the head of the detention center. An agreement must have been reached because I was then sent to the detention center. I was unconscious at the time. They kept me at the detention center for two days. The detention center authorities were afraid of my dying there and sent me back to the police department. My family took me home on December 26, 2003, when I was at the brink of death. I gradually regained consciousness after being home. I stayed home for a few days, but since I didn't want my family to feel bad for me, I went to live with an old neighbor for a while until I recovered and could walk. I came home this year and have been staying there up until my recent arrest.

    On May 19, 2006, three National Security agents arrested me in the street, as stated above. They twisted my arms behind my back and forced me into a police car. I was in so much pain I could barely breathe. They took me to the Changchun City Police Department where they held my head and took pictures of me against my will. The photographer kicked me. After lunch they said they would take me home but instead sent me directly to a detention center. In the car they said, "We filled a quota!" The detention center refused to accept me, as mentioned, but the police officials used their connections. The detention center still refused to accept me because I was so weak. I lay on the cold tile floor for more than one hour. Then the police took me to Changchun Hospital for a physical exam, after which they took me back to the detention center. The detention center doctor looked at my medical record and said, "She's going to die in a week." He refused to accept me. The police used their connections, and together with a guard from the detention center, they sent me to a police hospital.

    I could not take care of myself at the hospital and was given many bottles of IV infusions daily. My legs suddenly became numb and swollen on June 15. I could not move my toes and I could not walk. After a while, a CT scan revealed that I had lower back spinal disc protrusion and needed surgery. Right now I'm in terrible condition. I have to rely on others for my personal hygiene needs and food. My stomach hurts and is swollen and I cannot eat. I can only drink soup. I was carried into the courtroom during both trial sessions. During the first session I was still getting IV infusions. Medical personnel stood next to me with an oxygen tank, because they feared I would die suddenly. I asked Li Xiandong, an official at the No. 3 Detention Center, to let me go home and recover. He said he would do it after I went back to the detention center, but I am still detained to this day and was sentenced to prison.

    My condition worsened in September, and the hospital issued the detention center several notices of my critical condition. Yet the authorities ignored the law and continued to detain me. I am a citizen of China, and my rights are guaranteed by the laws of China. Everything I did only benefited and never harmed society. I always think of other people first in everything I say and do. I am a selfless person and do not harm other people. I don't fight others for personal gain. I treat others with sincerity. I don't lie and I always hope for the best for everyone. I try to be a better-than-good person. What is wrong with what I do? I am the one who has been wronged!

    I urgently request the head person in charge and people handling my case at Changchun City Intermediate Court to verify the facts. I hope the judge and other court officials will arrive at a just decision and let me go home.

    Yu Cuilan

    November 29, 2006