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"We are Australian citizens on public land "

September 30, 2001 |   By Practitioners in Australia

In Canberra on Friday, September 21, 2001 was the 31st day of Australian Falun Dafa practitioners' hunger strike in front of the Chinese Embassy. They are appealing for justice and asking the Chinese government to stop ill treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in China. A University of Canberra (UC) student, studying journalism, came to interview practitioners on the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

The student arrived shortly after 2:00 PM. After a brief observation of the environment, it was decided that it was best to have the interview on the same side of the street as the embassy, with the camera pointing towards the banners of "Falun Dafa" as the background.

While the student was setting up her video equipment, a male officer came out of the embassy and approached us. We were sitting some 50 meters away from the embassy's front entrance.

He first spoke to one of our Chinese practitioners,
"Do you speak Chinese?"
"Yes, but, you better speak English, so others can understand."
"... You should move to the other side of the street. This is the Chinese Embassy's ground."
"No. As far as we know this is Australian public land." We were all surprised.
"... You are Falun Gong practitioners, aren't you?"
"Yes, we all are."
"Then, you should move over there (pointing to the other side of the street)".
"Why ? We are not protesting, just having a chat here." Daniel, an Australian practitioner said. "The protesters are over there (pointing to the other side of the street as well). We are Australian citizens. This is public land, we are allowed to sit here."
"... ... I'll call the police." The officer was apparently a bit short of words.
"Fine. Not a problem. They will tell you that we are allowed to be here."
"... ... I'm just performing my duty."

"Which television station are you from?" the officer spoke to the student with the camera.
"I'm not with any television station. I'm from the University of Canberra."
The officer was now very short of words.

The officer seemed surprised to see someone with a camera interviewing Falun Dafa practitioners, as though he knew that the Embassy had 'agreements' with the local Television Stations not to cover Falun Gong issues. He soon left, obviously embarrassed.

"By the way, you are welcome to join us in our discussion." one practitioner tried to talk to the officer as he was walking away.

Some ten minutes later, an Australian Protective Services officer came. He has been called by the embassy. He asked who we were and what we were doing there. In a friendly conversation, we told him that we were just having a chat with a UC student about Falun Gong. Where we were sitting was public land. As Australian citizens we can be anywhere we want to be, as long as it's public land. After the officer understood our position, he relaxed and then went into the Embassy to explain to them why we could not be moved.

Over the past two years, (i.e., since the Chinese persecution of Falun Gong), there have been many public gatherings of Falun Gong practitioners in Australia. We have developed a good relationship with the police. They know that we practice the principles of "Zhen-Shan-Ren (truthfulness, compassion, forbearance)" and therefore are good citizens. Some police staff actually commented that we are the most disciplined protesters. Our public cooperation with the police has always been very good.

This incident confirms, again, to us how the evildoers are afraid of people finding out about the truth, and how they treat Falun Gong practitioners in China. In China, anyone who answers "yes" to the question: "Are you a Falun Gong practitioner?" or "Do you practice Falun Gong?" or even just hesitate in answering these questions, is taken away by police. Many are badly beaten while being taken away and also at the police stations. Almost everyone who is persistent in practicing Falun Gong is arrested, detained or put in labor camps. Jiang Zemin and his accomplices are not only violating China's own laws and constitution which guarantees freedom of belief, but they also attempt to interfere against the rights of Australia citizens. However, what they did not expect is that the truth about Falun Gong has been spread in the land of Australia. More and more people around the world have come to see Jiang Zemin's vicious nature, and oppose Jiang Zemin's persecution of kind and innocent people.