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Great Forbearance in Daqing City

January 24, 2001 |   Falun Dafa practitioner

My name is Liang Xin (alias); I am a 32-year-old practitioner of Falun Dafa. Ever since July 22, 1999, I have been kept under surveillance by men from the village police substation. I was unable to move about freely. These men were assigned by my by Substation Chief Gao You.

On August 15, Gao You summoned me to the branch office in Chaoyang Gou under false pretenses and ordered me to write a letter renouncing Falun Dafa. I refused, thus inciting a torrent of blows from the brutal police chief Liu Piren. He violently kicked my chest and chin with his hard leather shoes, and threatened to hang me. After the fierce beatings, he sent me to the Zhaozhou county (Zhejiang province) Detainment Center where I was detained for 15 days.

In November 1999, I went to Beijing to protest against the ban on Falun Dafa, and was arrested by the Zhaozhou county police. The Government Security Chief from the police department, Dong Zhiping, told the Deputy Police Custodian Wang Zhong to beat me. I was beaten until blood poured from my mouth and my lips were a mouthful of bloody flesh. After the beatings, I was locked into the most dark and terrifying prison cell where four criminals were told to continue to beat me. This went on for a month until I was released, at which time I had to pay a fine of 1000 yuan (Chinese dollars, about two month salary of an averaged worker in cities of China).

On June 21, 2000, I went with some others to the police department of the Zhejiang Province to complain; we were all were brought back by Gao You. Among those brought back were seven practitioners from the Chaoyang village's Zhenxin hamlet. Inside the Chaoyang Gou police station, Police Chief Gao was cursing and swearing, while beating us. Chaoyang village's Yongqiang hamlet General Secretary, Liu Pihua, was madly slapping my face, ordering me to denounce Master Li, saying he would not stop until I did so. Later I was sent to the Zhaozhou County Police Detainment Center while the rest of the practitioners were detained at the Zhaozhou County Detention Center for about 50 days. I was also locked up for 50 days before being relocated to the Daqing City labor camp for a year.

Even though I have gone through innumerable hardships and tribulations, I still firmly believe that one day justice will finally triumph and the rule of law will be restored.