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Introducing Dafa and Clarifying the Truth at a University's "Club Days" Student Orientation Event

Sept. 11, 2001

From September 4th to 6th a University in Canada held an event called "Club Days." The purpose of this event was to allow the students to learn more about the various school clubs and associations, and to sign up to join any that seemed interesting to them. We had a Falun Dafa booth at this event.

Some practitioners had to drive as long as two hours (with a baby) in order to get to the University to help out, but they still arrived with big smiles on their faces. We had an information table decorated with colourful pictures and flyers and we performed the exercises on the stage. Many people passed by and expressed an interest in learning Falun Dafa.

Several visiting Chinese students and professors came by our booth to take a peek and listen to what we had to say. Some of them said that in China all they hear in the news is the government's propaganda, but here in Canada they have a chance to learn what Falun Gong really is. One Chinese professor said that he didn't want to believe the propaganda, so that's why he came over to our table. Some were also very surprised to see a Western practitioner at our Dafa booth that had been practicing for three years. Because of the persecution, they came to know of Dafa and became curious about it, so now that they are abroad they have the chance to freely learn it.

One of the young visiting Chinese students that signed up to join the university practice group was a little worried about running into trouble when she went back to China to visit her parents, but she assured us that she would see us next week at the first practice session.

We want to continue to try to reach more visiting Chinese at the University because this could be their only chance to hear the truth.

On the second day, two practitioners made several copies of a letter to the Canadian Prime Minister asking him, on his visit to China in October, to bring up the fact that Shenli Lin [a Canadian Citizen's husband who is being detained in China] had his term extended for no reason. Because the Prime Minister will being visiting Shanghai, which is where Shenli Lin is being detained, we felt that this was a good opportunity to appeal. We took the letters and went to each table to explain the situation to our fellow university clubs and organizations and ask them if their club wanted to sign the letter. Most of them signed on behalf of all of their club members, but some, because the club president wasn't at their booth, could only sign on behalf of themselves. Many people were shocked upon hearing about the brutality of the persecution and some wanted to join the practice group. In the end we collected almost twenty letters.