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Toronto Star: Falun Dafa follower home from Chinese jail

June 24, 2001

MONTREAL (CP) - A business student who was held for more than a month in a Chinese jail for practising the Falun Gong religion has returned home.

''This experience showed me that a strong international voice calling for justice can end this vicious persecution,'' Ying Zhu said Friday at a news conference.

''I thank you with all of my heart.''

Zhu, 35, arrived in Montreal on Thursday, nearly six weeks after she was arrested by Chinese police who had found a book on the banned movement in her luggage.

Zhu, who was born in China but is now a resident of Canada, said pressure from the Canadian government and ordinary citizens led to her release.


The Chinese government outlawed the movement in July 1999, deeming it [Chinese government's slanderous terms omitted].

MPs from all five political parties responded to Zhu's May 10 arrest by issuing a joint statement demanding her release.

Amnesty International, Montreal's Concordia University and the Canadian Federation of Students also lobbied on behalf on Zhu.

http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=993204275017&call_page= TS_Canada&call_pageid=968332188774&call_pagepath=News/Canada&col=968350116467
