News and Events from around the World -- April 10, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • New York: 5000-Person Parade Held on Broadway to Clarify the Truth

  • Grand Rally in New York Presents Heaven's Wish - Supporting Withdrawals from  CCP

  • After Forced Deportation of UN Refugee and Her Child in Russia,  CCP Threatens Her Husband

  • New York: 5000-Person Parade Held on Broadway to Clarify the Truth

    On April 8, 2007, 5000 Falun Gong practitioners and people from Manhattan, New York, held a parade on Broadway to clarify the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong. The parade had three sections, which had the themes, "The Beauty of Falun Dafa," "Exposing the Persecution" and "Supporting Withdrawals From the CCP."

    There were many people on Broadway, and they were attracted to the grand parade. Many people took photos and some Chinese people also came to watch the parade. People were shocked by the truth exposed by the parade.

    The float

    The Divine Land Marching Band

    Many people take photos of the parade

    In memory of the fellow practitioners who were persecuted to death in China

    "Stop the persecution"

    The CCP is about to fall

    Heaven will eliminate the CCP soon

    The parade started from 39th Street and ended at Union Square on 14th Street, and lasted for two hours. After the parade, a rally to support 20 million withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was held at Union Square.

    The First Section: The Beauty of Falun Dafa

    The first section was led by a beautiful float, on which Western practitioners demonstrated the exercises, and young practitioners demonstrated the sitting meditation. Heavenly ladies spread flowers from the float.

    After the float, was the Divine Land Marching Band, consisting of 300 members. They performed songs including, "Falun Dafa is good," "Fa Drum and Fa Trumpet," and "The Fa Rectifies Heaven and Earth."

    The group of heavenly ladies danced after the band. Two hundred practitioners demonstrated the exercises after two banners which read: "Falun Gong Teaches Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" and "Falun Gong has Five Sets of Exercises."

    More than 1000 practitioners from different countries marched after a big banner, which read "Falun Gong Spreads in 75 Countries in the World." They held boards indicating where they were from.

    The waist drum group was the last group in the first section.

    The Second Section: Exposing the Evil Persecution

    More than 3000 Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted to death since July 20, 1999. Recently, it was revealed that the CCP even harvests organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.

    After the first section, more than 1000 practitioners held all kinds of banners and boards exposing the brutal persecution. Female practitioners in white held photos of those who were persecuted to death, in memory of them.

    The Third Section: Supporting 20 Million Withdrawals from the CCP

    In November 2004, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published by The Epoch Times, which comprehensively exposed and analyzed the evil nature of the CCP. Since then, many people have quit the party. The number of the withdrawals has now reached 20 million.

    Falun Gong practitioners and some democrat movement activists marched in this section. The banners they held read "The Root of the CCP has been Pulled Out," "Supporting 20 Million Withdrawals from the CCP," "The CCP is Crashing Down," "Heaven Will Eliminate the CCP Soon," and "Quit the Party for Your Own Safety."

    The lion and dragon dance followed this section, celebrating the withdrawals from the CCP and freedom.

    People's Reaction

    Many people were on Broadway and they were attracted to the parade. Many took photos of the parade. Some Chinese people came to watch the parade too.

    Two young men from China learned about the parade and came to watch it. One of them told the reporter that his family members practice Falun Gong and he wants to learn too. They quit the party at the rally using their real names.

    Mr. Lin is from New York. He took a lot of photos of the parade. When he first came to America in 2001, he saw the Falun Gong practitioners' parade in front of the UN building, and he was very touched. Mr. Lin said, "Although I am poor, I spent more than 1000 dollars on a good camera. In the last six years, I took a lot of photos of each parade and rally held by Falun Gong practitioners. I witnessed the growth of Falun Gong and the change in people's hearts."

    Mr. Lin said, "It is very hard for this group to spread the truth in such a society. They demonstrate their spirit. I admire Falun Gong practitioners. From them, I see the dignity of human beings and the principles of being a human. They are the essence of this society."

    Mr. Lin condemned the persecution. He said, "Falun Gong practitioners do the exercises for good health. But the CCP persecutes it, just because the leaders of the CCP have stupid thoughts. The CCP's brutality scares every Chinese. But in America I realized that the CCP's power is actually very weak."

    Mr. Lin said, "I want to bring those precious materials back to China, sharing with every Chinese fellow. I know that my power is limited, but if everybody does so, the new China will come soon."

    Mr. Zhang is also from New York. He told the reporter that he came to Manhattan to watch this parade. He knew about the persecution of Falun Gong from media reports. He said that stopping the persecution is not political, but an issue of conscience and morality. Many people know that the CCP is bad, but they do bad deeds for their own benefit. People should have a conscience, like Mr. Gao Zhisheng. More lawyers should stand up and speak for Falun Gong.

    Another Mr. Zhang, from Brooklyn, came to Manhattan to watch the parade. He said "The parade has a very big influence. The number of 20 million shocked me. The demise of the CCP is just a matter of time."

    A retired teacher, who came to New York from China 20 years ago, said that he has never been a member of the CCP, but he has friends who are members and have even worked with Jiang Zemin. None of his friends like Jiang Zemin. He thinks that Falun Gong is good, and the persecution is wrong. He said that the persecution should be stopped. He has read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and agrees with it. He said that when he came to America in 1986, he found that he had been brainwashed by the CCP. He wants to learn about Falun Gong.

    Mr. Li is from Fuzhou. He knows that the CCP is bad. He said that he has watched every parade Falun Gong parade. He is mad that many people from Fuzhou have political asylum, but still work for the CCP.

    Ms. Kristy Evins is from England. She had never heard about Falun Gong before, but she liked the parade and took a lot of photos.

    Marco Dessart is from Holland. He likes Chinese marshal arts. He had never heard about the persecution. He said that it is wrong and unfair to persecute such a good group.

    Naurico Oliver is from Argentina. He wanted to learn more about Falun Gong. He said that the CCP is a tyrant because it persecutes Falun Gong.

    A lady from Canada said, "I think the parade is very good. It demonstrates the beauty of Falun Gong and will bring peace to the world."

    Yuda from Japan said that he understands why the Chinese people quit the CCP, because the CCP has been deceiving people. He said that there is unhappiness between China and Japan. One of the reasons is that the CCP lies.

    A mother and a daughter from Russia agreed with the banner, which read "No Communist Party."

    Mark from Holland likes the Chinese culture. He doesn't understand the persecution. He was shocked when he learned about the organ harvesting.

    A gentleman from Israel said that he saw practitioners doing exercises in Israel, and he knew about Falun Gong. He said that he never saw so many practitioners getting together. He hopes that the CCP would stop the persecution right now, especially the organ harvesting.

    Peter Reilly is a teacher from London. He took photos of the banners which exposed the organ harvesting. He said that he would show the photos to his students. He read the reports of organ harvesting from the media in England. He knows that the CCP lies about it. He asked for many truth-clarifying materials and said that he would take them to his students.

    Moralues has been a policeman in New York for 21 years. He said that he has seen many Falun Gong parade over the years. He read about the persecution in newspapers. He doesn't understand it, because he sees that Falun Gong is very peaceful.

    Mathew is from France. He and his family were amazed by the parade. He's never seen Falun Gong before. He saw that there were some French practitioners in the parade, and wanted to learn the truth from them.

    Mr. and Ms. Cirdiner are from London. They often saw practitioners protesting in front of the Chinese Embassy in London. They praised practitioners for their spirit.

    Steve is from Canada. He said that he knows very well about the persecution, and he knows that the Canadian government is very supportive of Falun Gong practitioners. He feels that the Canadian government should not do business with the CCP.

    A family from New York was excited by the parade. The mother said that she saw the anti-torture exhibition in Manhattan two years ago, and from it learned about the persecution. She said that Falun Gong is good, and thanked practitioners for letting her know the truth.

    After the parade, a rally to support 20 million withdrawals from the CCP was held at Union Square.

    Chinese version available at

    Grand Rally in New York Presents Heaven's Wish - Supporting Withdrawals from the CCP and Its Affiliated Organizations

    On the afternoon of April 8, 2007, a grand rally to support withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations was held on Union Square in Manhattan, New York City. Surrounded by several large banners, more than ten speakers gave speeches exposing the CCP's violent regime and the prospect of a new China without the CCP. On site there were people to help others quit the CCP. Some Chinese people called the hotline at the Sound of Hope radio station and announced that they were quitting the CCP using their real names.

    Rally supporting quitting the CCP held on Union Square in Manhattan

    Editor-in-chief of The Epoch Times English edition, John Nania, said that eliminating the CCP is not only beneficial to China, but to the whole world

    "Quit the CCP for Your Own Safety and Good Fortune"

    Gao Dawei from the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP gave the first speech. He said that the activity themed "The Evil CCP has Been Uprooted" across the world won support from people of justice and nearly one hundred groups. The activity led to a new round of people quitting the CCP. He said, "The CCP regime is very scared under the impact of the tide of quitting the CCP due to the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. The current situation in China can be summarized in one sentence, 'Public being awakened, army wavering, and party collapsing'."

    Mr. Gao said, "In China there are two sayings now, 'Quitting CCP for your own safety, and quitting the CCP for good fortune.' Behind the sayings, there are tens of thousands of true stories. For example, the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP often receives calls from CCP internal systems, political and judicial systems, including even police from the 610 Office, about quitting the CCP. They provided many examples of those who persecuted Falun Gong receiving karmic retribution. In one case, the head of a police department who persecuted Falun Gong committed suicide. This shocked the political and judicial system in Anhui Province."

    Mr. Gao summarized, "Heaven's destruction of the CCP is imminent. The time is more and more urgent. The risk of quitting the CCP is smaller since the CCP has been uprooted." He called on people to quit the CCP bravely and welcome a beautiful future.

    The Day of Bringing the CCP to Justice is Near

    Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice President of the European Parliament, knew that there were many people participating in the rally and sent a support letter. He also made a live phone call to support the rally on the spot, and hoped that it would be broadcast into China via Sound of Hope radio.

    Mr. McMillan-Scott greeted all the Chinese who were quitting the CCP, and the people at the rally. Every day there is new evidence exposing the CCP's inhuman crimes. But each day for Chinese people is one day closer to freedom. And each day is one day closer to the CCP being brought to justice.

    He mentioned human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, as well as Falun Gong practitioners Zhang Lianying and Cao Dong being persecuted by the CCP. He said that the new President of the European Parliament expressed his concerns about the CCP regime relating to this case.

    Quitting the CCP is Not Only Beneficial to China, but Also to the World

    Mr. John Nania, editor-in-chief of The Epoch Times, English edition, said that eliminating the CCP is not only beneficial to China, but to the whole world. China has a five-thousand year history of civilization. But the CCP has been in control for only fifty years. After eliminating the CCP's control, China will blossom and be prosperous again. If China is prosperous as it was during its five-thousand year history, it will benefit the world and all people.

    Mr. Nania called on all governments and people to support the brave Chinese people who are quitting the CCP. If everyone does this, China's winter will end soon. He called on all people throughout the world to read the Nine Commentaries and understand why they should quit the party.

    Unprecedented International Investigation

    Mr. Wang Zhiyuan from the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) said that the organization has basically finished investigating the CCP's crimes of persecuting Falun Gong, including the CCP's systematic persecution of Falun Gong, the staged self-immolation incident on Tiananmen Square, organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners, and those persons executing the persecution.

    He pointed out, "The crimes of the Nazis and the communist parties in Eastern Europe were investigated after their regimes were overthrown. The critics of the communist party in Eastern Europe now proceed in policy only. The CIPFG's investigation is conducted as the persecution is ongoing, which frightens the perpetrators. It is unprecedented."

    Public Quits the CCP on Site - People's Wishes Fulfilled

    The rally had a warm environment. People announced their desires to quit the CCP on site one after another. Zheng Kexue and another six members of the Chinese Democracy and Justice Party, as well as Chairman Wang Jun and another eight members of the Chinese Democracy Party World Union announced that they were quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations on the spot.

    Eleven people, including Li Fengqin from Hebei Province, Huang Qing from Fujian Province and Wang Yuehua from Shanghai, announced they were quitting the CCP at the rally using their true names, through a hotline from Sound of Hope radio.

    Members of the Chinese Peace and Democracy Union announced quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations on the spot.

    Lu Dong, former General Secretary of the Communist Youth League, from the Department of Foreign Languages at Fudan University in Shanghai, gave a speech at the rally. He said he once had hopes of the CCP reforming internally, and he supported the CCP's interests overseas. But due to the fact that China's reform is controlled by the CCP, he was awakened. He announced he was quitting the CCP and the pro-CCP organization, the "Chinese Overseas Student Association," on the spot. He called on overseas Chinese students who wait and see to recognize the evil nature of the CCP and the facts of the persecution of Falun Gong.

    The rally lasted about three hours and ended after 4:00 p.m.

    Chinese version available at

    After Forced Deportation of UN Refugee and Her Child in Russia, the CCP Threatens Her Husband

    Ms. Ma Hui and her daughter, who hold United Nations refugee status, were forcibly arrested in Russia and sent back to China a week ago. As soon as their plane touched down, Ma Hui was taken by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents and no one has seen her since.

    The CCP spies who illegally arrested Ma Hui are not finished. Now they are threatening Ma Hui's husband, saying that he might be sent back as well. Ma Hui's husband, Mr. Chenguang Li, is living in St. Petersburg and holds a work permit in Russia. According to Chenguang Li, two CCP agents claimed that the Russian authorities detained Ma Hui and sent her back to China because she practices Falun Gong and participates in activities in Russia to raise awareness about the persecution. CCP agents made sure that Chenguang Li knew that "If he makes trouble, we will take him back to China as well." By "make trouble," they mean of he does anything to call for the freedom of his wife or denounce her arrest.

    Chenguang Li declared that as a Falun Gong practitioner, he was clearly aware of what kind of means the CCP uses to persecute innocent people. Therefore, he is working very hard to help the government and media understand the danger that his wife is in. He hopes that by doing this, his wife and his daughter may soon be free to come back to Russia.

    The CCP spies also tried to arrest other Falun Gong practitioners who hold Chinese passports in St. Petersburg. Ma Hui being sent back is not an exceptional case.

    The brutal persecution happening in China against Falun Gong is a crime against humanity, according to an independent report about the CCP's large-scale organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners for profit. The report was written by Canadian human rights lawyer David Matas and former Member of Parliament David Kilgour. The Russian Government is very aware of how the CCP uses the infrastructure of the whole country to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, but it has still cooperated with the CCP to carry out this crime. It is a great shame for the Russian government.

    This forced deportation of people with UN Refugee status has aroused international society's attention. Both the CCP agents and the Russian authorities have been the subjects of condemnation.

    Falun Gong Practitioners from all over the world went to their local Russian Embassies one after another to protest, requesting that the Russian authorities stop this serious violation of human rights, cease helping a tyrant to do evil, and treasure the future of their nation.

    Chinese version available at