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Phone Numbers of Those Responsible for the Shooting of a Falun Dafa Practitioner

March 01, 2002 |  

During the traditional Chinese Lunar New Year Festival, a shocking incident occurred involving the shooting of a Falun Dafa practitioner in Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province.

Around 2:00am on the first day of the Lunar New Year (February 12, 2002), Jiang Honglu, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Taiping village in Mishan City was shot by Du Yongshan, the assistant section chief of the Mishan Municipal section when Jiang was posting truth-clarifying materials about Falun Dafa. He was shot in the leg.

Now Jiang Honglu has been sent to the First Hospital at Mishan City (also known as The People's Hospital). His family was not allowed to visit him. The authorities also demanded that Jiang's workplace pay the medical expenses so as to shirk responsibility and to intensify the conflict between the workplace and the family. At the hospital, Jiang Honglu continued to spread Dafa and exposed the evil with stern righteousness.

Being afraid that their criminal act would be exposed, the Mishan municipal police station even started a rumor saying that over 40 Falun Dafa practitioners were planning to hold a protest march. They attempted to use this rumor to shirk their responsibility.

We call on all kind-hearted people from all over the world to reach out your helping hands and together stop the bloody persecution in China.

Phone number of the Mishan municipal political and security section in Heilongjiang Province: 86-467-5230149

The section chief of the political and security section, Meng Qingqi: 86-467-5231270, zip code: 158300