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Toronto Sun: Letter to the editor

September 16, 2001 |  

September 15, 2001

I WOULD like to thank you for the article written by Brad Honywill on Sept. 8, "Falun Gong supporters head to Hill." I am a resident of Toronto and a practitioner of Falun Gong. The ongoing persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China is barbarism at its worst. Truthful press that brings to light this unconscionable undertaking by the [party's name omitted] government of China is greatly appreciated. Falun Gong practitioners in China continue to courageously and peacefully step out into the public to voice their constitutional right to pursue their beliefs, knowingly risking the potential of being abducted by state police, tortured, murdered, raped, beaten, incarcerated in labor camps and forced into slave labor or forced into psychiatric institutions where they are drugged against their will. In larger contexts, their sacrifice is a sacrifice for us all.

Michael Mahonen


(Will they be let out of prison in time for the Olympics?)
