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Sydney Practitioners Promote Dafa at the "World Human Rights Day" Parade

Dec. 16, 2000

[Sydney] December 10th was the "World Human Rights Day" and the relevant department in Sydney, Australia specifically set up some information desks at the Darling Harbor in downtown Sydney for groups that typically pay attention to human rights issues. Sydney practitioners took this opportunity to set up a Hongfa (spread Dafa) information desk at Darling Harbor and they demonstrated the unique Dafa exercises, attracting many passersby. In the whole event, our booth got the most attention as if this event had been specifically arranged for us. Among people who came to inquire were those who had just gotten to know Dafa and those who came to wish us good luck. People were establishing their relationship with Dafa unknowingly. After three hours' consulting, about 100 practitioners took part in the parade. Leading our group were dozens of happy kids who are all Dafa practitioners, as the theme of this year's "Human rights Day" was to protect children. Our group had a banner calling on people to save young practitioners in China and help them obtain the same freedom to practice Falun Gong as young practitioners in Australia have. The grand parade went on in the downtown area for about two hours with the Dafa music, Pudu and Jishi,

At the end of the parade, we came across an unusual person who offered to help us distribute flyers. Noticing someone had tossed the flyers to the ground, he felt very sad and said, "This is the most important. What else could anyone want besides this?" Looking at the three words "Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance", he said emotionally, "This is the most important thing in the world. If everyday people all follow what Falun Dafa advocates, there will be no war or injustice in this world." He asked for a tape printed with "I support Falun Dafa" and stuck it to his back. He said, "I want people to realize that they should support "Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance". Seeing there is such a predestined person, we came to a deeper understanding of how important it is to promote Dafa and offer salvation to people with benevolence.