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My Enlightenment Toward "Eliminating Evil"

June 28, 2001 |   A Western Practitioner in U.K.

I went through great difficulties in eliminating evil interference and thought-karma a while ago. This was simply the result of a lack of in-depth understanding of the principles of the Fa [universal law and principle,] and a failure to clearly and rationally understand the principles of the Fa. I was under great pressure from the interference and could not break from it. I could not find the righteous thoughts to eliminate it. Then I remembered two sentences from Beyond the limits of Forbearance: "Ren is not cowardice, much less is it resigning oneself to adversity" and "Zhen-Shan-Ren is the Fa!" Suddenly I understood these words clearly and rationally with my human side, and felt as though my divine side was suddenly harmonized with my human side. I was clearly aware that my human misunderstanding had restrained my divine side. I was so happy from the bottom of my heart. I felt this simple, innocent happy voice singing inside me, from every part of my being, "eliminate the evil!, eliminate the evil!" My compassionate, original nature has been watching the suffering of sentient beings caused by the evil, and has been watching the attack on Dafa, but could not act without my human understanding coming into line. I was so happy to be able to help Master eliminate the evil - from the perspective of compassion, and as a particle of Dafa - there is nothing more sacred, or more precious. The thought-karma and interference disappeared to nothing in a single compassionate thought.

Afterwards, I realized that I had not always looked for a clear and rational understanding of the principles of the Fa, to overcome the evil. I read the article "Beyond the limits of Forbearance" many times, and memorized it. My understanding progressed and became clearer and clearer, and I felt a harmonization of the human side and the divine side. I would like to share some reflections on this and I am aware that my enlightenment is limited.

I think we should understand the elimination of the evil very clear-mindedly and soberly. We do not need to be able to use supernormal capabilities, to experience supernormal phenomena or to seek outside ourselves to understand this principle. Nor should we avoid making an effort to understand it by telling ourselves: "This is for the divine side to understand, and to know what to do." Master Li says in Beyond the Limits of Forbearance:

"Zhen-Shan-Ren is the Fa! And It is the manifestation of the Dafa of the cosmos at different levels. It is absolutely not some human ideology or guiding principle for ordinary human living, as humans take it to be. If the evil has already reached the point where it is unsavable and unkeepable, then various measures at different levels can be taken to stop it and eliminate it"

Master is teaching us to understand the principles of the Fa. Our divine side is also studying the Fa and will know what to do. I think we must be clear that our human side must clearly understand this principle, or we will miss the opportunity to rationally rise to a genuine understanding of Dafa. Our human side also acts to eliminate evil. Revealing the truth, spreading Dafa, exposing the evil persecution, are forms of eliminating the evil, and are parts of the various measures taken to stop it and eradicate it. I understand that the "various measures" need to be taken at all levels of the Fa - they will manifest at all levels of the Fa, including the human level.

We must clearly and rationally understand the principle of eliminating the evil with both the divine side and the human side, and be clear of its requirements in the human world. We should be clear that evil absolutely should not exist, but also be clear that this has very different implications for the human side and the divine side. Exposing the evil, clarifying the truth and appealing for help are the manifestation of the Fa-rectification in the human world. Without this, the evil would not be eliminated. However, if we intend to expose the truth without clearly understanding the principle that this is eliminating the evil, then this lack of in-depth understanding from the human side will cause problems in the divine side's rectification of Fa, and will thus artificially restrain it from eliminating evil. Or to look at the other side, if we do not have a clear, harmonized understanding of the principles of the Fa about elimination of evil, then this will result in difficulty and interference in our human actions of exposing the evil, Hongfa (introducing Falun Dafa), and other activities.

Our understanding of the elimination of the evil must be clear from both the human side and the divine side and must be from a rational and sober understanding of the principles of the Fa. The only way I know to harmonize the understanding of the human and divine sides, is to study the Fa with a clear, calm mind, without intention.