The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- June 5, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Poisoned by the Chinese Communist Party, Daughter Turns in and Assaults Mother Ms. Hu Lingying

  • The Persecution Suffered by Ms. Wang Huaixiang from Weifang City, Shandong Province

  • School Teacher Ms. Zhao Junfeng from Hebei Province Persecuted for Eight Years

  • Poisoned by the Chinese Communist Party, Daughter Turns in and Assaults Mother Ms. Hu Lingying

    Li Huaying is a nurse at Jianyang Hospital in Sichuan Province. Her mother is Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Hu Lingying. Huang Zurong, a surgeon at the same hospital, is the son-in-law of Hu. These two persons were poisoned deeply by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They assaulted and abused their mother many times. On November 29, 2006, Li Huaying reported her mother, who was practicing the Falun Gong exercises, to the police, causing Ms. Hu to be illegally arrested and detained in the Erehu Brainwashing Center in Ziyang. Ms. Hu has been transferred to Jianyang Detention Center.

    Injuries on Ms. Hu Lingying's head and face after she was beaten by Li Huaying

    Ms. Hu Lingying is 66 years old. She began practicing Falun Gong in 1996, after which her sick body became healthy. Her neighbors and friends felt that she became younger-looking and kinder. Before 1999, many people admired her. The changes in Hu Lingying after she started practicing Falun Gong made her children happy. They did not oppose their mother's Falun Gong practice. However, since the persecution began in 1999, due to the lies from the CCP, Hu's older daughter and son-in-law received pressure from their work units, and when combined with their pursuit of fame and gain, their attitudes changed. Along with the persecution by the CCP, they strongly opposed their mother practicing Falun Gong.

    On December 20, 1999, Ms. Hu was arrested in a fellow practitioner's home in Jiajia Town and detained at the Jianyang Drug Rehabilitation Center. In the New Year of 2000, the leader of Jianyang Hospital and Li Huaying attempted to force Hu to write a guarantee statement, promising to give up Falun Gong. Hu refused firmly. In the yard, Li Huaying fiercely slapped her mother's face left and right. The leaders, policemen and 610 personnel were all there and no one stopped her. After that, Hu's face was extremely swollen. On the seventh day of the New Year, Hu was transferred to Mahaojie Detention Center in Jianyang City. In early February, Hu was fined 3,000 yuan and released. After Ms. Hu returned home, Li Huaying took Hu to her son Li Guoying's home, which is in Yunnan. Li Guoying, under pressure by the CCP, was also required to live separately from his mother for his own safety.

    In July 2003, Ms. Hu was reported again and taken to the police station. Police ordered Li Huaying to take her back home. Li Huaying feared her mother going out, so she locked her in the home every day, like in jail. Ms. Hu firmly demanded that Li Huaying unlock the door. Li laid her hands on her mother unexpectedly. She opened the door, held her mother on the bed and assaulted her mother with an iron nail, attacking her head, back and upper body, causing her to bleed profusely. Her clothes turned red and her face was swollen. Li even said maliciously, "I would rather bring you down and I go to jail." Even though her mother was injured to this degree, Li did not send her for treatment and did not care for her.

    Even in these trying days, Ms. Hu Lingying still had no resentment. She thought her children to be poor and pitiful, but she still took care of her family. She took care of the granddaughter by cleaning and cooking. Hu's tolerance, however, did not awaken her daughter's conscience and morality. Li reported her mother on November 29, 2006. Ms. Hu bore the double pain of being reported and assaulted by her own child and being persecuted by the CCP. As a mother, what agony this must be! Ms. Hu has been detained for five months.

    Huang Zurong and Li Huaying's phone: 13982936916 (cell), 832-7299383, 832-7068052 (home)

    Chinese version available at

    The Persecution Suffered by Ms. Wang Huaixiang from Weifang City, Shandong Province

    On July 20, 1999, Weifang City resident Ms. Wang Huaixiang, along with other Falun Gong practitioners, set off for Beijing to appeal on behalf of the practice. However, she was arrested at the Weifang City Train Terminal by the police and detained for two full days. She was also illegally searched and the police confiscated over 2,000 yuan from her.

    On January 5, 2000, Ms. Wang went to Beijing to appeal again, and was arrested by the Weifang City Liaison in Beijing at the Beijing Appeals Office. She was detained for a day and a night at the Weifang City Liaison's Office. There, she was not given any food, and all the money she had with her was confiscated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities. Later, her work unit sent her to the Hanting Detention Center for persecution. Ms. Wang was released after being detained for 15 days and forced to pay 750 yuan for so-called "living expenses" while in detention. Her work unit, however, detained her for another week.

    One night in September 2000, Ms. Wang Huaixiang and several practitioners went to the Hetan Town Government facility to distribute truth-clarification materials. Someone, however, reported them to the authorities. As a result, they were cuffed to a radiator inside the town government office for a day and a night, without any food or drink. Ms. Wang's family was forced to pay a fine of 3,000 yuan for her release.

    In September 2001, Ms. Wang went with other practitioners to the Hanting Town Government compound to distribute truth-clarification materials. They were reported to the authorities and subsequently sent to the Hanting Detention Center. There, she was tortured with all kinds of means. She was purposefully given very little food. She was not allowed to read any Falun Gong related materials or do the exercises. If she did the Falun Gong exercises, she would be tortured via the "cross" torture method, the death bed, the "grand cuffing," etc.

    The "cross" torture device consists of three wooden boards 20 inches in width. Two horizontal pieces are nailed down perpendicular to the third piece, with the upper horizontal piece being longer than the other. The victim's wrists are cuffed to the upper wooden board while both ankles are shackled to the longer horizontal board. The victim cannot move and experiences excruciating pain, and then numbness all over. The "death bed" is similar to the "cross" torture in that the victim is tortured in a similar position but on a bed. Practitioner Chen Kejuan has been tortured on the "death bed" for two weeks and on the "cross" for over a week.

    The "grand cuffing" torture method is routinely used on death row inmates. It is also used on Falun Gong practitioners. The victim is bent at the waist and his/her hands and feet are locked together with an iron chain weighing over 10 kilograms (22 lbs.). Sometimes three or four victims are locked together in this position. The victims sweat heavily after a while and lose consciousness. Practitioners Zhang Yujuan, Yuan Qingxia and Wang Li have been tortured with the "grand cuffing."

    During Ms. Wang Huaixiang's detention in the Hanting Detention Center, she was also frequently interrogated by Yu Jianzheng, chief of the Hanting 610 Office. She was subjected to mental torture during the interrogation. After 39 days of detention, the Hanting 610 Office tried to transfer her to a forced labor camp.

    Ms. Wang did not bow to the perpetrators, but instead kept righteous belief in Falun Gong and Master Li. When the detention center chief Guo Guangsen asked her to sign and fingerprint the forced labor sentencing paper, Ms. Wang refused. She refused to be sent to a forced labor camp. Guo Guangsen then ordered the police to cuff Wang from behind and hold her hand to force her to sign and finger print the paper.  However, the forced labor camp would not accept her because she failed her health examination. But, Guo Guangsen did not give up. He bribed the officials at the labor camp to accept Ms. Wang by giving her a second health exam. Ms. Wang also did not pass the second health screening, so the camp refused to take her. As a result, Guo Guangsen had to take Ms. Wang back to the Hanting Detention Center. The 610 Office released her after extorting an 8,000 yuan fine from her family.

    At home, Ms. Wang is still frequently harassed by the Hanting Town CCP agents, who call her at home nonstop. They also go to her home on politically sensitive days. It has been impossible for her to recover and to live in peace.

    Chinese version available at

    School Teacher Ms. Zhao Junfeng from Hebei Province Persecuted for Eight Years

    Ms. Zhao Junfeng is a teacher in Nanbei Village, Gaochuan Township, Cang County, Hebei Province. She started to practice Falun Gong in 1997. Before she started practicing Falun Gong, she suffered from a life of hardship, and she had been sick with many ailments for a long time. She almost lost the will to continue living. After starting Falun Gong practice she understood the true meaning of life, her mental state improved and all her diseases disappeared. She measured herself according to the standard of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, and is regarded as a good person by everyone around her.

    However, such a good person has been persecuted for eight years. Under the desperate persecution of the Jiang Zemin regime, the Gaochuan Township government followed along in the persecution. On July 22, 1999, the secretary of the Chinese Communist Party of Gaochuan Township Li Zehui and Police Chief Yuan brought several people to Ms. Zhao's home and forbade her to continue to practice Falun Gong. The next morning, July 23, Chief Yuan confiscated her copy of Zhuan Falun and videos of Master Li's lectures. He tried to force Ms. Zhao Junfeng to write guarantee letters not to practice Falun Gong, as well as repentance letters. Since then, she has had no peace as the authorities harass her almost every day. The Township Secretary and policemen monitor Ms. Zhao 24 hours a day; they go to her workplace and her home, so that she cannot work and live normally. They constantly threaten and intimidate, taking pictures, and they have confiscated her ID.

    In the middle of October 2000, Li Zehui and two other persons went to Zhao Junfeng's school and forced her to give up Falun Gong practice. Under tremendous pressure and against her own will she said that she would give it up, but then she was taken to the police station and pressured to renounce her beliefs again. She was very troubled about this, since Falun Gong had saved her from death. So she firmly told them: "I still want to practice." As a result, she was sent to the Cang County Detention Center for 15 days.

    At the beginning of 2002, Li Zehui attempted to arrest Ms. Zhao and send her to a brainwashing center, but failed because she was staying at her son's home at the time. In retaliation, they terminated both her and her son's salary for three months.

    At the end of 2003, Ms. Zhao was turned in to the police. The school principal Wen Juhai canceled her authority to teach for two years, depriving her of her 300-yuan salary each month.

    Zhao Junfeng's daughter has also been harassed frequently. Personnel from the 610 Office and police officers went to her workplace to threaten and intimidate her, making her nervous and scared.

    On May 2, 2007, between 6:00 and 7:00 a.m., the secretary of the township CCP Politics and Judiciary Committee , Lu Hongwei, police chief Li Ningsheng and police officer Liu broken into Ms. Zhao's house, confiscated Falun Gong books and magazines, and grabbed Master Li's pictures, videos, and even the personal property of her relatives. The house was totally searched; even the shoes under the bed were turned inside out.

    Chinese version available at