The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- April 12, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Yu Xianna Suffers Brutal Persecution in Wanjia Labor Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

  • Ms. Liang Xianglian and Ms. Zhou Meihua Sent to Yaojia Detention Center in Dalian City, Liaoning Province

  • Information Regarding Illegally Detained Falun Gong Practitioners in Boai County, Henan Province

  • Three Falun Gong Practitioners from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province Arrested and Their Property Confiscated

  • Ms. Yu Xianna Suffers Brutal Persecution in Wanjia Labor Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

    In February 2006, practitioner Ms. Yu Xianna was tied up and tortured after refusing to write the three statements at the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. Team leader Guo Qiuli and guard Wang Nana tied Ms. Yu's hands behind her back with ropes. Then she was hung up by the rope on a metal bar in the storage room with both legs approximately half a meter above the ground. On the night of February 9, Ms. Yu declared all her so-called "comments and opinions," spoken or written, to be null and void. As a result, guard Cong Zhili called her to the office and beat her up brutally. Cong used her fists to thump Ms. Yu's head; Yu's vision immediately blurred and she almost fainted. Cong then beat Ms. Yu's face using her hands. Cong's hands were numb, painful, and shaking uncontrollably when she finally stopped the beating. Then she forced Ms. Yu to stand and did not allow her to sleep.

    In November 1999, Ms. Yu was imprisoned in the Beijing Penitentiary after traveling to Beijing to appeal to the government. She was later transferred to the Second Detention Center in Shuangcheng City and was not released until May 2000. In September 2000, she was intercepted by policemen on her way to Beijing for a second appeal. She was imprisoned in the Second Detention Center and released two months later.

    At around 6 p.m. on February 21, 2004, several policemen broke into Ms. Yu's home, where she lived by herself. They immediately arrested her and took her to Minzhu Police Station for interrogation. They asked her where she obtained her truth clarification materials, but she refused to answer and sent forth righteous thoughts. A policemen pulled her to the center of the room and forced her to stand. However, Ms. Yu refused to cooperate and returned to her seat to continue sending righteous thoughts. More than an hour later, the policemen went to Zhang Guofu's office to ask for directions. Zhang replied, "Send her to the detention center."

    On the fourth day after Ms. Yu was sent to the detention center, she began a hunger strike. Zhu Xiaobo, deputy superintendent of the detention center, and the prison doctor tried to force-feed her by inserting a plastic tube through her nose down into her stomach. However, halfway down her throat the tube got stuck. In March, she started a second hunger strike and on the fifteenth day she was sent to Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. By then, she was already very weak and had difficulty walking. She was coughing and spitting up blood regularly.

    In the so-called "concentrated team" in the Wanjia Labor Camp, two collaborators stripped off her clothes and made her put on a prison uniform. Then they made her to sit on a plastic stool with both legs tightly together, with her hands on her knees, and did not allow her to move. At that time, Ms. Yu was already very weak. Seeing how other practitioners were hung up and persecuted, she wrote the so-called "three statements" against her will out of fear. A week later she was transferred to the twelfth team.

    In October 2004, Ms. Yu began refusing to perform the slave labor. After being brutally beaten by the team leader, surnamed Lin, as well as guard Wang Nana, she was forced to squat down with both legs tightly together, her hands behind her back, and not allowed to move. At night, when she could not continue squatting anymore, she suffered beatings from guard Liu Baibing before being forced to squat again. Only when the twelfth team completed the day's quota was she allowed to stand up.

    In November, guard Qiu Yang called on team leader Guo Qiuli and found that Ms. Yu had one of Master Li's articles in her possession. Qiu moved a metal chair to the corridor of the twelfth team and handcuffed her hands behind her back and to the chair frame and forced her to sit on the metal chair for a week. Later, after she refused to answer a question sheet that defamed Falun Gong and Master, she was forced to squat in the cell. Later, policeman Wang Nana cuffed Ms. Yu's hands to the frame of a metal bed and forced her to continue squatting while beating her brutally.

    In November 2005, Ms. Yu was persecuted again for refusing to answer a political test. Policeman Qiu Yang instructed two collaborators (one of them was Wang Meifang) to strip off Yu's clothes and made her sit on a metal chair in the storage room of the twelfth team barefooted and wearing only a pair of short pants. The windows were opened and it was a very cold winter day. The next day, they repeated the same torture but made Ms. Yu sit down on the floor with both legs tight together. She was not allowed to wear shoes even when she was going to the restroom. At that time, even policeman Wang Nana, who was wearing a winter jacket, said that it was cold, and Wang Meifang was shivering although she wore her winter coat.

    On the third day, policeman Sha Yujin took over. Even though Ms. Yu Xianna was handcuffed to the metal chair and squatting barefooted on the floor, Sha Yujin was still filled with hate and anger. She handcuffed Ms. Yu to a metal bar in the storage room and started kicking her legs with her thick boots. Ms. Yu's toenails were shattered from being kicked, and the pain was almost unbearable.

    On the fourth day, guard Wang Wei instructed collaborator Wang Meifang to move the metal chair into the supervising room. Having being cuffed to the metal chair barefooted for several days, Yu's legs were both swollen and red. Soon her legs started to hurt badly and she could barely place one of her legs on the floor. Wang Wei made Wang Meifang push Ms. Yu's legs upwards with all her strength, creating tremendous pain for Ms. Yu. Wang Wei even stepped on Ms. Yu's head to humiliate her.

    On the fifth day, guard Qiu Yang arrived at work with a police baton and sat down next to her. Qiu forced Ms. Yu to squat with both legs tight together and she was not allowed to move. Ms. Yu's hands were still cuffed to the back of the metal chair and if she made any movements, she would be beaten by the guard. This lasted till midnight and by then, Yu's legs and arms were hurting unbearably. When her hands were uncuffed she could not move them anymore. Two collaborators carried her to the chair, and at this time, Qiu Yang arrived and made a cup of cereal for Ms. Yu in an act of false compassion in order to try to convince her to write the three statements.

    On the sixth day, Ms. Yu had reached her limit. Having been so brutally persecuted, she was misled by their false compassion and was unable to tolerate their brutal torture any more, so she wrote and submitted the so-called "three statements" and other reports. However, Guo Qiuli (the team leader) said that the reports did not meet the requirements and told her to rewrite them. Guo also said that if Ms. Yu did not write them, she would be tortured again. She began a hunger strike for eight days and was finally spared from torture on the eighth day.

    In April 2006, the labor camp started a new wave of coercion to make practitioners give up their cultivation. Ms. Yu Xianna refused and team leader Guo Qiuli and Li Peihuan made her squat with her hands behind her back again. On the second day, Sha Yujin, Xie Chunyan, and another guard surnamed Wei made her stand in the office with her head bent down between her thighs. Whenever she moved even a bit she would be beaten. Later, she could not control her legs anymore and fell to the ground, and was beaten and kicked by guard Xie Chunyan.

    In May, team leader Huo Shuping, guards Qiu Yang, Wang Wei and Zhou Yingfan brought Ms. Yu to the supervising room for another round of torture after judging that her so-called "comment and opinion" speech was unacceptable. Ms. Yu was forced to stand with her head bent down between her thighs and both hands cuffed behind her back. Criminal Yang Fengling was instructed to strip off Ms. Yu's pants and Zhou Yingfan used her police baton to brutally hit Ms. Yu's buttocks, back, and arms countless times. After seeing no response, Huo pretended not to know what to do, and Ms. Yu was once again fooled by the false compassion and agreed to repeat the "comment and opinion" speech. Later on, Ms. Yu was often made to stand up or bend down for an entire night when she refused to say the "comment and opinion" speech.

    In mid-September 2006, the local judiciary wanted to start training in Wanjia Forced Labor Camp for an army performance. The camp made all female prisoners participate. They had to practice under the heat of the midday sun and continue to do slave labor at night. One morning, Yu Xianna was dizzy and was unable to participate in the marching, but Yao Fuchang brought her out onto the square and made her squat on the ground. Yao barked at her, "This is a political requirement. Let's see how you dare to not participate" while using a ruler to slap Yu's face. Seeing this, twelfth team leader Guo Xiuli remarked sarcastically, "Your head is probably not dizzy anymore now!" Qiu Yang and the discipline leader, surnamed Zhou, also brutally beat Ms. Yu.

    Ms. Liang Xianglian and Ms. Zhou Meihua Sent to Yaojia Detention Center in Dalian City, Liaoning Province

    On the afternoon of March 20, 2007, officials at the Xiuyue Street Police Station in the Zhongshan District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province sent Ms. Liang Xianglian and Ms. Zhou Meihua to the Yaojia Criminal Detention Center. In order to conceal their decision from the practitioners' families, the officers sent Ms. Liang and Ms. Zhou away through the back door of the police station. The Yaojia Detention Center is known for its cruelty in persecuting practitioners. Ms. Liang and Ms. Zhou were followed and arrested by patrolling officers dedicated to the suppression of Falun Gong practitioners. The two were posting self-adhesive truth clarifying materials in the Xiuyue Street residential area. One female and four male officers from the Xiuyue Street Police Station searched Ms. Liang Xianglian's home and confiscated a personal computer, some truth clarifying materials, an MP3 player, Falun Gong cassette tapes, and a cellular phone.

    Ms. Zhou Meihua is my younger sister. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1996. This is the fourth time she has been arrested. She had no fixed place to stay, and her daughter, the only child she has, has not been able to attend school. I am gravely concerned that Meihua has sustained severe mental and physical abuse by hunger striking to protest unlawful persecution.

    Ms. Liang Xianglian was born in October 1949. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1995. She was unlawfully held in the Dalian City Forced Labor Institute from October 2000 to October 2003, undergoing extended torture and persecution. Her husband also started practicing Falun Gong in 1995. He was held in the Dalian City Forced Labor Camp from October 2000 to August 2002. He was tortured to the extent that he could no longer take care of himself. He is almost blind.

    Information Regarding Illegally Detained Falun Gong Practitioners in Boai County, Henan Province

    Police officers Li Yinghao, Sun Lujun, and Li Ziyou, Sun Jie and others from Boai County have persecuted many practitioners since July 20, 1999. Some practitioners died as a result of the persecution; some became homeless to avoid persecution; some families were broken up, and others were and still are detained. The following is information on detained practitioners and their families.

    Xinmi Prison Jailed Practitioners Mr. Bian Chunyou, Mr. Bi Zhicai, and Mr. Jiao Changfu

    Mr. Bian Chunyou, 51 years old, is a Vietnam War veteran. His right leg became disabled, he could no longer take care of himself, and he walks with crutches. He began Falun Gong cultivation in 1996. After July 20, 1999, he was persecuted and detained many times as well as subjected to illegal home searches, other terrifying experiences, and brainwashing. Mr. Bian was arrested again for distributing Falun Gong materials and held in a detention center. Practitioners held there have experienced mental torment and physical abuse by having to work long hours.

    Mr. Bian's health deteriorated under such an execrable environment. His limbs were contorted and his already disabled legs began to suppurate, beginning near his foot and gradually moving up. Constantly working long hours, he frequently appeared to be nauseous and dizzy. His hands and feet were weak, and he could not walk. His leg needed to be amputated, but the prison doctor refused to treat him, citing a lack of money as the reason.

    Despite his poor health, the court still sentenced Mr. Bian to three years in prison. He is now detained at Xinmi Prison in Henan Province and being tortured again. In prison, his legs were amputated in order to control suppuration in the lower part of his legs. After the amputation, due to a lack of medication, the infection was not controlled. As a result, he ended up requiring a second amputation. The family has asked many times for his release due to his medical condition, but the prison officials refuse and continue to detain and torture him.

    Mr. Bian Chunyou's wife believes in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." For this she has been continually persecuted since July 20, 1999. Among other forms of persecution she has been detained, brainwashed, and subjected to mental abuse. She lost her mental acuity, became partially paralyzed, and could no longer take care of herself. A fire happened where she lived. Because of her limited mobility and inability to douse the fire, it became a disaster. The trauma of the fire resulted in her lower body and legs being disabled, and she was bedridden for a long time. She could not sit or walk. Her life of bitterness defies description.

    Given their desperate family situation, Mr. Bian's children went to the county police department and asked for their father's release. The police were in no way moved by their story. They continued Mr. Bian's incarceration in prison and additionally have police stationed around Mr. Bian's home to monitor his family's activities

    Practitioner Mr. Bi Zhicai, 48 years old, began his cultivation practice in Falun Gong in 1998. He was arrested in October 2005 for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. Eight months later he was sentenced to three years in prison. His family was not notified until much later. Now he is detained in Xinmi Prison.

    Mr. Bi's wife is also a practitioner and began cultivating in 1998. After July 20, 1999, she was forced into a brainwashing center many times. She experienced verbal abuse from her neighbors who did not know the truth about Falun Gong during her husband's detention. County officials frequently searched her home, took away her belongings, and intimidated her; however, her belief is firm, and she continues practicing Falun Gong.

    Mr. Jiao Changfu is practitioner from Zhuyin Village in Boai County. He had been detained for three years since 2000. In April 2005 he was sentenced again to five years and is now detained in Xinmi Prison.

    Forced to leave home, Ms. Zhang Yiqin's whereabouts are unknown

    Ms. Zhang Yiqin used to have difficult-to-treat illnesses, but she became healthy after she started practicing Falun Gong in July 1999. The practice completely changed her personality. She treated people nicely and looked inside herself first when there was a conflict. She had just started Falun Gong study when the persecution began, but she did not change her mind about practicing Falun Gong. The county officials constantly harassed her by conducting home searches and taking away her belongings, forcing her to pay a fine, and forcing her to attend brainwashing sessions. On June 12, 2006, police officers Li Yinghao, Li Ziyo, Sun Lujun, and others broke into Ms. Zhang's home and attempted to arrest her. With Master's help, she successfully escaped from the police. Her whereabouts are unknown. Her family of four live in difference places.

    There is another practitioner who also suffered from persecution. Police found Falun Gong materials at her home during a search in her absence. After that, they started monitoring her home. She became aware of that and could not return home. She decided to leave home to avoid further persecution. Her whereabouts are unknown.

    Mr. Wang Tusheng and Ms. Lu Xiaohua have been detained

    Mr. Wang Tusheng, 56 years old, worked at the Danhe Power Plant in Jiaozhuo. On March 9, 2007, he was arrested by policemen Sun Lujun and Sunjie and now is detained in the Boai County Detention Center.

    Ms. Lu Xiaohua, a practitioner from Sigou Village in Boai County, was arrested for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and was until recently detained at a forced labor camp. She has been transferred to Shibalihe Prison in Henan Province.

    Three Falun Gong Practitioners from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province Arrested and Their Property Confiscated

    In the morning on March 19, 2007, a group of plainclothes police officers in Daqing City followed and monitored Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yan Xiuli. After Ms. Yan arrived at the home of her in-laws, several plainclothes officers appeared and loitered outside the building. One officer positioned himself by a staircase inside the building. After Ms. Yan left her in-laws' home, the police that were waiting outside followed her and illegally arrested her.

    When the officers discovered the key to Ms. Yan's house, her home was plundered. The police confiscated her computer, printer, Falun Gong books and some other computer materials, such as toner, ink and cartridges. The policeman who was stationed by the staircase posed as a renter inquiring about a place to rent so that he could invade the home. Then several officers entered the home and confiscated property. Ms. Yan's mother-in-law was sick and bedridden and was unable to get up. The officers showed no concern for the woman and ransacked the home. The police pried open locked drawers and confiscated compact disc burners, along with many compact discs and Falun Gong books as well as other things. They also stole 300 yuan. While trying to protect the Falun Gong books, one of the officers hit Ms. Yan's mother-in-law's hand and it swelled. One of the officers constantly swore during the incident.

    According to the police, Ms. Yan Xiuli had been under surveillance for a year. Ms. Yan's husband (a non-practitioner) was also taken away the same day. The police asked him to identify Falun Gong practitioners in some photographs. Her husband did not know any of the people in the photographs and he was released the next day.

    In the afternoon on March 19, 2007, practitioner Ms. Tian Guiting went down the stairs of her residence and was arrested by plainclothes police. The officers discovered her house key and her home was ransacked.

    That afternoon, the police attempted to arrest practitioner Mr. Han Defa, but Mr. Han did not appear at the location where the police were waiting. The next morning after Mr. Han Defa got off work and was headed home, he was arrested. Similar to the previous arrests, police uncovered the key to his house and ransacked his family residence. A computer, paper cutter, Falun Gong books, Master Li's picture, and compact discs, along with other items, were confiscated.

    The premeditated arrests of practitioners were planned by Daqing Municipal Police Department, the Natioanl Security Group, and Longfeng District Police Department. There were many indications that the maintenance and cleaning workers of the residential area of the Petrochemical Factory of Wanlong Property Company in Daqing City participated in monitoring practitioners. Moreover, some practitioners' neighbors were hired by the police to participate in the surveillance. We hope practitioners will pay attention to this.

    At present, practitioners Ms. Yan Xiuli, Ms. Tian Guiting and Mr. Han Defa are imprisoned at the First Detention Center of Daqing City, and their family members are not allowed to visit them.