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Promoting Dafa in Germany's Heidelberg Garden

May 11, 2001 |   a Falun Dafa practitioner from Germany

[Minghui Net] Last October, I started handing out Falun Dafa literature to Chinese tourists at the Castle Garden in the city of Heidelberg. The first Chinese tour group I met had over a dozen people. When they heard me mention Falun Gong, four or five people immediately approached and looked closely at the fliers in my hand, but kept saying, "We are not interested in this." I handed them the literature and said, "Please have a look. You may not have such a chance in China." One of them pointed at himself and several of the people around him, saying, "Do you know, we are all Party officials?" I said, " Then it is even more important for you to have a look at our literature." They hesitated for some time but still didn't take anything. After they had turned around and walked away several steps, one of them quickly came back and asked for a booklet and put in his pocket. Two others saw him and also returned and took some information.

Once I heard somebody behind me shout, "This way! You are going the wrong way!" I turned around and saw a Chinese lady walking toward me. Another Chinese person shouted at her from behind, but she didn't hear. We started to talk. I offered to show them information about the truth of Falun Gong. This lady, who had just come from China said, "I don't want this (the truth-clarifying literature)." She pointed at the book Zhuan Falun in my hand and said, "Can you give me this book?" Right away I gave her the book. On another occasion, I met a Chinese tour group of eight people. Every one of them pushed forward to get Dafa fliers. They showed great interest in the Falun Gong exercises. They said they had never seen the Falun Gong movements before and asked me to demonstrate the exercises to them. I showed them the first set and told them the principles. Afterwards, they asked many questions from various perspectives. As they left with Falun Gong pamphlets, I saw one of them practicing one of the movements in the first set of exercises.

I met all kinds of people as I distributed this literature. Some people helped hand things out and some swore at me. Just as Master Li said in Essentials for Further Advances, "Some people are for it, and there will be some people against it." Everyone has a chance to position himself.

Reported by a Falun Dafa practitioner from Germany

May 6, 2001