The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- May 6, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • The Accounts of Brutal Persecution of Practitioners in Yishui County, Shandong Province

  • Daqing City Police Conducts Mass Arrests Before Holidays

  • Huludao City Forced Labor Camp Responsible for the Deaths of Several Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Ms. Xie Lijuan Has Suffered a Mental Collapse as a Result of Persecution at Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp

  • The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Baimalong Women's Forced Labor Camp in 2006

  • The Accounts of Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Yishui County, Shandong Province

    The Persecution of Ms. Xiang Guiying

    Ms. Xiang Guiying spent five days in a brainwashing session held at Yangxi Middle School, starting on July 20, 1999. After being fined 250 yuan, she was transferred to Qili Middle School for another three days of persecution.

    On February 2, 2000, Ms. Xiang went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. She was illegally arrested by the police and imprisoned in Beijing for 14 days. After she returned to Yishui County, Ms. Xiang was detained at the local suburban police station. There she encountered Li Hongwei and Wang Jianjun, who brutally beat her head and face with a rubber stick for more than half an hour. They also threw her cotton-padded jacket outside the cell so that she would freeze. Later, she was transferred to the suburban brainwashing center for 15 days. Police officer Xin Wenfeng at the Chengnan local police station extorted 1,200 yuan in cash from her.

    On March 10, 2000 Ms. Xiang was arrested outside a neighbor's home for no reason and sent to the detention center for 15 days. (According to those who detained her, Li Hongwei gave the order for her arrest.) She had to give them 200 yuan for "living expenses." On March 30, Xiang Guiying was detained again by the street committee for more than 40 days. Later, she was transferred to the Ge Village Brainwashing Center and brutally persecuted for 30 days. Her family members were also forced to accompany her. They were forced to pay 4,200 yuan, of which 1,200 yuan was billed as "living expenses."

    On January 26, 2001, Ms. Xiang visited Su Li. When they were having dinner, Ms. Xiang was arrested by police officer Xin Wenfeng and taken to Chengnan Police Station. She was illegally detained for one day.

    The Persecution of Ms. Wang Yuzhi

    One evening around July 20, 1999, Wang Fuwen and He Fengjun illegally entered and ransacked Ms. Wang Yuzhi's home. They snatched her tape recorder and exercise tape. The next day, Wang Shulin, Wang Fuwen, He Fengjun, and others abducted Ms. Wang. Under the Town CCP Secretary Li's orders, they forced Ms. Wang to sit on the floor with her legs straight. Three to four people beat her for two to three hours until she lost consciousness. Later, she was taken to Yaodianzi Police Station for further persecution. She was not allowed to sleep for six days. At one point she stretched her arms out straight and was punished for doing so by having to remain in a squatting position. She was not allowed to move for the entire day. She trembled with pain and exhaustion and sweat profusely. Cheng Shibo also made Ms. Wang stay in a squatting position and beat her mercilessly with a wooden board. They once beat her for five to six hours. They beat her and swore at her at the same time. She was beaten black and blue over her entire body. The skin on her buttocks was broken and bleeding. Later, Wang Yuzhi was transferred to the brainwashing center at the Yaodianzi Center School. They forced her to watch a TV program that slandered Falun Gong and Master Li. If she refused to watch it, she was beaten and punished by being forced to stand for a long time. The authorities also threatened her father, telling him that Ms. Wang would not be released unless he paid 400,000 yuan. Ms. Wang Yuzhi was imprisoned for 13 days and fined 1,100 yuan.

    In the fall of 1999, Wang Fuwen and He Fengjun arrested Ms. Wang and took her from her home to the Yishandian courtyard and detained her in a darkened room. She was pregnant at the time. Two people beat her to the ground. They kicked her from her head to her buttocks. This lasted three to four hours, until she could not stand up. However, they forced her to stand up and then to remain in a squatting position. They made her stretch her arms out straight and put several heavy steel bars on top of them. Then they brutally beat her until she could no longer see. Her whole body was black and blue and swollen, and she was unable to move. They didn't stop beating her for 24 hours. They also extorted another 3,000 yuan from her mother.

    Three days later, Wang Yuzhi was sent to the Shantong Township Legislature Department's brainwashing center. Under Niu Qichao's orders, Judicial Manager Li Ming and his accomplice Bai (surname), Zhao (surname), and Village Secretary Zhang Xuexiang brutally tortured Ms. Wang. A 40-year-old man from the Planning Office insulted Ms. Wang and ordered her to abort her child. One morning when Li Mingcheng saw that nobody was around, he stripped off Ms. Wang's clothes and verbally abused her. Ms. Wang was imprisoned for 13 days and was forced to give them 2,300 yuan.

    In October 2000, Wang Yuzhi was waiting to deliver her baby in Yishui Luzhangpo. A person surnamed Zhang from Yishui Cotton Weaving Plant led a group of police officers to surround her family. They wanted to seize her husband. (Her practitioner husband was an employee of the cotton weaving plant who was forced to be homeless in order to avoid arrest and persecution. He had been illegally sent to Wang Village Forced Labor Camp for three years.) They harassed her family day and night.

    On August 14, 2001, Wu Shichuan, Duan Lianren, and Zhang Xuebin forced Ms. Wang's mother-in-law to hand over 2,000 yuan. Her parents-in-law cried the entire night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Niu Qichao and Li Mingcheng also forced Wang Yuzhi to live in the same room with her father-in-law. They locked the door and did not allow them to leave for a long time. On September 17, the child had a fever and the room was locked. Ms. Wang yelled loudly but nobody responded.

    One afternoon in November 2001, as she was hugging her sick child while sitting on the bed, Wu Shichuan and Liu Juan suddenly burst into their room with a group of people. They took Ms. Wang to the Yang Village Police Station for one night. Niu Qichao and Liu Juan, together with people from the Yishui 610 Office then took her to Linyi Brainwashing Center again. They not only persecuted Ms. Wang spiritually and physically, but they also extorted 3,400 yuan from her. At home, she was nursing her baby and taking care of a grandmother who was over 90 years old. Her father-in-law suffered from heart disease.

    In November 2006 the Yishui Cotton Weaving Plant Manager, Sun Bingwei, forced Wang Yuzhi to surrender her husband's registered permanent address. The deposit was not reimbursed and no unemployment pension was given to her.

    The Persecution of Ms. Liu Naiqin

    Liu Naiqin's second brother's whole family practiced Falun Gong. They were all arrested after the persecution began on July 20, 1999. One day she delivered some things to her second brother who was being held in the brainwashing center. Li Hongwei, the head of the center, arrested Ms. Liu because she is also a practitioner. They made her go into a separate room and asked her whether she still wanted to practice Falun Gong. When she replied that she would, Li Hongwei swore at her and slapped her face. Driver Liu burned Liu Naiqin's arm with a cigarette butt. These brutal people prohibited practitioners from speaking out after such treatment. After several days in the brainwashing center, Ms. Liu Naiqin returned home.

    Only a few days later, Liu Naiqin was deceived by the women's association director Tian Baoye to go to the office, where she was arrested and taken to Longjiaquan Comprehensive Administrative Office. Wei Shuwen, the CCP Secretary of Political and Judiciary Committee, Director Zhou Deyuan and Official Wang Zengsheng told Ms. Liu to hand over 2,000 yuan. Because she refused, she was imprisoned for more than a month. Out of money, Liu Naiqin lived at her second brother's home after her release. After a while, she was deceived again and told to hand over money. Liu Naiqin gave the authorities 600 yuan. Wang Zengsheng refused to give her a receipt, saying that 600 yuan was insufficient to cover his 2,000-yuan demand.

    Later, Wei Shuwen, Zhou Deyuan, and Wang Zengsheng frequently led others to harass Liu Naiqin's family. One day when they went to her home, she was at work at the time but her husband,Yang Ximao, and her child were at home. They kicked and brutally beat Yang Ximao in front of their child. Finally, they took Yang Ximao away in handcuffs. Wang Zengsheng had written something on a piece of paper, and without letting Mr. Yang read it, he forced him to put his fingerprints on the paper and fined him 2,000 yuan. After the family member had handed in 2,000 yuan, Yang Ximao was released. It was heard afterwards that the man behind the scenes was named Wang Xiufeng. He was the former Chaishan Township Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary and was later transferred to Longjiaquan Township and appointed as the Politics and Law Committee Secretary. The methods he used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners were extremely vicious.

    The Persecution of Mr. Zhang Jun

    Practitioner Mr. Zhang Jun, 61 years old, started practicing Falun Gong around the end of October 1997. He was from Zhangjialou Village in Yishui County. After the persecution began, Wu Hongjiang, the manager of the Yangzhuang Police Station, frequently harassed Mr. Zhang's family and ordered him to write a guarantee statement to give up his belief in Falun Gong. During the 2006 Chinese New Year, Zhang Jun was reported by Wu because he posted one of Master Li's poems on his door. Around 4:00 p.m. on February 23, a person whose last name is Li from Yishui County National Security Group, together with three to four men, two women, and Wu Hongjiang, searched Zhang Jun's home, arrested him, and took him to the local police station. After being imprisoned for one month at the Yishui Detention Center, Mr. Zhang was sentenced to two years of forced labor. He is still detained at Zibo City's Wang Village Forced Labor Camp.

    The Persecution of Mr. Chen Minjie

    Chen Minjie is a practitioner from Niyuzi Village in Yishui Township, in Yishui County, Shandong Province. On January 20, 2001 (of the lunar calendar), he went to Beijing to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. The police arrested him at the Tianjin train station and sent him to the local detention center. They took all his clothes off and made him stand in the snow when it was 20 degree below zero for half an hour. Then they had him put a shirt on and stand facing the wall. The police brought a big German shepherd dog to bite him on his back and made it bleed. Then they took off his only shirt and drenched him 20 times with ice-cold water.

    Later, Yishui County Local Police Station head Huang and Songfeng District Administrative Secretary Wang Yushan took Mr. Chen back to Yishui Feng Village. A few days later, he was sent to the county detention center. The criminal inmates at the detention center were manipulated and encouraged to persecute Chen Minjie. They pushed him to the floor, kicked, and beat him. They took off his cotton-padded jacket and threw him into the tub. They used ice cold water to "bathe" him. They clamped toothbrushes between his fingers and toes, and with one hand they grasped his fingers while with another hand they twisted the toothbrush until his fingers bled. They mixed soap, laundry powder, toothpaste, and so on, eight things together with water and forced him to drink it. Every day he was given very little food to eat. He was not allowed to sleep at night. Mr. Chen was tortured like this at the detention center for one month.

    In July 2002, because someone reported that Chen Minjie had distributed truth-clarifying materials in public, he was arrested and taken to the Songfeng District Administrative Office. Led by Wang Yushan and Wu Yubo, perpetrators kicked and beat him. When their hands got tired, they used a broom. When the broom broke, they used a rubber stick. Mr. Chen was beaten black and blue all over. Then he was sent to Wang Village brainwashing center for further persecution.

    Those in charge not only persecuted Chen Minjie, but they also extorted money from his wife. During recent years, a total of 15,000 yuan has been extorted from Chen Minjie. Now his family faces serious financial difficulty.

    Daqing City Police Conduct Mass Arrests Before Holidays

    In Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, close to any holidays, the police started a new round of persecuting practitioners. They keep a roster as to whom to arrest.

    From April 21 through 26, 2007, Daqing police shamelessly arrested practitioners in broad daylight. The arrested practitioners were: Chen Qingli, Lu Guilan, Yan Jiaohui (Lu Guilan's son), Liu Bo, Cao Fengqin (70, a retired teacher, whose spouse had died and who was living alone), Yin Guirong (68, typewriter and computer were confiscated), Yang Jinfeng(51, a worker), Liang Yahui(discharged), Hong Lanying(discharged), Hu Guizhi (discharged), He Xiuying, Shi Baosheng, Li Chunying, Li Guixiang, Li Hui (escaped), Ren Xiuping, Zhou Wenyan, Chen Qi, Zhao Shukun, Yin Moumou, Jiang Pai, Liu Yanxia, and others.

    The Daqing Police force is in reality a criminal organization and the public is quite aware of this. They collude with gangs and traffic in drugs, guns, ammunition and counterfeit money. They also opened bordellos, secretly support prostitutes, roam the streets, and commit crimes. They are the reason for social instability, and are a disruptive force in people's lives.

    When arresting practitioners, they disregard procedures, do not explain anything, or identify themselves. After practitioners were arrested, a policeman said, "If you give me 20 thousand yuan, I will set you free tonight. Or, you could give me a second-hand car instead." These policemen are racketeers who extort money and goods from practitioners.

    Daqing police not only arrest practitioners, but also confiscate their houses. They steal any item of value, including computers and fax machines. When people told them that they were behaving like rogues, one of the policemen said, "We are rogues. So what? I will arrest you if you talk too much."

    Even a section leader at the Daqing police station said, "Once they put on their uniforms, Daqing policemen become unruly. They turn into the bane of society."

    Huludao City Forced Labor Camp in Liaoning Province Responsible for the Deaths of Several Falun Gong Practitioners

    The Huludao City Forced Labor Camp has brutally persecuted over one hundred Falun Gong practitioners for eight years. Several practitioners have died from the torture. In order to force practitioners to give up their belief in Falun Gong, the camp's former head Wang Chunyuan, Yao Chuang, and former political commissar Wu Shushan had carried out large-scale attacks and torture on the practitioners several times. These methods of torture include beating practitioners, stepping on a practitioner' heads, and shocking the practitioner with seven or eight electric batons simultaneously. At least four practitioners were persecuted to death in the past several years. These practitioners are Mr. Chen Dewen, Mr. Wu Guoliang, Mr. Wang Zhehao, and Mr. Wang Yuemin.

    Practitioner Mr. Chen Dewen was 57 years old and lived in Gejia Town, Suizhong

    County, Huludao City, Liaoning Province. He was tortured to death by guard Zhang Fusheng and other prison officials. They brutally beat him, shocked him with electric batons on the sensitive areas of his body (including the genitals), force-fed him with salt water, and used other methods of torture.

    Thirty-five year old Mr. Wu Guoliang was a teacher at the Gangtun Town Middle School. During his imprisonment at the Huludao City Forced Labor Camp, Mr. Wu was frequently forced to go outside to do manual labor for eight hours at a time, which caused his physical condition to deteriorate rapidly. He was also forced to sit on a stool for long periods of time. One day in December, Mr. Wu was taken to a hospital when his life was in danger. The diagnosis from the hospital indicated that he had late stage tuberculosis, which was not treatable. In order to shirk the responsibility, the camp released Mr. Wu on bail for medical treatment. By that time, Mr. Wu was extremely thin and frail. He was taken home by his family members and passed away ten days later.

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Zhehao lived in Dalian City, Liaoning Province. He had been brutally persecuted by the camp for long period of time. He was unable to urinate and was very ill. The camp was afraid of that Mr. Wang might die at the camp, so they released Mr. Wang. Me. Wang soon passed away at his home.

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Yuemin lived in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province and contracted leukemia during the persecution at the labor camp. He was released by the camp when he was dying and later passed away at his home.

    Ms. Xie Lijuan Has Suffered a Mental Collapse as a Result of Persecution at Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xie Lijuan from Changchun City, Jilin Province was illegally detained in the 1st Group of Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp. She has become mentally disoriented as a result of gross abuse under the persecution. The police often forced her to take drugs. The more drugs she was forced to take, the more serious her symptoms became. Even so, policewoman Wei Dan still instructed inmates in prison for prostitution to monitor her. They not only deprived Ms. Xie of sleep, but also forced her to do manual labor.

    Ms. Xie Lijuan is about 28 years old, unmarried, and a graduate of Jilin University. She was a former staff member at the Jilin Province Library, the only one there who holds a Master's degree. After the Chinese Communist Party started the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. Xie was sent to the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp for two years of forced labor. During those two years she suffered from savage tortures, including being shocked on her thighs and genitals with electric batons. This caused her serious mental trauma. When she eventually returned to her former workplace and petitioned to return to work, all departments rejected her appeal. The head of the library finally instructed her to find a job as a storekeeper.

    In November 2006, Xie Lijuan was arrested again at her workplace and sent to the 1st Group of Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp.

    They held her in the "reform" class, and the police there attempted to brainwash her. They also humiliated her by cutting her hair into a bizarre style.

    A group of vicious policewomen headed by Wei Dan constantly tortured detained practitioners. They forbade practitioners to eat, deprived them of sleep and forced practitioners to sing Communist Party songs. The persecutors also forced them to read books that defamed Falun Gong, and to write reports and declarations to give up practicing Falun Gong. In addition, policewomen Wei Dan, Ye Jiong, Yan Lifeng and others brought practitioners who refused to be brainwashed to the fourth floor and tortured them there brutally. They force-fed practitioners, shocked them with electric batons, tied them to the "dead person's bed" and had one of the collaborators, Zhu Jiahui, further persecute practitioners.

    Xie Lijuan has now become mentally disoriented. She is unable to look after herself and does not remember how to find her way home.

    Xie Lijuan's home is in the countryside. Her father is now ill and bedridden. Her mother is not very well either because of anguish over the persecution that Xie Lijuan has suffered.

    The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Baimalong Women's Forced Labor Camp in 2006

    In March 2006, Hunan Province 610 Office head Liu Daolong visited Baimalong Women's Forced Labor Camp to "inspect" the work there. After that, labor camp authorities began a new round of persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. All the guards in the 7th Group were required to develop a "reform plan," namely their method and agenda to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief. As of the end of March, guards in the 1st Squadron of the 7th Group began to transfer practitioners to the 3rd Squadron for a pilot "reform" program. Initially they quietly moved one person at a time, and pressured the practitioners to do slave labor, who had refused to do so before. If the practitioners still refused to work, they would be pressured to write the three statements (to give up Falun Gong) and watch video programs slandering Falun Gong. The ultimate goal was to "reform" all practitioners.

    Practitioner Wen Huiying was in the forced labor camp for the third time. She began a hunger strike in January 2007 to protest the persecution. The guards force-fed her during the day. At night they forbade her to sleep. They locked Ms. Wen in a solitary cell. Once, she lost consciousness during a brutal force-feeding session. In March, Wen Huiying was diagnosed with a gastric hemorrhage, so they released her.

    Another practitioner in the 3rd Squadron (also called the "Fortified Target Attack Team") was severely injured by criminal inmate Yi Hongxia and others. The last information known about her was that she was sent to a hospital. Practitioners Zhou Aihua and Liu Yuebi were persecuted by having to stand on a small bench for a long time. The guards and criminal inmates also hit them on the legs and hands with a bench. They suffered tremendous injury.

    To protest the inhumane treatment in the 3rd Squadron, many practitioners went on a hunger strike. Yu Yingzhu, Fu Weijia, Zhu Guilin and Jiang Xinghua suffered from the force-feeding torture and beatings. Yi Hongxia once pinched Jiang Xinghua's nose during a force-feeding session until Ms. Jiang lost consciousness and almost suffocated. After she recovered, Yi Hongxia and others beat her again. Force-feeding caused Yu Yingzhu, Zhu Guilin and Fu Weijia to develop heart problems. Fu Weijia often felt heart pains, and her left hand was numb; her nose bled three times a day, she had edema in her feet and she also developed a gastric ulcer. Despite the practitioners' failing health, the guards still forced them to do slave labor. If they refused, they were told to prepare for prolonged imprisonment. So far, everyone has refused to cooperate with these unreasonable demands.

    In April 2007, the guards suddenly disbanded the 3rd Squadron and moved everyone from near the medical clinic on the third floor to downstairs and combined them with the 1st Squadron of the 7th Group. Then, systematic "attacking fortified targets" in the 1st Squadron began.

    The first practitioner to go through the torture was Duan Xiaoying. She used to have tuberculosis and was in poor health. Female guards Zheng Xia, Zhao Shuaiqun, He Yulian, Shi Wenchun, Peng Jinwen, Tang Geli and Huang Liping devised a scheme where criminal inmates Yi Hongxia, Yuan Chunxia, Peng Ying and Cui Wei took turns to torture Duan Xiaoying. They attempted to force her to watch video programs slandering Falun Gong. When Duan Xiaoying refused, they put her in a "straight jacket" and made her stand in a half-squatting position for long time. They made her squat for a long time and forbade her to sleep. They also subjected Ms. Duan to violent force-feeding when she refused to eat in protest of the mistreatment. After more than ten days of torture, Duan Xiaoying could not even walk. Two inmates had to carry her to use the toilet.

    Luo Yufang's suffering was just as bad as Duan Xiaoying's. When criminal inmate Yi Hongxia forced her into a straight jacket by twisting her arm backward, Luo Yufang's arm was so badly injured that she could not even pick up a small object. When Luo Yufang refused to watch the defamatory video, they slapped her on the face. Four to five criminal inmates pinned her to the floor, pulled her hair and stepped on her hands and feet. They also grabbed her hands and forced her to write dirty words. They knew that, as a Falun Gong practitioner who strives to be a good person, being forced to write such things would cause mental trauma and humiliation.

    Torture left practitioner Fu Weijia permanently injured and she needed assistance walking. When she was sent to the "Fortified Target Attack" room, Ms. Fu yelled out, "Falun Dafa is good!" Then several criminal inmates forced her into a straight jacket and also gagged her with a cleaning rag. When Ms. Fu refused to watch the video, they put her in a straight jacket and hung her up in the air, then grabbed her hair and forced her to watch the video. She could not straighten her right leg that night. It became swollen and was covered with bruises. Female guard Zheng Xia said, "She is faking it." To protest the torture, practitioner Fu Weijia went on a seven-day hunger strike. During that time the guards force-fed her twice a day and she was given an infusion. At night they forbade her to sleep. One severe force-feeding session injured one of her lungs, and she coughed blood. Even after that, criminal inmate Yuan Li and a prison doctor surnamed Tang still insisted on force-feeding her.

    After seven days they forced Fu Weijia to stand for a whole day and prevented her from sleeping. If she closed her eyes, the criminals would pour dirty water on her to wake her up. Practitioner Fu Weijia became disoriented and began to hallucinate. She would try to grab imaginary "flying objects." Finally she refused to stand and sat down. To punish her, inmate Yi Hongxia poured water where she sat, so she had to sit in water. When she refused to answer questions, Yi Hongxia hit her on the mouth with a coat hanger, making it bleed. A collaborator named Chen Heping was sent to "reform" her; after only one attempt Chen sprained a foot, making her ankle swell. Later a practitioner saw a duty record written by the on-duty criminal that was monitoring practitioner Fu Weijia: "At X o'clock and Y minutes, Fu Weijia dozed off. I poured water on her." Underneath the written record was a guard comment, "Take necessary measures to 'reform' her."

    This was how the guards and criminal inmates worked together to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.

    Practitioner Che Xiaoyang is in her fifties. She was detained in a utility room. They attempted to force her to watch a video slandering Falun Gong, which she refused to watch. The criminal inmates twisted her arms and pulled her up. Then they pushed her head onto a chair and forbade her to raise her body. Later her legs were swollen. When the torture was over, Ms. Che felt a severe pain in her legs and could not straighten her back. She is so far still unable to stand straight.

    Practitioner Wang Baihua is also in her fifties. She had lost one eye and was physically weak. After she was forced to stand for more than 20 days, she could no longer walk normally. Her legs were swollen from the knees down. She could not even sit, so she had become bedridden.

    The guards have now divided practitioners into three different sections: the 1st Squadron, the 3rd Squadron (on the third floor at the clinics) and the Production Team (also called the 2nd Squadron of the 7th Group).

    Practitioners detained in the 3rd Squadron included Jiang Yulian, Liu Yujia and Liu Dongxiu. Practitioners Wang Jianyun, Yang Changer and Yang Guixian were detained in Division One. Several policewomen and criminal inmates selected from different teams based on physical strength were responsible for torturing the practitioners.

    When practitioner Jiang Yulian was sent to the 3rd Squadron, several female guards cornered her and attempted to force her to sign a prepared "three statements." Jiang Yulian called their plan "dirty and shameless." A female guard slapped her and later handcuffed her for a whole night. Ms. Jiang was forbidden to sleep for 15 days. She was forced to stand for a long time and was not even allowed to use the toilet during those 15 days. She had to relieve herself in the cell. Her legs were swollen for two months.

    Practitioner Liu Yuwei was forced to stand for more than ten days and forbidden to sleep or use the toilet. When she dozed off they splashed dirty water on her face. Criminal inmate Peng Yan came up with an idea to poke her genitals with a coat hanger. Later on Peng Yan herself was punished by the law of karmic retribution and suffered from vaginal bleeding for months. Doctors told her she had a tumor of the uterus. Practitioner Liu Yuwei's feet were hurt, and she became crippled from long-time standing. Female guard Wang Lianhua ordered the criminals to "reform" her with maximum effort. They twisted and injured her fingers.

    Practitioner Liu Dongxiu is in her fifties. Her husband and her daughter-in-law (who worked in a "610 Office") turned her in and she ended up at the forced labor camp. After long-time torture, Ms. Liu's hair turned completely white. She had previously suffered from a uterine tumor. This time, guards forced her to stand and kept her awake for a long time. She refused to cooperate with them. They forced her into a straight jacket and hung her up from a bed board. The long-term torture caused Ms. Liu to have vaginal bleeding. She also repeatedly lost consciousness.

    Practitioner Yang Changer is in her sixties. She used to suffer from hypertension. After 13 days of standing and sleep deprivation, the guards attempted to force her to watch a slanderous video. She refused and warned the guards and criminals not to do this. The guards could not do much to her and left. At the end of the 13th day, Ms. Yang suddenly dropped to the floor and went into a coma.

    Practitioner Yang Guixian is in her 60's. Despite the pressure she kept saying, "Falun Dafa is good!" Criminal inmates Yuan Li and Li Manli gagged her with used women's sanitary napkins and put her into a straight jacket. They then hung her up with her arms tied behind her back. She was also deprived of sleep and forced to stand for more than ten days. The perpetrators even injected her with drugs used for mentally ill patients. After Ms. Yang left the labor camp, she wobbled left and right when she walked and constantly shook her head. She was unable to speak a word. Criminal Chen Xuemei verbally insulted Ms. Yang and beat her frequently. The perpetrators used these dirty and violent methods to torture anyone who yelled out, "Falun Dafa is good!" After Yang Guixian was permanently injured, they still forced her to do cleaning, but she could barely even pick up a broom. She remained in the labor camp until her term expired.

    According to some criminal inmates, several other practitioners were also injected with strong drugs for treating mental patients.

    Practitioner Wang Jianyun was tortured repeatedly. After more than ten days of sleep deprivation and forced standing she became emaciated and weak. The criminals still beat her and splashed dirty water on her face. When her family picked her up from the labor camp after she had served her time, her younger sister cried, "Sister, how come you aged more than 10 years?"

    Many practitioners had recently refused to do slave labor. They were targeted for intensified persecution. Some criminal inmates said, "If we want to punish anyone, all we have to do is to write her name in the report and we can do anything to her."