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Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: City Council Gives Persecuted Chinese [Group] Vote of Support

February 26, 2002 |  

Sunday, February 24, 2002

Pittsburgh has put the world's most populous nation on notice.

City Council passed a resolution last week telling the People's Republic of China to ease up on practitioners of Falun Dafa - otherwise known as Falun Gong - a [spiritual] group that has run afoul of the Communist country.

It also declared that May 13 will be known in the city as Falun Dafa Day.

The Chinese government has jailed and prosecuted hundreds of Falun Dafa participants, and killed at least 360 of them, according to the council bill. But millions of followers in 40 countries have "obtained improved health, newfound energy, mental clarity, and peace of mind" through the practice, the resolution states.

"In a move that is unbelievable in this day and age, people practicing well-being are being killed," said Councilman William Peduto, who sponsored the resolution.

Council urged China "to immediately cease persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners and immediately release all Falun Dafa practitioners from detention."

Council unanimously approved the resolution and five council members co-sponsored it: President Gene Ricciardi, Jim Ferlo, Bob O'Connor, Jim Motznik and Alan Hertzberg.

