The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- January 6, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Father Appeals for Son, Mr. Li Feng from Anguo City, Hebei Province, Who Is Ill in Prison

  • The Torture Methods Used On Falun Gong Practitioners in the Women's Forced Labor Camp of Shanghai City

  • The Persecution Facts about Mr. Zhang Jingqi from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province

  • 610 Office Sentences Xiangtan City Practitioner Mr. Huang Deming to Forced Labor

  • Father Appeals for Son, Mr. Li Feng from Anguo City, Hebei Province, Who Is Ill in Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Feng's family members went to visit him on December 28, 2006, at No. 4 Prison in Shijiazhuang City. They noticed his sallow complexion and profound weakness, to the point that he was unable to keep his eyes open. His eyelids drooped and he was short of breath. It appeared to indicate that his heart disease and hypertension had not improved. Even so, the officials in charge still refused to release him.

    Li Feng is from Qudi Village, Anguo City, the Baoding Region in Hebei Province. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison after being tortured for several months for his involvement in the truth-clarifying video broadcasts that tapped into the local cable system. He was once tortured so brutally in Shijiazhuang City's No. 4 Prison that he suffered a mental collapse. Li Dongpu, Anguo City Police Department's present political commissioner, conspired with the Baoding Region Police Department to force Mr. Li to eat something that appeared to be cotton candy at the time of his arrest. After ingesting this substance, Mr. Li's mind unclear, and he experienced memory loss. He was weak for months. To date his vision is still blurry, and he has completely lost his hearing. Li Feng has been suffering from symptoms of panic attacks, shortness of breath, hypertension, and severe swelling in the lower limbs. He has lost consciousness many times, once for two days. His condition is extremely precarious. Around the 2006 Chinese New Year his family members requested that he be bailed out for medical treatment, but the prison authorities refused permission to let them see him, denying the fact that Li Feng was suffering serious symptoms.

    Li Feng's father's letter of appeal to different leaders:

    To Whom It May Concern, greetings:

    I'm an old man from Qudi Village in Anguo City. Our son, Li Feng, has been sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for practicing Falun Gong. He is in Beijiao Prison (No. 4 Prison) in Shijiazhuang. Our son is now suffering from symptoms of panic attacks, shortness of breath, and general weakness, which have reduced him to nothing but a skeleton. He can barely open his eyes.

    Since Li Feng had hypertension and heart disease before he started practicing Falun Gong, we are extremely worried about his condition. We went to the prison's education section several times but were told, "You don't know anything about the law. You'd better go home and learn more about the law before you come to see us!" We pursued this matter and talked with the relevant personnel about it, including the 610 Office leader in Anguo City, who said to us, "Nobody cares about this matter. It would be a case for bail on medical treatment if anyone bothered about it." We don't know whom to turn to for help. We have asked many doctors and lawyers and all have said, "Go to see the leaders and ask for his release on bail for medical treatment. He is in such poor condition, if he is not released he will die!"

    Whom shall I go to for help? I thought about the possibilities and decided to write you a letter.

    In your position, you should uphold justice for us ordinary citizens. I also believe that you will treat this issue fairly after reading this letter.

    My son was weak and constantly ill ever since he was a child. But he is a very kind person and always happy to offer help to others. Later, he gained good health through practicing Falun Gong. He became even more thoughtful in taking care of us and often told us how he conducted himself in daily life and how he had helped others and thought of other people. We felt very content, seeing that our son was so sensible and showed such devotion to his parents.

    However, after my son was arrested for practicing Falun Gong in October 2002, the police department deprived him of food, water, and sleep for five days and nights. He was extremely hungry and thirsty and was craving a drink of water. Someone took something that looked like candy from his pocket and told my son to eat it. After my son ate it he lost his hearing and vision and could not remember anything. My son was taken to Xushui Detention Center in that condition. He called us a few times to ask for money and things he needed, but we had no money and had to ask for help from relatives and friends.

    We missed our son very much and were very worried about him. We went to visit him many times, but were not allowed to see him. We had to leave the money and things we took to him with the duty officer and go home. It was like this each time we went to see him. Our son also missed us very much. He went on a hunger strike for a month before he was allowed to see us.

    We did not recognize our son when we saw him. He only said a few feeble sentences to us. Only then did we know that he never received any of the money or things we had left for him. From then on we dared not send any money or things unless we saw him in person. In the end we also lost all contact with our son. We were not even informed when he was transferred to Beijiao Prison in Shijiazhuang.

    My son spent the first winter in prison with only a thin layer of clothes. Later, for reasons we don't know, my son suffered a mental collapse. We felt extreme anguish when we saw our son's suffering. He missed us very much and was extremely worried about our circumstances at home. He was under an extremely heavy mental burden, and his blood pressure rose to 180. He developed symptoms of panic attacks, shortness of breath, and had total physical weakness. He was extremely exhausted and had no appetite. Once he lost consciousness for over ten hours.

    My wife and I are both 70 years old. When I was young I fell and injured my back. Even today I cannot do any heavy work. My wife has stomachaches all year round and suffers from gastroptosis (prolapsed/downward displacement of the stomach). Her condition is worsening and she is often in tears from missing our son. Our grandson cannot attend school because we do not have money to pay the school fees. Our daughter-in-law is also in no position to do any heavy work. She suffered a stroke shortly after the birth of our grandson. Our son, Li Feng, was the pillar of our family. Without him it is like the sky has fallen. Now that my son's health has deteriorated to such an extent we really do not know what to do.

    We felt even more anxious when we heard that Yang Xiaojie, who was also detained in the Beijiao Prison, was deprived of family visits for a year. When he was eventually released on medical bail early this year, the doctors complained and said, "It's too late to bring him here. There is nothing we can do. You'd better start to prepare for his funeral." Yang Xiaojie passed away less than a month later. He was only 40 years old and had been in good health before his arrest. We are so fearful that such a thing may happen to our son as well.

    After you have read about our family's plight, please consider our difficulties and understand how desperate we feel about rescuing our son. We have no connections or means to help our son. For the sake of our son's life, please release him!

    Li Feng's Father
    Qudi Village, Anguo City, Baoding Region, Hebei

    The Torture Methods Used On Falun Gong Practitioners in the Women's Forced Labor Camp of Shanghai City

    The Women's Forced Labor Camp of Shanghai City is one of the places where Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured most seriously in the Shanghai area. Although the worst perpetrators have been exposed on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website several times, they continuing torturing practitioners. Among the groups at the labor camp, the 2nd Group is the most brutal.

    Those practitioners who are steadfast and not compromising with the authorities, and who are called "stubborn" by the police, are sent to the 2nd Group.

    Once practitioners get in, the guards deprive all of their basic rights, (i.e. reading books/newspapers, writing letters, talking with the criminal inmates who are monitoring the practitioners). The practitioners' daily activities are decided upon and recorded by the inmates monitoring them. The guards often instigate other detainees to hate Falun Gong practitioners. They often order the detainees to enforce the rules and to torture the practitioners, who suffer great mental pressure while performing forced labor.

    A very common torture includes sitting on a hard bench over a long period of time. As long as practitioners are blamed for violating the so-called group rules, they have to suffer this type of torture. One practitioner, about 35 years old, had been forced to sit on the bench on the fourth floor for a very long time. She had to maintain a 90-degree angle between her body and legs, and was forced to sit this way from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. daily.

    Practitioner Wu Qiurong, a college graduate, was detained for a second time in the labor camp. During her detention in the 2nd Group, authorities failed to brainwash her, therefore, they ordered that trouble be made for her physically and in her daily life. After she was tortured physically and mentally for a long time, she looked ill and had difficulty walking. The guards didn't allow her to rest, and forced her to continue the hard labor. She had to be carried upstairs after work. However, Ms. Wu eventually left the forced labor camp with her strong righteous thoughts.

    Practitioner Sun Zhuoying had been detained in Shanghai Women's Prison for four years. Even so, she maintained her belief and didn't accept the so-called "transformation." This time, she was sentenced for one-and-a-half years in the forced labor camp. The police forced her to work every day. Every day, she has to finish showering and washing her clothes within ten minutes. Eventually, she was transferred to the 5th Group.

    Practitioner Zhang Ying was detained for the second time in the Shanghai Women's Forced Labor Camp. When she got to the 2nd Group, she got very sick and needed assistance to walk. Because Ms. Zhang refused to cooperate with the  perpetrators, she was punished by being forced to sit on a hard bench. The punishment caused her whole body to tremble. The medical examination showed that she had heart problems and high blood pressure. The guards told Ms. Zhang that if she didn't take medicine, they would assume that she had no health problem. Ms. Zhang was forced to go to work like the others every day. She was so weak that people often felt a simple gust of wind would blow her away.

    Practitioner Yang Manhua had been detained in Shanghai Women's Prison for four years and nine months, yet the guards couldn't make her denounce her belief in Falun Gong. Last year, she was sentenced to forced labor camp and detained in the 2nd Group. From a reliable source it was learned that Ms. Yang had been tortured since the first day she was detained. She is quite thin now.

    To strengthen the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, Wang Ming (police ID: 3156089), the deputy group leader, and Xu Hong (police ID: 3156087), the leader of the 2nd Squadron, started torturing practitioners by hanging them by their handcuffed wrists. Many drug-addicted detainees had seen practitioners being hung up quite high. Normally, to apply this torture, policemen would have to get permission from the Administration Office. So, Yu (last name, police ID: 3156062), the head of the Administration Office, and Cui (last name, police ID: 3156017), the head of the Management Office, are also fully responsible for this torture.

    The police clearly know the truth about Falun Gong after being in contact with the practitioners over the years. Yet in order to accomplish the so-called "political tasks," and under the enticement of personal benefits, they use the excuse of following orders from their superiors. When practitioners pointed out that they were violating the law, the guards would answer, "We don't care about the law. The government has made the decision about Falun Gong. Here is the law enforcement authority. You can have your own thoughts, but you have to follow orders once you are here."

    The Persecution Facts about Mr. Zhang Jingqi from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Jingqi lives in Babaishang Neighborhood, Honggang District, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. He is a physical education teacher employed by the Daqing City 65th Middle School. At around 2:00 p.m. on March 24, 2006, the local police arrested him at his workplace and ransacked his office and home.

    Mr. Zhang Jingqi was tortured at Babaishang Police Station by being burned with cigarettes, suffocated with cigarette smoke, being stripped of clothes then having cold water poured on his body and left outside in the snow to freeze, being deprived of sleep for four days, choking/burning from having chili oil or mustard oil poured on a mask that he was forced to breath through, being suffocated with a plastic bag repeatedly, having his back scalded with boiling water, etc. On March 28, 2006, he was taken to Longfeng Detention Center. On August 31, 2006, Honggang District Court sentenced him to three years in prison, and Mr. Zhang Jingqi was taken to Hulan Prison on October 13, 2006, where he was tortured by prisoner Li Maojin (male) and others on October 14, 2006. On October 31, 2006, he was taken to the Dispatch Ward in Daqing City Prison.

    610 Office Sentences Xiangtan City Mr. Huang Deming to Forced Labor

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    On the evening of November 7, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Huang Deming and Ms. Luo Jinxiu, from Xiangtan City, Hunan Province were both arrested by local police while passing out truth clarifying materials in Dongshan Township, Xiangxiang City. The Xiangtan City 610 Office had Mr. Huang Deming sentenced to one year of forced labor on December 10, 2006, and he was taken to the Xinkaipu Labor Camp in Changsha City. Another female Falun Gong practitioner, name unknown, from Shanzao Town, Xiangxiang City, was sent to the Changsha City Women's Prison.