News and Events from around the World -- February 27, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • New York: Falun Gong Group Participates Chinese New Year Parade

  • New York: Falun Gong Group Paticipates Chinese New Year Parade

    The annual Chinese New Year Parade was held in New York's Chinatown on February 25, 2006. This year's parade was the longest ever and had more participants than ever. The Falun Gong contingent was the finale of the parade procession. It featured an energetic marching band; a vivid Dragon and Lion Dance; an exercise demonstration; "celestial maidens" extending well wishes; and lively waist drummers. Their performance was the culmination of the parade.

    The Divine Land Marching Band marches forward

    Falun Gong practitioners perform the Dragon Dance

    Falun Gong practitioners' exercise demonstration

    At noon on February 25, the eighth day of the first lunar month, the biggest and oldest Chinatown in New York was filled with loud gongs and drums and crowds of people eagerly anticipating the annual Chinese New Year Parade. It was said that the parade route this year was longer than ever, almost circling the entire Chinatown. There were a large number of participating groups. Floats, colorful flags, and balloons spanned several streets. The number of spectators was greater than in previous years. Both sides of the entire parade route were packed with spectators, with layers upon layers of people in high spirits, driving away the cold of the winter day. The Falun Gong contingent was last in the procession and featured a majestic marching band, a vivid Dragon and Lion Dance, a peaceful exercise demonstration, "celestial maidens" sending well wishes, and a joyous waist drum team. They brought the parade to a perfect ending. Spectators shared their feelings that seeing the Falun Gong contingent had made their trip to Chinatown worthwhile.

    Eliminate evil spirits, send well wishes

    The parade, held early in the New Year, is not only for fun but also for expelling evil spirits, sending well wishes, and seeking good luck. The Falun Gong contingent was led by a majestic banner of golden words on a purple background that read, "Falun Dafa" in both Chinese and English. The Divine Land Marching Band, composed of more than150 members, followed right behind the banner and performed majestic selections including "Falun Dafa Is Good," "Fa Drums and Fa Trumpets Shake the Ten Directions," "Fa Rectifies the Universe," and "American the Beautiful." Melodies accompanied by drumbeats reverberated to the sky, disintegrating evil spirits and bringing the audience best wishes for the New Year: "Remember, 'Falun Dafa Is Good.'"

    Following the marching band were two dragons and one lion that leaped and jumped; seven beautiful and graceful "celestial maidens" holding lanterns along with spectacular and elegant Tang Dynasty maids of honor carrying fans; a peaceful exercise demonstration group; and lively waist drummers accompanied by the song, "Falun Dafa Is Good." "Falun Dafa is good, Falun Dafa is righteous, Buddha's grace illuminates everywhere in the world." The words of the song brought the Lord of Buddha's compassion to everybody.

    Media focus, spectators' applause

    Once the Falun Gong contingent made its appearance, the media reporters excitedly raised their cameras or video cameras to take pictures from beginning to end. The Falun Gong portion of the parade attracted them so much that no one wanted to miss out on one moment.

    Falun Gong practitioners have been continuously clarifying the facts and groups and individuals in Chinatown have gained a clearer understanding of Falun Gong. People applauded and made thumbs-up gestures to the Falun Gong participants. Their faces were beamed with happiness. They watched the Falun Gong performers very attentively, and those with cameras never stopped taking pictures. It seemed that people wanted to keep such splendid moments.

    At 3:00 p.m., the parade concluded. Chinatown returned to normal. The elegant demeanor of the Falun Gong contingent had impressed the audience deeply.

    Chinese version available at