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BBC Monitoring: Hong Kong police chief says will treat Falun Gong "like any other group"

June 21, 2001 |  


The police commissioner, Tsang Yam-pui, says the force will treat the Falun Gong like any other group in processing their applications for demonstrations or group practices. He also pointed out that so far, the police had not raised objections to any notifications about group protests. The commissioner was asked whether remarks by the chief executive, Tung Chee-hwa, that the group was undoubtedly an [Chinese government's slanderous term omitted], would affect police treatment of the group.

[Tsang] The police will obviously monitor different pressure groups as far as their movements are concerned, as to their intentions but, as far as police is concerned, we will treat all these pressure groups in the same manner and we will act strictly in accordance with the law.

We don't treat different groups differently. The fact that we are treating different occasions differently, it depends on the number of people participating in the procession or demonstration, the kind of route they ask to take, the amount of inconvenience or whatever may be caused to members of the public and these considerations would affect how we view a particular demonstration or procession. It's not to do with a particular group, their intentions or their political inclinations...