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Photo Report: Practitioners in Mainland China Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day with the Feat of "Assisting the Master in the Human World"

May 15, 2001 |  

In order to celebrate May 13, World Falun Dafa Day, practitioners in a Northern Chinese city stepped forward together to validate Dafa. Early in the morning on May 13, 2001, more than 500 banners were hung in the city and suburban areas. Practitioners set up loud speakers downtown and started broadcasting at 5:30am. One speaker was placed in a tree about 15 meters high, which enabled more than 100 people in the park to hear the sound of the Falun Dafa broadcast, "Voice of the Universe". The broadcast lasted for a full 30-minutes before the police climbed the tree and took it down. Practitioners distributed more than 10,000 copies of truth-clarifying literature in one night. Their actions greatly frightened the evil forces and encouraged their fellow practitioners to strive forward more vigorously.


In addition, earlier they successfully held several experience sharing conferences.