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Eradicate Omissions, Unite, and Eliminate Evil Together

November 07, 2001 |   By a Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) When I went back to Beijing and visited some fellow practitioners whom I had not seen for a long time, I suddenly felt my own righteous thoughts and strengths were enhanced, and I remembered Teacher's scripture, "The lofty conduct that Dafa disciples have established in this environment--including every word and every act--can make people realize their own weaknesses and identify their shortcomings; it can move one's heart, refine one's conduct, and enable one to make progress more rapidly." "The environment is created by you, yourselves, and it, too, is essential for your improvement." ("Environment" from Essentials For Further Advancement). I feel that right now, if one separates from the environment of Dafa, one might fall as a result of being lured by the pursuit of comfort and form an obstruction to the progress of Fa-rectification, which would please the evil forces. We must not allow anyopportunity for the evil forces to catch their breath, and must eliminate them resolutely.?/P>

When I was sharing my thoughts with practitioner A, I learned that practitioner B seldom went to practitioner C's place to share experiences due to some trivial disagreement. Practitioner A shares the apartment with C, and he also feels that C has some xinxing [mind and hear nature] problems. I also thought C was in the wrong over a small matter in the past. So, with this kind of mentality, I started to chat with A about this issue. But suddenly, I had a headache. After I went home, I thought carefully about my conduct and discovered that I had fallen into everyday people's mentality over this matter, and didn't view it from the perspective of cultivation. In fact, it is not always a bad thing to have conflicts. What is important is how we, amidst conflicts, look within ourselves and improve our xinxing, and how we treatconflicts with a righteous mind and resolve them. From this I saw that each of us has our own attachments that should be discarded, such as attachments of conflict, suspicion, jealousy, selfishness, showing-off, stubbornness and plotting and wrangling. It is just because the evil forces saw our omission and took advantage of our remaining attachments. They hide inside of those attachments and used degenerated beings such as imagination to magnify the shortcomings we see in each other to cause disagreements among practitioners. What is worse, this has obstructed the progress of Fa rectification and caused a loss to Dafa. I feel that this problem has become quite prominent and it has seriously damaged our cultivation environment, so we should take it seriously! Fellow practitioners have pointed out numerous times on Clearwisdom.net that a demon was creating conflicts among practitioners, and we should remove this interference by sendingout righteous thoughts. Only by eradicating our own omissions as well as various attributes of demon nature can we obtain better results in Fa rectification. Furthermore, we Dafa particles should work hard together, raise our levels and become an indestructible body as a whole. Just as Teacher said, "You are one body, just like Master's gong--of course you and gong aren't the same thing. I'm just giving an example. It's just like my gong, which does different things at the same time. .... In other words, one body doesn't necessarily do one thing. But no matter what you do, you need to be worthy of being called a Dafa disciple" ("Lecture on the Fa at the Washington, D.C. International Conference," 2001).?/P>

I recalled once I had a disagreement with my husband, which was also because demons utilized degenerated beings, such as imagination, to create conflicts between us. At that time I was attached tosentimentality and was anxious to clarify the truth to my parents, but my husband insisted that we should study the Fa first. Because I had the omission in my attaching to sentimentality, I was exploited by the evil. I thought my husband was lacking in compassion and unwilling to save my parents, when actually that wasn't the case. Because I did not treat all this with righteous thoughts, I fought with my husband. After I got back home and calmed down to study Zhuan Falun, I realized that my earlier behavior was a manifestation of demonic nature. Together with my husband, we sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate evil beings, such as imagination.?/P>

Above is my current personal understanding. Please kindly point out any mistakes.

November 3, 2001