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Photo Report: "Walk to DC" Team Arrives in Philadelphia

July 14, 2001 |  

On July 11, 2001, Walk to DC team (a total of 21 walkers) arrived in Philadelphia and held a press conference at Liberty Bell Pavilion. About 10 local media attended the press conference. Pennsylvania Congressman Curtis Thomas came to extend his support to Falun Gong before the press conference started. In the conference, a practitioner read a proclamation from the Senate of Pennsylvania, and a congratulatory letter from the Chairman of House Democratic Caucus, House of Representatives.

Many tourists listened to the practitioners' presentations and signed the petitions to protest Jiang Zemin's government's violation of human rights. Some kind-hearted people who have been concerned about the situation of Falun Gong practitioners also attended the press conference.

Philadelphia practitioner reading congratulatory letters Dr. James Li explaining how his brother was tortured to death by Jiang's government to audience
Hao Wang (a walker from Boston) giving a speech Tourists signing petitions to protest human rights violation by Jiang's government

Walkers resumed their journey to Delaware State

Proclamation from the Senate of Pennsylvania Congratulatory letter from the Chairman of House Democratic Caucus, House of Representatives