The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- May 23, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Additional Information on Mr. Bai Heguo, Beaten to Death in Liaoning Province
  • A report of allegations on how Bai Heguo died.
  • Ms. Wang Wenqi Arrested and Detained at Rushan City Detention Center, Shandong Province
  • In May of this year, Ms. Wang Wenqi was arrested and quickly sentenced to three years in a labor camp. This is the latest in years of persecution she has suffered.

    Additional Information on Mr. Bai Heguo, Beaten to Death in Liaoning Province

    On around January 5, 2008, Mr. Bai Heguo died in Nanguanling Prison in Dalian City, Liaoning Province (See /emh/articles/2008/1/23/93530.html ). It has been learned that Mr. Bai Heguo was beaten to death by prisoner Zhou at the direction of guard Zhang Shuyi.

    Mr. Bai Heguo

    On December 19, 2007, some Falun Gong practitioners were transferred from Huazi Prison to Nanguanling Prison. Among them, Mr. Bai Heguo was assigned to the Twelfth Ward. Because he refused to do forced labor, guard Zhang Shuyi ordered prisoner Zhou to beat Mr. Bai in an office and then handcuffed him to the heating pipe. Mr. Bai's head was beaten beyond recognition, and his eyes were only a slit due to the swelling. When the guards found that he was dying, they took him to the hospital for emergency care, but he had died by the time he made it to the hospital. A source said that he had a large bump on his head, and his tongue had a large cut. His leg was broken, his scrotum was severely injured, and he was emaciated.

    It was reported that prisoner Zhou's family paid Mr. Bai Heguo's family 40,000 yuan through guard Zhang Shuyi. Zhang Shuyi and prisoner Zhou have not been punished for their heinous act.

    Ms. Wang Wenqi Arrested and Detained at Rushan City Detention Center, Shandong Province

    On the night of May 6, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Wenqi was distributing truth-clarifying materials at Shanhou Village, Yuli Town at Rushan City. She was reported, and was arrested and then detained at the Rushan City Detention Center. On the morning of May 9, 2008, her family went to the Detention Center to request her release. The guards did not tell her family to bring her supplies for her daily needs because they had sentenced her to three years of forced labor. She and Mr. Song Shufu were taken to the Shandong Province Second Forced Labor Camp (Wangcun Labor Camp).

    Ms. Wang Wenqi is in her fifties and a resident of Dongji Village, Yuli Town, and she began practicing Falun Gong in 1998. Before she started practicing Falun Gong, she suffered from depression. After practicing Falun Gong she regained her mental and physical well-being.

    One day police officers went to Ms. Wenqi's home to arrest her, but she was able to escape and lived away from home for over a year to avoid being persecuted. During her absence, her husband requested and was granted a divorce. Her husband got custody of their son, as well as their home and all furnishings. Now homeless, Ms. Wenqi headed to Longkou City and was arrested by the Communist Party officers. She was isolated and tortured at the detention center. During her menstrual cycle, she was deprived of feminine products and was given only a few newspapers. The guards beat her repeatedly.

    Since 1999, the Chinese Communist regime has severely persecuted Falun Gong. Ms. Wenqi went to Beijing to make an appeal for Falun Gong. She wanted to tell the government that it was wrong to persecute Falun Gong, but she was arrested and returned to her village. In 2001 she was detained by Communist Party officials, who frequently went to her home to harass her and then arrested and detained at a brainwashing center.

    In March 2004, Ms. Wenqi went to the father of Tang Kebo, the chief of the 610 Office, to clarify the truth and to stop the persecution. She pleaded with him to stop his son's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Tang's father reported that Ms. Wenqi had been beaten and arrested. Ms. Wenqi was suffering from ill health, including difficulty breathing and a rapid heart rate. Several days after her arrest, the Communist Party officers at Rushan City planned to take Ms. Wang to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City, but because of Ms. Wenqi's poor health she was taken to a hospital emergency room. During her stay in the hospital, her health deteriorated . The officials at the labor camp did not want to take responsibility for her, so they ordered her family to take her home.