The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- February 26, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Please Rescue My Elderly Mother

  • The Persecution Mr. Zhao Guangxi Suffered Before His Death in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province

  • Chongqing: Ms. Zhang Hua Tortured at the Tongnan County Detention Center

  • Ms. Wang Xiuqing's Family Is Harassed by the Chaoyang District 610 Office in Beijing

  • Please Rescue My Elderly Mother

    The Lunar New Year is near. My brother and I really do not know how to spend this year's New Year, because my mother has been arrested by the 610 Office of Laiyang City and illegally detained for over half a year at Laiyang Detention Center.

    Our home address is 1 Longyan Road, Qingdao City. Our mother, Zhao Ruixiang, had all kinds of illnesses from an early age. From the time she was 39 she could not work any more. After she began practicing Falun Gong when she was over 60, her illnesses disappeared. She kept our home in good order and had a harmonious relationship with the neighbors. My brother and I had no need to worry about her.

    In July 2006, my mother went back to my father's hometown at Tan'gezhuang Township, Laiyang City in the Yantai District of Shandong Province to visit our relatives, but she was arrested by the Laiyang 610 Office. She has been detained in Laiyang Detention Center for over half a year.

    We tried to visit her several times, but the detention center refused to let us see her and only allowed us to send money and clothes. The clothes that we sent to her had all the knots trimmed off and the elastic on her trousers pulled out. The elastic sewn in the trousers was cut at several openings with scissors. We don't know how she could wear those clothes on such cold days.

    On November 10, 2006, our mother was put on trial and we saw that she was wearing handcuffs in court. Torture and abuse had turned her into another person. Her face was pale, her hair was thin, her feet were shaking, and she could barely stand. She was almost deaf. Our mother was charged with helping a middle-school teacher, Zhao Hui, in Tan'gezhuang Township, buy a computer and a printer in Qingdao City.

    After we inquired from many different sources, we learned that after my mom was arrested, the head of the Laiyang 610 Office, Wei Haibo, beat, tortured, and interrogated her. These perpetrators tried to cover up their crimes of beating and torturing my mom; they didn't hit her face but they did pull her hair, beat her head and ears and hit her ankles with sticks. She could not hear anything for half a month after they hit her ears. They tortured her severely, but the bruises could not be seen on the surface!

    My mother helped other people buy goods that were sold in legal, state-run shops, which didn't break any law. It is not wrong to practice the Falun Gong exercises and achieve better health and try to be a good person following "Truth, Compassion and Tolerance". It violates Chinese law to beat and detain someone like my mother! That is the illegal act! We sincerely appeal for help from people of justice inside and outside China to rescue my mom. All our relatives would sincerely appreciate your help!

    Chinese version available at

    The Persecution Mr. Zhao Guangxi Suffered Before His Death in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province

    On January 29, 2007, practitioner Mr. Zhao Guangxi passed away as a victim of the Chinese Communist Party's vicious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Mr. Zhao lived in Fuguo Village, Tuanjie Township, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. He was a good person who believed in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. He was only 42 years old when he died.

    Mr. Zhao's wife Wang Guihua is also a practitioner. She was imprisoned in Wanjia Forced Labor Camp in Harbin when her husband died. They did not even see each other before he passed away. They have a young son who was left alone at home.

    Mr. Zhao and his wife started to practice Falun Gong in 1996. They disciplined themselves according to the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and discarded their bad habits. Their morality improved.

    After the persecution started on July 20, 1999, Mr. Zhao was illegally arrested by Tuanjie Township government officials, and imprisoned at Shuangcheng Detention Center. When he was there, he was brutally beaten by the inmates. Over two months later, he was released after being extorted some money.

    In December 2000, Mr. Zhao and his wife went to Beijing to appeal together. They were both imprisoned in the Shuangcheng No. 2 Detention Center. Later, they were moved to No. 1 Detention Center. After a few days there, Mr. Zhao and a dozen other practitioners were secretly transferred to Pingfang Detention Center in Harbin. The prison guards ordered the criminal inmates to brutally beat Mr. Zhao during his 15 days there.

    It was a cold winter, and the inmates stripped off his clothes, pushed his head under the water faucet, and ran cold water on his head. They kept pouring cold water over his head for a long period of time. He was so cold that he started to shake and his head felt numb. The big bed in the detention center was two feet high. The inmates pushed him to the ground, put his chin onto the edge of the bed, choked his throat on the edge of the wood plank, pulled his calves up high with his knees touching the ground, and pulled his hands to his back, keeping his body straight. Consequently, the weight of his body was on his throat, and he could hardly breathe. It was extremely painful. In addition, the inmates used hard plastic shoe soles to fiercely hit him on the back of his neck, and then pulled his head up and back to hit his throat as well. As a result, his throat was swollen and abscessed, and he vomited blood. He could not swallow any food. When he drank water, it was choked out from his nostrils.

    The inmates used another kind of torture, called "sailing," or "pushing, breaking, and digging," where four or five inmates would push Mr. Zhao to the ground. One would sit on Mr. Zhao's back, two would pull his legs up high, and two others would pull his arms up to his back, and then push them towards his head while drawing circles. This torture would directly injure his internal organs or even cause disability.

    The inmates also put the handle of a toothbrush in between Mr. Zhao's two fingers, and then they held tightly his five fingers and twist the handle of the toothbrush. Mr. Zhao's fingers were broken and bleeding, and he felt great pain. In addition to these forms of torture, he was often beaten and kicked. In his cell, there were four practitioners, but over 20 criminal inmates. This was what Mr. Zhao suffered in the fifteen days when he was detained at the Detention Center in Harbin, a few days before the New Year of 2000. Later, the Pingfang Detention Center was rewarded with the honor of "A cultured and civilized work unit" by the vicious Party.

    One day before the Chinese New Year, practitioners were transferred to Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp in Harbin. To protest the long-term persecution, and threats to his life, Mr. Zhao started a hunger strike to demand his release, free of any conditions. However, he was force-fed by the prison guards who inserted finger-sized tubes inside his stomach through his nostrils. He was force-fed once or twice a day.

    Around May 2001, Mr. Zhao was tortured so severely that he showed symptoms of pulmonary emphysema, and other illnesses. He was unable to breathe normally, and his entire body was swollen. His feet were so swollen that he couldn't even wear shoes. His body was covered in scabies. However, the labor camp still did not release him, and he was locked up alone. Only in July 2001, when his illnesses worsened, was he finally sent to the hospital. His pulmonary tuberculosis had reached a late stage, and couldn't be cured. The prison guards thought that he would die very soon, and decided to release him.

    Mr. Zhao and his wife were detained in labor camps at the same time. Ms. Wang was imprisoned at Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. At the time, their son was only 11 years old. He was left home by himself so his aunt took him home. Afterwards, his aunt's husband went to the township government to explain the situation of the child. When the labor camp found out that Mr. Zhao was in critical condition and was about to die, they asked someone to take him home. Ms. Wang was then released on July 6, 2001. She went home a few days before Mr. Zhao so that she could bring her husband home.

    Before Mr. Zhao returned, the former military assistant of Tuanjie Township, Liu Hulin, and a person from the local police station went to Fuguo Village and asked Mr. Zhao's family members if he had had pulmonary tuberculosis before. His family said, "No, he had no illnesses at all." After that, the officers told his family, "They've found that Mr. Zhao has pulmonary tuberculosis now. He doesn't have many days to live. Take him home and put him somewhere so that he won't spread it to other people."

    When his family members went to get him, they could hardly recognize him. A strong and healthy man had been tortured to this degree within only 7 months. His family members were very depressed, and they realized that the labor camp did not want to take responsibility for his death, and so they threw him out to his family.

    On the day after Mr. Zhao's release, the labor camp gathered all the detainees, both practitioners and criminals. The labor camp chief Shi Changjing, who was in charge of the persecution of Falun Gong, said in front of hundreds of people that Mr. Zhao could live no longer than 2 or 3 months. No medicine could cure him. Shi sounded very sure of what he said.

    Mr. Zhao's body and hands were all swollen when he went home. His head seemed to be much bigger than before and he had a hard time breathing. He could not get onto the bed because of his swollen body and had to ask others to carry him onto the bed. Ms. Wang spent many hours every day reading Zhuan Falun to him. After consistently practicing the exercises, and reading Falun Gong books, Mr. Zhao started to heal. Back then, many practitioners went to see him. In a few months, he finally recovered, and the scabies also gradually disappeared within two years.

    With his wife's help, Mr. Zhao completely recovered without any medicine, something the labor camp could never expect.

    Mr. Zhao gradually recovered. In 2005, he looked like any other normal person. However, in January 2005, Ms. Wang was arrested again after telling people that it was beneficial for one to practice Falun Gong and that the Tiananmen "Self-immolation" was staged. She was reported by someone from Shuangshan Village in Xingshan Township. She was sentenced to three years of imprisonment and detained in Wanjia Forced Labor Camp.

    Mr. Zhao was devastated to learn that his wife was suffering from vicious persecution. He knew how practitioners were treated in Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. One person who was released from Wanjia told Mr. Zhao that his wife suffered from brutal torture there.

    Under long-term mental pressure, at the end of 2005, Mr. Zhao' physical condition deteriorated. In March 2006, after the organ harvesting atrocity was exposed to the world, he became extremely nervous. He was afraid that his wife would be transferred. His mental pressure was extreme and he started to have symptoms of illness.

    Mr. Zhao went to Ms. Wang Guihua's parents' to get her photos to look at. He wished her to come home safe and sound. Due to overwhelming mental pressure, the pulmonary tuberculosis that he had sustained because of the torture in the labor camp recurred. He started to have pounding in his chest, and some other symptoms. In June 2006, he could move with difficulty, but by July and August, he had lost much of his mobility and became dependent on help.

    During the harvest time in the fall, he was unable to work, and more than 60 practitioners came to help him. Along with five or six of his relatives, they harvested the soybeans and corn. In the history of Fuguo Village, no family in difficulty had ever got this much help in the fall harvest season.

    Mr. Zhao's family members took him to the hospital but his condition did not improve. Almost their entire savings were used to treat his illnesses. The worsening condition made his mind unclear, and he started to mumble things that did not make sense.

    On January 29, 2007, Mr. Zhao passed away. He was only 42 years old. His wife was still imprisoned in Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. He did not even see her before he died. Their young son was left home alone.

    Chinese version available at

    Chongqing: Ms. Zhang Hua Tortured at the Tongnan County Detention Center

    Ms. Zhang Hua, 44, is an employee of the Tongnan County Farm Machinery Company in Chongqing. Since Ms. Zhang began practicing Falun Gong in 1996, she has followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and put the interests of others first. She is a kind person in the eyes of the public. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Zhang Liang, a leader of the Tongnan Security Team, arrested her several times. Ms. Zhang's home was also searched. She was imprisoned and held in a forced labor camp. Her husband could not withstand the pressure and divorced her; a happy family was broken apart.

    On July 21, 2005 at around 6:00 a.m., Ms. Zhang went to the Jufeng building in Tongnan to visit her parents but was reported. At 12:10 p.m, Tongnan Security Team leader Zhang Liang, manager Li, Zhang Shimao and more than 10 police officers broke into her parents' house. The officers handcuffed Ms. Zhang and pulled her outside. She shouted loudly, "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!"

    A crowd formed, so Ms. Zhang told them, "Look, the police are arresting a good person!" Someone asked, "Zhang Hua did not do anything bad, why are you arresting her?"

    When Zhang Liang saw so many witnesses, he got a taxi, hurriedly pushed Ms. Zhang into the vehicle, and went to Zhengxing Police Station.

    Zhang Liang asked two people to monitor Ms. Zhang Hua. That night, Zhang Liang and his partners secretly transferred her to the County Detention Center. Zhang Liang instigated Gao Xiang, Luo Yonghong, Zhang Shimao, Li Hengyi, policeman Li, Qiu Chongyang, and about a dozen other officers to form a "special case group" to mentally torture Ms. Zhang in the detention center. About four or five groups took turns. Each group deceived her, threatened her, or did not allow her to sleep. In addition, they tried to force her to admit that she had hung up posters and distributed fliers. She didn't cooperate with them. Police officer Qiu Chongyang carried a cup of cold water and threw it in Ms. Zhang's face, swearing at her.

    On July 26, Ms. Zhang started a hunger strike to protest the mental persecution that Zhang Liang and others imposed on her. They had not allowed her to sleep for ten days. On July 30, Ms. Zhang's life was in danger. Gao Xiang, the deputy team leader of the National Security Team, took her to the Tongnan County Hospital Clinic and cuffed both of her hands to the bed. Her whole body was locked to the bed and she was given an infusion. After the infusion, she was sent back to the detention center. After several days, she was taken to the hospital clinic again for another infusion. This was repeated again and again. More than twenty days later, Ms. Zhang appeared to be seriously dehydrated. Gao Xiang and others transferred her to the third story of the County Hospital Internal Medicine Department. They strictly blocked all news. She was completely guarded by the police and the armed police squadron and she did not have any contact with the outside.

    Ms. Zhang was handcuffed to both sides of the bed and given infusions. Gao Xiang urged the nurse to force-feed Ms. Zhang when she appeared absent-minded. To make the force-feeding easier each time, they also inserted a feeding tube into her nostril and stomach. This caused her extreme pain. She pulled out the tube when Gao Xiang wasn't paying attention. When Gao discovered this, he hit her on the ear, then hit the right side of her face with his fist. He swore at her while beating her, and told the nurse to reinsert the tube. He pushed her head down hard on the bed and made the nurse insert the tube into her nose. They failed with the left nostril and then tried the right one. They tried many times until they succeeded. Ms. Zhang's nostrils were bleeding. Then Gao and the nurse inserted the tube into her stomach and wouldn't let her pull it out. The tube caused extreme pain in her stomach and abdomen. When the doctor saw this, he said, "Because she hasn't eaten for many days, only a little food can be given."

     In contrast, Gao Xiang held the injector and injected a lot of mineral water, causing her severe pain in her stomach and abdomen. It was so painful that Ms. Zhang vomited up all the water onto the bed and her clothes. She continued to refuse to eat anything, so the police called her father to come. When her father saw her, after not seeing her for a month, or ever so thin, he was worried and tried to persuade her, "You must eat! Otherwise you will die."

    He burst into tears and left. Ms. Zhang worried that her father could not withstand this serious attack and started to eat again after being without food for one month. The police sent her back to the detention center for further persecution.

    In the first half of November, the Tongnan County Court issued a subpoena. When Ms. Zhang heard this news, she started a hunger strike again on November 18 to protest her long-term imprisonment and the trial. On November 22 at 9:30 a.m., there was an open hearing in Ms. Zhang's case; the court sent three people to take her to the trial. Because of the imprisonment and hunger strike, her body was seriously dehydrated and so weak that she could not even get up. Two criminal inmates carried her out. The guards at the detention center told the police, "She cannot walk."

    Unexpectedly, three court-appointed people said, "If she cannot walk, carry her."

    One officer carried her while the other two walked on each side; three people carried her into the car outside the detention center. When they were about to leave, the head of the court called to check on their progress. A police officer took the call and said, "I have never seen someone like this—she collapsed as soon as she was put into the car."

    The head said, "Then don't be in a hurry, let's discuss this first."

     After half an hour, the medical examiner came. After he checked her pulse, he said, "This woman is too weak to go to the court. Send her back."

    The court had to cancel the trial against Ms. Zhang. However, the officials still did not release her but sent her back to the detention center for further persecution.

    On December 23, Ms. Zhang started another hunger strike to protest her imprisonment. After several days, the detention center asked Liu Tianfu, the clinic director of the County Hospital, and the nurse to insert a feeding tube in her nostril. Three male and three female criminals pushed Ms. Zhang to the ground. They pushed her head, hands and feet down so hard that she could not move at all. The nurse tried to insert a tube into her nostril again and again but failed. Both nostrils were bleeding. Ms. Zhang was transferred back to the County Hospital clinic office and her hands were cuffed to the sides of the bed. The head nurse Yang Juqing force-fed her. After receiving an injection, Ms. Zhang was sent back to the detention center.

    After several days, the detention center called doctors and nurses to force-feed Ms. Zhang in room 101. They called two male and three female criminals to hold her down on the bed. The nurse asked a male criminal to cover her mouth to keep the tube from sliding out. Because he held her mouth too tight, she almost suffocated. They failed again and Ms. Zhang's nostrils started to bleed again.

    In February 2006, the police station exerted pressure on the detention center to force-feed Ms. Zhang using whatever methods necessary. The officials wanted to detain her for a long time. Therefore, the detention center called the doctors and nurses from the County Hospital for a third time to force-feed her. Still, they failed and caused her nostrils to bleed. When Dr. Liu Tianfu left the detention center, he pointed his finger at Ms. Zhang and threatened, "I don't care if you do not eat. I will find a big tube to insert into your mouth tomorrow."

    Later they assigned a room specifically for force-feeding Ms. Zhang. They cuffed her hands and feet, securing her to the bed. Nurse Zhou Ying, who had worked at the blood station, injected Ms. Zhang for four or five days, and then stopped for a three- or four-day break. Because they continuously injected all kinds of unidentified substances (Note: all injections were assigned and blended by Liu Guanghai, who is the deputy director of the clinic office of Tongnan County Hospital), her eyes would always tear and were painful, her eyeballs were swollen, and she could not stand the light. Her legs were numb and sore. She also vomited, and had diarrhea, etc. Her body weight dropped to 55 lbs. from 143-154 lbs. She was nothing but skin and bones. When the police saw her, she hadn't had a single drop of water for 69 days and her life was in danger. In order to shirk responsibility, the police called Ms. Zhang's father and son to bail her out and await the trial.

    On March 3, 2006, Ms. Zhang's father and son took her home from the detention center. Several days later, in order to avoid continuous persecution, Ms. Zhang, who was still very weak, felt compelled to leave home. After she left, the police frequently harassed her parents and son. On September 18, three people came from the National Security Team to her mother-in-law's family home in an attempt to arrest her.

    On the morning of September 22, 2006, Ms. Zhang, Ding Hongmei and Fu Rufen went to Tongnan County Banzhu Township to clarify the truth. They were arrested as soon as they arrived at Zhang Jifang's home by officers from Xiaodu Township Police Station. Currently, Ms. Zhang Hua is being persecuted at Chongqing City Yongchuan Women's Prison.

    Chinese version available at

    Ms. Wang Xiuqing's Family Is Harassed by the Chaoyang District 610 Office in Beijing

    At around 7:00 p.m. on June 18, 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Xiuqing and her family received unexpected company—five police officers from Chaoyang District Police Department, led by Zhu Lanru (male) from Xiaoguan Police Station, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Once they got through the door, they asked, "The government forbids Falun Gong. Are you still practicing?" Ms. Wang replied, "I am a person following moral principles: To be honest, kind..." and then she was interrupted. The officers ordered her to stop talking and to go with them.

    The family members tried to reason with the police, but the police simply ignored them and threatened to take the whole family to the station. Luckily, there were a lot of relatives and friends at the scene. Finally, the family members were left alone. In the chaos, Ms. Wang escaped from the building. The police then sealed the building and the neighborhood for a search, but in the end, they failed to find Ms. Wang.

    The police returned to Ms. Wang's family home at 11:00 p.m. Her husband and child were taken to Xiaoguan Police Station where they were interrogated and threatened: If they did not turn in Ms. Wang by noon the next day, they would face severe consequences. Ms. Wang's husband begged the officers for an extension, but they refused. He was terrified and experienced a spike in blood pressure. His son had to give him some medicine.

    The Chinese New Year was approaching but the family was not spared from harassment. On February 8, the community administration director Liu Xiufen (female) and member Bai Xiu'e (female) visited the family again. They said that they were sent by the 610 Office, and that Ms. Wang could return home if she went through a twenty-day "transformation" session after the Chinese New Year. The "transformation" session was notorious for its torture and brainwashing tactics.

    At noon, Ms. Wang's husband experienced another spike in blood pressure. The family was worried about the hardships that they had suffered in the holiday season, and they said they had not had a single peaceful day for eight years, since the persecution started.

    Chinese version available at