The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- April 10, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Criminal Prisoners Incited to Torture Ms. Liu Dan in Heilongjiang Province Women's Forced Labor Camp

  • For Spreading the News of Their Mother's Unjust Death, Two Brothers Suffer Brutal Persecution

  • Criminal Prisoners Incited to Torture Ms. Liu Dan in Heilongjiang Province Women's Forced Labor Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Dan is 29 years old and from Jixi City in Heilongjiang Province. She was arrested and sent to Heilongjiang Province Women's Forced Labor Camp on March 1, 2006. At one time she went on a hunger strike for several months. On October 3, 2006, criminal inmate monitor Han Ying beat her brutally, so she went on a third hunger strike. She has resisted the persecution and suffered brutal torture at the hands of criminal inmates. It is now March 2, and Ms. Liu is now extremely thin and weak.

    Practitioner Ms. Li Yushu from Mohe City in Heilongjiang Province, was illegally placed in the same women's forced labor camp. She has been on a hunger strike for two years and seven months. Her persecution continues and all information about her situation at the labor camp is being strictly blocked. Details are very limited.

    Head inmate monitor Zhao Li led monitors Zhang Fangqing, Zhou Fengli, Xiu Shufen, and others in brutally torturing Ms. Liu Dan from November 29, 2006, to December 9, 2006. Ms. Liu was put in prison hospital room 302. There is no video monitoring equipment in the room. Zhao Li and Zhou Fengli forced Ms. Liu to wear prisoner clothes with words that slander Falun Gong. They pulled her off the bed and onto the floor. Ms. Liu was extremely weak at the time, but she did not cooperate. She yelled, "Falun Dafa is good," until Zhao Li and Zhou Fengli taped her mouth shut. Then they pulled an arm over her shoulder, while twisting the other down and back until the hands could be tied together. They left her like this for long periods of time. At other times, they tied Ms. Liu's hands together using shirts and towels. They continuously cursed at her. Such torture was deadly for the weakened Ms. Liu. She had a heart attack, passed out, and was incontinent. She regained consciousness, vomiting uncontrollably. Criminal prisoner Zhang Lirong was fearful of being held responsible for Ms. Liu's off-and-on unconsciousness. Zhang Lirong wanted to find a nurse, but Xiu Shufen would not let her. They argued for a long time and finally carried Ms. Liu to the bed. They hid the signs of vomiting. Nurse Luo Yumei found Ms. Liu's blood pressure to be extremely low when she came to check on her. She asked Ms. Liu how long she had been like that, but Zhao Li quickly said it was only a short time. Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yingling (the head of the forced labor camp), Zhang Xiuli (polictical instructor), and Yu Yingmin (group leader) all came into the room. They screamed, "Who told her that she could lie on the bed? Get down on the floor and sit still! Sit still until 10 p.m.!" Zhao Li pulled Ms. Liu off the bed and onto the floor. Ms. Liu was still only half-conscious.

    With Head Zhao Yingling's knowledge and approval, Zhao Li and other criminal inmates tortured Ms. Liu even more brutally. Almost every day, they forced Ms. Liu to sit still on the ground for hours. One day, Ms. Liu was forced to sit still on the floor for 24 hours, with both hands tied to the bed and her mouth taped shut.

    The morning of December 2, 2006, Director Liu Zhiqiang and Group Leader Zheng Jie were in room 303. Ms. Liu, in room 302 across the hall, heard them and yelled out, "Persecution!" Zhang Fangqing, Zhao Li and Zhou Fengli got really nervous. Once again they started the inhumane tortures. They tied Ms. Liu's arms behind her back and to the side of the bed. That position would not allow Ms. Liu to squat down or stand up. Zhang Fangqing pulled hair out of Ms. Liu's head, twisted it together, and stuck it into Ms. Liu's nose and ears. They took turns violently cursing at Ms. Liu for almost an entire day. They did not put Ms. Liu back in the bed until the nurse came to force-feed her.

    Inmate Zhang Fangqing taught Zhao Li how to torture people. Every day after that, inmate Zhao Li pulled Ms. Liu to the ground to brutally beat and kick her for a while. Then she hung Ms. Liu up by her hair. Soon her hair was all over the floor. She slapped Ms. Liu's face, stepped on her bare feet, and violently twisted Ms. Liu's hands behind her back repeatedly. If Ms. Liu vomited, Zhao Li would use paper to smear it all over Ms. Liu's face, neck, and ears. She would stick the paper to Ms. Liu's chest, rub Ms. Liu's socks in the vomit, and force them into Ms. Liu's mouth.

    Ms. Liu told Sui Lijuan, a night shift inmate monitor, to find Captain Yu Yingmin and tell him about the persecution. Zhao Li heard about it and stopped Sui Lijuan. Ms. Liu then told Wang Hongzhi, another prisoner monitoring on the night shift, but none would report it to the captain. Ms. Liu had no choice but to try to get the police to help her. It is their job to deal with the prisoners who violate the prison rules. However, when they saw Ms. Liu tied up with her mouth taped, sitting still on the floor, they acted as if they hadn't seen a thing. There was no reason for Zhao Li to fear any punishment, so she tortured Ms. Liu even more brutally. She blatantly told Ms. Liu that nobody could help her now and nobody cared about stopping the persecution. Prison director Liu said that "transforming" Falun Gong practitioners was to be the main goal of the prison next year.

    Yu Yingmin was on call December 9, 2006. Ms. Liu told her about the torture and showed Yu Yingmin her swollen arms and hands and the scars from Zhao Li scratching her mouth. Zhao Li heard her and screamed loudly from the hallway, "If Captain Yu changes the monitor, then she must be standing on Falun Gong's side. I'll tell Director Liu to inform the group." Later, Zhao Li was transferred and the persecution of Ms. Liu finally eased up.

    The vicious people who participated in torturing Ms. Liu are receiving retributions. Zhao Li suffers from aggravated asthma and cannot stop coughing. Criminal inmates often discuss how terrible Zhao Li suffers. Ms. Liu Lingling learned about Falun Gong inside the prison and she was also brutally tortured by Zhao Li. The death of a criminal inmate, Diao Shuhua, was also related to Zhao Li. Zhao Li is so emaciated now that she looks like a human skeleton and admits to torturing Ms. Liu. She has been transferred from the 10th Ward to the "strict control team." Zhao Fengli suffers great pain from heart disease and can't sleep for days at a time. The right side of Zhang Lirong's face is paralyzed and she can't close her eyes. Xiu Shufen often participated in torturing Ms. Liu and slandering Falun Gong. One day after torturing Ms. Liu, she was badly beaten by another inmate, Zhang Liying.

    Practitioner Ms. Li Yushu, from Mohe City in Heilongjiang Province, was once working for the education department. She went on a hunger strike for as long as two years and seven months after being arrested and brought to the women's prison. Ms. Li was doing the exercises in 2006, when she was brutally beaten by swindler Wang Xinhua and murderer Yuan Fen. These two evil people pulled Ms. Li off the bed and shoved her head up against the metal heating duct. They slugged and kicked Ms. Li brutally. When Ms. Li was doing the exercises another time, Yuan Anfen stepped on her face. Other inmates living in the same room felt pity for Ms. Li and asked why she wouldn't talk to the police about it. They were afraid she would be tortured to death. The tube became bloody when they force-fed Ms. Li and they even added garlic to the food. It was so spicy and painful that Ms. Li would roll around on the ground. Later, criminal inmate Xiang Guifen replaced Wang Xinhua, but she tortured Ms. Li just the same. She added even more garlic to the food force-fed to Ms. Li. They said that Zhao Yingling, head of the camp, told them to do it. Other inmates in the room were upset about it, but they were too afraid to say anything. The prisoners who torture practitioners are given special rights. While in jail they can enter and leave the rooms at will, do whatever they want, and report anyone to the police.

    Chinese version available at

    For Spreading the News of Their Mother's Unjust Death, Two Brothers Suffer Brutal Persecution

    Xing Defu is 40 years old. He began practicing Falun Gong in 1996. His mother, also a practitioner, was tortured to death in Wanjia Forced Labor Camp, and he was left with no way to appeal on her behalf. When he told the authorities about his mother's case, he was illegally arrested and is still in detainment experiencing severe persecution today.

    After July 20, 1999, in order to stand up for Falun Gong, he went to Beijing three times to clarify the truth. In December of 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong with his mother, wife, and son. The police from the Qianmen Police Station in Beijing arrested his whole family and held them in the basement of Jixi's Liaison Office in Beijing. Xing Defu and his uncle walked out of there that night but were arrested the next day by police officers from the Shunyi County Police Station in Beijing. His brother was secretly transferred back to Mishan and held in the No. 2 Detention Center.

    In 2001, when Xing Defu and his brother, Xing Delu, were released from the labor camp, they learned that their mother, Zhang Yulan, had been tortured to death at Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. They had no place to appeal for their mother, so they began to clarify the truth to the local people about their mother's tragic story. Meng Qingqi from Mishan Police Department attempted to arrest them, forcing the brothers to abandon their homes and become destitute. Through indecent means, Meng Qingqi deceived Xing Defu's eight-year-old son; convincing him to help them search for his parents, but the search ended up in vain. They did not give up and threatened people who might have known the brothers whereabouts. They finally found Xing Defu and literally dragged him out of his temporary workplace and sent him to Jixi Forced Labor Camp.

    In October 2001, officers Meng Qiqi and Liu Qin found Xing Defu's brother, Xing Delu, and sentenced him to seven years in Hada Prison in Jixi City. He was later secretly transferred to Mudanjiang Prison in June 2003.

    Xing Defu was "illegally arrested" by Jidong Police Department in 2004 while clarifying the truth and was held in Jidong Detention Center. Policemen Ma Li and Pei Jiaxiang brutally beat him many times. They used a plastic tube about one inch in diameter filled with concrete to beat him. Around April 11, 2005 of the lunar calendar, all of the practitioners held there performed Falun Gong exercises together to celebrate Master Li's birthday. They were brutally beaten by the police for this peaceful display of courage. They later began a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The police again used a plastic tube filled with concrete to lash practitioner Li Congjun at least two hundred times. He was not able to move for two weeks after the beating and was almost permanently disabled. The police knocked out all of Xing Defu's teeth.

    A prison doctor named Li also participated in the persecution numerous times.

    In April 2006, Xing Defu was sentenced to three and half years of imprisonment by the Jidong Judicial system and was sent to Mudanjian Prison. The prison secretly moved him to Jiamusi Prison, along with Qu Dehong, Li Congjun, and Liu Haiqiu.

    Chinese version available at