The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- April 13, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Middle School Teacher Mr. Chen Qiji Tortured to Death in Shayang Prison, Hubei Province

  • Ms. Li Xiaoyan Has Been under "Special Detention" - Forced Labor Camp Deprives Family of Visiting Rights

  • Mr. Sun Qian Subjected to Severe Persecution in the Second Prison of Jilin Province

  • Middle School Teacher Mr. Chen Qiji Tortured to Death in Shayang Prison, Hubei Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Chen Qiji was a middle school teacher in Jinmen City, Hubei Province. Because he firmly held onto his faith and publicly spoke the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution, he was sentenced to ten years in Shayang Prison in Hubei Province. He was brutally tortured and died in April 2007. More details follow:

    Mr. Chen Qiji was born in 1961. He was about 6 feet tall and was very physically strong. He was a kindhearted teacher employed by the Company School of the Third China Construction Corporation located in Jinmen City, Hubei Province. Because he firmly kept his faith and continued to practice Falun Gong, he was brutally mistreated by CCP officials. He was sentenced to three years of forced labor in 1999 and was arrested again in 2004 because he was publicly clarifying the truth about the persecution. He was sentenced to ten years in prison secretly without any of the required legal procedures.

    During his detention in Shayang Prison, Mr. Chen Qiji solidly kept his faith. As punishment, he endured numerous kinds of cruel torture until his life was in danger. On February 7, 2007, the Prison Administration was worried that he might die in the prison, so they took him home at the brink of death. Mr. Chen died on April 3, 2007.

    Mr. Chen Qiji's wife, Ms. Li Yanhua, is also a Falun Gong practitioner. She supported her husband's practice. She was also arrested in 2004 and illegally sentenced to ten years in prison. She is currently detained in the Wuhan Women's Prison. The couple has not seen each other for the past six years due to the persecution. She was not allowed to see her husband even when he was dying. Now there are only Mr. Chen's parents (both in their 70s) and Ms. Li's mother (in her 80s) taking care of their young child.

    Ms. Li Xiaoyan Has Been under "Special Detention"; Forced Labor Camp Deprives Family of Visiting Rights

    Falun Gong practitioner Li Xiaoyan's mother, 70 years old, from Suizhong County, Huludao City, Liaoning Province, went for the third time to visit her daughter at the First Women's Forced Labor Camp of Shandong Province on March 22, 2007. The camp is located in a suburban area of Jinan City, Shandong Province. Sun, the head of the 1st Group told Li's mother: "Since Li Xiaoyan hasn't been 'transformed' (successfully brainwashed) and has been very stubborn, she is under 'special detention' and cannot be visited." Family members also brought some spring clothes and shoes for Li; however, Sun refused to deliver them and said: "It's not necessary, we will provide her those things." The family eventually delivered clothes and shoes via another channel.

    Li's family asked Sun about the meaning of "special detention." Sun refused to answer. When the family questioned the legitimacy of the policy called "no transformation, no visit," Sun replied: "You can report or sue us all you want."

    Li's family members visited the Forced Labor Camp Management Committee of Shandong Province to ask about an appeal they had sent earlier, and also to question about the denial of visitation. The Forced Labor Camp Management Committee said they hadn't received any appeal request, and they also said that problems regarding visitation were under the supervision of the Bureau of Forced Labor Camps of Shandong Province. In fact, Li's family members had mailed the appeal form long before 2007 via express mail. It seems impossible that the appeal was not delivered.

    Li's family then visited the Bureau of Forced Labor Camps of Shandong Province. Guan Sheng from the Administration Section, with another official (looked tall and slightly big), told the family: "The 'no transformation, no visit' policy is under a secret order, and we cannot show it to you." When the family members asked who signed and authorized the secret file, they replied, "The file was signed by the 'Shandong 610 Office' and the 'National 610 Office'."

    In the afternoon of the same day (March 22), Li's family members visited the camp again requesting to see Li Xiaoyan in order to have her sign an application for a second appeal. Sun refused to let Li sign the application. She told the family members: "Appealing is Li's own business, and besides, the deadline for a second appeal has expired." The family members then further appealed and requested Li Xiaoyan to write a statement about her situation. Sun replied, "Such a statement cannot be done without an attorney." She also added, "The 'no transformation, no visit' policy was set by the camp itself. It's a secret order and cannot be publicized."

    In the afternoon of March 23, Li's family members visited the camp again with a letter to Sun. (The letter titled "A Letter from Li Xiaoyan's Family to the Person(s) in Charge of The First Women Forced Labor Camp of Shandong Province" is available in Chinese at The family members again requested to see Li Xiaoyan and waited for an answer. As an excuse, the receptionist said that chiefs as well as the head of the camp were all in a meeting and made the family members wait.

    On March 24, for the fourth time, Li's family members visited the camp. Once the security person at the gate learned that it was Li Xiaoyan's family who were visiting, he replied: "The top management said that we could not let Li's family get in." Later, outside the gate, the family members met Sun and asked for an answer to the letter sent the day before. Sun replied: "I haven't seen the letter, and I am just about to get off work. Li Xiaoyan is not in danger or facing a life threatening situation." Such a response from her was likely a reaction after reading the letter however. Sun was then in a hurry and rushed into her car, ignoring further questions from the family.

    Li's mother visited the camp two more times on March 28 and 29, waiting for an answer from the chief or the head. As an excuse, the camp's response was "officials in charge are not available." The camp refused to give any response to the inquiry.

    On December 13, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners Li Xiaoyan, Wang Yingwei (from Jinzhou), Li Guang (a.k.a. Li Mengting, from Nanpiao District, Huludao City), and Zhou Yingchun (from Suizhong) were kidnapped on a train by railroad police from Jinzhou. They were sent to the Railroad Detention Center of Jinan. Li Xiaoyan was then transferred to The First Women's Forced Labor Camp of Shandong Province on January 11, 2007. At the camp, she was illegally sentenced to 18 months of forced labor.

    Mr. Sun Qian Subjected to Severe Persecution in the Second Prison of Jilin Province

    The Second Prison of Jilin Province (a.k.a. Jilin Prison) authorities have ruthlessly persecuted steadfast Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Qian with lies and violence. The officials have on the one hand deceived society by putting up a slogan "establishing a model prison," making "eight promises to the public," and making itself a model of "obeying the law and safeguarding human rights." But at the same time they have ruthlessly persecuted Falun Gong practitioners using violent methods.

    The prison authorities have subjected Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Qian from Dehui City to "strict discipline" for over three months. They blocked information and refused visits from Mr. Sun's family members. When questioned, the prison guards could not provide an explanation.

    The day before the 2006 Chinese New Year was family visiting day. Mr. Sun Qian's family members begged the prison authorities to let them see him, but were refused without reason. On the next family visiting day, March 20, 2006, Mr. Sun's 83-year-old mother begged the prison guards to see him but was refused once again. The prison authorties gave the reason, "He refuses to be reformed."

    Falun Gong practitioner Liu Chengjun was tortured to death in the same prison. Wang Guiming was beaten for eight days continuously. Mr. Zhang Hongwei was tied on a death bed for more than 50 days. Li Zhibing was severely tortured. Sun Qian, Tan Qiucheng and Shi Wenzhuo were tortured and strictly disciplined.