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Canadian MP Reid Visits Vigil for Prisoner of Conscience

August 03, 2001 |  

OTTAWA - Scott Reid, MP for Lanark-Carleton, today gave his support to Jinyu Li, the wife of Chinese prisoner of conscience Shenli Lin, who is keeping a vigil calling for her husband's release from a Chinese labour camp.

"I am proud and honoured to be able to support Jinyu Li in her brave struggle for her husband's freedom," said Reid while visiting Jinyu Li's round-the-clock vigil outside the Chinese Embassy on St. Patrick Street. "It is through such personal sacrifices that awareness is raised, and public pressure is built to call upon Chinese authorities to stop their persecution of Falun Gong practitioners."

Shenli Lin, a Chinese citizen, was arrested in China in January 2000 for practicing Falun Gong, and sentenced without trial to 18 months in a labour camp. On 23 July of this year - the day of his expected release - his wife Jinyu Li was informed that Shenli Lin's sentence had been arbitrarily extended by six months. Jinyu Li is a Canadian citizen, and had been attempting to process her husband's immigration to Canada since before his initial arrest 18 months ago. Amnesty International has recognized Shenli Lin as a prisoner of conscience.

"I wish to join Jinyu Li in calling for Shenli Lin's immediate and unconditional release from prison. I also commend Amnesty International for raising awareness of his case, and for initiating a letter-writing campaign on Shenli Lin's behalf," concluded Reid.