The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- April 14, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Purchaser from Qiqihar City Chinese Medicine Hospital Killed in Tailai Prison

  • The Central Hospital of Jilin Province Prison Bureau Uses "Inmate Care" to Torture Prisoners

  • Missing for Several Years: Mr. Wang Hongbin, Mr. Guo Baoyong and Mr. Shi Qun

  • Authorities Attempt to Brainwash Elementary School Teacher from Shanghai

  • Four Falun Gong Practitioners in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province Illegally Arrested

  • Purchaser from Qiqihar Chinese Medicine Hospital Killed at Tailai Prison

    Heilongjiang Province Falun Gong practitioner Liu Jingming worked at Qiqihar City Chinese Medicine Hospital. He was honored as an "outstanding" purchasing agent. On February 8, 2007, he was detained at Tailai Prison.

    It took guards at Tailai Prison only 46 days to torture 39 year-old Mr. Liu to death. At 7 p.m. on March 24, 2007, guard Ji Hengtai of the Training Unit at Tailai Prison phoned Liu Jingming's home. He claimed that Mr. Liu died after "jumping out of the window of the building" at 1:40 a.m. on March 24. The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has used this excuse for almost eight years when murdering practitioners.

    More details follow.

    Falun Gong practitioner Liu Jingming of Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province

    Practitioner Liu Jingming was born on July 23, 1968. He worked at Qiqihar City Chinese Medicine Hospital and was considered an "outstanding" purchasing agent. He began to practice Falun Gong in 1995, and conducted himself according to the principles "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." He thought of others first before doing or saying anything. He was not corrupt or selfish when he worked as a purchasing agent. He treated people kindly, and was considered a good person recognized by all people in the hospital. His invention "two sticks" for the hospital's security department was patented by the Patent Office in 1995.

    The hospitals suffered from severe water loss in 2001. Most of the taps leaked, and the hospital could not get it fixed after spending a great deal of money. Mr. Liu Jingming did not ask for a reward. He fixed all the taps in the hospital. The hospital staff no longer had problems with the water taps. The savings to the hospital amounted to many thousand yuan a year. The hospital emblem he engraved in 2002 during his spare time still hangs in the hospital office.

    Sadly, such a kindhearted, compassionate and good person who lived by the principles "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" was imprisoned and taken to a forced labor camp. They extorted money, sentenced and murdered him after Falun Gong was banned in 1999 by the CCP.

    At 11 a.m. on March 25, some of Liu's family members went to Tailai Prison. Political Instructor Ji Hengtai claimed that the guards at the prison "cared" for practitioners. When questioned the cause of Liu Jingming's death, Ji Hengtai said, "We carry out forced 'transformation' of practitioners. Mr. Liu Jingming was 'very stubborn.' He would not recite prison rules, only his Teacher's articles. Mr. Liu Jingming chose death because he 'felt that the prison term was too long.'"

    The Criminal Investigation Section of the county police department and two employees of  the Procuratorate also claimed that the death was caused by despair over "the length of the prison term."

    Ji Hengtai claimed that Mr. Liu Jingming was held in the Training cell on the 3rd floor. At 1:15 am on March 24, Mr. Liu Jingming asked to go to the toilet. Two prisoners were on duty and one was smoking outside the cell. The prisoner alleged that he heard the sound of the iron window opening. He went inside to grab Mr. Liu Jingming's right hand. Mr. Liu Jingming escaped and jumped out of the window through the open iron bars. Five minutes later, they carried Liu Jingming to the prison hospital. Mr. Liu Jingming died at 1:40 am on March 24, 2007.

    Family members, deeply grieved, asked indignantly, "Since Mr. Liu Jingming died at 1:40 a.m., why did the prison staff not notify the family until 7 p.m.? What did you do for those 18 hours? Can iron bars be so easily broken loose at the prison? Besides, Mr. Liu Jingming suffered high blood pressure, was tortured daily and was emaciated. Where did he get the strength to break open the iron bars? Mr. Liu Jingming's knees were purple black. There was blood and other marks on his knees. This was certainly caused by long term kneeling."

    When the family members, with eyes filled with tears saw Mr. Liu Jingming's body, they were shocked. The body was horribly mangled. The right side of the head was caved in. The face and entire body was horribly damaged. The woolen sweater and pants he wore were soaked with blood, but his underwear and underpants did not show any bloodstains. Mr. Liu Jingming's elder sister said that this was not his underwear. The left leg showed signs of possible torture. The right leg had a hole, which was approximately 5 to 6 centimeters in diameter. The right leg was twisted and both knees were purple black and showed coagulated blood.

    Liu Jingming's body in the cold storage at the Tailai Prison hospital

    Mr. Liu Jingming was detained in the same cell with eight other practitioners, including Mr. Ren Yingqun. When the family members asked about Mr. Ren Yingqun, Ji Hengtai made excuses. He said later that Mr. Ren Yingqun had been transferred out of the Training Unit a month ago. However, Chief Liang of the Training Unit had told them that Mr. Ren Yingqun had been transferred on the day after Liu Jingming's death, March 25. He claimed that Mr. Ren Yingqun was sleeping when Liu Jingming died. Ji Hengtai and Chief Liang gave conflicting times of Mr. Ren Yingqun's transfer. Both stories can't be true.

    Prison Can't Defend Itself

    Tailai Prison in Heilongjiang Province

    On the morning of April 1, Mr. Liu Jingming's family phoned Chief Ma of the prison politics section to advise him of their visit in the morning. The family members arrived at Tailai Prison at around 10 a.m. They phoned Chief Ma to advise of their arrival and were told to see Deputy Chief Mei Jiming. Mei Jiming was rude and unpleasant and not ready to talk to Mr. Liu's family. When they asked to speak to Chief Ma, they were told that he had left for Qiqihar. After some discussion, Mei Jiming, Training Unit guard Ji Hengtai and Chief Liang Fuwen took them to a meeting room.

    That day, Training Unit guard Ji Hengtai claimed again that Mr. Liu Jingming "had jumped out of the window." He changed his March 25 statement. Now, inmate Zhou Lixin went into the room to grab Mr. Liu's right hand. Mr. Liu escaped and jumped out of the window. Inmate Zhou Lixin came into the room and tried to grab Mr. Liu's left hand. When corrected by Mr. Liu's family, he changed his story. When family members asked as to how they "transform" practitioners, Ji Hengtai changed what he had said on March 25 "We have orders from top level management to forcibly transform practitioners. Mr. Liu Jingming was very stubborn." He denied any wrongdoing or forced transformation. Ji Hengtai clearly did not tell the truth.

    Family members asked, "On March 22, didn't you beat them when Mr. Liu Jingming, Mr. Ren Yingqun and two other practitioners stood up to expose lies?" Mei Jiming responded, "We never beat people." Family members then questioned the 6 centimeter hole on Mr. Liu Jingming's right leg. They refused to answer. But said that the procurator had inspected the injuries. Family members requested to see Ren Yingqun who had been imprisoned with Mr. Liu in the same cell, but were denied permission.

    When family members asked how the prison management would deal with this matter, Mei Jiling said that Mr. Liu did not work, so it could not be treated as work injury. He again repeated that Mr. Liu had been killed when falling out of the window. Mr. Liu's family members responded that Mr. Liu died in the prison, so the prison should take responsibility. Then they requested that an autopsy be performed on Mr. Liu's body. They asked that the coroner provide the cause of death. They also requested that Mr. elderly parents receive financial compensation. Apparently, the Qiqihar City procurator Wang Liancheng was involved in "investigating" the case.

    Persecution Suffered in Detention Center and Forced Labor Camp

    After Falun Gong was banned, slandered and persecuted in 1999, Mr. Liu went to appeal in Beijing, a right given to Chinese citizens by the Chinese Constitution. He wanted to explain that Falun Gong was framed. He was taken back to his hometown and tortured with the "Big Hang Up" at Anshun Road Police Station. His wrists were injured. Staff from the Qiqihar City Longsha District CCP government and Qiqihar City Police Department extorted 8,000 yuan before releasing Mr. Liu after 18 days detention.

    In February 2002, police from Zhengyang Police Station tried to force Mr. Liu to write a guarantee statement. To escape this persecution he left his home. On February 2, police of the Qingyun Street Police Station arrested him when he was distributing Falun Gong truth-clarification flyers with another practitioner. In the police station, police tortured him with "Big Hang Up," forced him to sit on the iron chair, brutal beatings and other tortures. He was transferred to the then No. 2 Detention Center, and sentenced to one and a half years at Fuyu Forced Labor Camp.

    In Fuyu Forced Labor Camp, Liu Jingming was ordered to write the so-called three statements, made to watch videos that slandered Falun Gong, and perform slave labor. Because the guards tortured practitioners, Mr. Liu joined a collective hunger strike to protest.

    Around April 20, 2002, police of Fuyu Forced Labor Camp used handcuffs to hang up practitioners from 30 to more than 120 days. Police Huang Dianlin, Wang Quan, Tong Zhonghua tried all they could to stop practitioners to practice the exercises. They hung practitioners on the two meter high double bunk bed, and cuffed hands behind their backs, so the body had no room to move. They insulted practitioners with dirty language. They were hung up daily from ten to fifteen hours. They also curtailed bathroom visits. Due to long time hanging and standing, practitioners' legs and feet were very swollen and it became difficult to move. Practitioners who were hung up include, Fu Zhiyu, Zhou Shuyou, Luo Yongquan and Liu Jingming. Later, police cuffed both hands of Fu Zhiyu and others to a heater pipe, which was 20 centimeters off the ground. Due to torture, Fu Zhiyu died from a stroke not long after his handcuffs were removed.

    Again Abducted, Persecuted in Tailai Prison

    After Mr. Liu was released from the forced labor camp, he was again arrested in the afternoon of March 30, 2006. He knew that the CCP minions would continue to arrest practitioners, so he visited practitioner Li Qi to warn him. Before seeing Mr. Li, he was arrested by police Gu and others from Shuguang Police Station in Tiefeng District.

    Police from the Tiefeng vice squad tortured Mr. Liu with the iron chair for 11 days. They tortured him during interrogation. His mouth was injured. He was brutally beaten and hung up. Thenm, he was taken to Qiqihar No. 1 Detention Center.

    In October 2006, Liu Jingming received a 12-year sentence. He appealed, but his appeal was not accepted. The person responsible for Mr. Liu's case was special case leader Ma Chongzhe of the Tiefeng Sub-bureau. Mr. Liu was taken to Tailai Prison on February 8, 2007. He and other practitioners suffered inhuman torture in the "Training Unit." They suffered brainwashing, were forced to recite prison rules, ordered to write guarantee statements, deprived of sleep, disallowed to talk, forbidden family visits, brutally beaten and tortured.

    On March 22, the so called "tour lecture group" went to Tailai Prison to conduct a brainwashing session. Mr. Liu Jingming, Mr. Ren Yingqun and two other practitioners stood up to expose the lies. For this, they were tortured cruelly.

    At 7 p.m. on March 24, guard Ji Hengtai of the Training Unit at Tailai Prison phoned Liu Jingming's family. He advised them that Mr. Liu Jingming had died after "jumping out of a window" at 1:40 am on March 24. Ji Hengtai at the Training Unit of Tailai Prison, the county police department, and two employees of the Procuratorate claimed that Mr. Liu Jingming's was devastated due to the long prison term. They claimed that this caused his "suicide."

    Phone numbers involved in the aforementioned tortures:
    Political Instructor: Ji Hengtai 86-452-8225647, 86-13079655898
    Prison Administration Section Chief Ma: 86-13019093390, Fax 86-452-8235443
    Prison Administration Section Deputy Chief: Mei Jiming
    Team Leader : Liang Fuwen
    Criminal prisoner on duty: Zhou Lixin

    The Central Hospital of Jilin Province Prison Bureau Uses "Inmate Care" to Torture Prisoners

    By a Falun Gong practitioner in Changchun City, Jilin Province

    I was once detained for so-called "medical care" (in fact torture) at the Central Hospital of Jilin Province's Prison Management Bureau for practicing Falun Gong and exposing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s persecution of Falun Gong. While detained there, I witnessed many vicious deeds committed by the guards and other officials. The hospital is also known locally as Tiebei Forced Labor Camp Hospital. Many of the criminal deeds are actually instigated by the prison doctors.

    It is necessary to explain first what "inmate care" is:

    The Central Hospital of Jilin Province's Prison Management Bureau selects prisoners from various prisons. After going through about one month's so-called medical training, they become "inmate care" personnel. In fact these selected prisoners have personal ties with the officials in charge; acting as "inmate care" personnel gives one a privileged position among the prisoners. In fact one must carry out the orders of the prison management to inhumanly torture people. Additionally, the prison doctors and nurses are too lazy to take care of the prisoners who need medical attention and so many of their duties, such as giving injections, drawing blood and chemical examinations are almost all carried out by the "inmate care" personnel, except when there is an inspection from higher level officials. It is a violation of internationally recognized regulations and an infringement on the basic human rights of the prisoners seeking medical attention.

    Below is what I know. Since 2000, the Central Hospital of Jilin Province's Prison Management Bureau has instigated the "inmate care" personnel to commit horrendous crimes against prisoners in need of medical attention and Falun Gong practitioners.

    1. Arbitrarily drawing blood from patients

    At the time they drew my blood, the "inmate care" personnel drew a big syringe of blood one day, and another one a few days later. I was puzzled as to why a blood diagnosis needed so much blood. They also did the same thing to other criminal inmates seeking medical attention there. After some time, I learned from overhearing them talking the cause of their actions. The usage of the blood, however, remains unknown.

    2. Using syringes as darts on patients who are not liked

    The "inmate care" personnel were very quick in understanding the intentions of the camp guards, prison doctors and nurses. Towards those inmates they did not like, they would inject the entire length of the syringe needle into the buttocks. They also competed with each other for the fun of injecting inmates in various ways to inflict pain. Sometimes they would repeat intravenous injections back and forth several times although the injection was successful on the first try. Sometimes they would first bang the needle against the wall and then inject it into the patients' buttocks. This way the needle tip became crooked and would pull out flesh when it was withdrawn.

    The "flying needle" is an infamous torture feared by all inmates. The patient would be asked to pull down their pants and reveal their buttocks. Then the "inmate care" personnel would throw the syringe needle like a dart at their buttocks. Some criminal inmates detained in Changchun First Detention Center often talked about their horrifying experiences with the flying needle torture in the forced labor camp hospital. Some inmates who were severely injured or had serious diseases would not dare to ask for treatment as they had heard about the flying needle torture. The "inmate care" personnel often incited prisoners to fear this method so as to reduce their work load.

    3. Incidents of beating or starving to death are reported as death by natural causes

    In the Central Hospital of Jilin Province Prison Management Bureau, beating to death, starving to death and other ways of killing are happening all the time and the authorities are indifferent about the deaths. When you come here you will know what is described as "disregarding human life."

    I once saw a very ill inmate whose medicine and food were discontinued. While on the verge of death, the person's involuntary groaning in pain angered the "inmate care" personnel. The personnel grabbed the ill, emaciated person and hit him/her several times then flipped him/her on the bed (exchanging the positions of head and feet). A couple days later, the person died.

    Another ill inmate in his 60's could not move and had to lie in bed all the time. He required help with his daily needs, including eating, drinking, urinating and defecation. The "inmate care" personnel would not provide care themselves. Instead, they forced other inmate patients to change his bedding every few days and feed him only a little food every day. One day, the head nurse ordered, "Look at the mess he makes in his bed. Feed him less!" After that the "inmate care" personnel would not feed him anything. They also would not allow other inmate patients to feed him. A few days later he died from starvation.

    In the Central Hospital of Jilin Province Prison Management Bureau, if a patient was cuffed to a bed or was not tended for a few days, the patient was bound to die. Some inmate patients and Falun Gong practitioners were tied down to beds and injected with intravenous drugs. Sometimes the drug fluid would become exhausted and the blood would start flowing back into the injection tube, yet no prison nurses or "inmate care" personnel helped.

    Changchun Province Falun Gong practitioner Wang Kefei, Jilin Province practitioner Yu Lixin, Changchun Nongan's practitioner Liu Chenjun, Changchun Province practitioner Xu Shuxiang, etc., were cuffed and shackled to beds for several days and their bodies were covered in blood, urine and feces.

    I witnessed one death every 10 days during a period of one month. Some victims were tied down to the bed and severely beaten. Some were disallowed any medication even when on the verge of death. Some were examined by the prison doctor. Those who died had their noses, mouths and anuses stuffed with cotton by the "inmate personnel." Their bodies were then put in plastic bags, which were later sealed and shipped away. Nobody knew exactly what happened next. The above mentioned practitioners were all tortured to death in the Central Hospital of Jilin Province Prison Management Bureau.

    4. Extorting money and enslaving patients and Falun Gong practitioners

    The Central Hospital of Jilin Province Prison Management Bureau is practically a paradise for gangsters and corrupted government officials. They usually do not have any illnesses but can still stay in the hospital for long time periods. For some of them, the prison doctors and nurses and prison guards would often buy food from the outside for them. Some of them even have relatives or friends bring restaurant takeout food for them. After a period of so-called medical treatment in the hospital, they would bribe the law enforcement officials, prison guards, doctors and nurses so that they could get medical proof and be sent home on bail for medical treatment in some other hospitals. For those inmates who had real illnesses and Falun Gong practitioners, release on bail was very unlikely. On the contrary, the "inmate care" personnel would often enslave the ill inmates and practitioners to wash clothes for them, do cleaning work, polish leather shoes, wash socks, make beds, cook, and wash dishes for the prison guards, doctors and nurses. The "inmate care" personnel also extorted money and other belongings from the ill inmates and practitioners.

    One inmate from Siping City was imprisoned for smuggling cars. The "inmate care" personnel targeted him for extorting money. This inmate from Siping City had a powerful relative who bribed the higher level law enforcement officials for protection. However, the "inmate care" personnel were not afraid and enslaved him to do all kinds of work. When he refused, they cuffed and shackled him down to the bed for several days until he gave in.

    From discussions among the criminal inmates I learned that some "inmate care" personnel mailed home tens of thousands of yuan in a few years of prison time. Of course, that amount is what was left after deducting the bribes they paid to the prison guards. Some inmates gave several thousand yuan to the Director of the Prison Adminstration Section in just one bribe. Some prison guards received bribes of up to tens of thousands of yuan at once. One can imagine how many filthy transactions have been and are conducted behind the scenes.

    Missing for Several Years: Mr. Wang Hongbin, Mr. Guo Baoyong and Mr. Shi Qun

    Mr. Wang Hongbin, detained in the Masanjia prison in Heilongjiang Province, has not been heard from

    Mr. Wang Hongbin was born in 1973. He worked on a farm in Nenjiang County of Heilongjiang province. He started to practice Falun Gong in 1996. In 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and clarify the truth. There he was illegally arrested and sent to the Jiusanju Detention Center in Nenjiang County, Heilongjiang Province. Later, he was transferred to the Mudanjiang Garden Forced Labor camp for over one year. They released him in 2001. But because of distributing truth-clarification materials in May, he was arrested and sent to a labor camp for another year. In September, he escaped with righteous thoughts from the labor camp and became homeless. In October 2002, when he was held at the Room 13 in 6th Section in the Yaojia Detention center in Dalian city, he protested his illegal detention and refused to tell the police his name or address. A practitioner who was also arrested received information that Wang Hongbin was illegally prosecuted.

    We and Mr. Wang's family have heard nothing from Mr. Wang since 2002. Normally, his family should have been notified of his imprisonment. Both his family and fellow practitioners have tried to find out about his whereabouts but to no avail.

    Looking for Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo Baoyong from Tutaizi Town, Liaozhong County, Liaoning Province

    In 2003, Mr. Guo Baoyong, from Tutaizi Town, Liaozhong County, Liaoning Province, was arrested by the police in Anshan city, Liaoning province. He has been missing ever since. His family had asked for him in Anshan, but they were told that Mr. Guo had been released and sent to Dalian city. However, his family looked for him in Dalian but to no avail.

    Looking for Practitioner Mr. Shi Qun from Pudong, Shanghai City

    Shi Qun has practiced Falun Gong for eleven years since 1995. At the beginning of 2005, he was abducted by the police from the Shanghai Ironwork and Zhoujiadu police station. He has been missing ever since.

    Shi Qun worked as an equipment engineer in the 3rd Factory of Shanghai Iron and Steel Company. He is a citizen of Dezhou, Shandong province. We hope that people who have inside information could provide relevant evidence and leads.

    Authorities Attempt to Brainwash Elementary School Teacher from Shanghai

    On February 7, 2007, someone reported Ms. Zhou Meijuan, a practitioner from Shanghai, to the police. She had been distributing truth-clarification materials in Zhaodun Town, Qingpu County (part of Shanghai). The police arrested her and sent her to Qingpu Detention Center. They also ransacked her home, although they found nothing incriminating. The police then made her attend the notorious "Qingpu Legal Study Session," actually a brainwashing center where authorities attempted to brainwash her.

    Ms. Zhou was a Chinese teacher at the Anting Elementary School in Jiading County (also part of Shanghai). Because she refused to give up her belief in Falun Gong, the authorities took away her right to teach and forced her to leave the school. On May 19, 2001, they sent her to a "study session" at the CCP School of Anting, where local government officials mistreated her. The authorities also detained her parents there. Because Ms. Zhou steadfastly resisted the attempts to brainwash her, the authorities sent her to the so-called "Legal Education School" in Qingpu County on June 11 for additional brainwashing attempts. While Ms. Zhou firmly believed in Falun Gong, her husband had been poisoned by CCP propaganda and threatened to divorce her. Ms. Zhou was held for a year and eight months before she was released.

    On February 7, 2003, the CCP officials arrested Ms. Zhou again and sent her to Qingpu County "Legal Education School" for further brainwashing attempts. To escape from the wicked place, she jumped from the second floor, injuring her feet in the process. She had to be hospitalized before she could return home. Her sister, Zhou Meihuan, was sentenced to two years of detention in 2001.

    On May 23, 2005, the police again searched Ms. Zhou's home, along with the homes of her parents and sister. All her family members were sent to Jiading Detention Center and mistreated there. Her mother, Min Xiujuan, was sentenced to five years, and her brother-in-law, Hou Po, was sentenced to three years. Her father and sister were detained for over ten days. Ms. Zhou was detained for twenty days.

    Four Falun Gong Practitioners in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province Illegally Arrested

    On the morning of March 24, 2007, in Shenyang City, the National Security Police, the police from the 12th Street Police Station in Tiexi District, as well as local residential area officials arrested Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Zhang Ke, his wife Ms. Wang Fenghuan, Ms. Han Ying and Ms. Dan. Their homes were ransacked and their personal belongings, including personal computers, were taken away. Mr. Zhang Ke is now detained at Tiexi District Detention Center, and Ms. Wang Fenghuan, Ms. Han Ying and Ms. Dan are detained at Shenyang City Detention Center.

    Zhang Ke is in his forties. He is one of the key technical personnel of a joint venture enterprise in Shenyang City and is known by all as a good man. Yet he is persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) authorities. On the morning of March 24, the police broke into his home, ransacked his house and confiscated his valuables and personal computers.

    Zhang Ke and his wife were arrested and then detained in different detention centers, with no one remaining at their home to care for their older parents. Their son, a 20-year-old college student, cannot focus on his studies now. Facing the difficulty of losing his financial resources, he has no way to pay for his tuition.