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The Story of Hui Hui, a Two-Year-Old Practitioner

Nov. 24, 2001

(Clearwisdom.net) Our daughter was born on January 21, 1999 and was named Hui Hui [wisdom]. I had a dream before she was born. In the dream, Teacher was standing in front of me on the left and told me "You will have an angel." I looked into the sky and it seemed that a large star had just exploded, and many small stars were flying out of it. One of them flew straight into me and entered my abdomen. When she was born, Hui Hui's hands were in the lotus palm position and extended to each side of her body, just like the exercise "Bodhisattva Placing Hands on Lotus" of the first set. "Look at her! She is trying to tell us that she is a Dafa practitioner!" my husband exclaimed.

On April 25, 1999, my husband and I went to the State Council's Appeal Office, with Hui Hui in our arms. She was three months old at that time. Hui Hui behaved extremely well throughout the day, and didn't make a single noise. She smiled at everyone, and allowed anyone to hold her. She was probably the youngest practitioner to visit the Appeal Office that day.

After July 20, many Dafa practitioners who went to Beijing to appeal stayed in my home. Because of this, local police and police from elsewhere searched my home frequently late at night. Hui Hui was 6-months old during that time. Every time when this happened she was woken up, but she never cried. Instead, she watched them calmly. Even a local policeman was impressed and asked, "This baby behaves so well, how did you raise her?"

After July 20, I was illegally dismissed from my government job, and my mother-in-law came to take care of the baby. She is also a Dafa practitioner, and was very helpful in Hui Hui's Fa study. Hui Hui is 2 years old now, and has memorized "Lunyu" and many poems from Hong Yin. There was a time when she always wanted to go out to play. Grandma asked her "What did Master say?" After thinking for a moment, Hui Hui responded, "Master said we should have a Fa study class everyday." Grandma asked again, "Then what should you do?" "I will go out to play after I finish Fa study with Grandma," replied Hui Hui. Gradually, Hui Hui could remember quite a bit from Zhuan Falun.

One day, I asked Hui Hui to play with her toys while we were folding Dafa materials. She asked, "Why can't I help?" and then started to cry. So I let her help us and allowed her the opportunity to contribute her share. Another day, we were sharing cultivation experiences while folding Dafa materials. Hui Hui was reciting from Teacher's poem: "Physical suffering can hardly be counted as painful, cultivating one's heart is most excruciating " ("Tempering One's Mind and Heart" from Hong Yin, unofficial translation), while patting fellow practitioners on the shoulder. Everyone was moved and said, "Through the child, Teacher is telling us that we should cultivate our hearts, and never give up, no matter how hard the situation is."

A few months ago, my husband was planning to go back to his hometown and take Dafa materials to the local practitioners there. But we were concerned that it was too dangerous. Hui Hui spoke up and said, " What's the matter? If a big gray wolf comes, kill it." We were shocked, and felt that we were not even as brave as a child. Thus we all sent forth righteous thoughts. My husband visited his hometown and gave the local practitioners more than 100 copies of CDs and 2000 copies of Dafa materials, including Teacher's articles.

Recently, she stopped studying the Fa and even interfered with our sending forth righteous thoughts. We thought about this carefully and figured out the root cause: We had bought two storybooks for her and she was distracted by them. We were not treating her as a practitioner; instead, we were spoiling her. The evil took advantage of these loopholes. After we found the root cause, we began to send forth righteous thoughts to get rid of the evil and to improve ourselves. We also studied the Fa together. Soon the situation changed and she stopped interfering with our activities. One day she told me: "Evil is bothering me." I asked, "What should you do?" She replied, "Get rid of it." Then she sat down in lotus position and started to recite Teacher's words to rectify the Fa. After a while she told me: "The big gray wolf was killed."

Due to the evil persecution, we had to leave our own home and could not return. We rented a room somewhere else. A few months later, I asked Hui Hui if she missed home. She replied, "My home is in heaven."

A few days ago, Hui Hui woke up in the morning and said, "Good days are coming, and I am going home soon."

"Yes, winter is here, so spring cannot be very far away," I thought.

(Fellow practitioners: If you develop an attachment to time after reading this, then perhaps this article is a test for that very attachment. We can only reach enlightenment when there are no omissions left.)