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Practitioners in Seattle, Washington Participate in Ocean Festival Parades and Receive Award (Photos)

August 12, 2002 |   By Practitioners from Seattle, Washington

(Clearwisdom.net) Between July 20 and August 5, practitioners from the Seattle area participated in the Ocean Festival Parades in 8 different districts. The festival attendees in these 8 districts totaled well over 100,000. Everywhere we went, people applauded our elegant and beautiful Dafa exercise demonstrations. So many people were interested in Dafa flyers that it was hard to keep up with the demand. Some children walked into our team and gave us hugs. After each parade, people always came to encourage us and pose for photos with us. Through the events we also saw the culture-bridging effect of western practitioners. Their appearance may plant seeds for the western spectators to obtain Fa in the future.

Parade in West District of Seattle on July 20

Parade in Seattle Chinatown, July 21

The 8th parade, Lake City's Pioneer Day Parade, is one of largest performance parades in the northwest area of the US. Practitioners' golden banners with Truth-Compassion-Tolerance, their tidy formation, and Dafa exercise demonstrations manifested Dafa and practitioner's magnificence and won them the first place in the Adult Formation Performance category.