The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- March 1, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Li Xuebi from Chengdu, Sichuan Province Died after Being Tortured to Disability

  • The Linghe District Court of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province Illegally Tried Ms. Fu Yan

  • Ms. Huang Jinling Imprisoned in China; Her Husband Appeals for Her Rescue

  • Mr. Hu Jiyu Was Beaten Savagely and Had 13,000 Yuan Extorted from Him

  • Attorney Zhu Yubiao Arrested Due to His Defense for Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Ms. Li Xuebi from Chengdu, Sichuan Province Died after Being Tortured to Disability

    After Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Xuebi was tortured until she was disabled, the authorities continued to harass her. She died at 2:30 p.m. on February 17, 2007, Chinese New Year's Eve, in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province.

    Ms. Li Xuebi was born in 1945 and graduated from the Foreign Language Department of Sichuan University. She retired from her job as an Associate Professor at the Chengdu City CCP School in 1997. After she started cultivating Falun Gong in 1995, all her sicknesses disappeared, her morals upgraded, and both her mind and body became healthy.

    In 2000, Ms. Li went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested when passing out truth-clarifying materials to people. She was detained in the Luzhou City Prison in Sichuan Province.

    When she was detained for those three months in the Luzhou City Prison, there were no bed, bedding, or even straw in the cell. Ms. Li had to sleep on the wet floor, causing her spine to deform and severely damaging her health. She was released when she was dying and could not take care of herself in the prison.

    Ms. Li Xuebi had to use a wheelchair after her release. The CCP still closely monitored her, bugged her phone, and harassed her in her daily life.

    The Linghe District Court of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province Illegally Tried Ms. Fu Yan

    At 2:00 p.m. on January 26, 2007, the Chinese Communist Party's court at Linghe District, Jinzhou City illegally tried Ms. Fu Yan. The trial judge was Zhou Jun.

    Ms. Fu Yan was illegally arrested on January 05, 2007, by the Jinzhou Petroleum Police Substation. She stated in court, "The police officers from the Petroleum Police Substation beat me severely. My heart stopped beating for several minutes, and I had a relapse of my coronary heart disease." After she was detained, because she refused to tell the police her name, she was handcuffed and hung up by the handcuffs, and was interrogated by the police to get her name [Editor's note: because of the Chinese Communist Party's policy of implicating and pressuring family members and work units, practitioners often do not reveal their names when they are arrested]. Later, Ms. Fu was recognized by Sun Zhi'an, the section of the Political Security Section of Linghe District Police Department. After her identity was confirmed by police officer Li Shuyan, Ms. Fu was sent to the 2nd Detention Center. Afterwards, Sun Zhi'an collaborated with Linghe District Procuratorial Office, to prosecute Ms. Fu Yan in the district court.

    According to an eyewitness, when Ms. Fu Yan was brought to the court, she was in handcuffs and shackles and her whole body was shaking violently. Her hair was a mess. Sun Zhi'an went in person to the court to "supervise" the proceedings. The trial lasted for one and a half hours. When it was finished, Zhou Jun said, "There won't be sentencing for this case for the time being. The sentence will be given in the future."

    Ms. Huang Jinling Imprisoned in China; Her Husband Appeals for Her Rescue

    Mr. Chen Zhiming originally lived in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province. He immigrated to Canada in 2006. His wife, Ms. Huang Jinling, is 62 years old and still lives in Kunshan City. She applied for a passport in March 2001 but her passport application was rejected by CCP Authorities because she practices Falun Gong. She cannot reunite with her family in Canada.

    Recently Mr. Chen Zhiming and his son wrote letters and made phone calls from Canada to the Police Department of Kunshan City, requesting that they provide a passport for Ms. Huang Jinling. Ms. Huang also went to the police department many times to request her passport. On February 9, 2007, in the evening, the 610 Office and the National Security Group of Kunshan City Police Department in suddenly ransacked Ms. Huang's home. They took advantage of her being home alone and stole her possessions, including a computer, a color printer and other things, with a total value of nearly ten thousand yuan. After confiscating her family's property they did not give a list of what they took to the head of the household when they detained Ms. Huang. The ransackers all wore plain clothes. According to Ms. Huang's neighbors, everyone thought that a group of common thieves had robbed Ms. Huang's home.

    Ms. Huang Jinling's living room after the ransacking

    The note the authorities left on the door after confiscating Ms. Huang's family property

    Even though there is no valid reason to reject Ms. Huang's passport application, the police department simply ransacked her home, put her in detention, and looked for anything that could be used to frame her. They have illegally incarcerated her to see whether they can extort any "confessions" through torture. Afterwards, when Mr. Chen Zhiming called the National Security Group of Kunshan City Police Department, he asked them: "If you send an old woman to prison and torture her to death, what advantage will that bring to your police department? How would you feel if you were one of Ms. Huang Jinling's family members?"

    To avoid persecution, Ms. Huang was once compelled to leave home and became destitute and homeless for nearly a year. After that, 610 Office director Guan Zhuxing (male) in November 2003 once took her to the "reformation" center in the Suzhou region to carry out brainwashing in an attempt to force Ms. Huang to stop practicing Falun Gong.

    As a rightful citizen of Canada, Mr. Chen Zhiming's son hopes the Canadian government and the media will extend their help to ask the Chinese Communist Party to stop the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners, to release Ms. Huang Jinling as soon as possible, and to process her passport application, thus enabling her to reunite as soon as possible with her family members.

    Mr. Hu Jiyu Was Beaten Savagely and Had 13,000 Yuan Extorted from Him

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Hu Jiyu is a villager in Dazha Village, Taoxu Town, Mengyin County, Shandong Province. In April 2001, police extorted 1,800 yuan from Mr. Hu. On September 9, 2001, his TV, two silver rings, and 200 yuan in cash were confiscated. The policemen failed to catch him, so they arrested his wife as a substitute and extorted 3,000 yuan from his family.

    At the beginning of December 2002, Mr. Hu was arrested by the 610 Office for saying "Falun Dafa is Great." He was subjected to various tortures and had 2,000 yuan extorted from him.

    On February 28, 2004, Mr. Hu was arrested and taken to the 610 Office. Because he did not accept "transformation," he was forced to stand nonstop for 12 hours. He was then forced to lie face-down on the concrete floor when the temperature was below 10o F. The policemen put a metal barrel over his head and beat on the barrel to make loud noises. Mr. Hu Jiyu fainted many times. He was fined 700 yuan.

    On February 14, 2006, Mr. Hu was arrested and taken to a courtyard in the town. He was savagely beaten by four or five people for signing his name on a letter to clarify the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong to the international community. He was beaten so badly that he passed out at the scene. After the torture, 4,000 yuan was extorted from him. The police station fined him as well. In the last several years, Mr. Hu Jiyu's house has been ransacked many times. He was threatened and had a total of 13,000 yuan extorted from him.

    Attorney Zhu Yubiao Arrested Due to His Defense for Falun Gong Practitioners

    Mr. Zhu Yubiao is a lawyer from the Guangda Law Firm in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. Officials of the Guangdong Province Justice Bureau have labeled him an "anti-revolutionary(1)" and a "focus figure" because he provided defense for Falun Gong practitioners. On February 10, 2007, Mr. Zhu was arrested when he tried to leave home by police officers from Dashi Town Station in the Panyu District. He is now detained in the Shawan Police Base Detention Center in the Panyu District.

    The detention center refused to let Mr. Zhu's family send him clothes or money, causing many difficulties his daily life. Mr. Zhu was wearing thin clothes, and it is very cold right now. The officials are trying to torture him both mentally and physically.

    In 2006, Mr. Zhu Yibiao represented Falun Gong practitioners in three cases and defended them in the Courts. He did what a morally responsible attorney seeking justice should do. He defended the laws of the constitution, but he is being sued by legal officials for the "crime of anti-revolution." The CCP in the police departments have harassed him repeatedly. Many people with a sense of justice have defended him to these officers, saying that they should not give Mr. Zhu a hard time because he was simply doing his job.

    On February 10, 2007, Mr. Zhu was arrested by plainclothes policemen. He is being detained in a police detention center located in Fuchong Village, Shawan Town, the Panyu District.