The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- June 6, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Zhang Lianying's Family Tries to Sue Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp for Its Savages Against Humanities

  • Mr. Gao Weixi from Changchun City, Jilin Province Arrested before Going to Visit His Daughter

  • Young Artist in Shandong Province Becomes Homeless for Persisting in His Spiritual Belief

  • After Being Detained for Three Years, Mr. Qi Mingli Is Taken to Brainwashing Center by Shenyang City 610 Office

  • Ms. Zhang Lianying's Family Tries to Sue Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp for Its Savages Against Humanities

    Ms. Zhang Lianying is a Falun Gong practitioner from Chaoyang District, Beijing City. While illegally incarcerated in Tiantanghe Women's Forced Labor Camp in Beijing (also known as Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp), Ms. Zhang Lianying was subjected repeatedly to brutal violence and psychological torment. On March 27, 2007, Ms. Zhang suffered brutal violence again. This time the violence inflicted severe injuries to her head and body, resulting in a coma. Finally, the camp took her to the hospital for emergency resuscitation. With their daughter in his arms, Zhang's husband Mr. Niu Jinping went to the camp, asking to visit his severely injured wife. Meanwhile, he requested that she be let out on bail for medical treatment. He also asked for an explanation as to why his wife had been subjected to such severe violence and demanded the torturers be brought to trial. The camp denied all of his requests with excuses and even made threats to silence Zhang's husband.

    Due to the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) suppressive measures against Falun Gong practitioners' attorneys, it is extremely difficult to find an attorney in China willing to represent Falun Gong practitioners in court for the illegal persecution they have suffered.

    Seeking Legal Assistance from an Attorney

    May 13, 2007

    To All Attorneys and Legal Professionals:


    We are Ms. Zhang Lianying's family members. While Ms. Zhang was imprisoned in Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp, she was subjected to violence and psychological torture repeatedly. On March 21, 2007, she again suffered brutal violence. She received beatings to both sides of her head, which resulted in a coma. She was taken to Renhe Hospital in Daxing District, Beijing for emergency treatment. During her imprisonment, the camp deprived her of her right to be out on bail for medical treatment, as well as her right to exchange letters with her family, to talk to her family and to meet her family. Her life is in grave danger.

    As Ms. Zhang's closest family, we are desperately looking for professional legal assistance. We know that attorneys and legal professionals' code of ethics requires them to protect Chinese citizens' legal rights, uphold justice and defend morality. It is their sworn duty to uphold the dignity of true Chinese laws.

    We are asking you to accept us as your clients. Please use your sense of justice and professional knowledge and skills to provide the needed and effective legal consultation, opinions and recommendations. Please investigate this case, protect Ms. Zhang's legal rights and pursue justice against people committing crimes against Ms. Zhang.

    Yours truly,

    Song Xiuying (Ms. Zhang Lianying's mother)
    Zhang Lianxi (Ms. Zhang Lianying's younger brother)

    Summary of the Complaint

    Ms. Zhang Lianying is 46 years old in 2007. She is a CPA and was a mid-level management professional with the Guangda Group in Beijing. Her home address is Apt 203, Unit 2, No. 7 Building, Liufangnanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

    Ms. Zhang Lianying and her baby girl

    After Ms. Zhang Lianying began to practice Falun Gong in August 1997, she changed completely for the better. She became physically healthy and her morality improved. She worked hard and rarely complained. She refused to take bribes. Some of her colleagues at the financial department commented, "If only every management staff in the company would practice Falun Gong." After two years of  practice before 1999, her many illnesses gradually disappeared. She rarely took any sick days.

    Ms. Zhang followed Falun Gong's teaching. She tried to conduct her speech and behavior according to its principles Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. She not only became healthy, but also became a better person. Once, the company assigned apartments to its employees. Since Ms. Zhang was management, she was supposed to get an apartment of more than 120 square meters. Yet she gave the bigger apartment to another colleague and continued to live in the old small apartment of about 40 square meters.

    After the CCP started to openly persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Ms. Zhang wrote an article sharing her practicing stories. She wrote the following "The world around me appeared to collapse and good was reversed to bad. My superiors suspended me and demanded I turn in all Falun Gong books. I don't understand this. I am the same person, except that I have learned the true meanings and values of life and am trying to become a better person. Yesterday I was highly praised, but today I am condemned. Aren't they reversing the truth?"

    Since then, Ms. Zhang was repeatedly imprisoned because she refused to give up practicing Falun Gong. On June 4, 2005, while Ms. Zhang was looking after her baby daughter, a dozen policemen from Xiangheyuan Police Station in Chaoyang District broke into her home and arrested her without any warrant. Eventually, Ms. Zhang was illegally sentenced to Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp. On June 30, 2005, Ms. Zhang was brutally abused because she refused to stop practicing Falun Gong. The beating caused bleeding around her eyes, distortion on her face and many large bruises on her body.

    On February 27, 2006, when Ms. Zhang was imprisoned in the No. 10 Team of Beijing City Prisoners' Dispatch Center, she was again severely beaten. This time the injury was so severe that she was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment. She was in the hospital for more than 50 days. Her face turned dark purple. There were wounds even on the soles of her feet. Her left leg was terribly swollen. She became bedridden as a result of the severe injuries. On April 20, 2006, Ms. Zhang was transferred to Tiantanghe Women's Forced Labor Camp in Beijing without notifying her family. The dispatch center and the camp tried to hide the abuse she suffered. They cut off all communication between Ms. Zhang and her family - no letters, phone calls or visits.

    With their baby daughter in his arms, Ms. Zhang's husband Mr. Niu Jinping went to many places to find his wife's whereabouts. Finally, he learned that Ms. Zhang had suffered atrocious abuses while imprisoned in the dispatch center and the camp. Meanwhile, the international society has expressed its concern for Ms. Zhang. Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott of the European Parliament met with Mr. Niu Jinping in person during his stay in Beijing and investigated facts of the persecution against his family.

    Ms. Zhang was incarcerated in the "Intensive Drill Team" of the camp. According to insider information, this is the place where those imprisoned suffer the most horrible tortures. They put Falun Gong practitioners in small isolation rooms with no windows. Imprisoned practitioners eat and sleep in the isolation rooms and use a bucket in the room as a toilet. They are completely cut off from the outside world. Being incarcerated in such an inhospitable environment inflicts any normal person with extreme psychological and physical pain. Constant violence makes it worse. One can imagine that a new mother nearly 50 years old, being separated from her baby daughter, must have suffered deep pain and agony!

    That's not all. The torturers invented an atrocious torture. They choked her neck with a rope or a ribbon. When Ms. Zhang was about to suffocate, they punched her head violently. But they didn't loosen or untie the rope while punching her!

    Facing such inhuman torture, Ms. Zhang protested peacefully by going on a hunger strike, refusing to wear the prison uniform, shouting out loud "Falun Dafa is good," and so on. According to an insider, the torturers applied the suffocation-punching torture at least nine times! She lost bladder control twice during this torture.

    On the morning of March 20, 2007, the torturers beat up Ms. Zhang again, which resulted in profuse bleeding on both sides of her head. She went into a coma and was taken to Renhe Hospital in Daxing Town, Beijing City before being transferred to Tiantanghe Hospital in Daxing Town. At around 3:30 p.m., a prison guard named Wang from the camp notified Zhang's husband of her injuries and asked him to sign an agreement form before the hospital began the emergency operation. At 5:20 p.m., Zhang's family hurried to the hospital and found Ms. Zhang in a deep coma. They asked a physician named Xue in duty about Zhang's condition. The physician confirmed that Ms. Zhang's was very badly wounded and that it was most likely caused by beatings.

    Ms. Zhang Lianying after a surgery at Renhe Hospital in Beijing

    At this time, staff at the camp is in the process of hiding all evidence and to shifting responsibility for the crimes they committed. Ms. Zhang was brutally beaten, but the staff at the camp refuse to allow her out on bail for better medical treatment. The camp does not allow Ms. Zhang's husband and daughter to see her and fails to provide any reasonable explanation of her injuries.

    Given the suffering of Ms. Zhang, her family is desperately trying to find the truth and protect Ms. Zhang's legal rights. We are seeking justice. We hope to put those criminals responsible for her condition behind bars. We hope to find two attorneys that are willing to provide legal representation.

    1. Reasons for seeking legal redress:

    1) Provide Ms. Zhang Lianying and her family legal consultation
    2) Apply for bail for medical treatment on behalf of Ms. Zhang Lianying
    3) Meet with Ms. Zhang and investigate the reported abuses and violence
    4) Authorize a professional institution to evaluate Ms. Zhang's injuries
    5) If necessary, file administrative, criminal and civil lawsuits
    6) Represent Ms. Zhang to protect her legal rights

    2. Attorneys attributes:

    1) Sense of justice, trustworthy, determination to stay with the case and highly effective
    2) Board certified attorney
    3) Familiar with civil and criminal law
    4) Capable of handling criminal lawsuits alone. Attorneys with experiences in getting bail for medical treatment will be given consideration first

    3. Attorney Fees

    Fees will be depend on the attorneys' professional abilities, normal rates by the respective legal firms and negotiations

    Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp

    Organizations and Individuals Involved in the Persecution:

    Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp
    Address: 12 Weiyong Road, Tiantanghe, Huangcun Town, Daxing District, Beijing, Hebei Province 102609, China
    Deputy Warden: Chen Li (female)
    Head of Administrative Department named Shi: 86-10-60279755 ext 5819
    Leader of the Intensive Drill Team named Wang: 86-10-60278899 ext 5810

    The 610 Office in Xiangheyuan, Chaoyang District, Beijing
    Yang Yiguo (male): 86-10-64671059

    Xiangheyuan Police Station
    Deputy Chief Wang Qing

    Area Policeman Zhang Weiming: 86-10-64660050, 86-13501066384(Cell)

    Liufangnanli Street Administrative Committee in Chaoyang District
    Mr. Zhao Yuwang: 86-10-64645203

    Mr. Gao Weixi from Changchun City, Jilin Province Arrested before Going to Visit His Daughter

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Gao Weixi from Changchun City, Jilin Province was planning to visit his daughter out of town on May 10, 2007. He has been separated from his daughter for eight years; his daughter went to the United States while he was under persecution. On May 9, 2007, he was arrested by police from Nanguan District Department and Jilin Province Department.

    Mr. Gao Weixi's daughter went to the United States in 1999. When her first child was born, her father was illegally detained in a forced labor camp. When her second child was born, her mother was on the Chinese Communist Party's wanted list and had no living resources, and her father was forced to leave home after being released to avoid being arrested again. Mr. Gao's daughter suffered from poor health due to worrying about her parents' safety. She was so eager for this planned family reunion after being separated for eight years, but her father was arrested again.

    On May 10, 2007, the family could not find Mr. Gao at the train station like they had planned. They anxiously waited several days for him, but there was no news from him at all. Finally, they went by train to look for him at the house he rented in Changchun City; they found two policemen, who had been living there for several days. The family learned that the officers had already arrested one practitioner (name unknown) who had come to visit Mr. Gao during those past few days. The two policemen were shocked to find his family members and asked them how they knew him. The family members requested to see Mr. Gao, but the policemen said, "We found three big bags of Falun Gong materials in this place. Five books are enough to have him sentenced. Mr. Gao has been detained in the 3rd Detention Center of Changchun City , and once he is sentenced, he will be permitted visits."

    Mr. Gao's Situation in the detention center is unknown , and his family is very worried about him.

    Young Artist in Shandong Province Becomes Homeless for Persisting in His Spiritual Belief

    Falun Gong practitioner Zhou Ning is an outstanding teacher in the Shandong Special Education Polytechnic Institute. He suffered repeated persecution and eventually became homeless. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) did not recognize the school he worked for as the provincial model work unit in 2006, because of the CCP's implication policy. That is why school principal Wang Wen as well as the head of the school's Party committee discharged this outstanding teacher. The excuse was, "Having not returned to work for a long period of time." Mr. Zhou had contributed much to the school and to the education of the disabled. Zhou Ning's right to an assigned apartment was revoked, and it is now occupied by Li Jigang, the vice principal and vice secretary of the Party committee of the school. The details are as follows:

    Zhou Ning's craft work

    Mr. Zhou Ning, 38, was a teacher in the Arts and Crafts Section, Shandong Province Special Education Polytechnic Institute. He was one of the founders of this section and had been a dean's office director.

    When Zhou Ning first came to the newly founded school, he put all his art talent and enthusiasm into teaching the deaf to learn art. He had 28 deaf students who were the first group of students in art and crafts enrolled by the school since the school was founded. It was a real challenge for Zhou Ning due to the communications barrier, and because he had no teaching experiences with the deaf.

    However, Mr. Zhou Ning learned sign language in a very short time and overcame the communications barrier. He was exceptionally good at finding a student's potential talent. His rich sign language in the class and the dynamic class atmosphere attracted students. He became more selfless and wise, especially after he began Falun Gong practice in 1995. The practice seemed to have endowed him with additional teaching ideas. He became even more astute at discovering students' art talents, and he guided them with kindness and helped them to keep their own artistic styles.

    In 1996, he and the students reaped their artistic rewards. The graphic advertisement designs his students had created under his guidance were recognized for outstanding achievements in the Shandong Province Advertising Design Exhibition. They earned one gold medal, one silver medal and six bronze medals, which aroused much interest among the experts in the provincial art and crafts schools. That same year, at the Huadong Area Art Exhibition, his students' graphic advertising designs were awarded one bronze medal and seven outstanding medals.

    In May 1997, Mr. Zhou Ning arrived in Beijing with the woodcarving artworks that his 28 students had created and held a woodcarving exhibition called "Silent Aspiration" in the China Art Gallery, the top art gallery in China. The exhibition was very successful. The China Art Gallery kept six of these works for their collections, and many experts highly praised these artworks. Some experts were so moved by these artistic creations that they even cried. Many experts and professors in the field of arts wondered how this young teacher with only three years' teaching experience created such a miracle. Falun Gong had raised Zhou Ning's moral standards and realm. At that time many radio stations, newspapers and magazines reported of this spectacular art exhibition.

    In November 1998, the woodcarving works were exhibited in the municipal hall in Copenhagen, Denmark and also gained many favorable comments. In a short three years, the school's reputation was raised high because of Zhou Ning and his students. During that period, Zhou Ning also encouraged and inspired other art teachers in the school. This led to the school's work being exhibited once again in the China Art Gallery, in 1999 and 2000. The two shows were themed "China Roots," an exhibition of fiber arts, and a wax print exhibition. By then the school he worked for had become well known.

    Zhou Ning was not only an outstanding teacher but was also highly respected because of his lightheartedness about recognition and personal interest, and for his selflessness in helping others. Prior to 1999 he had been awarded many honors in consecutive years, such as "Outstanding Teacher," "Advanced Personnel," and so on. At the 40th Anniversary of his former school, the "Shandong Institution of Art," Zhou Ning was invited and presented a speech as the representative of the alumni students.

    Zhou Ning's first class of students were going to graduate in 1997. Without outside financial support, Zhou Ning and his wife Xiao Yixia (a practitioner as well) founded with their own funds, the "Genuine Expression Modeling Arts and Crafts Workshop," to which several students in the school were recruited. The couple was pioneers, to attempt to educate and find employment for the disabled in arts and crafts fields. Even during the past seven years, when the couple suffered from being persecuted, no matter how hard these instances were, they still followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance and guided the students free of charge, which made these deaf and mute artists gradually mature artistically.

    However, the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999. Zhou Ning and his wife believed the persecution was wrong, because Falun Gong bestowed many benefits and brought no harm to society. The couple started the journey to Beijing in October 1999 to appeal for the justice for Falun Gong. Zhou Ning's wife Xiao Yixia was then four months pregnant. The couple were separated the night they arrived in Beijing. The pregnant Ms. Xiao Jixia was arrested and detained in a Beijing police station that night and sent to the Qingdao Liaison Office in Beijing the next day. Two days later she went under police escort from the Cangkou District Police Station in Qingdao City to the Baima Police Station in Jinan City. They released her the next day but she was put under school house arrest. Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhou Ning was arrested eight days later outside the gate of the Beijing Appeals Bureau by Jinan police and was taken back to Jinan. He was immediately sent to a brainwashing class held in the Jianan's Qixian Town Guest House and was released two weeks later.

    At this point the school stopped Zhou Ning from working, and the couple' freedom was restricted. They were required to report to the school and get permission even to leave the campus. In November 1999, when the "Genuine Expression Modeling Arts and Crafts Workshop" was invited to participate in the "Shanghai International Fine Arts Expo," the school assigned other teachers to monitor the couple during their stay in Shanghai, and their activities were reported to the school authorities. When the 2000 Chinese New Year was approaching, a few school leaders cooperated with agents from the Jinan 610 Office to arrest Zhou Ning again. His home was searched. He was locked up in the Liuchangshan Detention Center in Jinan City. His wife Xiao Yixia was by then seven months pregnant. The school also assigned people to go to Zhou Ning's home daily to monitor his wife, putting the pregnant woman under tremendous pressure.

    After Zhou Ning was released from the Liuchangshan Detention Center he was under house arrest. He stayed with his parents in Weifang City. His parents were required to monitor him. The school has not paid his salary since, which has now already been seven years. Close to the end of his house arrest, since he still refused to give up his belief, the school cooperated the with the 610 Office. The persecutors were going to arrest Zhou Ning again, but this time in Weifang. Mr. Zhou Ning saw through their plot and managed to escape.

    School officials and agents from the 610 Office kept searching for him in Weifang and Qingdao. Zhou Ning made the heavy decision to leave his parents, his wife and their newborn son and go into exile to avoid the persecution.

    In 2003, with assistance from an American art collector, the workshop under Zhou Ning and his wife's guidance successfully conducted the "Genuine Expression" wood carving exhibition at the Houston Arts and Craft Center. The local media gave this exhibition extensive coverage. Art specialists and scholars of the arts highly praised the show. Since the inception of the workshop, the Zhou Ning and Xiao Yixia couple have been the subjects of much recognition for their successful educational work with the deaf and mute in the arts disciplines. Some of the media outlets who reported the couple's success include the Shanghai TV Station, Shandong TV Station, Jinan TV Station, the China International Broadcasting Station, Beijing Broadcasting Station, Shandong Broadcasting Station, China Arts News, Arts News, Citizen's Daily, Jinan Daily, Qilu Evening News, Jinan Times, and dozens of other news media.

    Mr. Zhu, a renowned Chinese art critic who was also a Chinese art history scholar, artist and professor, appraised the arts and craft works from the couple's workshop with this comment, "It reflects a genuine, honest and simple principle, which is just what the modern artists lacks, but needs." A distinguished international arts critic in the US, Robert C. Morgan, said of their artwork, "The aesthetic grace and nobility in form completely subdued me and strongly touched my feelings. Their artistic expression is far beyond the secular and ordinary art world that I have been subtly influenced by and commonly saw." The internationally known sculpture artist Jesus Moroles had this to say, "When these artworks are present before me, I am shocked by their creative design, mystery of techniques and materials. I am especially surprised to know these remarkable pieces of art are coming from a group of young sculpture artists, most of them being deaf or mute. They combine their ideas, design and workmanship so seamlessly, which really strikes me."

    What these foreign artists could never imagine was that the instructor of these deaf and mute artists has been suffering from persecution for several years. Since Wang Wen was appointed principal of Shandong Special Education Polytechnic Institute as well as head of the school's CCP committee, she actively persecutes Falun Gong with all her power. As mentioned above, in late 2006, Wang Wen discharged Mr. Zhou Ning, citing the circumstance that Zhou Ning had not been working in the school for a long time. Information of Zhou Ning's dismissal has so far not yet been openly announced among the schoolteachers.

    Most insidiously, Wang Wen used illegal and despicable ways to take over Zhou Ning's 120-square-meter (1,291 sq. feet) house. They removed Zhou Ning's furniture and household goods from the house by force. The house is now occupied by the vice principal as well as the vice secretary of the school's CCP Committee Li Jigang. Zhou Ning's family thus became homeless.

    After Being Detained for Three Years, Mr. Qi Mingli Is Taken to Brainwashing Center by Shenyang City 610 Office

    Mr. Qi Mingli, a Falun Gong practitioner, was taken from Jinzhou Forced Labor Camp, where he had been detained for three years, and sent to Luotaizhuan Brainwashing Center in Fushun City for further persecution. He was taken there by people from Nanhu Police Station in Shenyang City and the Shenyang 610 Office. He went on a hunger strike for 10 days and was released on May 9, 2007, after becoming very weak.

    Qi Mingli's three-year sentence was due to end on May 1, 2007, but at 9 a.m., on April 24, 2007, Zhang Chunfeng, the political instructor from the No.2 Team in Jinzhou Forced Labor Camp, went to see Mr. Qi. Zhao Hai, a "Four Defense" member, and lied to him, saying that his family had come to visit him. The two then took Mr. Qi to the reception room on the 2nd floor. Once there, Zhang Pixiang replaced Zhao Hai and escorted Mr. Qi out the door. At that point, another male approached and asked Mr. Qi, "What's the matter with your leg?" Mr. Qi replied, "It happened as a result of being tortured in the forced labor camp."

    A van was parked alongside the building and surrounded by a few regular inmates. Someone told Mr. Qi to get into the van. Mr. Qi asked, "Who are you? Do you have any identification?" Someone among them asked Qi, "Where are you from?" Mr. Qi said he was a resident of Shenyang, and refused to get in to the van.

    Zhou Changjian, the Director of the Forced Labor Camp, then told them to produce their ID cards so Mr. Qi could see them, but nobody responded. After a few moments of deadlock, Zhou ordered people from the camp to push Mr. Qi into the van. Mr. Qi was shouting loudly, "Falun Dafa is wonderful!" Straight away, a couple of them held both of Mr. Qi's arms tightly. Mr. Qi asked, "Where are you taking me? One person replied, "We'll find a new place for you, which is much better than this one. It's a three-star hotel where we are going to brainwash you." Mr. Qi immediately replied, "You want to brainwash me? Okay, I was thinking about persuading you to quit the Party!"

    That person then slapped Mr. Qi's face with a lot of force. Mr. Qi stood up immediately to try to stop him from hitting again. The other person was scared and withdrew his hand immediately. Another person was pointing at Mr. Qi and talking nonsense; Mr. Qi also stopped him. The person who beat Mr. Qi then shamelessly said, "That's because we 'love' you."

    Two of the "Four Defense" members, Li Bo and Wang Dejun, who had been guarding Qi Mingli, took his baggage and living necessities to the van, where seven people were already inside. One of them was a woman. Zhang asked for Mr. Qi's home phone number, and told him it was so they could notify his family. One police officer sitting in the van said it was not necessary, and that they would notify his family when he arrived at his new place. As the van approached the exit of the forced labor camp, a female warden also got in the van. She only stayed until they got to a printing shop, where she did some photocopying and then gave the copies to the people sitting in the van.

    While in the van, Mr. Qi had been asking who his captors were and demanded they produce their IDs. A police officer in uniform, surnamed He, didn't dare reveal his identity. He asked Mr. Qi who had helped him to get his Hukou (domicile residence) in the Heping District. Throughout the journey Mr. Qi clarified the truth about Falun Gong and informed them of the persecution he had suffered over the past few years. He tried to persuade them not to commit any crimes against Falun Gong practitioners anymore, and also tried to talk to them all about the "Three Withdrawals" (resigning from the CCP and its affiliated organizations). He asked them to release him immediately. They didn't listen to him; instead, the officer who beat Mr. Qi said to him viciously, "Others don't know how a person like you is killed."

    As the van approached Fushun City, all of a sudden one of the tires became flat. As they were changing the tire, Mr. Qi again tried to persuade them to release him by saying, "This is to warn you not to persecute me further. I hope you can drive me home." They didn't listen to him, so he insisted in getting out of the van. They then forced both of his arms behind his back and began to twist his wrists and press hard on them. At the same time, they kicked Mr. Qi's leg very violently; one even began to curse him. They didn't release his hand for a long time.

    At around 3 or 4 p.m. they arrived at Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center. When Mr. Qi got out of the van, he could barely walk. As they escorted him into the Brainwashing Center someone noticed his physical condition. One female from the center said, "His physical condition is very poor and he is still on a hunger strike; we can't accept someone like that." They checked his blood pressure and asked some simple questions about his physical condition. Then they left him in the room alone.

    After a while, some people returned and took him to a room on the 2nd floor. Mr. Qi asked what had happened to the people who came with him, and was told that they had gone. He also requested to make a phone call to his family.

    In order to resist the persecution, Mr. Qi began another hunger strike and clarified the truth to people from Luotaishanzhuang, hoping they would relay the true situation to Nanhu Police Station in Shenyang City and to the relevant departments. People from Luotaishanzhuang said that since he was sick, they wouldn't accept him. On April 30, Luotaishanzhuang took him to Fushun No.3 Hospital for a medical check-up. The doctor said that because of his leg, he needed to stay in the hospital for further observation and medical treatment. The doctor said his wound could spread disease, so he needed to be isolated. The people from Luotaishanzhuang said that as it was the "May 1" holiday, so it wasn't a good time to try to get in touch with people from Shenyang City. They tried to talk Mr. Qi into eating, promising him that they would get in touch with them after the long holidays. But Mr. Qi said, "I could believe your promise, but who will promise you that they won't persecute me" and still insisted on their releasing him.

    On May 3, 5, 6, and 7, people from the brainwashing center took Mr. Qi to Fushun 3rd Hospital for force-feeding. At 3 p.m., on May 8, they notified his family to urgently come and collect him. Shenyang Nanhu Police Station, Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center, and other relevant departments were also informed.

    By May 8, 2007, Mr. Qi had been on hunger strike for 10 days. He was very weak, and needed people to help him walk. At 9:30 p.m., members of his family, people from Nanhu Police Station, and other relevant departments arrived at Luotaizhuang Brainwashing Center. When his family saw his physical condition, they were very worried and began to question the others there. "Why was such a kindhearted person persecuted to this extent? You've asked us to take him home; what can we tell the rest of his family? What if on our way home, he dies, who will take the responsibility? You must send someone to take him back." When people from Nanhu Police Station saw his condition, they became terrified and said, "We can't dispatch anybody." His family members said, "Since you got him here, how come you can't take him back? What are you afraid of?" So officials from Luotaishanzhuang, the Nanhu Police Station and relevant departments of Shenyang City began to hold meetings to discuss the matter.

    It was not until 2 a.m. on May 9 that they finally reached an agreement. Two people were to be dispatched from Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center to take him back to Jinzhou City, while Nanhu Police Station would take care of the expense. Qi Mingli finally arrived home at 7 a.m., on May 9.

    As a matter of fact, for Qi to have been transferred to the brainwashing center was well planned by people from Jinhou Forced Labor Camp and Shenyang City Nanhu Police Station.

    1. Towards the end of March, guard Zhao Yongli asked Mr. Qi where his Hukou and local police station were, with the excuse that it was required when preparing paperwork for his release.
    2. In mid-April, Zhao visited Qi's Hukou and asked who dealt with setting up his Hukou for him. The questions he asked were the same as that of police officer He, who was in the van when Mr. Qi was transferred to the brainwashing center.
    3. On April 28, while in the labor camp, Liaoyang practitioner Weng Hongjun asked Li Songtao, head of the 2nd Group, to call at Weng's home to let them know what time to collect him. Weng also told Li that Mr. Qi also wanted to call home to tell them when he would be released. Li said it was not necessary for Mr. Qi to ring home, as his mother-in-law had called just a few days before, and he had told her to come pick him up on May 1. When he heard this Mr. Qi looked disconcerted. The following day Mr. Qi was taken to the brainwashing center.
    4. On May 1, members of his family went to the forced labor camp with the intention of collecting him, but to no avail. The guards had deceived them by saying that Mr. Qi had been taken away for shouting, "Down with the CCP" (even though he didn't). When Mr. Qi's family went to Li's home to inquire about this, Li gave them the excuse that since he didn't go to work that day, he didn't know anything about it.