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The Anshan City Police Hold the Relatives of Dafa Practitioners Hostage; Practitioners Use Righteous Thoughts to Get Out of Danger

February 10, 2002 |  

February 3rd, 2002

On January 27th, 2002, nineteen practitioners who were being illegally detained, held one hand vertically in front of their chests and honorably walked out of the den of monsters--the Third Detention Center in Anshan City, Liaoning Province. After that, the Liaoning Province Public Security Department, the Anshan City Public Security Bureau, and their subordinate evil policemen illegally detained and held hostage all the family members and relatives of the 19 practitioners in retaliation. The family members have not been released since they were arrested on the 27th. In addition, they have been threatened that they must hand over the Dafa practitioners or else the family members will be detained for an additional 15 days and they will receive a one year detention in the labor camp [without trial].

Some practitioners have 4 or 5 family members in prison at the same time. These family members may include spouses, sisters, brother-in-laws, parents of sister-in-law's, and brother-in-laws. Under the order of Jiang, even practitioners' relatives are implicated.

During national holidays, Jiang's group has intensified the persecution of Dafa practitioners by arresting practitioners everywhere. Already, there have been quite a few practitioners arrested in different places throughout Liaoning Province. The policemen often harass the families and neighbors of Dafa practitioners.

Urgently appeal to the world human rights organizations and all the world's kind-hearted people: work together to stop the Public Security Bureau of Anshan City from persecuting the family and relatives of Dafa practitioners; request them to release all the family members who are detained.