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Pacific Sun (California): Letters to the Editor

December 20, 2001 |  

Issue of December 19- January 1, 2001

In response to "Coddling a [Jiang Zemin government's slanderous term omitted]"(Letters, December 12), I would like to say that since I have taken up practice of Falun Gong, I have only felt healthy improvements in my life. FG has its roots in traditional Chinese culture, and those like myself who have done much reading on ancient Near Eastern history or non-Western cultures, will find that the background that FG comes from is nothing weird. (If FG wasn't so closely aligned with Chinese culture how could you explain its popularity?) Also, practice is completely voluntary, the teaching is absolutely free, and there is nothing in the practice I could identify as a "[Jiang Zemin government's slanderous term omitted]". The opinion that it is one seems to reflect the exact propaganda of the state-run Chinese media.

I applaud the Sun for covering Carson's participation in an extraordinary event. It is the first time Westerners from 11 countries appealed for the human rights of the Chinese people in Tiananmen Square totally out of their compassion. We are Americans, and we have freedom of the press. The same thing cannot be said of Chinese people practicing Falun Gong, who cannot have their voices heard. Their only "crime" is that they adhere to Falun Gong's principals C "Truth, Compassion, Tolerance," - the same reason that Carson and 35 other Westerners were arrested.

I invite you and all readers to learn more about Falun Gong (www.falundafa.org) and understand more about the extent of the brutal persecution toward innocent citizens (www.faluninfo.net). Every day, Chinese Falun Gong practitioners are being tortured and beaten to death. Let's extend our support.

David Kute

San Rafael

Inspiring Column

I found Kristin Bartus' column on Falun Gong and the young man who was willing to risk his life for religious freedom very inspiring... Wake up, Kathy, the Chinese government's atrocious treatment of the Tibetan people and others is all bad.

Please give us more wonderful stories.

Sandra Chiefa
