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Friends of Falun Gong, USA Offers a Way to Rescue Mr. Lizhi He From Unlawful Imprisonment in China

July 11, 2002 |  

Recently, Amnesty International of Canada began a letter-writing campaign on behalf of Mr. Lizhi He, a Falun Gong practitioner who is being unlawfully imprisoned in China. Friends of Falun Gong, a U.S.-based non-profit organization united to support Falun Gong's freedom of belief, has announced its firm support of this worthy cause. It has written and posted pre-addressed letters of support on its website in an effort to make it much easier for concerned people to take action.

The letters can be downloaded at: http://www.fofg.org/campaigns/lizhi_he_letter.html and are addressed to the Canadian Prime Minister, the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Chinese Ambassador to Canada. Friends of Falun Gong recommends sending actual letters for those who have the time to do so, as they tend to be much more effective than email in achieving a response from government officials. If you would like to send emails, however, you may find the relevant email addresses at the link above.

This is a very encouraging step, because Amnesty International's campaigns are often successful. They helped secure the release of Mr. Shenli Lin, also a Falun Gong practitioner, now in Canada. Mr. Lin has been able to expose the torture and abuse he was subjected to while detained in China.

Mailing a letter takes only a moment, but its impact is great. Thank you for your participation.

Friends of Falun Gong is a U.S.-based non-profit organization of individuals who firmly support and advocate freedom of belief and other human rights. Friends of Falun Gong seeks in particular to free the Falun Gong prisoners of conscience in the People's Republic of China, to end the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and to support freedom of belief more widely. FoFG intends to obtain broad support for this cause, and to raise international awareness about the human rights violations in the persecution of Falun Gong.

For more information about Mr. Lizhi He's case, please visit Amnesty International's Web site at: http://www.amnesty.ca/actnow/actChina2.htm.