The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong --August 13, 2009

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Harbin City 610 Office Manipulates Judicial System and Sentences Ms. Li Feng to Nine Years in Prison
  • Ms. Li Feng is allowed a lawyer but still receives a severe sentence without justification or explanation.
  • Mr. Yu Yang Imprisoned in Shenyang Detention Center (Photos)
  • Mr. Yu Yang disappears and his family and employer first have great difficulty in locating him and then in determining why he was detained.

    Harbin City 610 Office Manipulates Judicial System and Sentences Ms. Li Feng to Nine Years in Prison

    On August 2008, police from the Harbin City Heilongjiang Province arrested Dafa practitioner Li Feng at her grocery shop. Her family hired a lawyer for her. The lawyer pleaded not guilty and presented convincing evidence of her innocence. However, the court sentenced her to nine years in prison.

    Ms. Li Feng is forty-seven years old. Before she started to practice Falun Gong, she suffered from the severe prolapsed of lumbar vertebrae. She was unable to look after herself. After she practiced Falun Gong, she recovered quickly and enjoyed good health. In December 2000 she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested on December 5, 2000 and detained for three months.

    Because Li Feng refused to give up her belief in the Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, Wang Liguo, Captain of the Domestic Security Team of Nangang Police Precinct, along with Zhou Songbin and Sun Bin, police political instructors, colluded with Liu Hui, Zhang Qiusheng and Wang Xiaodong, police political instructors from the Baojian Road Police Station, and entered Li Feng's grocery shop pretending they were going to buy something. They covered her head with cloth and handcuffed her. They searched her house and confiscated a laptop, a printer and photocopy paper. They also took 5200 yuan in bills, on which truth-clarifying messages were written and which the police recorded on a list. But another 7000 thousand cash disappeared and no policeman admitted that they took it, except that a policeman from the Domestic Security Team admitted that he took 500 yuan cash. The remaining 6500 yuan is unaccounted for.

    In 2008, Wang Liguo, along with Deputy Huang Yaobin, Sun Binji and Shan Guochen repeatedly interrogated Li Feng, but could not extract the confession they were looking for. Later they had some people that Li Feng didn't know pose as witnesses and presented false evidence.

    After she was detained at the 2nd Detention Center of Harbin City for three months, Nangang District Court opened a court session for Li Feng on November 26, 2008.

    Li Feng's family hired lawyer Wei Liangyue to defend her. Lawyer Wei was a former director of the Jiaodian Law Firm in Heilongjiang Province. He was forced to resign because he submitted not-guilty pleas on behalf of Dafa practitioners. In the annual review in 2009, the Heilongjiang Judiciary Bureau directed by the 610 Office threatened that none of the lawyers of the law firm could register as lawyers if Wei did not resign from the director position.

    Mr. Wei stated in the defense plea: "The concept of "cult" that Article 300 in the criminal law refers to is a legal concept. Falun Gong and cults are completely different terms and concepts. Falun Gong is not an cult as defined by Article 300 in the Criminal Law. The accusations against Defendant Li Feng also didn't fall into any categories defined in Article 300. Thus, Article 300 does not apply to her."

    The defense lawyer also stated that the court should base any decision in claimed 'cult' cases on the only four explanations provided by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate. The above judicial explanations do not mention Falun Gong and do not identify Falun Gong as an cult.

    So far, only one legal document defines "cult organizations," that is, File 39 issued by the Ministry of Public Security in 2005. This file quoted the names of seven categories (altogether fourteen categories) of "cult organizations" issued by the CCP's Central Office and the General Office of the State Council, which didn't specify that Falun Gong is an "cult" either.

    Dafa practitioner Li Feng described in the court how she benefited from practicing Falun Gong and said that it is not wrong to behave according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She said that she had not committed any crime.

    Judge Cheng Shouchang of the Nangang District Court listened to the defense, kept silent for a while and then asked Wang Baolong, the chief Procurator from the Nangong District Procuratorate if he had anything more to say. Wang replied that he didn't have anything to say.

    The Presiding Judge Yan Xiaoshuang from the Nangang District Court, Judge Cheng Shouchang, Juror Xu Zhao and Procurator Wang Baolong from the Nangang District Procuratorate knew that the arrest of Dafa practitioner Li Feng was without any legal grounds. Regardless of the facts, they still sentenced her to nine years in jail.

    Li Feng's family filed an appeal to the Harbin Municipal Intermediate People's Court and hired Lawyer Wei Liangyue again as the defense lawyer. Judge Zhang Guanglan from the Harbin Municipal Intermediate People's Court met with Li Feng once and then rushed to a verdict for the second trial, which upheld the original decision.

    On April 1, 2009, Li Feng was sent to the Heilongjiang Women's Prison.

    Mr. Yu Yang Imprisoned in Shenyang Detention Center (Photos)

    On July 14, 2009, the Domestic Security Team of Shenyang City Police Department arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yu Yang with the help of a special agent from the Tiexi Domestic Security Team. Mr. Yu was imprisoned in the Zhangshi Brainwashing Center in the afternoon and was transferred to Shenyang Detention Center on July 29. It was later discovered that he went on a hunger strike to oppose the persecution and is now very weak.

    Yu Yang

    After Yu Yang was arrested, his family had no information about his condition for over 10 days. His company was also very anxious about him, because the work he has been responsible for is at a standstill.

    On July 14, 2009, Mr. Yu drove to his company. At around 11:00 a.m., after he finished a client meeting, he was arrested by the city Domestic Security Team with the help of an agent in Tiexi District, and he was taken to Zhangshi Brainwashing Center.

    After learning that he had disappeared, his family reported his absence to the local police station. The station just told them that he had probably been arrested by the police. For over ten 10 days, his family went daily to the Domestic Security Team and Zhangshi Brainwashing Center for his freedom. The policemen in the brainwashing center claimed that he had been transferred there by the Domestic Security Team.

    At 9:00 a.m. on July 29, section chief Feng in the brainwashing center told his family that Yu Yang had been picked up by a group of agents from the city and the district Domestic Security Team. He did not know where Mr. Yu was either, and said that Mr. Yu was handcuffed when he was taken away.

    Yu Yang's family members went to the fourth floor of the Domestic Security Team Building in Tiexi District. They were told by a staff member that their leaders were out for meetings and nobody could see them. His family then went to the city Domestic Security Team. The receptionist called the team office, but was told that they had not arrested anybody and nobody had seen Yu Yang.

    On July 29 of 2009, Tiexi District Domestic Security Team told Yu Yang's family go to their office at 1:30 p.m., the following day, July 30.

    On the afternoon of July 30 , his family went to the office, as requested. The person who met them was Li Yi (male, in his 30s). He said, " We got the notice to arrest Li Yi on July 29 and to inform his family today."

    His families asked, "It has been 16 days since Yu Yang disappeared. Why were we informed so late?"

    Li Yi said, "This is a secret action. We did not have the right to inform you."

    His family kept asking why this had happened. Li Yi said, "Yu Yang interfered with the implementation of the law."

    His family asked again, "Why is he being accused of 'interfering with the implementation of the law?' Which law did he interfere with?"

    Li Yi could not answer.

    His family asked again how long he would be detained. The answer was "Indefinitely." His family wanted to take back Yu Yang's cell phone and laptop, but Li Yi claimed they were needed for "further inspection."

    Mr. Yu is currently imprisoned in the Shenyang Detention Center.