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Summary of Other News - 11/23/2001

November 26, 2001 |  


Persecution Truth

Xu Qihui, lecturer and director of Zhongjiang County Party School in Deyang area of Sichuan Province was illegally sentenced to 2 years forced labor for clarifying the truth to his relatives and friends.

My son has been illegally detained in Huanxiling Forced Labor Camp of Jilin City for more than a year because he went to Beijing to appeal. He has suffered all kinds of cruel mental and physical tortures. Every time I visit him, he always tells me resolutely, "Mother, I will never yield to the evil!"

Media Reports

Voice of America reported on the 21st that foreigners had gone to Tiananmen Square to appeal for a stop to the suppression of Falun Gong and had been arrested, violently beaten and sexually harassed. A German reporter who witnessed this incident was detained for two hours and warned not to report it. The reporter for Channel 1 in Germany had all his photography equipment and films confiscated, and the telephone line used by this TV station to report this incident was disconnected.

The Political Journal of Denmark reported on the 21st that 35 western Falun Gong practitioners had been arrested while going to appeal on Tiananmen Square. One detainee said that they had been subjected to violence in the police vehicles.

Latest News From China

98 people published solemn announcements today, declaring that all they said, wrote and did under threats, coercion and torture that don't conform to Dafa are completely void! They will double their efforts to make up the loss they caused to Dafa, firmly cultivate and become qualified Dafa practitioners.

Several Examples of Retribution

--The director of Tonghua City Railroad Hospital of Jilin Province publicly attacked and cursed Dafa and its founder on numerous occasions and died in a car accident.

--Two old men in our neighborhood resent Dafa and tore up truth-clarifying materials and suddenly died.

--A resident of Longhua, Hebei Province took down a Dafa banner and put it under his bed, and right away his daughter's lower abdomen starting aching non-stop. He couldn't understand why until later, he guessed it was retribution. He hung the banner back up and his daughter's stomachache immediately disappeared.

A relative of mine talked about some thugs at a train station who were forcing people to curse Teacher and Dafa, saying, "I'll curse whoever they want me to curse." He also said some disrespectful things about Dafa. I immediately stopped him, "you'll suffer retribution if you say things like that." Later, he was stung by a mosquito and the swelling became infected and developed pus. His wife was shocked, "It's impossible to develop pus from a mosquito bite. This really is retribution."

Radio France Internationale (RFI) broadcast the news simultaneously to China and the greater Paris metropolitan area: Western practitioners of Falun Gong peacefully protested in Tiananmen Square against the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese government.

A German newspaper reported on Nov 17, 2001: a group of young Chinese people now walking from Berlin to Munich are calling for people's attention to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

Cultivation Stories

On a bus, a practitioner promoted Dafa to the people who tear off Dafa materials posted in public. The practitioner eliminated her attachment of fear. As a result, people on the bus with predestined relationships heard about the truth of Dafa.

A Dafa practitioner from Sichuan Province completely opposed the evil's brainwashing class. With the wisdom and compassion that she had obtained from her cultivation, the practitioner was able to see the real truth. With the righteous thoughts and determination of a Dafa practitioner, she deterred the interference and clarified the truth of Dafa to people. She closely follows Teacher and eliminates her attachments, never losing her bearings in her voyage of cultivation.

Latest News from China

Falun Dafa Practitioners in Guangdong Province and in Beijing send congratulations on the founding of Falun Dafa Associations in Israel, Austria and Belgium.

39 people solemnly announced that all they had written, said, and done against Dafa under extreme pressure and persecution are completely void. They have made up their minds to steadfastly cultivate Dafa and double their efforts in making up the losses they caused to Dafa.

Cultivation Stories

On the morning of November 11, Dafa practitioners in one city in northeast China put up in the sky several over ten-meter-long banners on ropes. The golden characters of "Falun Dafa Glows For Ever," "Restore Innocence to Teacher Li Hongzhi," etc., on the red banners were easy to see. It eliminated the evil and encouraged the practitioners in that city.

On the morning of November 10, nine practitioners of us sent forth righteous thoughts, recited Teacher's articles to eliminate the evil and went to Tiananmen for Fa-Rectification. We came back safely on the night of November 11.

A young teacher's medical examination result in 1994 was that the HBSAg, HbeAg and HbcAb were all positive. Medicine could not solve any of these ailments. Soon after starting to practice Falun Gong in March 1996, the teacher's body has become light and his face looks rosy. His medical examination results three months later showed that all of the above ailments became negative.