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Latest News from China - 12/23/2002

December 30, 2002 |  


  • [Hunan Province] Lawless Policemen Bruise Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Chaliu All Over Her Body
  • [Xiantao City, Hubei Province] Falun Gong Practitioners Chen Guohua and Fan Sihua Are Illegally Sent to the Shayang Forced Labor Camp
  • [Northern China] A Small Experience-Sharing Meeting is Held in Northern China
  • [Huanggang City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Zhang Qingming Will be Sentenced to a Lengthy Prison Term
  • [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Personnel from Tangshan City's Forced Labor Camp Brutally Torture Dafa Practitioners
  • [Macheng City, Hubei Province] Dafa Practitioner Bao Jiaxue and Xia Jianpeng are Still Detained at Deqing County's Detention Center in Zhejiang Province

[Hunan Province] Lawless Policemen Bruise Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Chaliu All Over Her Body

Ms. Li Chaliu, 56 years old, is a farmer from Jiangyuan Village, Pingjiangdaping Township of Hunan Province. Due to her poor health, for more than the past ten years she had led a difficult life. Since she began to practice Falun Gong in 1997, her health has become better and better. Moreover, she has a much higher moral standard than before.

On August 4, 2002, when Li Chaliu sent some Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials to a fellow practitioner in Yuping Township, policemen from a local precinct arrested her. The lawless police forced Li Chaliu to tell them the source of materials. They beat and kicked her. They refused to listen to Li Chaliu's kind persuasion. During the night, they brutally beat her again. She was beaten so severely that bruises covered her whole body. Her left kneecap was broken and severely swollen. Her left breast was injured and she could not straighten her back. Now Li Chaliu is still being held at a detention center.

[Xiantao City, Hubei Province] Falun Gong Practitioners Chen Guohua and Fan Sihua Are Illegally Sent to the Shayang Forced Labor Camp

It was said that policemen forcibly took two Falun Gong practitioners, Mr. Chen Guohua and Mr. Fan Sihua, into Xiantao City's Magang Brainwashing Class for persecution, disregarding their poor health. Shayang Forced Labor Camp had refused to accept these two practitioners because of their bad health before the "16th National Party Congress" and they were released to go home. At the end of November, after being persecuted in the brainwashing class, they were put into the Shayang Forced Labor Camp after policemen bribed officials from the forced labor camp.

In the middle of December, Xiantao City's Yinxing Theater once again played a film slandering Falun Gong.

[Northern China] A Small Experience-Sharing Meeting is Held in Northern China

On November 8, in a Northern Chinese city, fourteen practitioners sat together and had a small experience-sharing meeting. Practitioner first sent forth righteous thoughts, studied the Fa and then shared the experiences of cultivation in this Fa rectification period. Many practitioners talked about completely denying the arrangements of the old forces and remembering to look inwards when dealing with everything. They also shared how to solemnly face personal cultivation problems. The conference lasted for over 2 hours.

[Huanggang City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Zhang Qingming Will be Sentenced to a Lengthy Prison Term

In October 2002, practitioner Mr. Zhang Qingming from Huanggang City, Hubei Province was arrested. Because he was suspected of making Dafa truth-clarifying materials, local officials planned to sentence him to long-term imprisonment. His case has been sent to the Inspection Department at present. In a few days, he will be brought to trial.

[Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Personnel from Tangshan City's Forced Labor Camp Brutally Torture Dafa Practitioners

At present, in order to achieve their goal of forcing practitioners to give up their belief, guards in Tangshan City's Forced Labor Camp torture Falun Gong practitioners with excruciating means at their will. The guards wouldn't stop using those excruciating means until practitioners give in. The means they used are extremely ferocious, including: punishment by forcing practitioners to stand for a long time, a form of abuse that makes practitioners' feet too swollen to wear shoes; punishment by forcing practitioners to squat for a long time, so that practitioners could hardly stand up after that; taking turns to monitor practitioners and not allowing them to sleep for several days. The purpose is to make one's mind numb, lose one's self-control after feeling exhausted, to make one break down mentally and give in under the situation of duress. Sometimes guards used hypocritical means to dupe practitioners into "compromising." If they failed, they would resort to using excruciating means.

Under these cruel tortures, some practitioners experienced a mental collapse; some practitioners were tortured to the point of fainting; some contracted hepatitis but were not allowed to see a doctor; some were tortured so badly that their blood pressure reached 240mmHg. The police refused to release practitioners and even claimed that the practitioners wouldn't die, but even if they died, there was a very convenient crematory nearby.

Practitioners protested the illegal brutal torture by refusing to eat and drink. Some of them have been staging a hunger strike for several months, some for half a year. Guards brutally force-feed them. Some practitioners being force-fed are on the verge of death; however, the policemen still beat and abuse them. Some practitioners were tortured to death from force-feeding and some were beaten so badly they hover between life and death.

We appeal to international human right organizations to pay attention to the illegal persecution conducted by personnel at Tangshan City's Forced Labor Camp, who act with utter disregard for human life. We also hope kind-hearted people all over the world pay attention to this issue and support us.

[Macheng City, Hubei Province] Dafa Practitioner Bao Jiaxue and Xia Jianpeng are Still Detained at Deqing County's Detention Center in Zhejiang Province

On July 19, 2002, Dafa Practitioner Mr. Bao Jiaxue and Mr. Xia Jianpeng from Macheng City, Hubei Province were arrested at their workplace C Deqing County's Desheng Wood Company - in Zhejiang Province. As of now, they are still detained at Deqing County's Detention Center and are being tortured.

Telephone number of the directors of Macheng City's Baiguo Police Station, Hubei Province

Cao Guangyin: 86-713-2917858,

Peng Honghui: 86-713-2910699