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The Ottawa Citizen: Chinese rhetoric destroys hopes for dialogue

April 05, 2001 |   Sharda Vaidyanath

Wednesday 4 April 2001

The Chinese government is once again demonstrating its totally irresponsible approach to resolving the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China ("'U.S. democracy a fairy tale': China," Feb. 28).

As a Canadian Falun Gong practitioner for the last 10 months, I feel the need to set the record straight regarding the hilarious comparison of practitioners to drug addicts.

Falun Gong requires stringent discipline of mind and body. Practitioners are free of the impact of smoking, drugs and alcohol. The standing and sitting meditations that one may do according to one's endurance require that you do not go into a trance state or fall asleep.

In fact you must keep mentally conscious that it is you who is meditating through out the length of the meditation, while cultivating a mind without intention.

Simply stated, there is absolutely no basis for comparison to any form of drug-induced behaviour.

As a result of our total commitment to the principles of Falun Gong (truthfulness, compassion, forbearance), my family and I enjoy exceptional mental and physical wellbeing.

It is high time the Chinese government came to grips with the fact that there are millions of Falun Gong practitioners worldwide. There is not a single nation in the world (other than China) that has complained that Falun Gong practitioners are a threat to social stability.

Such senseless rhetoric from Chinese government officials can only contribute to steady erosion of China's credibility, while destroying opportunities for peaceful dialogue and an end to the suffering of its people.
