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Short Stories About Clarifying the Truth

July 03, 2001 |  

[Minghui Net]

1. Please Teach Me the Falun Gong Exercises.

A Dafa practitioner was resting outdoors in the employee resident complex of a company in Northern China. A colleague came over and asked, "Could you please teach me the Falun Gong exercises? I heard that you haven't been ill or taken any medicine for five years. You are so healthy!" "OK, let's come back to my home and I'll teach you," said the practitioner. Another colleague also asked, "Can I join you?"

2. Please Take These Cards and Write "Falun Dafa is Great" on Them

After a company official election, many blank ballots made from fine quality red paper were not used. The head of the company approached a Dafa practitioner and said, "You may find these cards useful. I suggest that you write 'Falun Dafa is Great' on them. Flyers like these are seen everywhere on the streets." The practitioner gratefully accepted the cards and said, "Thank you!"

3. After All, There are People Who Uphold Justice, and They Helped Me Appeal on the Internet

After the Internet published the persecution story of a Dafa practitioner in Northern China, some local policemen paid an angry visit to this practitioner and questioned, "How did you get on the Internet?" The practitioner answered, "I have no idea, since I don't know how to use the computer." The police asked, "To whom have you told your story?" "Many. I told it to whomever I saw and wherever I went. Did I exaggerate? Didn't you torture me like that?" the practitioner said to a policeman who personally participated in the torture. "The government does not help the people, nor do they allow people to appeal to them. They don't even want people to speak out the truth. I have no choice but to speak out, tell my own experience and let the people be the judge. After all, there are still people who uphold justice, and they helped me to appeal on the Internet. I have to thank them." After hearing this, the police were speechless and left.

4. A Resident: "Don't You Want to Live? How Dare You Tear This Down!"

Dafa truth-clarifying flyers were posted in many locations in a residential section. A malicious person became fearful and tried to remove the flyers. Seeing this, a citizen, a non-practitioner, yelled, "Don't you want to live? How dare you tear those down?" Hearing this, the ungodly person was too frightened to touch the flyers and left quietly.