The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- June 8, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Ms. Zhong Shujuan from Dalian, Liaoning Province Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp for the Third Time

  • Senior Engineer Qian Shiguang Persecuted at Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center, Gansu Province

  • Mr. Feng Renjun Brutally Tortured in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

  • Guards and Inmates Collude to Torture Falun Gong Practitioners at Wangcun Labor Camp in Shandong Province

  • Falun Gong Practitioners Recently Arrested by Xingyang City "610 Office" and Police in Henan Province

  • Ms. Li Xinping from Xinjiang Tortured at Forced Labor Camp in Fujian Province

  • Ms. Zhong Shujuan from Dalian, Liaoning Province Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp for the Third Time

    On April 13, 2007, Falun Gong practitioner Mrs. Zhong Shujuan, 52, from Liaoning Province was arrested while "clarifying the facts" of Falun Gong to people. On April 30, she was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang Province. This was the third time that Ms. Zhong was illegally sentenced.

    Detained Repeatedly in Eight Year Period

    At 5:00 p.m. on April 13, Zhong Shujuan was clarifying the facts to people on Qianshan Road, Ganjingzi District when she was reported to the police. Police officers led by Zhu Nianyong, Director of the Huadong Road Police Station in Ganjingzi District to arrest her.

    The police illegally confiscated Ms. Zhong's house key and ransacked her home, although the family was at home at the time. They then sent Ms. Zhong to the Yaojia Custodial Station in Dalian City. They didn't allow her family to visit her.

    When relatives went to the police station, the police didn't release Ms. Zhong but tried to extort money from her husband and interrogated him about other practitioners. Her husband used his connections in an attempt to see Ms. Zhong. The local police told him to wait for news of his wife on May 8. The family later learned that the 610 Office in Dalian had illegally sentenced Ms. Zhong to two years of forced labor. On April 30, she was secretly sent to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp by the Huadong Road Police Station in Ganjingzi District.

    Zhong Shujuan's husband worked in the Dalian Petroleum Chemical Company after serving as an officer in the military. He is now retired. Ms. Zhong lived in the Company's family compound on Huanan Square in Ganjingzi District. Her mother lived in Wangjia Village, Lingshui Town, Ganjingzi District.

    Zhong Shujuan worked in the shop of Dalian University of Technology for 20 years. After she began practicing Falun Gong, she recovered from severe rheumatic arthritis. She improved her temper as well. She was helpful and earned praise from her colleagues. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. Zhong was fired from her job for her belief in Falun Gong.

    She has been severely persecuted since then. She has been detained in the forced labor camp for a total of four and a half years. This is the third time that Zong Shujuan was sentenced to forced labor.

    Inhumanely Tortured in Dalian Forced Labor Camp

    In October 2000, Zhong Shujuan went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong, after the CCP slandered Master Li and Falun Gong. She was detained and sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp by the 610 Office in Dalian. After her sentence was completed, the authorities illegally extended Ms. Zhong's sentence by three months.

    In December 2000, more than eighty female Falun Gong practitioners in Dalian Forced Labor Camp went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Yong Mingjiu, Wang Jun, Lin Yi and over ten other policemen savagely cudgeled the practitioners using electric batons and plastic rods. The practitioners sustained many bruises and internal injuries; some practitioners could not move afterwards. Some were beaten until they lost consciousness. The police thought that Zhong Shujuan and another thirteen practitioners organized this hunger strike and thus isolated them from other practitioners. They then relentlessly lashed these practitioners with leather whips.

    In April 2002, Han Jianmin and Wan Yalin, leaders of the prison guards, promised prisoner Yu Xiujuan, who committed robbery, a reduced sentence if he tortured Zhong Shujuan. These persecutors locked Ms. Zhong up in a small cell, severely beat her and then hung her up from an iron bar. They stuffed a towel into her mouth and separated her legs far apart and tied them in that position. They kept pushing up her legs, placed a high-backed chair under her, and used the hard back of the chair to strike Zhong's vulva. They also forcefully and repeatedly kicked Zhong in the vulva and inserted a sharp brush handle into her vagina, then beat her face and mouth with this swab handle. Ms. Zhong was beaten until she fainted. The persecutors then poured cold water over her body and into her mouth. When she closed her mouth, they used bottles to knock open her mouth.

    Han Jianmin came in several times. He praised the torture methods Yu Xiujuan and others used and didn't care about Ms. Zhong's life at all. They handcuffed her and hung her up from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The flesh on her hands and wrists was torn, and bones were exposed. Her vulva was swollen and had many black bruises. Her mouth also swelled badly. However, Ms. Zhong Shujuan didn't give in. The persecutors were afraid to take responsibility for Ms. Zhong's death, so they put her down. Her legs were severely injured.

    The persecutors dragged Ms. Zhong into a cell. Inside, there were several wooden beds but most of the planks on the beds were missing. There was no bedding. They put a helmet over Ms. Zhong's head, handcuffed her hands to the bed frame, and tied her legs to the bed as well. If she moved a bit, they would beat her. Ms. Zhong bled profusely from her vagina, and the bed was covered with blood. In April it was still cold and there was no heater in the cell. Ms. Zhong wasn't given any quilt. The persecutors intentionally opened the windows. Ms. Zhong was frozen and trembled terribly. Her legs were swollen, but she was still not allowed to move. On the eighth day, the handcuffed part of her wrist blistered, so the persecutors opened one handcuff. She could sit up and move a bit. They didn't allow her to have a shower or go out for a walk. She had to eat and go to the toilet all inside this one cell.

    After Ms. Zhong could walk a bit, she was taken back to the previous team and was forced to work. Team Leader Wan Lingyue (she changed her alias several times because her vicious deeds were exposed online, but she has continued to persecute practitioners) didn't allow Ms. Zhong to tell her experience to others. Wan claimed that if other people learned of Ms. Zhong's story, she would be given the same torture all over again. Zhong Shujuan and over 200 other practitioners were often forced to work until midnight each night. Many elderly practitioners couldn't complete the assigned tasks, so they were forced to work through the night.

    In 2003, Zhong Shujuan was Illegally Sentenced to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for Clarifying the Truth at a Wal-Mart Super Store

    In March 2003, one month after Zhong Shujuan was released from the Dalian Forced Labor Camp, she clarified the truth at the Huanan Wal-Mart Super Store. She was reported and arrested. The 610 Office in Dalian sentenced Ms. Zhong to two years of forced labor in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

    In October 2003, the 2nd Women's Branch of Masanjia launched an intensive campaign against Falun Gong practitioners to force them to give up their beliefs. Ms. Zhong was severely tortured twice. She was not allowed to sleep for seven days. Her health deteriorated. She was then shut into a garage with the windows sealed with newspapers. Articles slandering Falun Gong covered the walls of the garage. People outside couldn't see inside. Six people tied Ms. Zhong to a chair, and immobilized her legs and arms. They beat her arms until they bled. Her arms were covered with black and blue bruises. The persecutors taped slips of paper with slanderous words against Falun Gong all over Ms. Zhong's head and body. Then they beat her head and shoulders and pulled her chin and her ears. The persecutors also put a tall paper hat on her head and paper belt around her waist and paraded her all around the room. They then stripped Ms. Zhong naked and used colored markers to write slanderous words against Falun Gong and Master Li all over her body. They also wrote insults against her.

    In Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, Zhong Shujuan also went through the following tortures: in the dark and damp small cell she was pinned down to the ground and was force-fed via a nasal tube. The perpetrator straddled her body; she was locked inside the bathroom for nearly 20 days; she was locked inside a dark room for 12 days. Ms. Zhong developed hypertension, tachycardia, and malnourishment from the abuse and torture. She was forced to perform hard labor; for a whole half a year, she was only given preserved vegetables and half-cooked buns specially made with stale corn flour and sand. Ms. Zhong was also not given enough water to drink.

    In December 2004, Zhong Shujuan was sent to a special team that severely tortured inmates. In March 2005, her sentence was due, but the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp extended her sentence by three months and continued torturing her.

    Persecution Takes Toll on Family

    Zhong Shujuan was traumatized at Dalian Forced Labor Camp and Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, but she never gave in. Instead she clarified the truth to the persecutors. The evil CCP not only persecuted her but also her family.

    In 2000, the police arrested Zhong Shujuan and ransacked her home. Her daughter resisted the illegal search and demanded that the police release her mom. Two policemen pummeled and kicked her. They dragged her for two miles to the police station and detained her. She was traumatized by this experience and dropped out of college as a result. She stayed at home and didn't want to see anyone. So far she hasn't found a job yet.

    In 2003 after Zhong Shujuan was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, her husband and daughter were heartbroken. To avoid police harassment, they didn't leave the house for three months. They didn't open the door for anyone and didn't answer any phone calls. But soon the police station, community center and the retiree committee of the petroleum factory colluded and went to their home. They brought with them a construction ladder and tried to enter her home from the balcony on the fourth floor. When they climbed up to the balcony, her husband discovered them and didn't let them in.

    Zhong Shujuan's mother is in her eighties. When Ms. Zhong was arrested, the elderly woman knew that her daughter hadn't done anything wrong, and that it was the CCP that persecuted good people. She misses Ms. Zhong very much. The family hasn't told the elderly mother about Ms. Zhong's newest arrest, but when her daughter didn't go see her on the holidays, she realized that something bad had happened.

    Senior Engineer Qian Shiguang Persecuted at Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center, Gansu Province

    Mr. Qian Shiguang is 63 years old. He was a senior engineer at the PetroChina Exploration and Development Research Institute (Northwest).

    Qian Shiguang

    After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, Mr. Qian was illegally arrested and taken to Taoshuping Drug Rehabilitation Center. He held a hunger strike for over 10 days to protest the persecution. He became extremely weak and near-death, so the police left him in front of his home in an attempt to avoid responsibility and left haughtily. In great pain, Mr. Qian knocked on the door. He was skin and bones and could not eat or drink. Whenever he tried to drink water, he would start choking and spit it all out. His family thought that he could not live very long.

    Through practicing Falun Gong, he gradually regained his health. In May 2000, Mr. Qian was illegally sentenced to forced labor for a year and a half. He was put in Gansu Province First Forced Labor Camp, also known as Ping'antai Forced Labor Camp. During this time, he held a hunger strike to protest for 28 days and his weight dropped from 130 lb to about 70 lb. He was hospitalized for a month in Dashaping Forced Labor Camp Hospital. He was diagnosed with the malfunctioning of numerous internal organs. The labor camp did not want to pay the medical fees, so the Fifth Group's leader Wang let his family to take him home on medical parole.

    In December 2001 Mr. Qian was taken home. After more than a month, he returned to normal through practicing Falun Gong.

    On June 2, 2002, Mr. Qian went to Beijing to appeal for the justice for Falun Gong. He was arrested on the same day and sentenced to forced labor for two years. He was sent to Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp in Beijing, where he suffered inhuman tortures during those two years.

    In the camp, the guards instigated criminal prisoners to torture Mr. Qian. They used bathroom plungers and flyswatters to slap Mr. Qian's face; they pushed his head into the toilet and demanded that he drink the dirty water; they pulled out his whiskers and eyebrows; they brutally beat him and then threw him into the urinal. In the winter, they tied him up and put him under a bed (he was unable to turn over because the beds were very low); they only allowed him to relieve himself there, and then they would pour cold water on him. Sometimes at night, the guards instigated criminal prisoners to take him outside, take off all his clothes, pour cold water on him, and then bury him in the snow.

    The guards there already knew that Mr. Qian's lumbar vertebra was fractured as a result of beatings and that he could not even walk anymore, but they still instigated two criminal prisoners to force him to do the morning exercise drills.

    In the afternoon on May 27, Mr. Qian walked out of his village and was stopped by the police, who had been waiting there. They searched Mr. Qian and found his house key. Then, eight people from Lanzhou City Police Department, Section 26, including seven men and one woman, opened Mr. Qian's home and madly searched his home. They also video-recorded everything. Mr. Qian's family home was turned inside out. Two computers (one laptop and one desktop), two three-in-one printers, one laser printer, one CD burner, a laminator, and an unknown amount of money and clothes were taken away. The things they took away filled up two vehicles.

    At around 7 p.m. on the same day, policemen from Section 26 used the excruciating tiger bench to torture Mr. Qian, attempting to force him to tell the names of the practitioners who had contacted him. When he would not tell them, the police continued to torture him with the "tiger bench" and brutally beat him. They ended up getting nothing. At 9 p.m., he was sent to the brainwashing center in Gongjiawan. Mr. Qian's family did not find out about all this until July or August, when they were finally informed. During the intervening months, they had been trying to find Mr. Qian everywhere and could not get any information.

    After Mr. Qian was taken to the brainwashing center, the officers continued to torture him. He was hung in the air for more than ten days. After that, he could not raise his arms for three or four months.

    On October 10, 2005, Mr. Qian's family brought him some food and clothing (including cotton-padded pants and shoes), but they were never given to Mr. Qian, so he had to go through that winter wearing only single-layered clothing and shoes. After October 2006, the brainwashing center did not allow Mr. Qian's family to visit him until May 5, 2007.

    In the winter of 2005-2006, Mr. Qian was detained in a basement, where there was no bed or heating system, while wearing single-layered clothes and shoes. He was not given water at all, and every day he was only given one bun to eat. There was no bathroom so he had to relieve himself in the basement. They also brutally beat him. He again held a hunger strike in protest for over 20 days. He was in the basement for two months.

    Also in the winter of 2005-2006, after people from Mr. Qian's workplace visited him, they blamed Mr. Qian's family for not bringing him winter clothes and letting Mr. Qian go through the winter with only single-layered clothing. When the family asked the brainwashing class about it in a visit, the people there said, "We put the clothes that you brought on the shelf and forgot to deliver them."

    In the winter of 2006-2007, they attempted to force Mr. Qian to write the so called "transformation statement." Mr. Qian refused. Because the information was strictly blocked, and also because they didn't allow his family to visit him, we don't know the details of the persecution during that time. We hope that anyone who has information will bring it forward.

    In May 2007, Mr. Qian wrote down Master Li's writings that he could remember and passed them to other fellow practitioners. He was dragged to the office by Qi Ruijun and brutally beaten. This caused Mr. Qian's old injury in his lumbar vertebra to become worse again. He could only walk with a cane, and he had to take a rest after every few steps. On May 5, when his family visited him, they saw that he was having much difficulty walking.

    Mr. Feng Renjun Brutally Tortured in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

    On May 12, 2006, Mr. Feng Renjun, a Falun Gong practitioner from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, was illegally arrested by officers from the North Renmin Road Police Station while he was informing local residents about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. He was later detained at the Pi County Detention Center. However, Mr. Feng does not consider himself a criminal since he did not do anything wrong, therefore he refused to respond during roll-call. He told the guards at the detention center: "I am just being a good person, which is not breaking the law." The guards then beat him savagely. He went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention. Three days later, he was put in handcuffs and shackles and taken to Qingyang Hospital, where the brutal tortures continued.

    The guards and doctors at Qingyang Hospital put Mr. Feng in a patient's room. The hospital guards used metal handcuffs to cuff his hands and feet to the four corners of the bed, with his four limbs stretched out straight. Then they started violently shaking the bed, causing the handcuffs to cut into his wrists and ankles, which was extremely painful. The guards continued to torture him like this from 10:00 o'clock in the morning until 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon.

    When the pain of this treatment was unbearable, Feng Renjun shouted, "Falun Dafa is good. 'Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance' is good. Heaven will soon eliminate the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)." The guards, extremely angry to the point of craziness, tried looking for dirty socks to stuff into his mouth. They could not find any, so they found a wet mop and pushed it into his mouth. He was forced to swallow dirty water from the mop.

    The torture continued for two days, until he was almost on the verge of death. Even then, the guards still shackled his feet. Feng Renjun was worried that the guards would put harmful drugs into his food, so he refused to eat. The guards tried force-feeding him, but failed after many tries. The food was spread all over the bed and none went into his stomach. They became extremely angry and beat him mercilessly. Mr. Feng was covered with bruises and swelling of different sizes. His face was so swollen he could not even open his eyes.

    The guards carried iron rods in their hands and beat him whenever they wanted. Due to the frequent beatings, Mr. Feng's body swelled. The guards also prevented him from speaking. They would beat him if they saw him speak. He was tortured this way at a prison hospital for 23 days.

    Guards and Inmates Collude to Torture Falun Gong Practitioners at Wangcun Labor Camp in Shandong Province

    Since Jiang Zemin launched the persecution of Falun Gong, the prison guards in the Wangcun Labor Camp in Wangcun Town, Zibo City of Shandong Province have been using inmates to torture Falun Gong practitioners with brutal means that one cannot imagine.

    In the eighth ward, the guards have established a "Strictly Managed Group". Several inmates were placed there to "strictly control" Falun Gong practitioners. In December 2006, Mr. Wang Zhaohua was sent to the "Strictly Controlled Group" to be tortured for refusing to do hard labor. The villains only allowed him to sleep from 2 am to 4:15 a.m. each night and beat him any time they wished. His cries from the extremely cruel torture were often heard in the corridor. Wang Hongtao (male), Zhang Huchen (male), and Zhan Baogang (male) were among the inmates who beat Mr. Wang Zhaohua.

    Early on the morning of May 3, 2007, inmate Zhan Baogang beat Mr. Wang Zhaohua again. Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Hu Jinyan reported the incident to a prison guard on duty. The guard not only did not stop the inmate but told the inmate Zhan Baogang that Hu Jinyan reported him. On May 6, with the encouragement of the prison guards, Zhan Baogang brutally beat Mr. Hu Jinyan for revenge in front of many prison guards and Falun Gong practitioners. Afterward, the prison guards berated Mr. Hu Jinyan. On May 7, Mr. Hu Jinyan was again beaten by prison guard Wang Baohua (male) and another inmate.

    Mr. Wang Zhaohua was frequently beaten, which caused protest from many Falun Gong practitioners and demand for an immediate end to the mistreatment. Guard Zheng Wanxin (male) (head of the Ward) said, "Didn't he refuse to cooperate? Beat him until he cooperates." Mr. Wang Zhaohua steadfastly adhered to his belief and refused to accept "transformation".

    In late April 2007, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ren Huaiqiang was beaten by three inmates, which led to the recurrence of his heart disease.

    Prison guards took another Falun Gong practitioner to a special torture room. Guard Li Gongming (male) cuffed this practitioner with his arms tightly crossed (left hand cuffed to the right corner of a bed and right hand to the left corner), which made the practitioner suffer excruciating pain, and he could not move at all. Because his lower back was twisted, he was unbalanced, but he could not stand or crouch down; it was unbearably painful. Whenever the practitioner cried out, guard Liu Lin (male) would stuff his mouth with rags and kick his buttocks violently. The practitioner was tortured this way for over two hours.

    Falun Gong Practitioners Recently Arrested by Xingyang City "610 Office" and Police in Henan Province

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    Three practitioners have been arrested since March 2007 in Xingyang City, Henan Province. They are held in Sanlizhuang Detention Center in Xingyang City. Another four practitioners were present during the arrest but escaped safely with the power of their righteous thoughts.

    Practitioners Ms. Ma Qingli and Ms. Chen Qinglian from Shangjie District, Zhenzhou City were arrested on March 27, 2007 when the practitioners were distributing truth materials near Shidonggou, Gaoshan Township. Participating in the arrest were officers from the Gaoshan Township Police Station. The practitioners were taken to the Gaoshan Township Police Station and are currently being held at Sanlizhuang Detention Center in Xingyang City.

    Xingyang City 610 Office agents had been following practitioner Nie Junhua for a long time. They arrested her on May 11, 2007 and sent her to the Sanlizhuang Detention Center.

    In the past several years, 610 Office agents sentenced five practitioners to prison terms between five years and seven years. Overall, the 610 Office agents and police sent 29 practitioners to labor camps. Three practitioners were sent to forced labor camps over three times, and 111 practitioners are held beyond the illegally imposed terms. The police also ransacked their homes and extorted a cumulative 600,000 yuan from them.

    Ms. Li Xinping from Xinjiang Tortured at Forced Labor Camp in Fujian Province

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    Ms. Li Xinping, a Falun Gong practitioner from Shihezi University in Xinjiang Province had been persecuted since 1999. She was arrested in Xiamen City, Fujian Province in April 2006 and was sent to Fujian Women's Forced Labor Camp for two years.

    Li Xinping was born in 1969 and worked for Shihezi University. At the end of 1999 she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong but was arrested by police and taken to the Fuyou Street Police Station, where officers tortured her with electric batons, punching and kicking her body, and pulling and tearing her hair.

    On December 2, 2000, Hutobi County security police took her to the local detention center for further persecution.

    On May 9, 2001, Li Xinping was told that she was sentenced to eighteen months in Wulapo Forced Labor Camp in Xinjiang Province. In order to "transform" her, she was tortured with electric batons and deprived of sleep. She was also forced to stand for long periods of time and to toil continuously for more than ten hours every day. During her detention, her father was overwhelmed with emotional pressure and passed away.

    Li Xinping was released in June 2002, but she was still under continuous surveillance by the police.

    On April 9, 2006 in Xiamen, Fujian, Ms. Li was arrested for passing out truth-clarification materials and sentenced to two years of imprisonment in a forced labor camp.

    On June 7, 2006, Li Xinping was sent to Fujian Women's Forced Labor Camp. There, prison guards abused her, strictly monitored her activities, and encouraged inmates to slander her. In the face of this abuse, she is going on a hunger strike.