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Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Press Conference at National Press Club on Changchun Incident

April 02, 2002 |  

On March 29, 2002, the National Press Club (NPC) held a Press Conference in Washington DC on Falun Gong and the recent Changchun Incident. Members of NPC, members of the State Department, Tokyo Shunbui, F.C. News-press, reporters from the Journalism Department of George Mason University, reporters from VOA, RFA and China Times attended.

After the host announced the agenda for the conference, practitioners first introduced the development of the urgent situation in Changchun and disclosed Jiang regime's order to Kill [those responsible] without Pardon" with facts about mass arrests, tortures, and many new deaths subsequent to Jiang's order. Practitioners strongly called upon all governments and people to intervene and condemn the Jiang regime's criminal acts and put the persecution that should not have happened to an end.

At the press conference, reporters viewed the tapes of the "Self-Immolation incident" analysis that was shown on Changchun cable network at the risk of practitioners' lives. With the lies being exposed, the reporters understood the reason why Jiang's regime was so afraid of the truth coming out.

When answering questions from reporters, practitioners explained the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and shared with them the benefits they have gained from practicing Falun Gong with their personal experiences.

After the press conference, reporters from VOA and RFA interviewed practitioners participating in the hunger strike.